Is advertising highly creative?


India is regarded as the hub of creativity. It’s always being a general phenomenon that the people in India are in great demand abroad. When we consider the International advertising scenario its evident that advertising as an industry has reached many heights.

India is under global exposure. The aptitude and attitude of the Indian industry in advertisement arena has been acclaimed world wide.

The concept of Advertising demands of high value in India. The local talents produce a high amount of creative ideas and concepts enabling the top recruiters to try their luck in this area. Advertising is the important aspect of mass communication. Generally, the whole concept aims at attracting a target audience towards a particular product or service. There is a continuous challenge in this field as it critically very important to attract the attention of customers when a whole length of similar service or product is present in the market on a whole.

A career in advertising is very challenging in nature. This is as an industry has become more glamorous with increasingly more and more advertising firms that have been opening up. Any area of business includes advertising as an indispensable factor in it. This is an ideal concept for only those people who have high amount of creativity within themselves. Now a days the very concept of advertising has widened with new technologies or ideas emerging in the field of event management, marketing, brand management etc being the major one.

Advertising – a positive career track!

The career for advertising includes a variety of options. The career or job profiles in this sector includesadvertisement mangers, accounts manger, creative head etc. Apart from these there are various other options which open the doors for various other career options in this area. One should always pursue the job area which suits their talent in the possible manner.

Advertisement is a field of choice. The word choice in the sense that it helps in exhibiting ones knowledge in the specified area on one hand but a large extent depends mainly on ones talent or the point of thought of an individual. This creativity is mainly shown in to the advertisement that is produced.

Career Avenues

Indian market is growing in every respect. The Indian market on a large is witnessing the presence of all the major global brands also. The advertisement industry is on the verge of an opportunity to work with all the global brands which will enable them to think creatively. The strategies are scripted in such a way so as to bring in maximum profit in particular.

The advertisement concerns or agencies recruit candidates who have management degrees in the specific fields.  Apart from these, candidates from the mass communication or specialized degree in this field are given preference. The post graduate degree holders are more suitable for candidates who are opting for the areas such as client planning, media and market research activities etc.

Candidates who have a minimum degree in any discipline with good communication skills are also eligible to work in this area together with knowledge of Photoshop etc. There are various other courses at the degree level or diploma certified courses too which can be pursued by the candidates. The post graduate degree holders inn the field of sociology and Psychology are being preferred for qualitative and quantitative market research activities.

The candidates who are engaged in this area face in stiff competition in this business. The job nature is stable to a certain extent. According to various research activities which was carried on, the growth rate will be increasing to about 30 % in this area of advertising business in research areas. There is a high end recruitment that is taking place in this area of business. The recruiters will be highly choosy in selecting the candidates for the various positions. The advertising organizations are on the look out for highly motivated, energetic and enthusiastic individuals for dealing in this area of business.

What Recruiters look for?

Advertising business is highly varied. The mere survival in this industry is constantly being updated about the various trends in the industry. The candidates need to have a high degree of creativity clubbed with good observation and interests towards this area. Observation is also another important quality that one needs.

Some of the qualities which are mandatory in this field and which are always being looked upon by the recruiters are communication ability both oral and written, Decision making ability, tactfulness, creativity, Flexibility etc.

The general job market is highly competitive in nature. The nature of job and business also varies in this business of advertising. The salary package varies according to the size and the total turnover of the organization on a whole. But when we take the general view of the business in this section, the candidates or the people who are employed in this section earn many lucrative benefits apart from the salary package. The work satisfaction is an important factor in this industry.

The creativity side of the candidate will expand enabling them to think beyond the possible level. The success in this industry is purely based on the level to which they are ready to take risks. The consumers on the other hand have become more responsive in this area also. Many new products and services are continuously being offered in the industry. In India, the consumers are more responsive in terms of the advertisement concept on a whole.

The number of mediums through which a product can be represented are increasing day by day. Hence it becomes extremely difficult to choose the best medium. The major challenge lies in selecting the right medium of representation of a product. Hence to tackle this situation effectively, role of media planning is extremely important. As part of it there is an increased amount of campaigns that are being scheduled. Hence it can be said that the advertisement professionals constitute an important part of creative thinkers in this industry.



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