25th November 2011, 12:08 AM
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Is MBA in finance better or MBA marketing?

mba in finance is bettr or mba in marketing??????????? Please tell me which one is worth

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25th November 2011, 03:17 AM
Join Date: Nov 2011
Posts: 24
Default Re: Is MBA in finance better or MBA marketing?

Dear Friend,
There is nothing better or worse. All that matters is your area of interest.Certainly at this point I will clarify certain things like Finance has a better pay package than Marketing, further for undertaking Finance one should be good in Quantitatives.Lastly for those of us who are not interested in sales type job should not opt for marketing.

With Regards, Your's Truly
Sibojyoti Chakrabarti
25th November 2011, 04:16 PM
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Default Re: Is MBA in finance better or MBA marketing?

so choose accordingly.
25th November 2011, 05:47 PM
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Default Re: Is MBA in finance better or MBA marketing?

MBA finance is better than MBA marketing.
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25th November 2011, 06:46 PM
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Default Re: Is MBA in finance better or MBA marketing?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
mba in finance is bettr or mba in marketing??????????? Please tell me which one is worth
both finance and marketing are good but,
according to me MBA Finance is better. it will have much scope. you will have more oppurtunities in finance than in marketing.
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25th November 2011, 07:03 PM
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Default Re: Is MBA in finance better or MBA marketing?

Both the courses are equally good and having good career prospects. MBA Finance people are responsible for various financial reports and cash management strategies in any company. In MBA finance you learn about the financial planning, accounting, economics, etc in any organization. In MBA marketing the candidate focuses on marketing skills like promotion, sales, research and advertisings. They can join in any organization as marketing mangers, market research analyst, etc. You should choose a stream according to your area of interest and where you can show your caliber.
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25th November 2011, 08:01 PM
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Smile Re: Is MBA in finance better or MBA marketing?

Originally Posted by unregistered View Post
mba in finance is bettr or mba in marketing??????????? Please tell me which one is worth
dear both are equally good .... It depends upon your personnel interest nd dedication towards the field you opt .....think again nd opt the one in which you are interested. Good luck...
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25th November 2011, 10:25 PM
Yasir yousf
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Default Re: Is MBA in finance better or MBA marketing?

mba in finance is more bettr than mba in marketing after mba in finance there are many job oppurtunties
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26th November 2011, 12:18 AM
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Default Re: Is MBA in finance better or MBA marketing?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
mba in finance is bettr or mba in marketing??????????? Please tell me which one is worth
Dear Friend,

MBA in finance and MBA in marketing are almost related course. Both the course are of equal value and after pursuing any of the course you will find equal opportunity as both the stream has their respective developed field.

So need to choose any of the course and study with concentration then surely you will find success.

Best Wishes......
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20th February 2012, 09:45 PM
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Default Re: Is MBA in finance better or MBA marketing?

Dear friend.......

After reading a lots of discussion on this particular subject which is best Finance or Marketing,I just wanted to say something on this particular issue. See i am not a jack of all trade master of none...but i have small knowledge and my opinion is that You cannot Judge " Which is Best " Finance or Marketing as its a interrelated subjects Without Marketing you cannot do Finance ..In particular company If your marketing sector is not properly or strategically expose then what happened your sell will be decrease and would not get sufficient revenue and this revenue is involve in finance subject...And in this world each and every company have their own products without selling this products with strategy , Plan ,Convincing skill you did not earn profit in respect of company...and all these strategy, plan and convincing skill comes in head of marketing ....these one of fact why iam saying that u cannot marketing with finance.....

In the job respect.....See MBA (marketing or Finance or HR. what ever the other supply logistic) ....is not degree for getting a job in present time it is a one type of get pass of a corporate sector...it is not that You have passed MBA and u will be secure for job.... Your Eligibility MBA degree is fitted for Ur JOB....

In present time MBA Marketing Job and Plus salary is Best in corporate industries........

Thank you.
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20th February 2012, 09:57 PM
MBA Marketing
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Default Re: Is MBA in finance better or MBA marketing?

Dear friend.......

After reading lots of discussion on this particular subject which is best Finance or Marketing, I just wanted to say something on this particular issue. See i am not a jack of all trade master of none...but i have small knowledge and my opinion is that You cannot Judge " Which is Best " Finance or Marketing as it is a interrelated subjects Without Marketing you cannot do Finance ..In a particular company If your marketing sector is not properly or strategically expose then what happened your sell will be decrease and you would not get sufficient revenue and this revenue is involve in finance subject...And in this world each and every company have their own products without selling these products with strategy , Plan ,Convincing skill you did not earn profit in respect of company...and all these strategy, plan and convincing skill comes in the head of marketing ....these one of fact why iam saying that u cannot marketing with finance.....

In the field of job .....See MBA (marketing or Finance or HR. what ever the other supply logistic) ....is not a degree for getting a job in present time it is a one type of get pass of a corporate sector...it is not that You have passed MBA and u will be secure for job.... Your Eligibility + MBA degree is fitted for Ur JOB....

In the present time MBA Marketing Job and Plus salary is the Best in the corporate industries........

Thank you.
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19th April 2012, 03:43 AM
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Default Re: Is MBA in finance better or MBA marketing?

hey....im MBA 2nd sem student 4m pune universiry
sumone cn guide me regarding ma specializatn
actually i wanna go for finance bt d prblm is dat m 4m non commerce bkground,
12th bio...nd grad...BBA...
well m gud at calculations,
bt will my backgrnd affect my carrier
whether i should go 4 marketng or HR
plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz reply m vry confused....
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30th April 2012, 09:23 PM
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Default Re: Is MBA in finance better or MBA marketing?

No being from a non-commerce background doesn't affect at all. I have done my Graduation in Physics and nw i am nearing the completion of my MBA in Finance, and i never faced any problem and thoroughly enjoyed Finance..To choose finance u need to be sure abt ur quantitative skills, if u are good in it just go for Finance coz no prior knowledge of accounts or commerce are required.
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30th April 2012, 09:32 PM
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Default Re: Is MBA in finance better or MBA marketing?

you can definitely choose Finance specialization although you are from a non-commerce background, coz no prior knowledge of accountancy is required here...watever is required vl be taught....to take up finance u should have good quantitative skills, and thats all wat is required....I did my graduation in Physics, and right nw m nearing the completion of my MBA in Finance....So if u are good with numbers, u vl actually be able to enjoy ur subjects in Finance!!!
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30th April 2012, 09:34 PM
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Default Re: Is MBA in finance better or MBA marketing?

you can definitely choose Finance specialization although you are from a non-commerce background, coz no prior knowledge of accountancy is required here...watever is required vl be taught....to take up finance u should have good quantitative skills, and thats all wat is required....I did my graduation in Physics, and right nw m nearing the completion of my MBA in Finance....So if u are good with numbers, u vl actually be able to enjoy ur subjects in Finance!!!
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7th May 2012, 02:29 AM
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Default Re: Is MBA in finance better or MBA marketing?

hey im confused between marketing and finance i like finance theory but i dnt like calculations
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20th May 2012, 06:41 PM
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Default Re: Is MBA in finance better or MBA marketing?

This is most important question which is searched on the Internet by those who are interested to do MBA. When you want to do MBA, you have to choose either MBA Finance or MBA Marketing. But you always think which degree will give you higher salary, reputation and status.

On this question, I have single view that both are important for your learning. Both MBA finance and MBA marketing are very necessary because after doing MBA marketing, you have to make contacts and increase sale figures of business. On the other side if you will do MBA Finance, you have to reduce misuse of fund which business gets from sale or other sources. So, only skills which you will get either from MBA finance or MBA marketing and proper use of this, will make you hero.

If you want to select anyone, then you should check your personal interest. If you want to enjoy to talk with others, discuss others and have leadership quality and want to promote your skills in the field of modern marketing, MBA marketing is better for you.

If you have taste to investigate the accounting information and to solve the problem relating to finance, then for MBA finance is better for you.

2 Big Mistakes of Your Brain regarding decision on which is better MBA Finance or MBA Marketing

1. # Scope

Some will say you the scope of MBA finance is more and some will say scope of MBA marketing is more. Forget this suggestion.

My Argument

Both marketing and finance are the function of business. Try to understand the relationship of finance with marketing and then decide at what level, you have to help business.

2. # Justice

Some will say you that after MBA finance, you will not get justice from companies because companies will prefer CA instead appointing MBA Finance. So, do MBA marketing.

Some other will say you that after MBA marketing, you have to go door to door for selling company's product. Your reputation will be worse than beggar. So, do MBA Finance and enjoy setting work in AC room.

My Argument

a) Do you have efficiency to fight CA after your MBA Finance. If yes, it is 100% sure, you will select as Finance manager instead of CA. If your way to get MBA finance education, then it is very easy, but if you have decided to get knowledge of everything relating to MBA finance, it is difficult, but after this no one can fight with you.

b) Thinking of door to door marketing is the proof of your narrow thinking. Never forget, you will meet human beings, you will discuss with them. Many of them will be specialize in their field and you get more and more knowledge from them. Now, you will be single in the world who can remove your all faults by getting this knowledge. Moreover, if samething is thought by Obama the president of USA, then he will never come India. Because he has also come from one door that is called USA and reached other door that is called India for business ( means marketing). Try to change your thinking.

Now think on this topic with positive way!
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25th May 2012, 08:44 PM
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Default Re: Is MBA in finance better or MBA marketing?

is mba finance or mba marketing is better for an b.tech electronics and communication course student to further study and kind of jobs do we get for b.tech students
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29th May 2012, 02:43 AM
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Default Re: Is MBA in finance better or MBA marketing?

what type of job I get after completion of MBA in MKTNG. (Please Mention post and their role) &

what type of job I get after completion of MBA in Finance. (Please Mention post and their role)

I consult many person who is somewhere related or familiar to this field and all of them said that there are more job oppurtunities in Marketing compare to finance...
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30th May 2012, 10:54 PM
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Default Re: Is MBA in finance better or MBA marketing?

what to opt ...whether marketing or finance according to job opportunities is better?
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22nd June 2012, 09:28 PM
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Default Re: Is MBA in finance better or MBA marketing?

i have study parsuing mba iam 2nd sem i confution mba finance and marketing but iam poor knowledge accounts i intrest marketing but marketing people how is good oportunitis
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26th June 2012, 04:05 PM
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Default Re: Is MBA in finance better or MBA marketing?

hai fnds am interesting marketing also finance also but vtu provide only one specialization. now am thinking to take finance am good at accounts also am good at managing people,creative skills,etc... am confusing now... if any body can suggest to me?
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28th June 2012, 01:26 AM
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Default Re: Is MBA in finance better or MBA marketing?

dude in my view both areas r gud..but the thing is managing ppl s nt easy,u should have some tactics...and coming to finance,it is not better than marketing...wht im going to tell u to opt marketing means u will get intrest on job day by day by meeting new ppl..in finance u have to work at one place ...so choice is urs.....gud luck
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24th July 2012, 09:28 PM
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Default Re: Is MBA in finance better or MBA marketing?

mba finance is bettar
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14th August 2012, 12:21 PM
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Default Re: Is MBA in finance better or MBA marketing?

i have done my grd in bba and now i m pursuing mba ..i m in 2 sem so can u suggest me which is better specialization in finance and marketing or finance and operations
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2nd October 2012, 01:13 AM
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Default Re: Is MBA in finance better or MBA marketing?

i m nt so gud in calculations but i like to do finance nd also marketing both,, so m very much confused ,, dat wat shud i take as my specialization?
Either Finance or Marketing???? Plz suugest me...??????????????????????????/
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12th November 2012, 02:30 PM
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Default Re: Is MBA in finance better or MBA marketing?

nothing is good or bad thinking make it so mba marketing is best...akki
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6th December 2012, 01:18 AM
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Default Re: Is MBA in finance better or MBA marketing?

I am doing my first year mba. I need knw the reputed companies in marketing specalization and i need to knw MBA Marketing fresher would be treated as how during their beginning stage (as if like sales people roaming with the bike and promoting the product or would be treated as manager).
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13th January 2013, 09:33 PM
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Default Re: Is MBA in finance better or MBA marketing?

After MBA marketing .. u have less opportunities .. in job point of view and also if u want to study further ..after MBA finance u can study more if u want to, like many professional qualifications like ACCA , CIMA , CFA , CA all these are related to finance .. u can also do PHD in economics which will surely help u ahead and u will find more better jobs .. Plus sometimes companies don't need marketing people and they do their marketing stuff themselves but finance people are the basic need of all organization and companies..
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13th January 2013, 09:35 PM
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Default Re: Is MBA in finance better or MBA marketing?

After MBA marketing .. u have less opportunities .. in job point of view and also if u want to study further ..after MBA finance u can study more if u want to, like many professional qualifications like ACCA , CIMA , CFA , CA all these are related to finance .. u can also do PHD in economics which will surely help u ahead and u will find more better jobs .. Plus sometimes companies don't need marketing people and they do their marketing stuff themselves but finance people are the basic need of all organization and companies..
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14th January 2013, 06:08 PM
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Default Re: Is MBA in finance better or MBA marketing?

Hello dear,

we can't specify that which field is better because both field finance and marketing have its own area both are the much better in their area.
choosing finance or marketing is depend on your intrest area.
If you want to make their career in accountant like as CA , CS then go with finance
If you want to make their career in market like research producd selling then fgo with marketing
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10th February 2013, 12:36 AM
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Default Re: Is MBA in finance better or MBA marketing?

now i m doing my PGDM. I want to join our Real estate or any other business in future. And i m comfortable both in finance and marketing so as per business importance perspective which stream i should go for??
please help...
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22nd June 2013, 02:35 AM
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Default Re: Is MBA in finance better or MBA marketing?

i think that mba in marketing is better then finance because in marketing we have a chance to meet new people, market reserch,and enjoy the job but in finace all the work is on the desk it so boring.so that those who want creativeness in their job must select marketing.and dont go for finance because it so risky and their is a huge amt of preassure thats why marketting is best.
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