17th February 2011, 10:26 PM
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Posts: 2

Is it necessary to have 60% marks to sit in companies placement? I've secured 57.16% marks in PU

I 've scored 72% in tenth, 57.16% in PU and 62.31%(upto VII semester) in B.E.
Just because of my PU marks being less than 60, am not able to write any placements.:'( Is it necessary to have 60 throughout? All the companies who had been to my college had their eligibility criteria as 60 60 60, so i was not allowed to write any companies. Will i ever get a job? is it necessary to have 60 even for off campus?? Are there any companies who don't ask for 10th and 12th marks? Please do help me out!!

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16th February 2012, 08:20 PM
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Default Re: Is it necessary to have 60% marks to sit in companies placement? I've secured 57.16% marks in PU

Originally Posted by anu1989s View Post
I 've scored 72% in tenth, 57.16% in PU and 62.31%(upto VII semester) in B.E.
Just because of my PU marks being less than 60, am not able to write any placements.:'( Is it necessary to have 60 throughout? All the companies who had been to my college had their eligibility criteria as 60 60 60, so i was not allowed to write any companies. Will i ever get a job? is it necessary to have 60 even for off campus?? Are there any companies who don't ask for 10th and 12th marks? Please do help me out!!
It might be that the companies which have come to the college campus required 60% aggregate marks but there are certainly many companies in India which can hire you based on the personal interview, group discussion and your academic qualification. Normally in the campus interview the best companies in the country comes for recruitment. But if you try yourself and hunt for vacancy in the companies you would certainly get one.

Yes, all the company would ask for you class 10 and 12 certificates. No, for off campus interview it is not mandatory. You will certainly get a job keep trying.
25th July 2012, 10:21 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Is it necessary to have 60% marks to sit in companies placement? I've secured 57.16% marks in PU

plz can u suggest some names of companies who ask less than 60%in the 12th
4th July 2013, 07:47 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Is it necessary to have 60% marks to sit in companies placement? I've secured 57.16% marks in PU

i've second class in overall my acadamics i.e 10th,12th,B.Sc and MCA then is it possible to i wil get job
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18th September 2014, 02:45 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Is it necessary to have 60% marks to sit in companies placement? I've secured 57.16% marks in PU

Originally Posted by anu1989s View Post
I 've scored 72% in tenth, 57.16% in PU and 62.31%(upto VII semester) in B.E.
Just because of my PU marks being less than 60, am not able to write any placements.:'( Is it necessary to have 60 throughout? All the companies who had been to my college had their eligibility criteria as 60 60 60, so i was not allowed to write any companies. Will i ever get a job? is it necessary to have 60 even for off campus?? Are there any companies who don't ask for 10th and 12th marks? Please do help me out!!

Seeing less than 60% in PUC Campus companies are loosing a bright student
and disappointing a knowledgeable student.
They must set a criteria for eligible degree not 10th and 12th. They have to
give a chance to write a written test for all and select the eligible candidate.

For example some student may get PUC marks 59% and score throughout 70 or 80.
Because of 1% less it does not mean that they are unfit for job. In this case company is loosing a right person.

Request Campus interview has to consider the current degree not 10th and 12th marks.
Current degree is more relevant knowledge for the company not 10th and 12th marks.
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