2nd July 2011, 03:50 AM
Join Date: Jul 2011
Posts: 1

What should be my preparation pattern pursuing 3rd year of my B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering) and pasionate to become an IPS and want to start preparation for IAS exam?

i m a student of b.tech (mech.)..3 year....passionate to become an IPS and just start to prepare myself fr Ias EXAM. ....so what should be my preparation pattern now...mean concentrate much on Ias or b.tech ..and just simply concentrate on G.S and for CSP exam...and later on mains ....plzzz...help me out ...
I will be very thankful fr ur help..

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2nd July 2011, 12:37 PM
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Arrow Re: What should be my preparation pattern pursuing 3rd year of my B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering) and pasionate to become an IPS and want to start preparation for IAS exam?

Originally Posted by moaz View Post
i m a student of b.tech (mech.)..3 year....passionate to become an IPS and just start to prepare myself fr Ias EXAM. ....so what should be my preparation pattern now...mean concentrate much on Ias or b.tech ..and just simply concentrate on G.S and for CSP exam...and later on mains ....plzzz...help me out ...
I will be very thankful fr ur help..
Its really happy to hear that One of the young Engineering student is passionate about giving his services to the country.

My dear friend I will be happy to help you providing details and suggestions to your present situation.

First of all you're eligible to write the examination after 4th year of B.tech or after completing 21 years of age. Which ever is first.

Ohk till then you have to prepare for the examination mentally physically and in all the other ways too.

passionate to become an IPS and just start to prepare myself fr Ias EXAM. ...
Yeah it is a good decision that you are thinking to prepare yourself but don't hesitate to take the help of coaching institute to achieve your goal. Don't feel shy to take coaching until and unless you are really capable of self studying whole heartedly.

Nothing you will lose by attempting yourself but the thing is you will lose the most valuable time to serve your nation. Be careful about this aspect if you fail clearing at any stage of the examination. you have to write again from the first.

so what should be my preparation pattern now.
Preparation strategy differs from each person to the other person. So you the one who can decide about preparation strategy

But according to my opinion you need to be that much worried about preparation at this time as you're just a B.Tech student.

Now you should remember one single word is.

Persistence Attitude
"Little by Little One travels far - Swami Vivekananda"

So from now on just concentrate little portion like the General Knowledge and current affairs in day to day life and then slowly excel your preparation schedule this can't come with the suggestions by the third persons like me its your will power who should decide the preparation pattern.

mean concentrate much on Ias or b.tech .
Definitely you have to commit to the work what you are committed for long back. i.e., you should keep body,mind and soul in completing B.Tech successfully if you have any free time then concentrate on IAS as I said earlier learn health habbits like reading Newspaper,Listening to News, Participating in health debates about Nations Integrity etc.,

and just simply concentrate on G.S and for CSP exam...and later on mains ....plzzz...help me out
No one subject can make your goal succeeded so you have to concentrate equally on all the subjects do the thing perfectly for which you are committed then definitely you will win the race.

All the best


4th July 2011, 01:47 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: What should be my preparation pattern pursuing 3rd year of my B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering) and pasionate to become an IPS and want to start preparation for IAS exam?

as i m a student of b tech 3rd year(electronics and communication branch). I m not that bright student but i wanted to become an IAS,at least i wanna try ,so i wanted to know how should i go fr dis exam.How should i concentrate and manage both my fields.I wanna know what should i have to prepare,which subjects are gonna be,i m not getting proper guidance.How to prepare?
4th July 2011, 10:04 PM
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Default Re: What should be my preparation pattern pursuing 3rd year of my B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering) and pasionate to become an IPS and want to start preparation for IAS exam?

Hi User
I would like to advice you that please maintain a certain percentage(70%) that makes you eligible to sit in campus recruitments..so in case you have a job in hand to be secure..
Make a habit to read newspapers...Read HINDU...and master your subjects in mechanical so you can take one of your graduation subjects as optional...
Good Luck
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24th August 2011, 03:24 PM
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Default Re: What should be my preparation pattern pursuing 3rd year of my B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering) and pasionate to become an IPS and want to start preparation for IAS exam?

in syllabus of mechanical engineering which subject is important for preparing the ips exam... please tell me
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9th October 2011, 12:51 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: What should be my preparation pattern pursuing 3rd year of my B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering) and pasionate to become an IPS and want to start preparation for IAS exam?

How should I prepare for IES examination? I am Ist year B.Tech in ECE.
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4th November 2011, 08:25 PM
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Default Re: What should be my preparation pattern pursuing 3rd year of my B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering) and pasionate to become an IPS and want to start preparation for IAS exam?

sir, i m a student of 3rd year electronics-engineering and i want to take admission in SPIPA,ahmedabad for best coaching in UPSC (IAS/IPS) exams......... how should i prepare myself for entrance exam taken by SPIPA for forming new batch for next year...... plz sir, guide me to read which type of news in news-paper, to read which type of books initially... do something valuable sir........ thanking you
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5th January 2012, 02:32 PM
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Default Re: What should be my preparation pattern pursuing 3rd year of my B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering) and pasionate to become an IPS and want to start preparation for IAS exam?

i am in bcom 2nd year now and want to be IFS . should i start taking coaching from my 3rd year? i want to sit for the exam immediately after my graduation. help me out.
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11th January 2012, 11:58 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: What should be my preparation pattern pursuing 3rd year of my B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering) and pasionate to become an IPS and want to start preparation for IAS exam?

which books should i prefer for the preparation for IAS exam as i am a student of 2nd year b.tech (electronics and communication) and which subjects are to kept for optionals??????????
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11th January 2012, 03:32 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: What should be my preparation pattern pursuing 3rd year of my B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering) and pasionate to become an IPS and want to start preparation for IAS exam?

i am a engineering student of 1st year and heartly wanted to prepare for ias kindly please give advice what to do for it?????????????
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13th March 2012, 11:25 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: What should be my preparation pattern pursuing 3rd year of my B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering) and pasionate to become an IPS and want to start preparation for IAS exam?

how to start preparation for IAS exam while pursuing B.tech in Information Technology.
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24th May 2012, 07:24 PM
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Default Re: What should be my preparation pattern pursuing 3rd year of my B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering) and pasionate to become an IPS and want to start preparation for IAS exam?

Dear sir I passed b.tech in ece, now I wanna prepare for ips,ies,ifs, so how I can prepare for these all types of exems, should I help ofrom any coaching center, plzz help me sir this time m totely confused ,wht should I want to do I don't know so help me sir how I can start my prepartion?
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25th June 2012, 05:16 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: What should be my preparation pattern pursuing 3rd year of my B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering) and pasionate to become an IPS and want to start preparation for IAS exam?

sir,a'm doing pharmcy graduation final yr ,how should i start my for preparation for ias?
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27th July 2012, 09:47 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: What should be my preparation pattern pursuing 3rd year of my B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering) and pasionate to become an IPS and want to start preparation for IAS exam?

I am having a strong desire to get selected as an IAS officer,now am doing my B-Tech(4-1(cse)),i am in a confused state that should i start preparing for 2013 exams....i'm having 80% in my B-Tech.... can anyone say a way to get rid of my confusion.plz.........
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12th August 2012, 01:35 PM
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Default Re: What should be my preparation pattern pursuing 3rd year of my B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering) and pasionate to become an IPS and want to start preparation for IAS exam?

i am a b.tech 2nd year studend.
And i want to become an IP
S officer after complete

b.tech. then what should be the process of my preparation for ias exam.
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15th August 2012, 11:22 PM
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Default Re: What should be my preparation pattern pursuing 3rd year of my B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering) and pasionate to become an IPS and want to start preparation for IAS exam?

Originally Posted by moaz
i m a student of b.tech (mech.)..3 year....passionate to become an IPS and just start to prepare myself fr Ias EXAM. ....so what should be my preparation pattern now...mean concentrate much on Ias or b.tech ..and just simply concentrate on G.S and for CSP exam...and later on mains ....plzzz...help me out ...
I will be very thankful fr ur help..
Its really happy to hear that One of the young Engineering student is passionate about giving his services to the country.

My dear friend I will be happy to help you providing details and suggestions to your present situation.

First of all you're eligible to write the examination after 4th year of B.tech or after completing 21 years of age. Which ever is first.

Ohk till then you have to prepare for the examination mentally physically and in all the other ways too.

passionate to become an IPS and just start to prepare myself fr Ias EXAM. ...
Yeah it is a good decision that you are thinking to prepare yourself but don't hesitate to take the help of coaching institute to achieve your goal. Don't feel shy to take coaching until and unless you are really capable of self studying whole heartedly.

Nothing you will lose by attempting yourself but the thing is you will lose the most valuable time to serve your nation. Be careful about this aspect if you fail clearing at any stage of the examination. you have to write again from the first.

so what should be my preparation pattern now.
Preparation strategy differs from each person to the other person. So you the one who can decide about preparation strategy

But according to my opinion you need to be that much worried about preparation at this time as you're just a B.Tech student.

Now you should remember one single word is.

Persistence Attitude
"Little by Little One travels far - Swami Vivekananda"

So from now on just concentrate little portion like the General Knowledge and current affairs in day to day life and then slowly excel your preparation schedule this can't come with the suggestions by the third persons like me its your will power who should decide the preparation pattern.

mean concentrate much on Ias or b.tech .
Definitely you have to commit to the work what you are committed for long back. i.e., you should keep body,mind and soul in completing B.Tech successfully if you have any free time then concentrate on IAS as I said earlier learn health habbits like reading Newspaper,Listening to News, Participating in health debates about Nations Integrity etc.,

and just simply concentrate on G.S and for CSP exam...and later on mains ....plzzz...help me out
No one subject can make your goal succeeded so you have to concentrate equally on all the subjects do the thing perfectly for which you are committed then definitely you will win the race.

All the best
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6th October 2012, 05:47 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: What should be my preparation pattern pursuing 3rd year of my B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering) and pasionate to become an IPS and want to start preparation for IAS exam?

I am 3rd year bds student want to know in which subjects can do for ias exam
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13th June 2013, 11:48 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: What should be my preparation pattern pursuing 3rd year of my B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering) and pasionate to become an IPS and want to start preparation for IAS exam?

I am in b.tech first year and after 5 years i want to give exam of ias so what can i do?
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