10th March 2011, 12:25 PM
Olympiad Exam without the help of school?
How to apply for olympiad exam if the school have not volunteer for the same
10th March 2011, 02:39 PM
You can browse and get the application form from the net and forward it
10th March 2011, 03:06 PM
The primary aim of Science Olympiad is to popularise science, mathematics & computer education among school children.
The eligibility criteria for science olympiad is for the students of classes 2 to 12 & registrations are received from the schools itself. The information booklet is provided to all the schools for the same. So, kindly inform your school to provide you such opportunities if they presently are not aware of & you can easily register for the upcoming Science olympiad. |
10th March 2011, 04:47 PM
This is exam which is not under taken by colleges.so if you are interested in the Olympiad in any subject then you take a interest with your college because you can only received form from the schools in the prescribed pro-forma. Registration sheet for the school / students and the information booklet are posted to the schools all over India.
13th August 2011, 09:07 PM
Are you crazy..??? Seriously...why do you want to "test" your kid when the kid is hardly 6yrs old..??? We Indians are going crazy. I seriously feel that Indian parents are the worst enemies of their children. sigh
31st March 2012, 02:38 PM
The primary aim of Science Olympiad is to popularise science, mathematics & computer education among school children.
The eligibility criteria for science olympiad is for the students of classes 2 to 12 & registrations are received from the schools itself. The information booklet is provided to all the schools for the same. |
30th September 2012, 01:22 AM
my ward studing in Modern School Barrackpore Kolkata West Bengal. His school did not perticipate in the IEO,IMO ar any etc. So please suggest me how My ward enter in to the Exam.. [email protected]
30th September 2012, 08:10 PM
Hi dear,
The primary aim of Science Olympiad is to popularise science, mathematics & computer education among school children. The eligibility criteria for science olympiad is for the students of classes 2 to 12 & registrations are received from the schools itself. The information booklet is provided to all the schools for the same. So, kindly inform your school to provide you such opportunities if they presently are not aware of & you can easily register for the upcoming Science olympiad. Thanks |
29th November 2012, 02:36 PM
HELLO SIR..........
I think you are interested in the Olympiad in any subject then you take a interest with your college because you can only received form from the schools in the prescribed pro-forma. Registration sheet for the school / students and the information booklet are posted to the schools all over India. primary aim of Science Olympiad is to popularise science, mathematics & computer education among school children.eligibility criteria for science olympiad is for the students of classes 2 to 12 & registrations are received from the schools itself. The information booklet is provided to all the schools for the same. BEST OF LUCK !!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
21st May 2015, 01:47 PM
Olympiad exams are conducted through schools,Your kid can participate in the exams through school.If school is not registered, you can contact directly some organisations who conduct Olympiad exams for participation. You can visit olympiadhelper.com website for more information regarding preparations and exams dates and enrolment procedures. They provided all information about different Olympiad exams and helps for the preparations the exams. Thank you.
23rd February 2016, 01:58 PM
It is the most foolish criteria I have ever seen in my life.A competition limits its credibility if it
is restricted to school only.It should be open for all,we need talent from India not only from school. |
10th July 2017, 08:30 PM
The registration for each subject in my daughter's school is Rs.400. Whereas other schools in the same area are charging only Rs. 180 per subject. This was the case last year as well. If its the same exam how can the school charge dangerously more for the same exam? Is there no check on that amount charged by the school?