14th June 2013, 07:24 PM
Aarohi rahul jekar
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Is there any consideration for OBC candidate in CAT examination?

Hi,i am priyanka. I just appear 3rd year B.A. part iii. My total percentage in last 2 year is 46%. I belong from OBC catagory. If my total percentage will not 50% can i eligibale for CAT entrance???

18th June 2013, 08:10 PM
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Default Re: Is there any consideration for OBC candidate in CAT examination?

Originally Posted by Aarohi rahul jekar View Post
Hi,i am priyanka. I just appear 3rd year B.A. part iii. My total percentage in last 2 year is 46%. I belong from OBC catagory. If my total percentage will not 50% can i eligibale for CAT entrance???

CAT stands for Common Admission Test .

This examination is Conducted by IIM's Every year for admission in IIM and top level MBA college .

Those candidate have completed graduation degree with above 50% marks are applicable for CAT exam but your degree must be recognized.

For SC/ST candidate the percentage is 45 % in graduation.There is no age limitation for the candidate.Final year student are applicable for This exam.

Sorry dear , Marks relaxation is provide only for SC and ST category .You can try for MAT entrance exam .
If you are from graduation degree in final year then you are applicable for CAT Exam .

Selection Process for CAT exam are Written exam , Group Discussion , personal Interview.

The syllabus of CAT consists of :-

1.Data Interpretation.
2.Quantitative Aptitude.
3.Logical Reasoning.
4.Verbal Ability.

I have listed here some valuable books name which are really helpful for you -

1. TIME - Book for Quantitive Aptitude - Data Interpretation and Data Sufficiency

2. Siddhartha Balakrishnan - Mathematics for CAT

3. Theodor Seuss Geisel - The CAT in the HAT

4. Servash Verma - Quantum CAT

5. B S Sijwali - Analytical and Logical Reasoning

6. Sujit Kumar - Verbal Ability for CAT

7. Arun Sharma - How to prepare for CAT

8. Disha Publication - CAT Solved Papers as topic wise

9. Nishant K Sinha - The Pearson Guide to Quantitive Aptitude for CAT

19th June 2013, 08:42 PM
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Default Re: Is there any consideration for OBC candidate in CAT examination?

Common Admission Test is conducted for MBA admission. The primary goal of candidates is to take admission for the Indian Institutes of Management that are considered as the best business schools in the country.

The Master of Business Administration is 2 years post graduation course that can be pursued in various streams such as:






Hotel Management

Retail Management


Human Resources

The requirement for the Common Admission Test as you rightly pointed out is 50 percent. Unfortunately there is no relaxation for the Other Backward Classes. Only the SC and ST are eligible for 5 percent relaxation.

Which means that if you failed to score 50 percent, you can't appear for the Common Admission Test. Therefore you should work hard to get those extra 4 percentage.

But if you still failed to do so, then you must consider appearing for other entrance exams. For example Management Aptitude Test. There is no percentage criteria for MAT therefore no matter how much you have scored in graduation you can always appear for the MAT. It is conducted 4 times a year.
7th August 2013, 07:31 PM
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Default Re: Is there any consideration for OBC candidate in CAT examination?

Originally Posted by Aarohi rahul jekar View Post
Hi,i am priyanka. I just appear 3rd year B.A. part iii. My total percentage in last 2 year is 46%. I belong from OBC catagory. If my total percentage will not 50% can i eligibale for CAT entrance???
hello dear,

CAT stands for common admission test which is conducted for pursuing mba from iim's,

master of business administration is a post graduation course of duration 2 year,

minimum marks requirement is 50% to apply for cat,

sorry to say that obc candidates are not provided any relaxation in cat, only sc/st candidates are allowed relaxation of 5%,

hard luck ,

so you can try for other entrance exams like mat or xat

all the best
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8th August 2013, 03:40 PM
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Default Re: Is there any consideration for OBC candidate in CAT examination?

Hello Friend!
You want to do CAT a candidate must posses above 50% marks for OBC/OC,45% marks for SC/ST candidate.Still you have 46% up to 2nd year.You can improve your marks in 3rd year so try hard you will get overall percentage may exceed 50% marks.Try! I hope you will definitely eligible for
CAT exam.
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8th August 2013, 06:05 PM
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Default Re: Is there any consideration for OBC candidate in CAT examination?

hello... friend

Common Admission Test

*)) Sorry to say that OBC candidates are
not provided any relaxation in Common Admission Test (CAT ) ,
only sc/st candidates are allowed
relaxation of 5% .

*)) CAT stands for common admission
test which is conducted for pursuing

*)) Minimum marks requirement in graduation is 50%
to apply for CAT .

all the best...p.p
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8th August 2013, 06:37 PM
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Default Re: Is there any consideration for OBC candidate in CAT examination?


CAT stands for Common Admission Test .

This exam is meant for pursuing MBA from IIM .

The eligibility for CAT exam meant for MBA admission is:

A candidate should be a graduate in any discipline from any recognised university with 50% and above marks .

For SC/ST candidate the percentage is 45% in graduation .

Final year students can appear for the exam.

As you have mentioned that you are appearing for the B.A final year then
you are applicable for the CAT exam

Also I am sorry to inform you that there is no relaxation of marks for the OBC category .

So , my friend you must work hard to score 50% and above for B.A to appear for CAT.
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9th August 2013, 10:20 AM
vikash kumar prajapati
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Default Re: Is there any consideration for OBC candidate in CAT examination?

Originally Posted by Aarohi rahul jekar View Post
Hi,i am priyanka. I just appear 3rd year B.A. part iii. My total percentage in last 2 year is 46%. I belong from OBC catagory. If my total percentage will not 50% can i eligibale for CAT entrance???
CAT stands for Common Admission Test . This exam is given for taking admission in Master of Business Administration Course.If you will be best scorer in this exam then you will selected for IIM's for doing doing this course.The Rank Card of CAT Exam is taken into consideration by all Indian Management Institutes/Colleges.Through CAT Exam Rank Card you will also able to take admission in MBA and other Management courses in other Indian Institutes/Colleges.

As you are in Final year now ,so you will be eligible to apply for written test for CAT Exam.

Minimum marks required to appear in CAT Exam for General and OBC category candidates is 50% in Bachelor degree course,for SC/ST category Candidates 45% in Bachelor degree course.This is only for the Pass out candidates in Graduation.

If you do not able to get a minimum of 50% marks in Final examination of Graduation then its not be possible to appear in CAT Exam
As you are in Final year,so you will have to work hard as because you belong from the OBC category.If you will not able to get a minimum of 50% marks in your final examination then you will not be allowed to take admission even if you get passed in CAT Written exam.

There is also Seats reservation through CAT Exam as per category wise Nation Wide.Its details are as :
  • 15% seats reserved for Scheduled Caste.
  • 7.5% seats reserved for Scheduled Tribes.
  • 27% seats reserved for OBC candidates.
Selection Process through CAT Exam :
  1. Written Ability Test.
  2. Group Discussion.
  3. Personal Interview.
Exam Syllabus and Pattern details for CAT Written Exam :

PAPER I) Time Duration - 1 Hour and 10 Minutes.
  • Quantitative Ability.
  • Data Interpretation.
PAPER II) Time Duration - 1 Hour and 10 Minutes.
  • Verbal Ability.
  • Logical Reasoning.
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9th August 2013, 10:28 AM
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Default Re: Is there any consideration for OBC candidate in CAT examination?

Re: I s there any consideration for OBC candidates in CAT examination?

Hi friend,

CAT stands for common admission test which is conducted for pursuing MBA from IIM'S
master of business administration is a post graduation course of duration 2 year,
minimum marks requirement is 50% to apply for cat,

sorry to say that OBC candidates are not provided any relaxation in cat, only sc/st candidates are allowed relaxation of 5%,

all the best.............
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12th August 2013, 02:34 PM
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Default Re: Is there any consideration for OBC candidate in CAT examination?

Originally Posted by Aarohi rahul jekar View Post
Hi,i am priyanka. I just appear 3rd year B.A. part iii. My total percentage in last 2 year is 46%. I belong from OBC catagory. If my total percentage will not 50% can i eligibale for CAT entrance???
Sorry to say , No relaxation will applicable for OBC candidates for CAT Entrance Examination. Only relaxation will be applicable for SC/ST candidates of 5% percentage of marks.

So, If you have scored below 50% Percentage of marks then you're not eligible for CAT Entrance Examination. It's Clear that you have to score Minimum 50% Percentage of marks required in order to apply for CAT Entrance Examination.

CAT stands for (Common Admission Test) and this Entrance Examination conducted by Indian Institute of Management . This Entrance Examination is organized for purpose of getting MBA Course in reputed colleges.

So, If you're qualified in CAT Entrance Examination then you may get admission for MBA Course in top Colleges.

Those applicant possessing bachelor degree or Equivalent qualification in any faculty from recognized university and should be obtained minimum 50% Percentage of marks for general and obc candidates.

Applicant who belong from sc/st candidate may relaxation will be given for 5% Percentage of marks.

The candidate who, qualified in Master degree course may also eligible to apply for CAT Entrance Examination.

So, If try to score 50% Percentage of marks in graduation course then definitely you're applicable for CAT Entrance Examination.
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1st September 2013, 06:58 PM
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Default Re: Is there any consideration for OBC candidate in CAT examination?

Originally Posted by Aarohi rahul jekar View Post
Hi,i am priyanka. I just appear 3rd year B.A. part iii. My total percentage in last 2 year is 46%. I belong from OBC catagory. If my total percentage will not 50% can i eligibale for CAT entrance???
Full form of CAT is Common Admission Test and this exam is conducted by the IIM in turns. For admission to the Post-graduate and Fellow Programs in management courses of several management institutes all over India this exam can be given.

The selection procedure for this exam usually consists of Written Examination, Personal Interview and Group Discussion round. Apart from CAT scores weightage is also given to academic performance, work experience, group discussion, written assessment and interview performance.

Exam Pattern:-
  1. Quantitative Ability & Data Interpretation- 1 hr. 10 mins (70 mins)- 30 Questions
  2. Verbal Ability & Logical Reasoning- 1 hr. 10 mins (70 mins)- 30 Questions
In order to sit for the CAT exam you have to have a graduate degree in any discipline of your choice. Not only that you also need to secure 50% of marks at graduation level and this is the main prerequisite which needs to be satisfied by one and all.

There is relaxation available but only for the SC/ST candidates and PWD candidates. So the relaxation that you are hoping for is not available for the OBC candidates. For the rest of the category 50% of marks is the criteria.

Please Note:- Now the marks secured by you is the aggregate marks of two year. You have just appeared for the third year and the result is yet to come out. So if your third year marks in anyway is capable of bridging that 4% marks gap then you will be definitely eligible to sit for the CAT examination.

Hope this helps :-> :->
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5th September 2013, 11:40 AM
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Default Re: Is there any consideration for OBC candidate in CAT examination?

Dear There,

CAT stands for Common Admission Test. The exam is conducted for getting admission in the IIM's and in top Management colleges for pursuing management courses.

* Eligibility criteria for CAT:

A candidate must secure 50% and above marks to take CAT examinations.

There is no marks relaxation granted to General and OBC category candidates, But SC/ST candidates with 45% marks in graduation are eligible for taking this exam.

Candidates in the graduation part 3rd are also eligible to take this examination.

As you mentioned you have secured 46% marks in part 2 of graduation you have to work hard to achieve at least 50% marks aggregate in graduation to be eligible for the exam, cause i have mentioned above that there is no any marks relaxation for OBC candidates.


The govt. has reserved 27% seats for the OBC category candidates.

* The pattern of selection in CAT :

Written Ability Test.
Group Discussion.
Personal Interview.

* Syllabus for CAT exam is mentioned below :

1st Paper) Time Duration - 1 Hour and 10 Minutes.

a) Quantitative Ability.
b) Data Interpretation.

2nd Paper) Time Duration - 1 Hour and 10 Minutes.

a) Verbal Ability.
b) Logical Reasoning.

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8th September 2013, 01:35 AM
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Default Re: Is there any consideration for OBC candidate in CAT examination?

Originally Posted by Aarohi rahul jekar View Post
Hi,i am priyanka. I just appear 3rd year B.A. part iii. My total percentage in last 2 year is 46%. I belong from OBC catagory. If my total percentage will not 50% can i eligibale for CAT entrance???
dear aspirant

CAT stands for common admission test , this exam is conducted for admission in iim & top management college of india

for cat the minimum requirement is graduation from a recognized college

50% marks minimum required in graduation

5% relaxation for sc/st students

no relaxation for obc students

so as there is no relaxation for obc students you need to score at least 50% to apply for cat ,

so score 50% in your graduation otherwise you will not be eligible for cat,

other than cat options you have is
atma, etc

good luck
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31st May 2015, 02:06 AM
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Default Re: Is there any consideration for OBC candidate in CAT examination?

how much fee is charged by IIM and is there any fee relief for students who score high percentage in CAT exam or OBC reservation
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