14th July 2012, 12:39 AM
How to join Indian Army after completing 12th in Arts stream?
how can i join Indian army after completing 10+2 from arts stream ?
14th July 2012, 11:14 AM
Hello friend....
You are eligible to join in INDIAN ARMY after completing your 12 with arts stream.The minimum qualification needed to join in ARMY is 12th standard from a recognized university. If you want to join in ARMY you need to appear for the NDA exam this exam is conducted by the UPSC two times in a year i.e:NDA-I,NDA-II NDA have three wings those are: 1.ARMY 2.NAVY 3.AIR FORCE ELIGIBILITY: 1.Candidate should complete 12th standard from a recognized university 2.Age limit for this exam is 16.5 to 19 years 3.Candidate should be a citizen of india 4.Only unmarried male candidates are applicable 5.candidate should be physically fit SELCTION PROCESS: 1.Written exam 2.Interview 3.Medical test If you want more information about this exam please visit www.upsc.gov.in BEST OF LUCK.... |
14th July 2012, 11:20 AM
Hi dear
![]() For Joining Indian Army You have to appear for the following exams:- NDA(National Defence Academy)conducted by UPSC twicw in a year. Criteria for eligibility(NDA)is below: Student must be 12th passed or any equivallent examination with a minimum of 60% marks. The age limit is 16.5 to 19.5 years. Procedure :- Test + Physcial fitness + Interview CDS Entry - Form available from the UPSC website in June/ Dec. Written Followed by SSB.. Short Service Commission(SSB) - Direct SSB interview. All the best and have a happy future ahead.. ![]() |
14th July 2012, 10:55 PM
You can join indian army after 12th with arts stream. To do it you must appear nda exam which is conducted by upsc twice in a year. NDA EXAM ELIGBLITY:- *you must have passed 12th standard from a recognized university. *age limit is 16.5 to 19 years. *you must be unmarried man and indian citizen. NDA EXAM IS CONDUCTED INTO THREE WINGS;- *indian army *indian air force *indian navy SELCTION PROCESS: 1.Written exam 2.Interview 3.Medical test for more- http://upsc.gov.in |
3rd November 2012, 02:31 PM
respected Sir,
Good afternoon , I Rajan kumar from rasulpur Dhoulri Distt. Meerut (U P) -250626, 20 years,NDA age requirement of only 19th years, it's over , Kindly give best sugession for me . what I'm doing now ? Thanks & Regards Rajan kumar Mob. No.- 91-9911147650 |
15th May 2013, 11:00 PM
Hi Friend..................
NDA - Stands for National Defence Academy This Examination is conducted by Union Public Service Commission in yearly twice i.e. NDA - I and NDA - II NDA have three wings i.e. Indian Air Force Indian Army Indian Navy Required Eligibility Criteria for NDA EXamination Educational Qualification Candidates must have a 12th standard with PCM (Physics/Chemistry/Mathematics) subjects from any recognized institution There is no percentage required for this examination Age Limit Candidates age should between 16.5 years to 19 years There is no age relaxation for this examination Nationality Candidates should be a citizen of India Marital Status Candidate should be a citizen of India Selection Procedure Written Examination Medical Test Personnel Interview Physical Standard for NDA Examination ![]() |
15th May 2013, 11:01 PM
Hi Friend.....................
NDA - Stands for National Defence Academy This Examination is conducted by Union Public Service Commission in yearly twice i.e. NDA - I and NDA - II NDA have three wings i.e. Indian Air Force Indian Army Indian Navy Required Eligibility Criteria for NDA EXamination Educational Qualification Candidates must have a 12th standard with PCM (Physics/Chemistry/Mathematics) subjects from any recognized institution There is no percentage required for this examination Age Limit Candidates age should between 16.5 years to 19 years There is no age relaxation for this examination Nationality Candidates should be a citizen of India Marital Status Candidate should be a citizen of India Selection Procedure Written Examination Medical Test Personnel Interview Physical Standard for NDA Examination ![]() |
27th March 2014, 01:09 PM
sir right now i am student of class X-th.... and in class XI-th if i opt arts stream with maths than can i be an army officer??
if yes!!! than what is the respective procedure for it sir..?? please show me the path sir... !!! |
29th May 2014, 12:30 PM
I can not understant physical fittness like:-(height,weight e.t.c) sir you very request how to join i indian army and I help on my country. address:-ranjan pradhan from odisha .....I love my INDIA..... |
10th June 2014, 03:44 AM
SSir how can i join army after 12 i m a girl sir i m intreasted plz tell me the process thats my number 9723521664 n my email i d [email protected] sir i m waitng fr ur reply thank u
30th July 2015, 10:50 PM
Sir my name is Arun kumar. I want to joinIndian Army but i have hearing problem due to my ear opertion. I cant hear wit my left ear.. Sir plz guide me. .my email id. [email protected]
24th April 2016, 09:28 PM
Sir,I want to join Indian army as officer if I pass 12arts can I.If I can what requirements I needed plz reply and my gmail.([email protected]) |
24th August 2021, 10:54 PM
Sir i want to know that after 10 2 from the arts stream how can we become an India Army officer sure 100% I want to know the sir how so that i could become a successful India army officer sir plz give me the right 100% working path so that i could achieve my aim in life plz sir