11th June 2014, 06:07 PM
M.Tech VLSI curriculum at Calcutta university? How is the faculty? GATE qualified students are entitled for stipend or not?
I am a gate qualified student and have got a chance to do 2 year regular m.tech program in vlsi design under university of calcutta ( at institute of radio physics and electronics) but i want to know how is the curriculum ? is there any scope for research in vlsi design ? is the faculty good ? moreover, are gate qualified students entitled to monthly stipend according to ugc in university of calcutta ?
please let me know all these. regards. |
4th May 2017, 01:26 AM
If the college or institute is AICTE approved, then you will definitely get stipend based on your GATE score. You can apply for it through AICTE official website.
Calcutta University is a reputed university and definitely the curriculum will be on par with other top colleges or institutes. Just visit the campus before taking your decision. |