1st November 2015, 02:39 PM
How to set my career in merchant navy being a Bio-medical Engginer?
I have done my B.tech in Bio-Medical Engineering last year with 64% and my age is 24 yrs. I am really interested in merchant navy can u tell me something Is their any scope for Bio-Medical Engineer there or any other-way to be a part of merchant navy and yes one other other thing i want to know is my eye's are not 6/6 i am wearing specks. I am form general category. please help me before it's too late.It's humble request to you. Thanking you |
15th June 2022, 02:59 PM
I'm a biomedical engineering student at first year. Can I join Indian Navy?.I am a girl. I'm wearing spects and my height is 5ft. How can it's possible and what are the scopes are there for me?
1st August 2022, 11:31 PM
Can i join merchant Navy with stream of PCB in bio technology