13th August 2013, 02:14 AM
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How can I join Indian Air Force after completing 12th commerce?

Hlo sir i m interested to join Indian Air Force I am Completed my 12th Commerce stream so am i eligible to join Air Force Plz suggest me sir thank u

13th August 2013, 04:56 AM
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Default Re: How can I join Indian Air Force after completing 12th commerce?

First you have to understand that you are not eligible to join Air Force after 12Th commerce. Because you are not eligible to apply NDA -Air Force Wing ,it requires Math and Physics. So you have to go for Graduation i.e B.Com .

After B.com you can apply for AFCAT Examination through Ground Duty Branch. Ground Duty Branch is having 2 more sub branch Administration and Logistics OR Accounts Branch.

For Administration and Logistics : You have to complete your Graduate degree course in any discipline form a recognized University with Minimum 60% Marks and your age should between 20 to 23 Years.

For Accounts Branch : You have to complete your Graduate degree course in commerce with Minimum 60% Marks form a recognized University.

After completing B.com you are not eligible to apply Flying Branch and Technical Branch of Air Force Academy.These both branch require candidate having degree with physics and math subjects or engineers.

So you are eligible to only Ground Duty Branch. In this Branch there is no hard rule about spectacles as you have to work in office. So your spectacles are allowed in this section.

So you have to go for graaduation then you can apply Ground Duty Branch.
13th August 2013, 06:58 AM
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Default Re: How can I join Indian Air Force after completing 12th commerce?

Dear friend you must have completed 10+2 with PCM subjects from a recognized board

for apply Indian Air Force through NDA exam.

NDA stands for National Defence Academy.

NDA exam is conducted by Union Public Service Commission twice time in a year for three wings.

- Army wings

- Navy wings

- Air force Wings

Age limit:-

Age should be between 16.5 years to 19 years.

There is No age relaxation for reserved categories in this exam.

Only unmarried Male candidate are eligible to apply this exam.

All the best.......
13th August 2013, 10:05 AM
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Default Re: How can I join Indian Air Force after completing 12th commerce?

One is not eligible to join Indian Air Force through NDA after completing 12th Commerce as the minimum academic qualification for IAF, is 12th with Science stream.

NDA - National Defence Academy, the entrance exam for which is conducted by UPSC twice every year as NDA-I and NDA-II for an entry in to Indian Army, Navy and Air Force wing of NDA.

The eligible candidate aspiring for Indian Air Force wing of NDA, must be an Indian unmarried Male having either appear for the final 12th exam or pass with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics from a recognised Board within the age of 16.5 to 19 years with good Physical and Mental health.

Hence with 12th Commerce stream, one is only eligible to apply for Indian Army of NDA.

For more information you may log on to http://www.upsc.gov.in
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13th August 2013, 10:34 AM
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Default Re: How can I join Indian Air Force after completing 12th commerce?


For joining the Indian Airforce after 12th one has to crack the
NDA entrance exam.

The NDA entrance exam is conducted by UPSC.

The eligibility for the NDA exam is one has to be the citizen of India ,

with 12th completed in any discipline for the Army wing
but for the Air force and Naval wing one has to be 12 pass with Maths and Physics as the subjects .
So as you are the commerce student I am very sorry to inform you that you can't join Airforce and Navy but you surely can join Indian Army.
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13th August 2013, 01:15 PM
vikash kumar prajapati
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Default Re: How can I join Indian Air Force after completing 12th commerce?

Originally Posted by Rokingpallab View Post
Hlo sir i m interested to join Indian Air Force I am Completed my 12th Commerce stream so am i eligible to join Air Force Plz suggest me sir thank u

Sorry to say that if you have not studied Physics and Mathematics in Inter level then you will not be able to apply for Indian Air-Force for Air-force Flying Officer.

For becoming a Flying officer through Group "X" trade in Indian Air-Force you will required to fulfill these eligibility conditions :

~Candidates should be passed out in Intermediate with Physics,Mathematics and English as one of the compulsory paper in Inter.
~Candidates minimum marks in Intermediate should be 50%.
~Candidates who have a 3 years Diploma degree in Engineering from a Government recognized Polytechnic Institute will also be able to apply for this trade.
~Candidates age should be between 17 years to 21 years.

Physical Efficiency Test :-

~1.6 Kms run to be completed in 8 minutes.
~Long Jump and High Jump.
~Monkey Climbing and Throwing.

Physical Standards required :-

~You should not have any medical/surgical problems and should be free from diseases and skins ailments.
~Candidates should have good health gums,good set of teeth and minimum of 14 dental points.
~Your minimum chest after expansion should be 5 cms.
~Candidates weight should be appropriate as per their height.
~Minimum eye vision should be 6/6 correctable to 6/12 with glasses.

For more details related to Indian Air-Force recruitment process and eligibility conditions -->> Click-Here .

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13th August 2013, 02:07 PM
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Default Re: How can I join Indian Air Force after completing 12th commerce?

hello sir i'm doing diplamo in electronic i'm intrested in joining indian force can u suggest me what i've to do next.
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13th August 2013, 03:40 PM
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Default Re: How can I join Indian Air Force after completing 12th commerce?

i have passed 12th commerce this year 2013 so can i join indian air force ?? please tell sir
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13th August 2013, 04:14 PM
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Default Re: How can I join Indian Air Force after completing 12th commerce?

You did not mention your stream or subjects in 12th class which is very important in your eligibility to join Air Force.

In order to join Air Force after completion of 12th class, one should crack NDA Exam.

NDA exam is a common exam to recruit the candidates into the following defence services
Army wing
Navy wing
Air Force wing

The complete selection procedure will be
NDA Exam
Medical Test

The complete eligibility criteria in terms of academic qualification and age criteria are

Academic Qualification :
Candidates should have completed 12th class with any of the stream in order to be eligible to apply for Army wing.

Candidates should have completed Mathematics and Physics subjects in 12th class in order to be eligible to apply for Navy and Air Force wings.

The required age criteria for the candidates will be 16 1/2 years to 19 years.

Just check your qualification with the above mentioned criteria.

If you possess the above mentioned criteria, then you are eligible to apply for NDA Exam.

UPSC conduct will conduct this NDA Exam 2 times in a year.

Apply for the exam and crack it with strong preparation.

Wish you all the best.

For complete information on this exam, you can visit
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13th August 2013, 06:15 PM
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Hi Friend,
There are are two type of post one is X Group and another is Y group.
For X group candidate should need science Stream but in Y in Group candidate need not be a student of science.
So, you can apply for air force when government declare for air force post.

All The Best.
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13th August 2013, 08:05 PM
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Default Re: How can I join Indian Air Force after completing 12th commerce?

Originally Posted by Rokingpallab View Post
Hlo sir i m interested to join Indian Air Force I am Completed my 12th Commerce stream so am i eligible to join Air Force Plz suggest me sir thank u
hello friend,

for entry in army after class 12th you need to crack nda, it is conducted by upsc twice a year,

eligibility for nda:

1.must be a citizen of india
2. must have completed 12th from a recognised borad
3.age limit should be between 16.5 to 19 years
4. must be unmarried male
5.for indian army 12th pass from any stream is allowed
6.but for indian air force and indian navy must have studied class 12th with physics, chemistry and maths as key papers.

so, as you are a commerce student you are not eligible for indian airforce after class 12th,

only option for you is indian army

all the best
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14th August 2013, 12:46 AM
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Smile Re: How can I join Indian Air Force after completing 12th commerce?

Originally Posted by Rokingpallab View Post
Hlo sir i m interested to join Indian Air Force I am Completed my 12th Commerce stream so am i eligible to join Air Force Plz suggest me sir thank u

Join Indian Air Force After 12th

You can appear for the National Defence Academy Examination which is conducted for :-

Army Wing
Naval Wing, and
Air Force Wing

The NDA Exam is conducted by UPSC every year in April and August..

The eligibility criterion to appear for NDA Exam is :-

1) Age has to be more than 16 1/2 years

2) Less than 19 years of age

3) Unmarried male applicant

4) 12th pass out from a recognized board..

5) Physics and Maths in 12th if willing to join the Air Force and Navy..

I am really sorry but you cannot appear for the Indian Air Force however you can apply for the Indian Army..

Rounds to be cleared in the NDA are :-

1) Written Examination

2) Personal Interview

3) Physical Examination..

Visit http://upsc.gov.in for additional details and queries..

all the best..

With Warm Regards
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14th August 2013, 01:13 AM
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Default Re: How can I join Indian Air Force after completing 12th commerce?

Originally Posted by Rokingpallab View Post
Hlo sir i m interested to join Indian Air Force I am Completed my 12th Commerce stream so am i eligible to join Air Force Plz suggest me sir thank u
To Join Indian Airforce Just After Passing Class 12th, You need to apply for the UPSC NDA exams:


Indian Army- 12th class or Intermediate Pass in any stream
Indian Airforce and Indian Navy Wing- 12th class or Intermediate Pass.In class 12th you should have studied the subjects Physics and Maths.

Minimum 16.5 years
Maximum 19 years
No age relaxations is given to any candidates who apply for the NDA exams

Next NDA exams would be held in April 2014

Only Candidates born between 2nd January 1996 to 1st July 1998 can apply for these exams

Male candidates are only allowed to apply for the NDA exams

Physical requirements for the Indian Airforce

Minimum height is 152 cms

Leg Length-
Minimum 99 cms
Maximum 120 cms

Thigh Length-64 cms

Sitting Height-
Minimum 81.5 cms
Maximum -96 cms
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14th August 2013, 11:57 AM
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Default Re: How can I join Indian Air Force after completing 12th commerce?

Dear Rokingpallab,

Indian Air Force is one of the wings of the National Defense Academy. After completing 12th , you can join the Indian Air Force by cracking the NDA Examination.

The NDA Examination is one of the two examinations conducted by the Union Public Service Commission for the selection of candidates in the following wings of Indian Defense :

* Indian Army

* Indian Navy

* Indian Air Force

The NDA Examination is conducted twice every year as NDA-I & NDA-II Exam in April and August respectively.

The Exam is considered as one of the toughest exams conducted by the UPSC due to the conduction of this exam in three stages namely :

1) Written Exam

2) SSB Interview

3) Medical Test

All the candidates have to pass the three stages in order to join any wing.

As you have completed 12th with commerce stream , so unfortunately you cannot join the Indian Air Force through the NDA Exam.

This is because in order to be eligible to join the Indian Air Force through the NDA Exam , the candidate must have passed 12th with PCM as key subjects.

Those candidates can also apply for the NDA Exam who are currently in 12th standard but have Physics , Chemistry and Mathematics as Main subjects.

Only Male candidates who are unmarried can apply for the NDA Exam as Girl candidates are not allowed to appear for the NDA Exam.

The age limit for the NDA Examination is 16.5-19 years with no relaxation in upper age given to any candidate.

Candidate`s Nationality :

>> The candidate must be an Indian Citizen. OR,

>> A Subject of Nepal. OR,

>> A Subject of Bhutan.

The NDA Exam Pattern :

This is the information i have to the best of my knowledge regarding your query. Hope the information will help you to the extent you want.

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14th August 2013, 08:08 PM
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Default Re: How can I join Indian Air Force after completing 12th commerce?


*)) You are not eligible to join Air Force
after 12th commerce.

Because you are not eligible to apply NDA -Air
Force Wing ,
*) Because it requires Math and
Physics. So you have to go for
Graduation i.e B.Com .

After B.com you can apply for AFCAT
Examination through Ground Duty
Ground Duty Branch is
having 2 more sub branch
Administration and Logistics or
Accounts Branch.

*) For Administration and Logistics :

You have to complete your Graduate
degree course in any discipline form
a recognized University with
Minimum 60% Marks .

*)Age limits..

should between 20 to 23 Years.

For Accounts Branch :
You have to
complete your Graduate degree
course in commerce with Minimum
60% Marks .

*)These both branch require
candidate having degree with
physics and math subjects or

all the BEST...p.p
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19th April 2016, 06:42 PM
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Default Re: How can I join Indian Air Force after completing 12th commerce?

Can I apply for flying branch after graduation i.e. B.com without mathematics, physics and chemistry please reply. ...soon. ...
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