12th May 2013, 11:52 PM
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How should I join IPS?

how to join ips ? what projeccer...please send to me the details for the same

13th May 2013, 09:58 AM
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Default Re: How should I join IPS?

IPS - Indian Police Service, to become an IPS officer one has to apply, appear and crack Civil Service Exam conducted every year by UPSC.

The eligible candidate must be an Indian national having either appear for the final Graduation Degree exam or pass in any stream from a recognised University within the age of 21 to 30 years with upper age relaxation for reserved candidate with good Physical Fitness.

Apart from this The candidate should have minimum prescribed Physical requirement such as:-

HEIGHT:- General/OBC Male-165cm and Female-150cm while SC/ST Male- 160cm and Female145cm.

CHEST:- Male- 84cm and Female-79cm expandable to 5cm in both the cases.

The selection is through three phases:-

-CSAT - Civil Service Aptitude Test - Preliminary Exam

-Civil Service Main Exam

-Personal Interview

For more information you may log on to http://www.upsc.gov.in
13th May 2013, 12:47 PM
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Default Re: How should I join IPS?


IPS stands for Indian Police Service.

IPS exam conducted by the UPSC(Union Public Service Commission) once in a year.

Eligibility criteria:-

The candidate should be complete graduation in any stream from a recognised university.

Final year graduates also eligible.

No need of percentage restrictions.

Applicant must be an Indian origin.

Age criteria:-

Candidates age should be in between 21 years to 30 years,

Three years upper age relaxation for OBC candidates,

Five years upper age relaxation for SC/ST candidates.

Selection process:-

Civil Services Preliminary exam,

Civil Services Mains exam,

Personal interview.

Number of attempts:-

4times chance for General candidates,

7 times chance for OBC candidaes,

No limit for SC/ST candidates.

List of optional subjects to select in the examination:-


Animal husbandry and Veterinary science,




Civil engineering,

Commerce and accountany,


Electrical engineering,







Mechanical engineering,

Medical science,



Political science and international relations,


Public administration,



13th May 2013, 02:31 PM
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Default Re: How should I join IPS?

You can join IPS exam after graduation degree,you can join only online mode ;-www.upsconline.nic.in

IPS exam stands for Indian Police service which is conducted by UPSC twice IN A YEAR.


You must be a citizen ofIndia,or, You must be a subject of Nepal or Bhutan, or, You must be a Tibetan

Refugee settled permanently in India before 1962.

You must be of 21 to 30 years of age. However, there is a relaxation in the upper age limit, of 3 years

for the OBC and 5 years for the SC/ST

You must have completed your Graduation or Equivalent, from a recognized university under any

stream, or be a final year student in the same

The number of attempts is 4 for a General category student,7 for an OBC candidate, and

unlimited for a SC/ST candidate, until he fulfills the age criteria

for further information you contact with the www.upsc.gov.in
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13th May 2013, 03:36 PM
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Default Re: How should I join IPS?

You will have to clear the Civil Services Examination to become Indian Police Service officer. The Civil Services Examination is also conducted for Indian Administrative Service and Indian Forest Service.

The exam is conducted by the Union Public Service Commission. By no mean its a easy exam. Over 5 lakh students appear for the exam and only very few are selected.

Civil Services Examination is one of the most difficult entrance exams in the world. Its highly competitive because over 5 lakh students apply for few hundred jobs. Therefore if you wish to clear it, better start preparing now since you can't appear for exam this year.

You will now only be able to apply once the admission process will start next year. It is followed by preliminary exam in May and Main Examination in August. After which you will have to appear for personal interview.

Eligibility Criteria for IPS

1. For Indian Police Service, candidates of only Indian origin are selected.

2. Eligible candidate should have graduation degree.

3. There is no percentage criteria.

4. The lower age to appear for this exam is 21 years.

5. Upper age is 30 after which candidate can not appear.

6. However OBC can appear upto 33 years thanks to 3 years relaxation.

7. SC/ST are given 5 years relaxation in upper age limit.

Physical Criteria

For Men

1. Chest should be 84 with 5cm expansion

2. Height should be 165 cm while for ST the requirement is 160 cm

For Female

1. Chest should be 79 cm and 5cm expansion.

2. The minimum height is 150 cm while 145 cm for ST.

Distant Vision

1. 6/6 or 6/9 for good eye

2. 6/12 or 6/9 for worst eye

Selection Procedure

1. Preliminary Exam

2. Main Exam

3. Interview
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13th May 2013, 09:27 PM
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Default Re: How should I join IPS?

Hi friend,

To join the IPS first you can crack the Civil Service Examination.

IPS stands for Indian Police Service.

This Civil Service Examination is Conducted by Union Public Service Commission every year.



You should be origin of India.

Educational Qualification:

You should complete the Graduation from recognized University.

Percentage not required for this exam.

Final year appearing candidates are eligible for this exam.

Age Limit:

The candidate min age limit is 21 years.

The candidate max age limit is 30 years.

Upper age relaxation is applicable for the other categories.

3 years for OBC Candidates.

5 years for SC/ST Candidates.

10 years for PWD Candidates.

No of Attempts:

4 attempts required for the General Category.

7 attempts required for the OBC Category.

No restriction for the SC/ST Category.


Both male and female candidates are eligible to become IPS Officer.

Selection Process:

Preliminary Examination

Main Examination


All the best.
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13th May 2013, 09:39 PM
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Default Re: How should I join IPS?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
how to join ips ? what projeccer...please send to me the details for the same

Hi friennd,

>> Qualification in IPS Examination

>> Educational qualification
- Graduation complete in any recognized university.

>> Nationality
- Candidate must be in indian.

>> Age limit
- 21-28 years and Relaxation for OBC & ST/SC candidates.

>> Number of attempts
- General candidate 4 attempts
- OBC candidate 7 attempts
- ST/SC candidate unlimited attempts.

>> Physical Requirement

Good luck
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13th May 2013, 09:41 PM
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Default Re: How should I join IPS?

Process to become an IPS officer

To become an IPS officer one has to follow the below given steps:

Step 1

As a first step the aspirant has to procure the “Application Form” along with “Information Brochure” from any of the “Head Post Offices or Post Offices” spread throughout the country and sent the filled Application form to:

The Secretary
Union Public Service Commission
Dholpur House
New Delhi - 110011.

Note:- The notification for the examination with relevant details regarding rules and syllabus is published in the month of December in the 'Employment News' / 'Rozgar Samachar' , 'Gazette of India', and in some leading Newspapers of the country.

Step 2

In the month of May or June the aspirants have to take the “Preliminary Exam” consisting of two papers.

Paper 1
Current events of national and international importance
History of India and Indian national movement
Indian and World Geography- physical, social, economic geography of India and the world
Indian Polity and governance – constitution, political system, panchayati raj, public policy, Rights issues, etc.
Economic and social development – sustainable development, poverty, inclusion, demographics, social sector initiatives etc.
General issues on environmental ecology, bio-diversity and climate change-that do not require subject specialization
General science.
200 marks
Paper 2
Interpersonal skills including communication skills
Logical reasoning and analytical ability
Decision making and problem solving
General mental ability
Basic numeracy (numbers and their relations, orders of magnitude etc. (Class X level), Data interpretation (charts, graphs, tables, data sufficiency etc. –Class X level)
English language comprehension skills (Class X level)
200 marks

The optional subject for the second paper may be chosen from the following given subjects:

1 Agriculture
2 Animal Husbandry and veterinary science
3 Botany
4 Chemistry
5 Civil Engineering
6 Commerce
7 Economics
8 Electrical Engineering
9 Geography
10 Geology
11 Indian History
12 Law
13 Mathematics
14 Mechanical Engineering
15 Philosophy
16 Physics
17 Political Science
18 Psychology
19 Public Administration
20 Sociology
21 Statistics
22 Zoology

Note: This exam is just a qualifying exam for the Final exam and scores obtained in this exam are not added to the final result.

Step 3

Those candidates who are declared qualified in the “Preliminary examination” are supposed to take the final exam (normally held in the month of October) having following papers:

Paper Marks
1 Essay type Indian Language Qualifying Paper 300
1 English Qualifying Paper 300
1 General Essay Type Paper 200
2 General Studies Papers 300
4 Optional Subjects Papers 300

Step 4

Once you are through, the final stage is the interview. The aspirants are grilled in the interview to test their personality and mental ability. Then the final list of the successful candidates is prepared and the candidates who have secured very good rank out of 400-450(approx.) top ranks are admitted to the Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel National Police Academy as IPS probationers. Here they undergo rigrous training of nearly one year in which all aspects of policing and administration are taken care of. After completion of their training they are posted as per requirements of the Central and State Governments Police and Investigative Organisation.

Being All India Services, the new IPS incumbant's services are alloted to various state cadre under Cadre System. The Cadre system is alloted on a basis of lottery and the top rank holder of each state may get a chance to get their home state if he had applied for one.
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13th May 2013, 09:42 PM
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Thumbs up Re: How should I join IPS?

Process to become an IPS officer

To become an IPS officer one has to follow the below given steps:

Step 1

As a first step the aspirant has to procure the “Application Form” along with “Information Brochure” from any of the “Head Post Offices or Post Offices” spread throughout the country and sent the filled Application form to:

The Secretary
Union Public Service Commission
Dholpur House
New Delhi - 110011.

Note:- The notification for the examination with relevant details regarding rules and syllabus is published in the month of December in the 'Employment News' / 'Rozgar Samachar' , 'Gazette of India', and in some leading Newspapers of the country.

Step 2

In the month of May or June the aspirants have to take the “Preliminary Exam” consisting of two papers.

Paper 1
Current events of national and international importance
History of India and Indian national movement
Indian and World Geography- physical, social, economic geography of India and the world
Indian Polity and governance – constitution, political system, panchayati raj, public policy, Rights issues, etc.
Economic and social development – sustainable development, poverty, inclusion, demographics, social sector initiatives etc.
General issues on environmental ecology, bio-diversity and climate change-that do not require subject specialization
General science.
200 marks
Paper 2
Interpersonal skills including communication skills
Logical reasoning and analytical ability
Decision making and problem solving
General mental ability
Basic numeracy (numbers and their relations, orders of magnitude etc. (Class X level), Data interpretation (charts, graphs, tables, data sufficiency etc. –Class X level)
English language comprehension skills (Class X level)
200 marks

The optional subject for the second paper may be chosen from the following given subjects:

1 Agriculture
2 Animal Husbandry and veterinary science
3 Botany
4 Chemistry
5 Civil Engineering
6 Commerce
7 Economics
8 Electrical Engineering
9 Geography
10 Geology
11 Indian History
12 Law
13 Mathematics
14 Mechanical Engineering
15 Philosophy
16 Physics
17 Political Science
18 Psychology
19 Public Administration
20 Sociology
21 Statistics
22 Zoology

Note: This exam is just a qualifying exam for the Final exam and scores obtained in this exam are not added to the final result.

Step 3

Those candidates who are declared qualified in the “Preliminary examination” are supposed to take the final exam (normally held in the month of October) having following papers:

Paper Marks
1 Essay type Indian Language Qualifying Paper 300
1 English Qualifying Paper 300
1 General Essay Type Paper 200
2 General Studies Papers 300
4 Optional Subjects Papers 300

Step 4

Once you are through, the final stage is the interview. The aspirants are grilled in the interview to test their personality and mental ability. Then the final list of the successful candidates is prepared and the candidates who have secured very good rank out of 400-450(approx.) top ranks are admitted to the Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel National Police Academy as IPS probationers. Here they undergo rigrous training of nearly one year in which all aspects of policing and administration are taken care of. After completion of their training they are posted as per requirements of the Central and State Governments Police and Investigative Organisation.

Being All India Services, the new IPS incumbant's services are alloted to various state cadre under Cadre System. The Cadre system is alloted on a basis of lottery and the top rank holder of each state may get a chance to get their home state if he had applied for one.
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14th May 2013, 05:04 PM
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Thumbs up Re: How should I join IPS?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
how to join ips ? what projeccer...please send to me the details for the same

Dear Friend,

IPS stands for Indian Police Service

If you want to join IPS then you have completed graduation Degree in any Discipline from recognise universities......

Final year of graduation degree students are also applicable.....

There are not required any Percentage marks.....

Citizenship of India....

Age Limit:

General category student:- 21-30 years...

OBC relaxation in upper age +3 years...

SC/ST relaxation in upper age +5 years...

No. Attempt:

1-General - max. 4
2-OBC - max. 7.
3-SC/ST - No limit.

Exam Pattern:

1-Preliminary Exam.
2-Main Exam

Coaching Center:

Synergy Siddharth

Ganesh IAS

Excell Career India

Success IAS Academy

Indian IAS Academy

Shankar IAS Academy

Physical Requirement

All the best...
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