North Eastern regional Institute of Science and technology, Nirjuli conducts entrance examination for the various aspirants of degree, diploma and certificate courses called NERIST Entrance Examination (NEE). The North Eastern regional Institute of Science and technology is one of the well known technical institutes in the country and known for its excellence learning atmosphere for the students. The institute conducts the entrance examination every year and for each courses there will be separate entrance examination. Generally the examination is divided into three NEE I, for certificate courses, NEE II, for Diploma, and NEE III for degree courses. The popularity of the institutes and courses attracts a large number of candidates to take the examination.
Structure of NEE
The structure of the NEE differs according to the type of the examination.
NEE I: The Question paper is of MCQ format with objective type and the duration of the examination is 180 minutes. The question paper carries 150 marks and is divided into three parts,
- Physics: 35 Questions
- Chemistry: 35 Questions
- Mathematics: 80 Questions
NEE II: The NEE II again divided into two types, NEE II for the Vocational courses and NEE II for the technology and forestry program
NEE II (Vocational): The question paper caries 150 marks with objective type multiple choice formats. The question paper is divided into five sessions and the duration of the paper is set to be three hours.
- Physics: 10 Questions
- Chemistry: 10 Questions
- Mathematics/Biology: 10 Questions
- Common Engineering Sciences/ Common Biology Sciences: 20 Questions
- Vocational Subjects: 20 Questions
NEE II (technology and forestry): The question paper carries 150 questions with three hours duration. The question paper is divided into four parts and the candidates need to chose either of the part third or fourth part according to their preference.
- Physics: 45 Questions
- Chemistry: 45 questions
- Mathematics/Biology: 60 questions
NEE III: The duration of the examination is three hours and there will be 100 questions with 150 marks. The paper is divided into four sessions and the candidates need to attend each part to qualify for the examination.
- Physics: 25 questions
- Chemistry: 25 questions
- Mathematics: 25 questions
- Branch Subject: 25 questions
For each wrong response there will be minus marks in every examination.
Syllabus for NEE
Though the syllabus vary according to the nature of the examination the common syllabus of the examination is,
- Vector Algebra
- Trigonometry
- Theory of Equation
- Sequence and Series
- Matrices and Determinants
- Differential Calculus
- Complex Numbers
- Analytical Geometry
- Thermodynamics
- Solid States
- Organic Nitrogen Compounds
- Ethers
- Electro Chemistry
- D and F Block Elements
- Coordination Chemistry
- Carbonyl Compounds
- Alcohols
- Nuclear Physics
- Electrostatics
- Electromagnetic Waves
- Electromagnetic Induction
- Current Electricity
- Communication System
- Atomic Physics
- Structure and Function – Plants
- Structure and Function - Animals
- Reproduction, Growth and Movement in Plants
- Reproduction and Development in Humans
- Genetics and Evolution
- Ecology and Environment
- Diversity in Living World
- Cell: The Unit of Life; Structure and Function
- Biotechnology and its Applications
- Biology and Human Welfare
Eligibility Criteria
The eligibility requirement also varies according to the type of examination
NEE I: The candidates must be an Indian citizen with upper age limit 19 years. For the reservation category there will be relaxation as per the Government rules. The minimum education requirement is 10th pass or equivalent. The candidates appearing for the qualifying examination can also take the examination.
NEE II: For the vocational program the candidates must pass the preferred vocational stream under the recognized board in the country. The plus two pass out in science stream with PCMB as a subject can apply for the technology and forestry program. The upper age limit of the candidates is 23 years.
NEE III: The aspirants must pass the three year diploma degree from the recognized poly technique institute or equivalent degree with minimum 60% marks in the final examination. The upper age limit is set to be 40 years and there shall be consideration for the eligible category.
How to Apply?
The aspirant can download the application from the official website of the institute. The candidates can also able to purchase the form from the designated centers of north eastern states. The application form is also available at the chosen branches of Axis bank and is also obtained at the Institute campus. The cost of the application form is Rs.750/-.
How to fill the Form?
An information booklet is also there with the application form. The candidates can read the instructions given there and can fill the form following those instructions. Do not make any fault in the form and avoid over writing. The candidates must ensure that they filled every required column and send the form to the submission address before the last date. The forms reach after the final date won’t consider for the examination.
Important Dates (Tentative)
Availability of application forms: 1st week of February, 2012
Last Date for receipt of completed application forms: 1st week of March, 2012
Date of Entrance Tests: Mid of May, 2012
List of NEE centers
NERIST NEE is conducted on the various centers located at,
- Tripura
- Sikkim
- Nagaland
- Mizoram
- Meghalaya
- Manipur
- Assam
- Arunachal Pradesh
Contact Address for the NEE
- North Eastern Institite of Science & Technology [NERIST], Nirjuli - 791 109 Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh
- Ph.: 0360-2257401-10 Extn-6314/6008/6019
- Website:
Colleges Accepting the NEE score
North Eastern regional Institute of Science and technology, Nirjuli
Reference Books for NEE
- Vectors by Shanti Narayan
- Problems Plus In IIT JEE Mathematics
- Problems in Mathematics by V Govorov, P.Dybov, N.Miroshin, S.Smirnova
- Plane Trigonometry Part I by S.L. Loni
- Peter Atkins and Julio de Paula for Physical Chemistry
- Organic Chemistry Guides
- Objective Mathematics by R.D Sharma
- Maths XI & XII by R. S. Agarwal
- Inorganic Chemistry
- Higher Algebra by Bernard & Child
- HC Verma for Physics
- Hall & Knight Higher Algebra
- Fundamentals of Physics
- Dinesh Chemistry
- Dinesh Biology
Coaching Centers for NEE
- T.I.M.E
- Resonance
- Physics Techniques
- Miglani Tutorials
- Career Points
Study Plan
A well prepared study map will help you to score a high percentage in the examination. The candidates can make use of their texts books and lecture notes while preparing on each subject. Time management is an important concept in these examinations. You should plan to spend a lot more time on the difficult areas and minimize the usage of time on the simple portions. Going through the reference books and previous year papers is also a good idea during the preparation time. Do not get worry and anxious for the examination. Take the examination with a clear mind.
How and Where To Get the Results?
The result will be available from the admission office of the institute or from the website of the NERIST. The candidates will also get the further information about the admission process from website or from the institute campus.
Score Validity
The score will valid for the admission period of different programs at the North Eastern regional Institute of Science and technology, Nirjuli.
- NERIST (North Eastern Regional Institute of Science and Technology) Entrance Exam Eligibility Criteria
- Eligibility Criteria and Admission procedure for courses in NERIST
- NERIST Coaching Institutes
- Application Form of NERIST Entrance Exam
- Question Answers #1
- RPET Papers
- Sanjay Gandhi Institute of Trauma and Orthopedics 2011 BSc
- School of Healthcare PhD Studentship 2009
- Shobhit University 2009
- Question Answers Set#6
- Staff Nurse, Central Coalfields Limited
- Questions Answer Set#3
- Syndicate Bank Probationary Officers Exam 2009
- Download MAT 2009 sample papers
- Question Answers Set#5
Do you have any question? Please ask:
255 Responses to “NERIST NEE 2012”
I passed my diploma in engineering..can I know where is the coaching centre for nerists nee-11 exam
I had applied for entrance exam in engineering but now I had a change of heart and want to apply for forestry instead. Is it possible to do so?
What is OMR application form and how can I get it?
?I have applied the nerist form for the year 2012 and the exam is already done… only problem was that i already forget my email there any problem regarding this?if yes ,could you all please help me find a solution
i want to know the result of NEE-I Examin.
I have not received hall ticket for NEE-I exam which will held on 29.04.12,kindly suggest
What is my roll no. For entrance test as i have submitted my form for 11th class
I have still not recieved my hall ticket, what should I do?
I have not received hall ticket for NEE-I exam which will held on 29.04.12,kindly suggest
my form 1112822.but till now i have not received my a/d card… when we will get our admit card??
my form 1112822.but till now i have not received my a/d card… when we will get our admit card?
sir i have not got my admit card of nee1,year 2012.i hav also forgot my form sir ui request you to please respond soon and also please tell me the website to get the admit through net.
Sir,I have still not received my admit card for NEE-I. My Form No. is 111884. May I know when would I get the admit card.
i didn’t got my admit card yet. what should i do?
Sir … I have not recieve my acknowledge card. And also amit card.. I apply for nee -1 . My applycation form no is 1111828
Is my application form accepted?my application no.1111828
sir, ,y MAT score of FEB MAT is 644. percentile 82. May I know is there any entrance exam for MBA course also?? i have to clear any entrance exam for admission in NERIST or i can simply take admission through the mat score??/
I didin’t get my admit card till now. My form 1111366 for NEE III . Sir plz let me no about my hall ticket as soon as possible……….
Masa tagru
Sir i have still not recived my admit card
I didin’t get my admit card till now. My form 1111022 for NEE I . May i know when should i get my admit card.
name of selected candidate in 2012 entrance exam for nee 1
Sir, I have not received my Admit card(hall ticket)..
My Form no. is 1138990.
Can i download it online???
i would be much obliged if you helped…
i completed my M.Sc in Environmental Science in i want to start my Ph.D work from NERIST.So sir under which department i am eligible to apply for.And when is the last for applying into Ph.D programme.
sir,i have sent my application form for nee-III but till now i did not recieved the admid u please inform me whether u recieved it or not? i have forgot my form number so plz .plz sent my form number.
for the information you can call or send me a message on my phone no.8794166101
I have submitted my application for the admission to Forestry for 2012. But I still have not receive any information,— about my admit card. Could you kindly let me know.
Christina Nzani Humtsoe
Sir, I have sent my application form no 1113752
for NEE-I on 05/02/2012 by speed post hajipur vaishali (bihar).But till now I did not received the A/D card.So u Pl inform me whether u received it or not?
Sir, I have sent my application form no 1114612 for NEE-I on 05/02/2012 by speed post hajipur vaishali (bihar).But till now I did not received the A/D card.So u Pl inform me whether u received it or not?
Sir, I have not received my Admit card(hall ticket)..
My Form no. is 1111265.
Can i download it online???
i would be much obliged if you helped…
sir, How to collect last years question paper for diploma course. and what is the minimum qualification for this,
Sir, I have sent my application form no 1114612 for NEE-I on 30/01/2012 by speed post Imphal, Manipur.But till now I did not received the A/D card.So u Pl inform me whether u received it or not?
can i get application form ?
I sent my daughter’s application form no. 1113018 for NEE-I on 16/01/2012 by speed post from Dharmanagar, Tripura. But till date I did not received the A/D card. So, please inform me whether you received the same or not through my email address.
Also inform me when you send the admit card.
Thanking you.
Subir Gupta.
Ihave sent my application form No-1111531 dated.10/01/2012 for NEE-II exem for 2012 alongwith Pay-in Slip of Rs.750/- through speed post from Sivasagar Dist.P.O.on 19/01/2012.
My quarrey is that, I am not receiving the acknowledge receipt of the same uptill Know?
what is the procedure to submit application form after the last date of receipt of application form. i missed the date .
What job i can get after studied at NERIST ?
Can i know the examination centre of NERIST NEE1 Exam held in shillong
when is the last date for reciept of applicatn form for NEE1 in Tripura for the year 2012?
In case of download of form how to pay the amount(Rs. 750) ?
How much qualification mark for general?
And last date.
Can I apply on line for Btech Course in NERIST
what is the fee structure this university ?
what happens if we do some mistake in the self address part in the acknowledgement card that we get with the OMR application form? Can we rectify it using correction fluid?
I want to do Nerist (nee 1) course 2012 ,when will be the nee 1 form for 2012 be given.
Please inform my email and phone number.. Please help me.
Dear.Sir/ we need tò submit d applctn form payment recpt…alng wth d form??
hello sir, i am currently having my class X Guru Teg Baahadur Academy , Tinsukia.. i have opted for the school exams and i belong to shedule caste. i .have recently bought a form from the Axis bank dibrugarh. am i eligible to apply . i would be grateful if i am informed .. thank you
Paurab Bachar
i will give my class 12 board examination on 2013.can i now appear it now in 2012.
for the information you can call or send me a message on my phone no.7399594171
Elligibility of the candidate
How can i apply NERIST exm. Online, what is the exm. Fee?
can a commerce student who had passed class 12 appear a nerist examination
I am a matriculate.i want to do engineering.can i apply for it?
I will appear my class XII science in March 2012, am I eligible to apply for
NEE II (technology & forestry) 2012 ? Please sent Me an answer.
I am again here 4 some reason. Sir what no. or percent of students will be selected from schedule caste/SC. I just got the news that only 15percent student will be selected from SC. And the ST will get the 75 percent seat. Thats not fair sir, its an entrence exam and everyone should be treated equally. I am very upset by the way of govt. thinks.
sir/madam plz tell me that how many seats are their for general students of India & is their any reservation for the students born of north eastern states?
Sir/madam,can u plz tell me da maximum seat available 4 General STUDENTS of Assam for Nee-2( b-tech) & how many % r needed in h.s exms 4 nee-2? & how many % r ndd in PCM to Select da exm? Plz plz…
Is the biology sub i compulsory for the engineering candidates? I have computer science with pcm?
Q1.What no. Is required for general candidates in NEE-1 entrance exam?
Q2.How many candidates are selected for NEE-1 exam?
Q3. What cost will be required for this NEE-1 form?
For any information for me you can call me
When will be the nerist form avilable.
Sir plc inform my e-mil
when NEEIII form will given?
When the NEE2012 examination will be taken?
when will the NEE1 forms for 2012 be given?
sir,will u pls kindly detail me about yr syllabus of NEE 1 i will be thank ful to u i am sure if u allow me this detail then i’ll be able to take admission in yr north east top ranking colleges my id have been provided to u pls sir allow me to take admission in yr college i am so excited to take participate in entrence if u have not recieved my id then its or else u may contact at 9863920320 (M) pls sir i am so hopeful abt this
Sir, I want to study computer engineering after completion of class-10. please guide me to proceed?
nee2 2012 ka application form kab nikalega
hello when the forms will be issue n in which months
Sir, i want to do an engg course after my completion of…please guide me..
please send me the syllabus of NEE1…..
Sir/Madam, I have done BBA & looking forward to do MBA program (2012-’14) from NERIST.I am appearing CAT& MAT exams 2011 and wanted to know the admission procedure.Thankyou!
I want to do Msc in life sciences from NERIST. How should I proceed?
Am pursuing BBA from distance education,sikkim manipal,they admit me to attend in the entrance exam..of coming year..i.e2012.and how many percentage is require to attend in the exam
I want to take prospectus for the year 2012 NERIST
I want to do m tech in civil branch at NERIST.How to get admission ????
I want to do phd in life sciences from NERIST. How should I proceed?
please kindly send me the syllabus of neeIII(for lateral entry examination). i’m doing diploma in civil engg…what are the qualifications require for this exam…hope, i shall listen from you
thank you
Sir m doing my 4th sem degree in AMICE coaching centre,am i able to apply for the NEE-3 after i got my diploma certificate in the next semester.
when will we get application form of NERIST 2012?
what is the total marks to pass in entrance exam ?
sir now i’m doing diploma III yrs in Mechanical at Tamil Nadu. may i be able to give NEE III 2012. I belong to Arunachal Pradesh .please mail me back.
how many % i have to carry in+2 FINAL exam for admission in mechanical engg through NEE II?
Sir i passed out higher secondary education in 2009 from CBSE board.Can i give entrance exam of NERIST in 2012 in NEE 2 for Btech course.I am from ST category,will i be eligible for entrance exam. Please mail back about my query
Is the M.B.A programme in NERIST a regular course or distance education? please give me the answer as soon as possible.
is Adani Neli a selected in the nee-1?
result when announced
When Nerist nee exams results will be declared??? Please send me on my e-mail.
Sir,please send the marks obtained by the selected candidates in nee 1 2011?
How to apply for MBA admission program.When MBA forms available.
sir kindly request you to give me the list of mark obtain by selected candidate nee1 2010 and my email ID is and phone no. 9089320736 please! please! sir.
Sir, I have not got my NEE 2011 admit. Can i download it from web?
I want to know my admit card for the entrance test for forestry 2011. can i download it from the website and how?
I have applied for NEE-ll and i have seen on the internet about receipt of my application form and roll number but i havn’t got admit card yet… What shall i do?? Entrance test is this saturday
i hv nt received my admit
My son is presently studying in Class-X in Faculty H.S.School under CBSE at Guwahati. He will be appearing Class-X under CBSE Board exam in next year, i.e. 2012. Is is eligible to appear the entrance test for NEE-I Certificate course in your Institute in next year, i.e.2012?
Thank you.
Yours sincerely,
Saday Dutta,
PA to General Manager (Mtce.),
BSNL Bhawan,Panbazar, Guwahati-1
Sir, I have submitted the application form for NE-II, but till today I didn’t get my ADMIT CARD and my examination is on 30th of this month. So, can I downloaded it from web-site. Pliz give me a suggestion as soon as possible.
sir/Madam I have already submit my application my entrance exam for NEE2 is on 30th of this month how can i get my admit card. Please inform us, as soon as possible.
sir/Madam I have already submit my application my entrance exam is on 30th of this month how can i get my admit card. Please inform us as soon as possible.
Dear sir
I have just finish 12 V.O.C Computer Technique,according to this subject,can i perform N.E.E-2 exam?
sir, i have submitted the application form for NE-II, but still now i am not getting my Admit card till now and my examination is on 30 of this month. so, can it be downloaded from the web-side..?
when shall i get my admit card for nerist nee 2011? can i download it from net?
I have sent the application form by registered post for NEE-1 joint entrance. Our Examinationwill be held on 1st week of
may 2011.But till date I have not received my admit card.
What i can do now.Please guide me.My application Form Sl. No.1123842.
i havn’t receivd my NEE-II admit yrt..neither d aknwledgmnt…hw cn i knw i check my admit status..???.my applicasn form no is..1103225
please send my admit card for nee-1 exam 2011
syllabus for nee-1 enterance exam 2011
sir .
we ‘ll get admit card.i have got only my acknowledgement card
When will the hall ticket(admit card)will be received by me for the entrance exam of NEE-I,2011?
Sir,I have not received my acknowledgement card yet for NEE-1.
Sir,i have not recieve my admit card yet…can u kindly tell me wat will i do??
I have not received Admin Card for NEE-I entrance examination . kdly send the same imdtly to the under signed.
Miss. Dibya Singh
C/o. Shri. S.N. singh,
DRDA, Bomdila
Sir..what should i do..i havnt receive my admit card..i’ve only received the acknowledgement card..!
I want to apply for mtech programme in nerist,I have received the application form but don’t know the adrress as well as what to write in demand draft.It will be kind on your part if you kindly send me the address as well as the other information regarding the demand draft. My email id is…
does we get the admit card or we have to come ackn card
sir, can i get an application form now???????????
Sir,i have not receive my admit card and acknowledgement card…Now what i do..My application form no.is1104719.
please send my admit card for nee-1 exam 2011
sir i want to know the name of the institutes for the centres for exam to be held for nee 1 in shillong for 2011
what is the application status app no 1103852
sir i want to apply for nerist,can i fill the application of nerist now,last date of reciept is over,pls tell me as fast as poosible
sir i want to apply for nerist,can i fill the application of nerist now,last date of reciept is over,pls tell me as fast as poosible i can secure a good rank in it
can u plz tell me about the syllabus and types of questions for NEE-III
i m not found admit card.wt can i do ?
Q1. When we are going to appear the exam?
Q2. Marking scheme of entrance exam? And syllabus for scince.
when will I get my calling letter for NE-II forestry entrance exam 2011
whether the applicant Mehbub Ahmed Laskar vide application no. 1104487 is accepted?
sir,can u plz tel me da maximum seat available for ST plains STUDENTS OF ASSAM for nee 2 (
Sir, I a student of B.B.A Final year. I want to get admission in NERIST,MBA 2011. I was appeared in Dec 2010,MAT and scored 602 marks. Now how can I get admission, I am thankful to your response
sir,can i submit the aaaplication in second week of march
Details about placement ?
I have done Diploma in plastics Technology. Can I do BE in any department in nerist?
i would like to required information of how to get admitted for in cs engineering
plz let me know about lateral entry in civil engg and the maximum seats available for ST of Arunachal Pradesh.
I am a student of class 10 (CBSE) going to appear in the school based examination in March 2011 as per the new CCE curriculum. Can I too appear for NEE I or is it only supposed for the Board appearers only ? Regards
Sir, i am a student of cls 10 and i am appearing for NEE1 i wnt to knw about the entrce exams procedure n terms and condition of the institute….
Sir I am a student of 6th sem diploma course of Civil Engeneering.My last semister exam will be held on May 2011. Am I eligible for the latrral entry of this season?
I am a final year student of 10+2 in Arts stream appearing final examination in April 2011. I am interested in forest course. Am I eligible to apply? What are your entrance exam centres in Manipur? KIndly inform
Can a candidate who is appearing 10th class applied for NEE l(Certificate) entrance Exam?
how many seats r available for ST plain for assam, in NEE III???
Respected Sir,
I am appearing my diploma in Plastic Engineering from Gywahati.So, i request to tell how can i apply and syllabus for entrance exam.
I passed out 12th in gopalganj, Bihar. So i request to tell how can in apply.
last date of apply
onwhich date the form will published????????
I passed out my diploma in Automobile Engineering from Bongaigaon.So, i request to tell how can i apply and syllabus for entrance exam.
how can i get the smple paper of nee-1 2011
i want previous years question paper of NEE1
I am an applicant of nee-I.I need special guide and the best way of preparation for success.
i passed out from +2 in 2008 with 59%. Can i apply for NEE-2 in 2011.
sir,i study in class tenth.and i want admission for nee1. please tell me what is the procedure of admission.How should I get previous years question paper of NERIST NEE-I Please help me.
dear sir,
im a std of NERIST. my sis is prepaing for Nee1 from Assam OBC reservation. i want to know that what r the document sould be submit with application form n how many sits r reservation in OBC of assam. i request u to snd me required information as soon as possible. thank you.
can you pls tell me how can i apply in your institute, as im in doing diploma in civil engineering at nagpur. what is the criteria for direct admission in 2nd year degree? can i apply for it? pls help me its urgent…. i cannot get satisfactory answer from your web site .
respected sir,
i am diploma 6thsem student,doing from bangalore which exam should i write NEE-I,II,III.and which type of question coming based from my branch which i am doing now or or based from12th.
i have completed my HS in 2010 with 42%[pcm].am i eligible 4 NEE-II n able to get admitted for course??
what is the timing of the test for 30 april there is another exam for s.r.m. universities.timing for this 9 to 12
how many time appear in the exam?
Dear sir,
If once qualified in the test then can we chose our college in any state in India.
I’ll be highly obliged if you kindly solve my queries by giving some of your valuable time to me.
Please change the word “renounced” to “renowned” in the 4th line in the description above.
Respected sir,
I am preparing for NEE1 and wanted to know that can i can do IIT after goining NERIST sir i request you to send me information as soon as possible
I m doing B.Sc(H.Sc) in Assam Agriculltural University, now i m in 2nd year,2nd sem; i want to do M.Tec(food Tech) in NERIST, will i b able for it?
How many students are selected in engineering in 2010 from NEE-2?
In 2010 i have passed my HSLC or class 10 exam with 20th state rank.Can i apply online for the NEE-1?
I’v complete my 3years diploma in civil engg. in the year of can i apply to NEE iii exam.and how many seats r there?
I’ve completed my 12th in 2008 @my percentage is 38%(pcm)
,can I eligible to appear for NEE(2)
i am doing in electrical from tripura may i get lettarl entry in this colage or can I doing diploma in 2 years
I’ve completed my 12th in the year 2010 & I’ve no diploma in any discipline.
Am I eligible to appear for NEE-III?
when will be the nee1 xams held for 2011??
and also whatwill be the cost of application form for OBC??
sir,let me know the no. of reserve seat from each NE states for NEE iii
How many seats are reserved for general in Sikkim state?
Dear sir
when & from where the nerist 2011 exam form will be available at Patna.
sir, what are the centres for its enterance exams?
How should I get previous years question paper of NERIST NEE-I Please help me.
I am reading in H.S 1st year, am i eligible for the entrance exam.
sir, i want to download online nerist application…pls help..
Sir, may i know no. Of seat reserved for general. And is there any book which can help me in the entrance exam NEE -1. If yes. Then please sent name of the book.
With due regards, I would like to request you to mail in my email stating detail about procedure for enrolment for the Ph.D program for the session 2011, in the Deptt. of Magmnnt.
thanking you in anticipation for further cooperation from you sir/madam.
With regards.
Mr. Binod Moshahary M.Com(Accy)
Faculty, Deptt of Business Administration
NERIM, Guwahati
i m appearing for 12 board exam can i sit in the nerist exam my age is 18
is there a possibility of submitting the form on line
I need smaple paper for nee 1
May i know about the syllabus for NEE-I?
what is the fee structure of NEE I ?tell me its interence date ?kindely send your contact number
i passed diploma in mech in 2010.i want to do in there any chance for corresponding? and please send me the syllabus for nee-111 exam(regular).
I am reading in H.S.2nd year. I like to appear in entrance examination of computer science & technology under NERIST. Am I eligible for the same.
sir please give me information about admission in
sir, kindly can you let me know the syllabus for NEE-1 ?
sir I am presently studying in class10 . Can I get admission in class 11 next year in nerist 2011 . if yes suggest the procedure ?
Dear sir,
I m a student of final year of three year diploma course of north-east region of India. I want to know the lateral entry-exam syllabus of NERIST of mechanical engineering . Reply me as soon as possible.
I want to do B.Tech. Which NEE i have to give I, II, III ??
Also what is the diffrence between diploma and degree ???
what no. of seats are reserved for obc candidates ?
i hav passed my diploma in civil engineering and i want to continue for B.E in civil engineering. i wnt to know the syllabus for the upcoming entrance exams2011
What is the minimum Percentage for an OBC candidate so that he can appear in NEE III
May I know if the entrance will require for the coming year 2011 for getting admission after class-X since one information has been hearing by me that no admission will take place after class-X.If this is true or false, kindly let me know.
May i know the syllabus of entrance exam?
how can i get the syllabus for nee-I entrance exam
How many seat is available for diploma student in electronics branch
01.can you let me know the syllabus of the entrance exam?
sir,may i kanow about the sylabus of lettarl entry in this colage?
Randy I want admission
Please send sample paper
When is the last date for submission of forms for Msc in mathematics?
when will be the admission for selected neeII candidates?
when will the results of NEE1 2010 Be out?
sir when will be the result of NEE I be declared out
When will the results of NERIST NEE-1 be declared ??
Sir i am selected in NEE-III. But problem is that i m in 6th semester of 3 year diploma exam is running and the result will declare in month of August or July last now can i admit your college?
when will the results of NEE1 announced
When will the results of NERIST NEE-1 be declared?
Sir, I had applied for the phd in the department of forestry in the March itself along with the DDraft of 550 by post. I? Am not getting my admit card till now.What is the date of entrance exam for the phd?
i am having my diploma in mechanical from shikim may i get lettarl entry in this colage
what is my roll no and center for examination
Can i have a copy of my admit card for NEE1?If yes,how?My app. form number is 100001290.
i want to mba form of your college
was there any rejection of application form this year for the nerist ne 1 2010? plezse inform about this
My application form of NEE-I had rejected. Kindly suggest me, what I should do?
when iwill get admid card for entrance examination of nerist
can i please know about the marks contains in the entrence question paper for NEE-1
Information on MCA
2.Question pattern
3.admission dae for 2010 session
Respected sir,i am Gaurav from golaghat.I want to know my application form has been received or not.Kindly plz inform me.
I am AKIB ALI form JORHAT. I want to know the Eligible % foe MCA in NERIST and the date of entrance Exam..
sir i want to know the exams date for nee 1 and when will be the form supplied for class 11
can a student of class 11 science can give entrance exam and how many years are need to complete a eangeenering course where can iget the form and what is the date of test held and place
sir i want to know the exams date for nee 1 and when will be the form supplied
hi ashim needed nerist form jst purchased it from nerist
is this form available at gangtok? what is thecost of this form?
i am not geting the form how do i get the form can u send me in e mail .my son is going to pass class x
panchanan gogoi
syllabus of NEE I……..
nerist nee 2010 admission form required PL
syllabus od NEE I…. kindly pliz give out
sir please tell me how can i able to your entrance exam form nee 1 i lived in dehradun
kindly let me know the date of examinnation of NEE III 2010
as early as possible.
Thank you.
can you please give out something about the syllabus of NEE 1 2010
What is the syllabus for entrance exam NEE III for diploma in civil engineering.
kindly let me know all examination centres.
kindly let me know the syllabus of nee1
nerist nee 2010 admission form required
Sylllabuis of NEE I kndly be sent
Sir, Let me know about the syllabus for the entrance exam NE III for diploma electrical
where may get the addmission form of NEE 1 exam
i want to know the cut off marks to qualify in engineering degree and how can i get the sample papers or previous papers for b-tech?
I am a polytechnic student of 5th semester,branch-mechanical engg. Can i eligible for NEE III 2010 exam? what documents reqd. at the time of entrance exam? and what is its syllabus and what books are prefered for exam? plz
My twin sons will be appearing class X CBSE Board Examination in March’2010. I want to admit them in NERIST
for pursuing Engineering Course.Kindly guide me how to get the admission and what is the system and procedure.
With regards
Kapil Medhi
Numaligarh Refinery Ltd, Golaghat,Assam
any reserved seat for ST hills candidates after diploma passed student
How yo get sample/ previous years NERIST NEE-I question
papers ?
Pl help me to get it.
Sir, Let me know about the syllabus for the entrance exam NE III for diploma Mechanical
result of NERIST Entrance Exam of Diploma Engineering 2009, Roll No- 1010618
may i get the correct responses of NEE-II,2009.
the dimensions of gas constant R are
“yesterday i had given the nerist NEE 1 exam”
“for NEE 1 theb student must pass class 10″
Class 10 passed students are eligible for NEE 1