22nd June 2011, 05:33 PM
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Total average package offered to an IES and IAS officer?

dear sir,
how much total average package is offered to an IES and IAS officier...

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6th July 2011, 09:49 PM
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Arrow Re: Total average package offered to an IES and IAS officer?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
dear sir,
how much total average package is offered to an IES and IAS officier...
Indian Engineering Services : This is the premier job for Engineering students. This is the top job which is aspired by each and every engineering student of India.

But there is a small limitation for entering into this that is Only engineers of ECE,MECH,EEE,and Civil branch are eligible for this entrance examination.

Indian Administrative Services : This is the Top Indian Civil service which can be taken by students of all the fields.

The students from Arts,Science,Commerce and etc.., all the fields are eligible for this entrance exam

IAS is a service which is under CSE(Civil Services Exam) and this is conducted by UPSC delhi

IES is also conducted by the same UPSC

IES and IAS are the top services which are equal in its status but the only difference between them is one is of technical field the other is related to civil services.

The Pay packages are also not that different from the IAS officers but the career growth will be not that rapid when compared to them

The Initial Salary will be of 10-13 K per month with all the govt facilities provided.

Just those money will be for your external needs other than the primary needs.

After getting some experience you will get 20K after a few years 35k

In that way the salary will increase upto 1 Lac

This is the basic knowledge what I have about Pay packages.

But remember one thing whatever it may be IAS or IES remember that you're serving your motherland. Do the work which is assigned to you whether it may be technical or civil services Show your gratitude to your mother land

All the best


6th July 2011, 10:39 PM
Join Date: Jun 2011
Posts: 294
Default Re: Total average package offered to an IES and IAS officer?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
dear sir,
how much total average package is offered to an IES and IAS officier...
Dear Friend,

The pay scale of IES and IAS at junior scale on joining will be from Rs 15600-39100.

On next promotion as senior scale it will be increased from 37400 to 67000 plus allowance as admissible from time to time.


7th July 2011, 12:59 AM
Suvayu Pal
Join Date: Jul 2011
Posts: 5
Default Re: Total average package offered to an IES and IAS officer?

The average package for an IAS officer is Rs-80,000. But as we all know, it is one of the toughest exams conducted by Indian Government. So, to become an IAS officer and enjoy the power with a good salary, you really need to work hard to pass the UPSC exam. Be prepared to work harder.
Good luck.
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8th July 2011, 04:55 PM
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Default Re: Total average package offered to an IES and IAS officer?

my name is Ajay kumar my question is how much time spend in a day to become ias officer
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27th July 2011, 11:44 PM
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Default Re: Total average package offered to an IES and IAS officer?

ias toppers contact no ?
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28th September 2011, 01:16 PM
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Default Re: Total average package offered to an IES and IAS officer?

I m lakhan , can i do self study at my house for ias
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1st October 2011, 12:09 AM
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Join Date: Sep 2011
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Cool Re: Total average package offered to an IES and IAS officer?

Dear Friend,

The pay scale of IES and IAS at junior scale on joining will be from Rs 15600-39100.

On next promotion as senior scale it will be increased from 37400 to 67000 plus allowance as admissible from time to time.


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28th October 2011, 05:56 PM
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Default Re: Total average package offered to an IES and IAS officer?

is there any key for IAS preparation?
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17th December 2011, 01:54 AM
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Default Re: Total average package offered to an IES and IAS officer?

i have done B.Tech in computer science ....can i give indian engineering service exam from E&TC branch...???
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27th December 2011, 04:15 PM
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Default Re: Total average package offered to an IES and IAS officer?

I'm a electrical engineering student. I have so much confusion in choosing subjects. Please sir guide me.
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19th February 2012, 11:26 PM
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Default Re: Total average package offered to an IES and IAS officer?

hi i am ghalib. I m in my 2nd year of civil engineering. So i want to know how do i start preparing for ias?? Should i do it frm now or later on. Plzz do advise me on it
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26th February 2012, 12:02 AM
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Default Re: Total average package offered to an IES and IAS officer?

sir ....
now a days in IES notification UPSC authority did not mention specific about the elligible branches of engineering for IES ...!!!!!!!

and they are just saying you should be a engineering degree holder .....!!!!!!!!
to eligible for this IES exam ...!!!!!!!
so does that mean that , all engineering branches are elligible for IES exam ....................???????????????????
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28th May 2012, 11:07 AM
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Default Re: Total average package offered to an IES and IAS officer?

package of an ias officer and ies officer
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22nd June 2012, 08:16 PM
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Default Re: Total average package offered to an IES and IAS officer?

if am born on 03rd spetember 1982, can i take the upsc exam to be conducted in 2013
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23rd June 2012, 01:16 PM
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Default Re: Total average package offered to an IES and IAS officer?

if i want to pass upsc but there are many posts in it....but i dnt want any police department like ips,sp,deputy inspector .....so after passing the xam may i wil get right to choose my post??? plz reply m very confuse
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23rd June 2012, 03:14 PM
Join Date: Jun 2012
Posts: 408
Default Re: Total average package offered to an IES and IAS officer?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
if i want to pass upsc but there are many posts in it....but i dnt want any police department like ips,sp,deputy inspector .....so after passing the xam may i wil get right to choose my post??? plz reply m very confuse

Indian Engineering Services :

This is the premier job for Engineering students. This is the top job which is aspired by each and every engineering student of India.

But there is a small limitation for entering into this that is Only engineers of ECE,MECH,EEE,and Civil branch are eligible for this entrance examination.

Indian Administrative Services :

This is the Top Indian Civil service which can be taken by students of all the fields.

The students from Arts,Science,Commerce and etc.., all the fields are eligible for this entrance exam

IAS is a service which is under CSE(Civil Services Exam) and this is conducted by UPSC delhi

IES is also conducted by the same UPSC

IES and IAS are the top services which are equal in its status but the only difference between them is one is of technical field the other is related to civil services.

The Pay packages are also not that different from the IAS officers but the career growth will be not that rapid when compared to them

The Initial Salary will be of 10-13 K per month with all the govt facilities provided.

Just those money will be for your external needs other than the primary needs.

After getting some experience you will get 20K after a few years 35k

In that way the salary will increase upto 1 Lac

This is the basic knowledge what I have about Pay packages.

But remember one thing whatever it may be IAS or IES remember that you're serving your motherland. Do the work which is assigned to you whether it may be technical or civil services Show your gratitude to your mother land

All the best

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23rd June 2012, 05:22 PM
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Join Date: Jun 2012
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Default Re: Total average package offered to an IES and IAS officer?

Hi dear,
IES stands for Indian Engineering Service.
IAS stands for Indian Administrative Service.
The payment scale for juniors is 15600 to 39100.
After promotion payment for senior scale is 37400 to 67000.
All The Best
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15th July 2012, 10:23 AM
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Default Re: Total average package offered to an IES and IAS officer?

what is the average salary of an ies officer?
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21st July 2012, 03:48 PM
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Default Re: Total average package offered to an IES and IAS officer?


during training the basic pay scale is 34600

after training pay scale is 39100

after selection grade is 67000

besides that they can use free car,phone bill,electricity,home rent,incentives,etc..

total cost for an ias in which government pays is 90000..

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5th May 2013, 04:50 PM
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Default Re: Total average package offered to an IES and IAS officer?

i am a science student in 12 .how do you think will it help me to get into IAS
moreover will i have to change my field after 12
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22nd May 2013, 12:39 PM
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Default Re: Total average package offered to an IES and IAS officer?

is there a post for software engineer in IES
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10th June 2013, 05:24 PM
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Default Re: Total average package offered to an IES and IAS officer?

sir i am doing btech 2nd year from ece trade. i want to opt for ias but i am cnfused between ias and ies as ies preparation starts in final year and ias preparation starts after btech to should i go for ies first and then for ias ?
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20th July 2013, 09:53 AM
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Default Re: Total average package offered to an IES and IAS officer?

Which is best coaching center for ias in delhi?
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21st September 2013, 05:20 PM
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Default Re: Total average package offered to an IES and IAS officer?

I'm a 2 nd year student of mechanical engineering ....I want to know the way of preparation for an ies exam.....can u pls help me in this...
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29th September 2013, 02:04 AM
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Default Re: Total average package offered to an IES and IAS officer?

Sir i am a b.tech 2nd year ece student from uptu .i want to became an ies officer after exiting the b.tech
can you tell me how to achieve this goal efficiently
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30th September 2013, 07:02 PM
Join Date: May 2012
Posts: 121
Default Re: Total average package offered to an IES and IAS officer?

The pay scale of IES and IAS at junior scale on joining will be from Rs 16000-40000.
after selection grade is 67000
besides that they can use free car,phone bill,electricity,home rent,incentives,etc..
total cost for an ias in which government pays is 90000..
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30th September 2013, 07:30 PM
vaibhav joshte
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Default Re: Total average package offered to an IES and IAS officer?

This is the premier job for Engineering students. This is the top job which is aspired by each and every engineering student of India.
But there is a small limitation for entering into this that is Only engineers of ECE,MECH,EEE,and Civil branch are eligible for this entrance examination.
Indian Administrative Services : This is the Top Indian Civil service which can be taken by students of all the fields.
The students from Arts,Science,Commerce and etc.., all the fields are eligible for this entrance exam
IAS is a service which is under CSE(Civil Services Exam) and this is conducted by UPSC delhi
IES is also conducted by the same UPSC
IES and IAS are the top services which are equal in its status but the only difference between them is one is of technical field the other is related to civil services.
The Pay packages are also not that different from the IAS officers but the career growth will be not that rapid when compared to them
The Initial Salary will be of 10-13 K per month with all the govt facilities provided.
Just those money will be for your external needs other than the primary needs.
After getting some experience you will get 20K after a few years 35k
In that way the salary will increase upto 1 Lac
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30th September 2013, 07:32 PM
vaibhav joshte
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Posts: 243
Default Re: Total average package offered to an IES and IAS officer?

This is the premier job for Engineering students. This is the top job which is aspired by each and every engineering student of India.
But there is a small limitation for entering into this that is Only engineers of ECE,MECH,EEE,and Civil branch are eligible for this entrance examination.
Indian Administrative Services : This is the Top Indian Civil service which can be taken by students of all the fields.
The students from Arts,Science,Commerce and etc.., all the fields are eligible for this entrance exam
IAS is a service which is under CSE(Civil Services Exam) and this is conducted by UPSC delhi
IES is also conducted by the same UPSC
IES and IAS are the top services which are equal in its status but the only difference between them is one is of technical field the other is related to civil services.
The Pay packages are also not that different from the IAS officers but the career growth will be not that rapid when compared to them
The Initial Salary will be of 10-13 K per month with all the govt facilities provided.
Just those money will be for your external needs other than the primary needs.
After getting some experience you will get 20K after a few years 35k
In that way the salary will increase upto 1 Lac
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30th September 2013, 07:42 PM
vaibhav joshte
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Posts: 243
Default Re: Total average package offered to an IES and IAS officer?

The average package for an IAS officer is Rs-80,000. But as we all know, it is one of the toughest exams conducted by Indian Government. So, to become an IAS officer and enjoy the power with a good salary, you really need to work hard to pass the UPSC exam
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30th September 2013, 09:03 PM
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Default Re: Total average package offered to an IES and IAS officer?

Indian Engineering Services : This is the premier job for Engineering students. This is the top job which is aspired by each and every engineering student of India.

But there is a small limitation for entering into this that is Only engineers of ECE,MECH,EEE,and Civil branch are eligible for this entrance examination.

Indian Administrative Services : This is the Top Indian Civil service which can be taken by students of all the fields.

The students from Arts,Science,Commerce and etc.., all the fields are eligible for this entrance exam

IAS is a service which is under CSE(Civil Services Exam) and this is conducted by UPSC delhi

IES is also conducted by the same UPSC

IES and IAS are the top services which are equal in its status but the only difference between them is one is of technical field the other is related to civil services.

The Pay packages are also not that different from the IAS officers but the career growth will be not that rapid when compared to them

The Initial Salary will be of 10-13 K per month with all the govt facilities provided.

Just those money will be for your external needs other than the primary needs.

After getting some experience you will get 20K after a few years 35k

In that way the salary will increase upto 1 Lac

This is the basic knowledge what I have about Pay packages.

But remember one thing whatever it may be IAS or IES remember that you're serving your motherland. Do the work which is assigned to you whether it may be technical or civil services Show your gratitude to your mother land
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30th September 2013, 09:05 PM
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Thumbs up Re: Total average package offered to an IES and IAS officer?

Indian Engineering Services : This is the premier job for Engineering students. This is the top job which is aspired by each and every engineering student of India.

But there is a small limitation for entering into this that is Only engineers of ECE,MECH,EEE,and Civil branch are eligible for this entrance examination.

Indian Administrative Services : This is the Top Indian Civil service which can be taken by students of all the fields.

The students from Arts,Science,Commerce and etc.., all the fields are eligible for this entrance exam

IAS is a service which is under CSE(Civil Services Exam) and this is conducted by UPSC delhi

IES is also conducted by the same UPSC

IES and IAS are the top services which are equal in its status but the only difference between them is one is of technical field the other is related to civil services.

The Pay packages are also not that different from the IAS officers but the career growth will be not that rapid when compared to them

The Initial Salary will be of 10-13 K per month with all the govt facilities provided.

Just those money will be for your external needs other than the primary needs.

After getting some experience you will get 20K after a few years 35k

In that way the salary will increase upto 1 Lac

This is the basic knowledge what I have about Pay packages.

But remember one thing whatever it may be IAS or IES remember that you're serving your motherland. Do the work which is assigned to you whether it may be technical or civil services Show your gratitude to your mother land
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30th September 2013, 10:13 PM
Join Date: Aug 2013
Posts: 202
Default Re: Total average package offered to an IES and IAS officer?

dear friend........................
Indian Engineering Services : This is the premier job for Engineering students. This is the top job which is aspired by each and every engineering student of India.

But there is a small limitation for entering into this that is Only engineers of ECE,MECH,EEE,and Civil branch are eligible for this entrance examination.

Indian Administrative Services : This is the Top Indian Civil service which can be taken by students of all the fields.

The students from Arts,Science,Commerce and etc.., all the fields are eligible for this entrance exam

IAS is a service which is under CSE(Civil Services Exam) and this is conducted by UPSC delhi

IES is also conducted by the same UPSC

IES and IAS are the top services which are equal in its status but the only difference between them is one is of technical field the other is related to civil services.

The Pay packages are also not that different from the IAS officers but the career growth will be not that rapid when compared to them

The Initial Salary will be of 10-13 K per month with all the govt facilities provided.

Just those money will be for your external needs other than the primary needs.

After getting some experience you will get 20K after a few years 35k

In that way the salary will increase upto 1 Lac

This is the basic knowledge what I have about Pay packages.

But remember one thing whatever it may be IAS or IES remember that you're serving your motherland. Do the work which is assigned to you whether it may be technical or civil services Show your gratitude to your mother land

All the best
thank you...............
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30th September 2013, 10:16 PM
Join Date: Aug 2013
Posts: 202
Post Re: Total average package offered to an IES and IAS officer?

dear friend........................
Indian Engineering Services : This is the premier job for Engineering students. This is the top job which is aspired by each and every engineering student of India.

But there is a small limitation for entering into this that is Only engineers of ECE,MECH,EEE,and Civil branch are eligible for this entrance examination.

Indian Administrative Services : This is the Top Indian Civil service which can be taken by students of all the fields.

The students from Arts,Science,Commerce and etc.., all the fields are eligible for this entrance exam

IAS is a service which is under CSE(Civil Services Exam) and this is conducted by UPSC delhi

IES is also conducted by the same UPSC

IES and IAS are the top services which are equal in its status but the only difference between them is one is of technical field the other is related to civil services.

The Pay packages are also not that different from the IAS officers but the career growth will be not that rapid when compared to them

The Initial Salary will be of 10-13 K per month with all the govt facilities provided.

Just those money will be for your external needs other than the primary needs.

After getting some experience you will get 20K after a few years 35k

In that way the salary will increase upto 1 Lac

This is the basic knowledge what I have about Pay packages.

But remember one thing whatever it may be IAS or IES remember that you're serving your motherland. Do the work which is assigned to you whether it may be technical or civil services Show your gratitude to your mother land

All the best
thank you...............
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2nd October 2013, 08:46 PM
Join Date: Aug 2013
Posts: 202
Default Re: Total average package offered to an IES and IAS officer?

dear friend..........
during training the basic pay scale is 34600

after training pay scale is 39100

after selection grade is 67000

besides that they can use free car,phone bill,electricity,home rent,incentives,etc..

total cost for an ias in which government pays is 90000..

thank you........
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2nd October 2013, 08:48 PM
Join Date: Aug 2013
Posts: 202
Default Re: Total average package offered to an IES and IAS officer?

dear friend............
Indian Engineering Services :

This is the premier job for Engineering students. This is the top job which is aspired by each and every engineering student of India.

But there is a small limitation for entering into this that is Only engineers of ECE,MECH,EEE,and Civil branch are eligible for this entrance examination.

Indian Administrative Services :

This is the Top Indian Civil service which can be taken by students of all the fields.

The students from Arts,Science,Commerce and etc.., all the fields are eligible for this entrance exam

IAS is a service which is under CSE(Civil Services Exam) and this is conducted by UPSC delhi

IES is also conducted by the same UPSC

IES and IAS are the top services which are equal in its status but the only difference between them is one is of technical field the other is related to civil services.

The Pay packages are also not that different from the IAS officers but the career growth will be not that rapid when compared to them

The Initial Salary will be of 10-13 K per month with all the govt facilities provided.

Just those money will be for your external needs other than the primary needs.

After getting some experience you will get 20K after a few years 35k

In that way the salary will increase upto 1 Lac

This is the basic knowledge what I have about Pay packages.

But remember one thing whatever it may be IAS or IES remember that you're serving your motherland. Do the work which is assigned to you whether it may be technical or civil services Show your gratitude to your mother land

best of luck...
thank you.............
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2nd October 2013, 08:53 PM
Join Date: Aug 2013
Posts: 202
Default Re: Total average package offered to an IES and IAS officer?

dear friend............
Indian Engineering Services :

This is the premier job for Engineering students. This is the top job which is aspired by each and every engineering student of India.

But there is a small limitation for entering into this that is Only engineers of ECE,MECH,EEE,and Civil branch are eligible for this entrance examination.

Indian Administrative Services :

This is the Top Indian Civil service which can be taken by students of all the fields.

The students from Arts,Science,Commerce and etc.., all the fields are eligible for this entrance exam

IAS is a service which is under CSE(Civil Services Exam) and this is conducted by UPSC delhi

IES is also conducted by the same UPSC

IES and IAS are the top services which are equal in its status but the only difference between them is one is of technical field the other is related to civil services.

The Pay packages are also not that different from the IAS officers but the career growth will be not that rapid when compared to them

The Initial Salary will be of 10-13 K per month with all the govt facilities provided.

Just those money will be for your external needs other than the primary needs.

After getting some experience you will get 20K after a few years 35k

In that way the salary will increase upto 1 Lac

This is the basic knowledge what I have about Pay packages.

But remember one thing whatever it may be IAS or IES remember that you're serving your motherland. Do the work which is assigned to you whether it may be technical or civil services Show your gratitude to your mother land

best of luck...
thank you.............
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2nd October 2013, 09:00 PM
Join Date: Aug 2013
Posts: 202
Default Re: Total average package offered to an IES and IAS officer?

dear friend............
Indian Engineering Services :

This is the premier job for Engineering students. This is the top job which is aspired by each and every engineering student of India.

But there is a small limitation for entering into this that is Only engineers of ECE,MECH,EEE,and Civil branch are eligible for this entrance examination.

Indian Administrative Services :

This is the Top Indian Civil service which can be taken by students of all the fields.

The students from Arts,Science,Commerce and etc.., all the fields are eligible for this entrance exam

IAS is a service which is under CSE(Civil Services Exam) and this is conducted by UPSC delhi

IES is also conducted by the same UPSC

IES and IAS are the top services which are equal in its status but the only difference between them is one is of technical field the other is related to civil services.

The Pay packages are also not that different from the IAS officers but the career growth will be not that rapid when compared to them

The Initial Salary will be of 10-13 K per month with all the govt facilities provided.

Just those money will be for your external needs other than the primary needs.

After getting some experience you will get 20K after a few years 35k

In that way the salary will increase upto 1 Lac

This is the basic knowledge what I have about Pay packages.

But remember one thing whatever it may be IAS or IES remember that you're serving your motherland. Do the work which is assigned to you whether it may be technical or civil services Show your gratitude to your mother land

best of luck...
thank you.............
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