14th April 2016, 11:43 AM
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What is the procedure followed to get admission in srisathya Sai primary school?

What is the procedure followed to get admission in srisathya Sai primary school for 4th standard? Can you please provide me the details on this? It will be helpful if you can answer me back as soon as possible. Thank you!

14th April 2016, 04:02 PM
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Default Re: What is the procedure followed to get admission in srisathya Sai primary school?

Sri Sathya Sai Primary School conducts their entrance exam for new admissions. Now just visit the school and buy a prospectus because you will get all the details about the school in the prospectus as well as an application form. Fill up the form and submit in the same office where you purchased the form. After that they will provide you a date for entrance exam and syllabus. Prepare well because as I told you admissions are provided on the behalf of your performance.
14th April 2016, 04:15 PM
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Default Re: What is the procedure followed to get admission in srisathya Sai primary school?

Basically for admission of candidates in primary classes, there is no such entrance exams conducted, but in the above mentioned school, a small exam is conducted for candidates for admission above 3rd standard. Therefore, in your case, the candidate will have to appear for an entrance test and after clearing it, the candidate will be very much eligible to get admission in the above mentioned class.
14th April 2016, 07:13 PM
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Default Re: What is the procedure followed to get admission in srisathya Sai primary school?

To get admission in 4th standard in Sri Sathya Sai Primary School, you must have to obtain the application form from the school office directly or by sending D.D of Rs.100/- in favour of school principal between 1st January and 15th February of the year of admission. The filled in application form should be sent to school before 1st March of the year of admission for getting admission in fourth class in Sri Sathya Sai Primary School.

Eligibility Criteria :-
1. You must have passed 3rd standard from a recognised school.

2. You must have attained the minimum age of 8 1/2 years and must not exceed the maximum age of 9 1/2 years as on 30th September of year of admission.
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15th April 2016, 06:42 PM
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Default Re: What is the procedure followed to get admission in srisathya Sai primary school?

The procedure to take admission in Sri Sathya Sai primary school is that you first have to collect the admission form from the school office or you can get the application form through online process of admission. Then you you have to fill up the application form and submit the duly filled application form along with the documents required. After that there will be an entrance examination conducted by the school authorities to check the quality of the student, qualifying in which you can get admission in the above mentioned school.
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10th May 2016, 05:34 PM
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Default Re: What is the procedure followed to get admission in srisathya Sai primary school?

When will be the announcement of 1st Standard selection at Sri Sathya Sai Primary School for the year 2016/17
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14th November 2016, 12:48 AM
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Default Re: What is the procedure followed to get admission in srisathya Sai primary school?

When will be he announcement of 1st standard selection at sir Satya Sai primary school for the year 2017/18 & what is the eligibility criteria.
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9th January 2017, 08:35 PM
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Default Re: What is the procedure followed to get admission in srisathya Sai primary school?

Could you please tell me if there is any age criteria to be admitted in class 7 ?
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17th January 2017, 10:23 AM
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Default Re: What is the procedure followed to get admission in srisathya Sai primary school?

Could you please tell me the process of admission of 2nd standard in icse syllabus. My phone no.7032911636
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26th February 2017, 09:14 PM
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Default Re: What is the procedure followed to get admission in srisathya Sai primary school?

Respected sir, My son name k.paavan Sai, Dob:16/05/2012.
Sir ,what is the procedure followed to join LKG Class in satya Sai primary school.
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27th February 2017, 12:55 PM
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Default Re: What is the procedure followed to get admission in srisathya Sai primary school?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Respected sir, My son name k.paavan Sai, Dob:16/05/2012.
Sir ,what is the procedure followed to join LKG Class in satya Sai primary school.
Satya sai primary school is funded by satya sai central trust. It follows the CBSE pattern. According to which one must have completed the minimum required age of 4 and half year to get admission in LKG.
Since your son was born on 16/05/2012. He is very much eligible to get admission in LKG.
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17th May 2017, 02:13 PM
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Default Re: What is the procedure followed to get admission in srisathya Sai primary school?

Respected sir my son name is D. Kiran ved
Dob: 29/7 /2008
Sir what is the procedure follow to join in 5th standard.
Thanks &regards
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18th November 2017, 12:31 PM
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Default Re: What is the procedure followed to get admission in srisathya Sai primary school?

Respected sir/madam, My daughter name Poonam Swain, DOB: 20/10/11.Sir, what is the procedure follow to join 1st standard in Satya Sai primary School. And how i get admission application form and is it available online.
Thanks & Regards,
Anita Pradhan
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30th January 2018, 04:41 PM
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Default Re: What is the procedure followed to get admission in srisathya Sai primary school?

My son is studying 7th standard for the 2017-18 academic year at Hyderabad
now we want admission into 8th standard in your school.
May I know the procedure for mid admission
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16th March 2018, 12:18 AM
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Default Re: What is the procedure followed to get admission in srisathya Sai primary school?

My daughter is studying cbse 6th standard for the 2017-18 at vanita vishram girls school
Surat gujrat

Now we want admission in to 7th standard in your school so please suggest how to get admission.
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14th August 2018, 07:48 PM
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Default Re: What is the procedure followed to get admission in srisathya Sai primary school?

My son is studying UKG, His dob is 09-12-2013, How can i get the admission for him for first class for the year 2019-20 and what is the procedure for 1st class admission?
Kindly provide details.
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7th September 2018, 12:51 PM
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Default Re: What is the procedure followed to get admission in srisathya Sai primary school?

My sun is studying ukg , his dob is 04-04-2011, how can I get through admission for 4th class for ghetto year 2019-20 and what is the procedure for 4th class admission? Kindly provide details.
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