17th February 2011, 05:54 PM
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How can we educate illiterate people?

How can we give educate to illiterate people? Please provide valuable suggestions


17th February 2011, 11:46 PM
akanksha thakur
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Default Re: How can we educate illiterate people?

We can educate illiterate people by providing regular education to them daily for atleast 1-2 hours. We can also help them by communicating with them the importance of education and by motivating them as to what are the benefits of education . This can surely help and can make people willing as to help themselves.
17th February 2011, 11:52 PM
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Default Re: How can we educate illiterate people?

Motivation is the only way how we can educate illiterate people
18th February 2011, 12:06 AM
sanjay kumar saini
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Default Re: How can we educate illiterate people?

educate illitrate people is very religious work.you got bless of long life from illitrate people.
today our government is giving more consertration on illitrate people.so if you educate illitruate people it will helpfull to our nation.
to educate illiterate people,gather illiterate people at a place,tell them profit of education.encurage them for education.teach them in simple way so they took intrest in education.
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18th February 2011, 01:56 PM
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Default Re: How can we educate illiterate people?

You are really in a way developing and literate India as there are most people who are unsocialized and illiterate because of many reason(like money,lack of communication, barrier,social mis-balance etc.)
so It's a kind and really generous job if you are really interested in making people literate....

you can take different way of doing this...
1>You can participate in many social activities like mass communication...
2>you can go and get people from villages...
3>you can take part in literacy campaign...
4>you can start a small school of free of cost where poor children can get admission and make their family better...
5>you can spend your weekends as a Nobel work of educating people....

good luck for your great work as well as your noble thought...
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18th February 2011, 03:12 PM
jincy eapen
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Default Re: How can we educate illiterate people?

you can go to a slum or a village and you may teach them and make them literate
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19th February 2011, 02:29 PM
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Thumbs up Re: How can we educate illiterate people?

Few words:-
✱ The only way to go fast is that Educated People can Literate Uneducated/Illiterate People. In India literacy rate is 65%.
✱ Highest Literacy Rate in India is in Kerela and Lowest in Bihar. Life in Dignity and freedom from poverty is Only possible through the attainment of Literacy.

Reason For Illiteracy:-
✱ Poor family background as a result they need to beg around the streets For 2 bites of Chappati.
✱ Not aware of Population and Other safety measure to stop population.Due to which One family is having lots of Children resultant in Poverty, suicide etc.
✱ Not enough sources to get education.
✱ Typical Mentality of cast and creed. Girls Vs Boys in lower cast.

Why to Educate People ?
✱ Its very important to reduce Gender Inequality.
✱ Its very important for fighting against Aids.
✱ Its even important for Economic Development and human development too.

How can we Make this Possible ?
✱ First start with you Own Village, start developing your Village.
✱ Each One Teach One. Make this motto for all so that Wherever you find anything, Start giving Advices/suggestions.
✱ You can Help them to send their wards for school/Colleges financially.
✱ If you have Link to any MLA/ any minister, You can approve some bail Or revenue For development of your Village.

If every guy's/girl's Village gets Developed then The day is not so far, when India is known to be full literate Country of the World.
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13th April 2011, 12:15 AM
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Default Re: How can we educate illiterate people?

the illitrate people can be foold by anyone
can be cheated
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26th April 2011, 11:09 PM
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Default Re: How can we educate illiterate people?

we can take efforts to go to slum areas,and to help them to understand the basics of education
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26th April 2011, 11:46 PM
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Default Re: How can we educate illiterate people?

We can devote our daily one to two hrs in helping the illiterate people.as when we make the pilliterate people happy,the happiness we get from making others happy is more than any other happiness we can find in this world.
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7th May 2011, 11:08 PM
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Default Re: How can we educate illiterate people?

i feel dat 2 educate a single person means 2 educate hundereds of dem......
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8th May 2011, 01:20 AM
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Default Re: How can we educate illiterate people?

To educate illiterate people One must follow these simple steps-

1. To make HIM aware about the importance of education You should explain HIM the daily routine words in english.

2. If you pressurise HIM to become a literate then HE will feel bore. So its better to teach HIM counting & Maths practically Like an iliterate lady can easily learn the counting by count the NO: of chapatis she daily makes.

3. Instead of Giving them books to read You should show HIM the educational programmes & channels of T.V & try HIM to learn those words & sentences through it.

4. Make HIM aware of the present needs of the society & try to change their personality & dressing sense like that.
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8th May 2011, 01:23 AM
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Default Re: How can we educate illiterate people?

Your question is simple but answer is complex.....

First you need to device a good plan to do this. Gather some of your friends or join some NGOs like Goonj, Smile etc.

Identify which group of children you want to teach.

Identify the locality and if you cannt, then you can find many poor children outside govt school.

Make a proper schedule , when to teach like on weekdays or regularly in evening.

And not only, you can also arrange recreational activities for them like picnic, movie screening, playing games etc.
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8th May 2011, 02:17 AM
dreksha chaudhary
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Thumbs up Re: How can we educate illiterate people?

Dear friend,

It is a great job to teach illiterate people.

In India only approximately 65-70% people are literate.

Kerla state is on top and Bihar is at bottom in literacy.

Now question comes, how to literate them.

Following points are to be kept in mind at the time of taking this step.

1. Make them to understand the necessity or literacy.
2. Creat interest in them.
3. Praise them.
4. Never demolrise them.
5. Provide them free of cost study material.
6. Select such a time of class, so that their job should not hamper.
7. Class room should be isolated, so that literate people should not
discourage them. etc

All the best.............
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22nd May 2011, 12:43 PM
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Default Re: How can we educate illiterate people?

education regarding hygiene to illiterate person
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12th September 2011, 12:12 AM
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Default Re: How can we educate illiterate people?

how many people are illiterate in INDIA ?
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8th January 2012, 09:42 PM
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Default Re: How can we educate illiterate people?

i want a topic about voluteer in teaching woman
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30th April 2013, 11:48 PM
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Default Re: How can we educate illiterate people?

please give some valuable suggessions to improve literacy rate in india,.....
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1st May 2013, 04:06 PM
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Default Re: How can we educate illiterate people?

How can we educate people properly?
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31st August 2013, 06:37 PM
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Default Re: How can we educate illiterate people?

i want to say that ,''education is third eye of a man '' and waste the money of your parents please study carefully.don't make difference between girl and boy .
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23rd May 2017, 09:02 PM
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Default Re: How can we educate illiterate people?

That a good if we want to teach them then we can do it. I think that 'for a good cause if you are determined, you can overcome any obstacles '.
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17th August 2022, 04:53 PM
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Default Re: How can we educate illiterate people?

How can we educate illiterate Person properly
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