2nd September 2013, 09:29 PM
What are the subjects related to civil engineering?
what are the subjects related to civil engineering
15th July 2015, 11:54 AM
In the first year of Civil engineering, the important subjects are as below:
>>Engineering Physics. >>Computer Programming. >>Engineering Chemistry. >>Electrical Engineering. >>Engineering Drawing. >>Engineering Mathematics. >>Basic Engineering Workshop. >>Engineering Mechanics. Core subjects of Civil Engineering: >>Civil Engineering material and construction process. >>Analysis and Design of Structures. >>Principle of Geoinformatics. >>Engineering Management. >>Construction Engineering and Management. >>Structural Engineering includes Design structures, advanced structural analysis. >>Environmental Engineering. >>Infrastructure of Urban development. >>Project work and Laboratory experiments. |
15th July 2015, 11:46 PM
Civil Engineering is one of the stream of Engineering. It is 4 years of course.
Civil Engineering has the following list of subjects- >> Engineering Mechanics >>Environmental Engineering >>Open channel flow >>Geo technical Engineering >>Construction Technology >>Surveying and Transportation Engineering >>Railway Engineering >>Highway Engineering >>Water Resources Engineering >>Civil Engineering material and construction process >>Engineering Mathematics >>Engineering Drawing >>Engineering Physics |