8th November 2011, 03:52 PM
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What's the eligibility and preparatory procedure for IFS Exam? I am in B.Tech 3rd year (IT).

I m student of 3rd year engineerin in information technology.am i eligible for i.f.s. Exam and how can i prepare for this exam?

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8th July 2012, 06:04 PM
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Default Re: What's the eligibility and preparatory procedure for IFS Exam? I am in B.Tech 3rd year (IT).

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I m student of 3rd year engineerin in information technology.am i eligible for i.f.s. Exam and how can i prepare for this exam?

Eligibility Criteria for IFS exam -


The candidate must be a citizen of India or a subject of Nepal or Bhutan or a Tibetan refugee.

Age limit

-the candidate must have completed 21 years of age and should be less than 30 years of age as on ! august of the year of examination. It means candidate who has attained the age of 30 before 1 Aug will no be eligible

- Schedule caste, schedule tribe and ex-servicemen candidates are given a relaxation of 5 years in the upper age limit.

-Other backward class candidates are given a relaxation of 3 years in the upper age limit.

Number of attempts

The General candidates can attempt the exam only 4 times and OBC candidates can attempt the exam 7 times. There is no restriction to the number of attempts for SC/ST candidates.

Preparation procedure

There will be one paper of English language, one of General knowledge and you will have to choose 2 optional subjects. There will be 2 papers for each of the optional subject.

Since there are 2 papers of the each optional subject you must choose it wisely only after checking the syllabus. Just remember that there are certain combination of subjects which are not allowed like mathematics and statistics.

For the optional subjects you will have to make a thorough study of the textbooks

All the questions will be essay type, your handwriting must be good otherwise marks may be deducted.

For General studies you must read out newspaper like the Hindu and journals and magazines like Kurushetra , the frontline, some news weeklies like India today etc. of last 6 months to prepare the current events part.

For history and geography part of the GK paper you can refer to NCERT books.

And you should definitely study out some books having solved papers of a last few years. This gives a good idea of the marks distribution.
8th July 2012, 06:48 PM
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Default Re: What's the eligibility and preparatory procedure for IFS Exam? I am in B.Tech 3rd year (IT).

IFS is the Indian Forest Service Examination.

> A Bachelor’s degree with at least one of the subjects namely, Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Science, Botany, Chemistry, Geology, Mathematics, Physics, Statistics and Zoology or a Bachelor’s degree in Agriculture or Forestry or Engineering of a recognised university or equivalent.

21-30 Years on 1st July of the year of examination

> notification of examination comes in the month of January and February.

>Exam held in the month of July.

There is exam conducted by the board.
1. Written or conventional essay type:
In which 6 papers included of total marks of 1400.
A. General English:300 Marks
B.General Knowledge:300 marks
(C. and D) and (E and F) are two optional subjects. each subject has two papers. and 200 Marks for each.

Optional subjects can be:
Agricultural Engineering
Animal Husbandary & Veterinary Science
Chemical Engineering
Civil Engineering
Mechanical Engineering

2, second Test is
Interview for Personality Test of 300 Marks

Preparation procedure :
> you must prepare the General English for the Essay writing

> Prepare the personality development..

All the best for Examination.
8th July 2012, 07:34 PM
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Default Re: What's the eligibility and preparatory procedure for IFS Exam? I am in B.Tech 3rd year (IT).

Eligibility Criteria for IFS Examination :

Candidates must be a Indian
Candidates complete a degree in any stream from a recognized university
Age limit between 21 to 30 years for General candidates , age relaxation as per govt rules 3 years for OBC & 5 years for SC/ST candidates

Number of Attempts :

General candidates : 4 times
OBC candidates : 7 times
SC/ST candidates : no limit

Selection Process :

Preliminary Examination
Main Examination

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12th July 2012, 08:15 PM
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Default Re: What's the eligibility and preparatory procedure for IFS Exam? I am in B.Tech 3rd year (IT).


IFS Stands for Indian Forest Service Examination and this examination is conducted by UPSC(Union Public Service Commission) Every Year.


To Apply for this examination you must have completed degree with one of the subject Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science, Botany, Geology, Chemistry, Geology, Physics, Mathematics, Statistics and Zoology etc.

Final year appearing candidates are eligible for this exam.

The age limit of this examination should be between 21 to 30 years. The upper age relaxation should be applicable. 3 years age relaxation for obc and 5 years for sc/st candidates.

No of attempts:

4 for general Category

7 for obc

No limit for the sc/st categories

There is selection process providing in three stages

Preliminary exam

Main Exam

Personal Interview

Exam Pattern:

Written test-300 marks

General Knowledge-300marks

Any two optional Subjects-200marks
from the list of options

The candidate cracked the written test are eligible for the personal Interview

for more details visit the website


all the best.
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19th July 2012, 06:47 PM
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Default Re: What's the eligibility and preparatory procedure for IFS Exam? I am in B.Tech 3rd year (IT).


IFS(Indian Forest Service).This exam is conducted by the Union Public Service Commission(UPSC) in every year.

Eligibility Criteria:

*The Candidate must completed Graduation with one of the subject Animal HusbandryandVeterinaryScience,Botany,Chemistry,Geo logy,Physics,Statistics, Mathematics and Zoology etc.

*Final year Pursuing Candidates are Eligible for this exam.

*Age limit:
The age limit between 21 to 30 years.Age relaxation should be applicable.

*For OBC Candidates age relaxation is 3 years.

*for SC/ST Candidates age relaxation is 5 years.

No of Attempts:

*For OBC Candidates 7 times

*For General Category 4 times

*No limit for SC/ST Candidates

Selection Process:

*Main Exam

*Preliminary Exam

*Personal Interview

Exam Pattern:

*Written Test - 300 marks

*General Knowledge - 300 marks

*Any two optional subjects- 200 marks from the list of options
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