17th April 2012, 10:05 PM
How to get a Job after completion of BE course?
How to get a job after completing B.E
18th April 2012, 01:56 AM
The candidates have good number of job opportunities to join after completion of their BE course.
Only thing is that they should have good subject knowledge of their academics and they should be able to correlate that knowledge to the Industry. Apart from this, the candidate should be strong enough in communication skills to communicate effectively to others of what he want to convey. You have the chances to get Job by -Direct walkins being conducted by various companies -On campus Placements -Off campus placements -Job Melas -Employee Referral walkins etc. The selection procedure which you have to go through will be by -Written Exam -Technical round -HR round Some companies will also conduct JAM (Just A Minute) and Group Discussion as a part of selection procedure. You did not mention the stream that you have gone through in your BE course. I suggest you to try for Jobs where the knowledge that you have gained in your BE course being better utilized. Make a list of companies in which you want to get job and know the selection procedure to be selected for the jobs which you are interested in those companies and prepare accordingly. If you have completed your BE course in technical related stream, then you have good number of jobs in various IT companies like -TCS -Wipro -Infosys -Microsoft etc. Wish you all the best. |
18th April 2012, 03:02 AM
Many jobs are available for BE student. You have the chances to get Job by -Direct walkins being conducted by various companies -On campus Placements -Off campus placements. and If you like government job the please visit www.freejobsalert.com www.sarkarinaukri.in www.allgovtjobs.com |
6th August 2013, 06:29 PM
Enginnering graduates can find a company job through on campus or off campus recruitments. RRB often recruits these candidates to Junior or Section Engineer. Specialist Officer, MT, P.O, etc are some of the profiles suitable for you in banks. In BSNL, you can join as JTO. Defense, civil services, etc are other good options.