7th February 2011, 10:51 PM
tanmay baruah
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Are Government Universities better than Private Universities?

what are the major recruiters for petroleum engineering at bhagwant university?what are there their salary package?does the university recruit outside india?

Last edited by tanmay baruah; 8th February 2011 at 06:36 PM. Reason: want to ask another question

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7th February 2011, 11:49 PM
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Default Re: Are Government Universities better than Private Universities? Any difference between the degrees awarded by both?

Definitely govt. univ are better than private .....because placements will be good and also the quality of degree certificate
7th February 2011, 11:54 PM
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Default Re: Are Government Universities better than Private Universities?

yes ,government colleges are better than private
7th February 2011, 11:57 PM
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Default Re: Are Government Universities better than Private Universities?

as far as the degree is concerned, then there is no such difference.......
but the fee structure is the main difference.
govt. universities take less fees as compared to private universities...
and the placement is also much better in private universities....
and it is also heard that its hard to score high in private universities.....

so both are good as per students interest.
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8th February 2011, 12:20 AM
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Default Re: Are Government Universities better than Private Universities?

Yes, friend the government university is batter then private university but no difference in degree of government and private university.
all the best.
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8th February 2011, 12:24 AM
Somesh Goenka
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Default Re: Are Government Universities better than Private Universities?


It is a confusion that arises in the mind of most students.
There is nothing such as a private university is better or a government is better.

Both are good in their field.

Government universities are safe because they are recognized.

But the problems with Govt. universities is that:
1.Their results never come out on time
2.Their course is outdated and in most cases useless.
3.Faculty is shameless(generally, dont wish to teach)
4.Also, the method of checking answer papers is bad as teacher consider it a burden.

An advantage is that their fee is comparatively lower.

So in one line: Government universities are like government buses-Rickety, noisy, cheap and no comfort at all.

Coming to private universitites:
There are many in India in today's date.
They need to mantain their standards for recognition and so that they can enroll students.
Teacher are better trained, examination system is good.
Syllabus is more or less up to date.
Facilities provided are many.
Fee is generally high.

So i think you can get idea of what im trying to say.

Good Luck!
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8th February 2011, 01:11 AM
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Default Re: Are Government Universities better than Private Universities?

there is no difference in the degrees awarded by the private and government universities both re equivalent ,
yes there may be difference in the fees structure,the private colleges charge more for fees ,and also the facilities in hostels may be better in private colleges,
but the degree are same
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8th February 2011, 01:44 AM
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Default Re: Are Government Universities better than Private Universities?

Well let me take your second question first... well there is no difference
b/w the degrees awarded by a recognized government university and a recognized private university.
Both Degrees will be equally valuable.
However there are many cheat private universities running unauthorized courses
so be careful to run a background check on the private universities.
Yes it is true that generally the government universities are more reputed...like the IIT's
NIT's... yet the Likes of IISc.. setup by TATA's or The BITS pilani (birlas )
have set high standards for even the top govt. universities to emulate.
Hence To come to a general conclusion is not possible,
There are great institutions in both the fields... in this regard i would like to say that while in India Govt. univ. rule the roost ... in US it is the private univ.
so we cant say which system is better.
IT would totally depend on the contenders from both the fields under question.
obviously you wont call AMITY better than IIM's or and NIT better than BITS/IISc.
Hope you get my point.
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8th February 2011, 01:45 AM
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Default Re: Are Government Universities better than Private Universities?

Dear Friend

Whether the organizing authority is government or private, it can never be a deciding
point that the university is good or bad. If you want to judge an university the best
ways are to check its richness in number of faculty, faculties' profiles, infrastructure,
laboratory, library, undergoing and career profile of passed out students.

Also the contribution of university in research and development, fruitful seminars,
opportunities given to students to improve themselves so that they reach international
platforms after college.

Basically, one can answer this question another way which is also true;

The government institutions are better than private ones. But this not true with
all the universities. You can understand in the way that all those universities which
are on the top are mostly governmental
. Why?

This happens because,
The entrance procedure use to be tough test so mostly hardworking and sincere
candidate get entry.
Everything is government funded so libraries and laboratories are very rich in quality
books, samples and hence good research work.
High profile faculties always wish to join such an university that suits to their standards
because money is not everything.

The degree awarded by government and private universities are all same.
Almost all private universities are recognized by UGC, AICTE or any other governmental
organization that checks the standard of university before approving it as a
'Government of India' recognized university.
If you find an university which is not having any such affiliation then you should avoid
that university. The degree awarded by such university can sometimes be useless.

I would suggest you not to think on this issue.
You just ask the field in which you wish to make your career.
You will be advised the best for sure (It could be Governmental or Private but it will the top).

Thank You
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8th February 2011, 01:46 AM
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Default Re: Are Government Universities better than Private Universities?

Originally Posted by tanmay baruah View Post
Somebody says that Government university is better than Private university.Is it true?Are there any differences between degrees awarded by Private university and Government university?Please help me.
Dear friend,

Governmental universities and private universities, both have their
advantages and flaws.
Governmental universities have generally a lower educational fees
and better infrastructure as compared to the private ones. Also they
are well known in the companies and so the placement is better
in governmental colleges in comparison to most of private colleges.

But some private universities are exceptions and are well built
and have a very good record in academics as well as placements.
One such institute is BITS, which is very prestigious and is far
much better than some IITs too.

So, I would suggest you that if you have to choose between
two to take admission choose governmental university.
Also if you are getting admission in BITS , then go for it.

Thank you...
in any private university
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8th February 2011, 02:04 AM
rahul k
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Default Re: Are Government Universities better than Private Universities?

Yes I Think Government University And Colleges Are better Than Private Colleges.

Because In Government Colleges There are Only Limited Seats But In Private Colleges There Are Number of Seats. In Now A days Private Colleges Motive Is to Earn More And More Profits, Thats Why They will Charge More fees As Compared to Government Colleges.

Its True that The Facility Was Good In Private Colleges As Compared to Government But The Study Enviornment And Teachers Are Good In Government Colleges, Thats The Reason, To get Admisssion In Government Colleges You Have to Appear In Entrance Exams But If You Give Donation In Private Colleges They will Give You the Immediately Seats Into the Colleges.

But In Government colleges Only Top Students Will get Admission And The Study Enviornment was Good As Compared to Private Colleges. So, Its very Easy To get Admission In Private Colleges As Compared to Government Colleges.

So, In My Opinion, Government Colleges Are best Than Private Colleges Because After Completing Course form Government Colleges You will get Good Jobs With High Salary Pacakage.
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8th February 2011, 02:25 AM
kumar Mitesh
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Default Re: Are Government Universities better than Private Universities?

dear friend. in my views government universities are better than private universities as Private Colleges Motive Is to Earn More And More Profits, Thats Why They will Charge More fees As Compared to Government Colleges.

in the government college the students who are good in studies take admission according to their rank but in private student can enter through donation system also......
So, In My Opinion, Government Colleges Are best Than Private Colleges Because After Completing Course form Government Colleges You will get Good Jobs With High Salary Pacakage.
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8th February 2011, 04:43 AM
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Default Re: Are Government Universities better than Private Universities?

Hello Friend
If you really want to study then it doesn't matter whether it is government organization or the private organization...the only thing that matter is learning.....

but yes if you are talking on the financial issues then oviously the government organization would be the better one as because the fees structure for the government organizations are less then the private organization.

But if you are talking for the environment the facilities then private organization wins .

but these doesnot matter for learning what matters is your iterest..so go with the interest and leave all these nonsense things.

Best Wishes.
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18th May 2011, 04:14 PM
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Default Re: Are Government Universities better than Private Universities?

Dear Sir,
I want to take admission for B.Ed course. please help me which college choose private or Goverment college. I totally confused in this matter. My subject is Zology(Hons) in this subject I take admission in B.Ed.
thank you
Pramod Kumar
from Dhanbad, Jharkhand
Pin Code-826001
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2nd January 2012, 01:54 PM
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Default Re: Are Government Universities better than Private Universities?

dear friends...i think that private universities is better than govt universities.because the faculty is the best in private universities than that of govt. universities....ok....best of luck..
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22nd February 2012, 04:07 PM
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Default Re: Are Government Universities better than Private Universities?

Can i go for gov. Jobs after taking private university's degree?
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9th April 2012, 01:04 PM
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Default Re: Are Government Universities better than Private Universities?

i am agree with top answerer basic government collage should not provide good facilities then private collage .And also there teacher is not responsible .If want admission in private collage so we want large number amount .

thank you
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4th July 2012, 09:03 PM
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Default Re: Are Government Universities better than Private Universities?

Can i take admission for b.com. In private colleges does it will affect in my future
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6th July 2012, 01:13 AM
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Default Re: Are Government Universities better than Private Universities?

i would like to know which one would be better-cse from arya college(under rajasthan technical university) or gtbit(under ip university)???
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6th July 2012, 01:15 AM
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Default Re: Are Government Universities better than Private Universities?

i would like to ask which one to choose from- cse from arya college(under rajasthan technical university) or gtbit (under ip university)????
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12th July 2012, 05:20 PM
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Default Re: Are Government Universities better than Private Universities?

can i go for gov job after taking private university's degree in P.h.d
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12th July 2012, 09:14 PM
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Smile Re: Are Government Universities better than Private Universities?

It is not always the case.you have to go for the top rankings.
I am giving the example of engineering colleges.IITs(govt. colleges) are best,but BITS Pilani(private) is better than NITs(govt.).
But mainly the deciding factor lies in the fees.Private colleges charge much more fees than govt. colleges.
But there is no difference in degrees granted by both.

Thank you!!!:-D
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12th July 2012, 10:10 PM
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Default Re: Are Government Universities better than Private Universities?

Hi dear...........
In my opinion government college is better than private college because , Government college has a limited seat in their college , where as private college are money oriented there are many unlimited seat.

To join in govt. college you have to score good rank in the entrance exam then only you can get seat in that college .

[IMG]http://api.ning.com/files/Zq*bIwJYoDUoA3QlPcDsffaSntbebfchgCbQ4WddpHznkc0cmJ lzljyz4wSWgy7GNDLtAluzMPeZ2Jd8IlEHEYvekMUfEJFX/Topten.JPG[/IMG]

Good luck.............
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19th July 2012, 09:36 PM
savan kumar chaitanya
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Default Re: Are Government Universities better than Private Universities?

According to me government education is far better then private education, because at-least we people are sure that we aren't studied a business company which produces only goods nothing else. The private institution are play with student emotion Yes it is only made for black money people. So government Should start more institutions and appoints highly qualify teacher.

government control on higher education should not stop because many private institutes are giving education only for money. Education is only business for them. High cost of fees is also a fact that student can not take admission in private college. Government colleges are helpful for those who can not afford high fees of education. Some people think that Government College can not provide quality in education but that's not true because we have great government colleges like IITs and IIMs and many government universities.
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7th March 2013, 10:41 PM
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Default Re: Are Government Universities better than Private Universities?

after completing m.a. In private university, am i ellegible for govt job
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4th August 2013, 11:26 AM
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Default Re: Are Government Universities better than Private Universities?

if i take b.tech degree from private university there will be no problem to get gov job?
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15th August 2015, 10:26 AM
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Default Re: Are Government Universities better than Private Universities?

Any one cann't direct take addimision to govt. College. Where as you can take direct addimision to pvt. College by giving donation.
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29th August 2015, 01:40 PM
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Default Re: Are Government Universities better than Private Universities?

Hi dear friends..
Let's add our ideas and comment's on
( what is differentiation between government universities and private universities)
Plz comment must be logical and accurate%u2026
? ?
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28th July 2019, 01:15 PM
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Default Re: Are Government Universities better than Private Universities?

Is govt. University certificate more valuable than private university?
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