11th December 2009, 02:50 PM
How to improve my vocabulary?
please give me tips on how to improve my vocabulary
25th December 2009, 05:29 PM
The best way to improve your vocabulary is to read as more and more news papers,read diffent types of news papers and magazines and journals,and also use wren & martin for it.
best of luck. |
26th December 2009, 09:17 AM
you can read newspaper like THE HINDU,which has real good vocabulary
also read barrons gre |
31st December 2009, 03:25 AM
do as much as you can do for improving your vocabulary like subscribe mba words on your mobile read dictionary.....and use English as a language most of the time in your daily life.....like while talking to your friends..etc
best of luck |
31st December 2009, 06:08 PM
Read more and more as much as u can when u get any word just note it down and look for it synonym and whenever u get the time just have a look at the words will improve ur english and vocab too
31st December 2009, 09:46 PM
To improve vocabulary, start reading newspapers everyday and also try to take notes of the meanings of the words that you find unknown from the papers and try to recollect from them so you will be able to learn more number of words in english. Try to communicate with friends and family in english never mind talking wrong but if you start doing it then you can excel in it.
1st January 2010, 09:18 PM
Just read the newspaper everyday and ask Ur parents or consult a dictionary to see the meanings of difficult words. Read good books and novels. Speak in English as much as U can.....and U'll certainly have a great command over the language.
1st January 2010, 09:53 PM
dear.....best way is to read editorials in newspapers and underline difficult words...see the meaning in dictionary and use it in general discussion....or read novels...anything in english.......
1st January 2010, 10:53 PM
improving vocabulary is nothing,you can develop by practice only.read the magazines,news papers,listen ndtv news and note how they pronounce the words,take practice.
take practice often.so that you will be fluent in English. thanks. |
1st January 2010, 11:25 PM
the best way to improve your vocabulary is to read newspaper and good magazines,and at the same time try to look up the word meanings in dictionary which you come across while reading.and you can also go for gre barrons for quick improvement.
1st January 2010, 11:35 PM
you just read english newspapres.and specifically the editor page..use dictionary while reading and try to get the meaning of each and every word.. read novels and magazines with good vocab..otherwise sometimes they ruin your vocab..
2nd January 2010, 12:32 AM
the best way to improve your vocab is to read as many articles about current issues and educational stuff as possible.Second way is to learn atleast 5 new words daily and watching interviews can also help you.Practicing daily about writing an article related to daily life can help you a lot to know what common words you are still missing...
2nd January 2010, 08:17 AM
Do read good english novels fiction example : The needle by ken follet c that your speed to read increases to one novel in two\three days then remember page wise after a weeks time..........................................try out and reply me.
2nd January 2010, 10:03 AM
to improve your vocabulary power you first need to power your language by reading writing and practising grammar.gain confidence as it is first step neccessarry for all the speakers.
2nd January 2010, 10:09 AM
Every1 said 2 read the english news paper ????????????????????
but i suggest as there is not so much tym therefore the editorial in the news paper is most imp. to increase Ur knowledge with vocabulary and this is funny but try to read it loud n find the meanings in dictionary ........... i have tried this n it worked for me so try it........... BEST OF LUCK BUDDY |
2nd January 2010, 10:21 AM
dont think to much about vocabs dear,if u really wants to mprove your vocabs then first watch daily news from where u can get the right prounouncaition n new word n abbreviations also .
n u can read ur daily newspaper .but first u have to be sure that how many words u know n their uses.ok |
2nd January 2010, 01:00 PM
First you must have listening habit that how other person is talking in English. And always try to get the meaning of difficult words in your mother tongue and then in English which easy to remember. Don't feel any shy for asking the meaning of any word even if it is easy to others.
2nd January 2010, 02:30 PM
you can start conversing with your friend in English. Read more books and newspapers and learn atleast 10 new words a day. they need not be very complex words. simple words will help
2nd January 2010, 04:04 PM
Watch english news channel and read newspaper everyday and keep a record of all difficult words used with their synonyms.Refer a good thesarus and learn 20 words with their meaningS every day.
2nd January 2010, 05:54 PM
The best way to increase your vocabulary is reading news papers, try and read the articles which have questions and answers and whenever you find a new word please write it down and try to find the meaning in the dictonary. You can maintain a dairy of the new word that you have learnt during the day,once you know the meaning start using those words in your conversation this way your vacabulary will increase. regards Shrushti |
2nd January 2010, 06:07 PM
To improve ur vocabulary, pick any 5 (in the biginning) or more (depends on your grasping power) new words per day from the books or newspapers whichever you are used to read and try to use these words in your whole day conversation.
3rd January 2010, 11:23 AM
to improve vocabulary it would be better to write articles and essays by using the synonyms of different words with the help of synonym book. reading different books and novels by understanding each and every word of it and using those in writing and remembering them will also make a big difference.
5th January 2010, 03:35 PM
To improve vocabulay you should go for Dictionary, daily learn atleast 5 words and try to use those words in your conversations frequently that will definitely help you.
5th January 2010, 08:14 PM
the best way to improve vocabulary is................reading
...............more and more reading you must read newspapers, books, articles, magazines etc and if you dont get the meanings of some words then you should refer to dictionary good luck |
20th January 2010, 01:13 AM
you can improve your vocabulary by following ways: 1)read more and more newspapers and good magazines. 2)use dictionary for every new word that you come across. 3)you can go for gre high frequency words also. 4)try to speak in english everytime. |
24th January 2010, 02:19 AM
the best way to improve your vocabulary is to read English newspaper daily specially the editorial section and maintain a diary whenever you get new word jot down them and refer dictionary this will improve your vocabulary well ............ refer economic times or the Hindu
27th January 2010, 04:21 PM
i think for improving your vocabulary you can :-
1) talk to your friends or even your family members in english 2) you can also refer to dictionary for knowing the meaning of different word and there pronunciation 3) you can use rapidex english speaking book for the gidence . |
28th January 2010, 08:12 AM
if you want to improve your vocabulary i sugest you to bring english to your life like try to speak in english with your people go through english magazines papers read novels everyday just look for a word into the dictionary watch english movies try to learn new words when others speak
28th January 2010, 01:16 PM
Each time you go out to run errands, try out a few new words. If you take the bus, you can improve your English by talking to people on the bus. Also, talk to people at the grocery store, and don’t be afraid to ask if you don’t understand something. Most people are happy to tell you what a word means.
You don’t have to say a lot to people at stores you visit, but even practicing simple greetings will help you improve your English. The more you speak with English speakers, the more you will improve your English, both in pronunciation and vocabulary. Reading things written in English can really help you to improve your English. If regular books are too difficult, you could start out with simple books. Reading the newspaper and comic books can be very helpful as well. Also listen to talk radio in English. This also can help you improve your English because you are listening to good pronunciation. Though talk radio may not make a lot of sense at first, it makes more sense the more you listen. Here you will find some tips on how to improve your English speaking.speaking24.com |
30th January 2010, 10:26 PM
there is only way to improve vocabulary is to remember the word meaning which comes in regular newspaper,magine,books.also impliment these word to speak in ur daily life