
National Institutes of Technology is a premier institute in the country fully financed by the Government of India. The institute conducted entrance examination for computer application aspirants called National Institute of Technology MCA Common Entrance Test (NIMCET). The eligible candidates get admission into the various institutes of NIT. To get admission into MCA program in NIT, NIMCET is made mandatory and hence in each year a large number of aspirants are taking this exam with a competitive mind.

Structure of NIMCET

The NIMCET examination is of objective type multiple choice examination with 120 questions. The candidates have to choose the right answers for each question from the given number of options. The question paper is divided into four parts

Analytical ability and Logical Reasoning: 55 questions

Computer Awareness: 10 questions

General English: 15 questions

Mathematics: 40 questions

There will be negative marking for each wrong answer and hence the candidates must be careful while choosing the answers.

Syllabus for NIMCET


  • Calculus
  • Coordinate Geometry
  • Probability and Statistics
  • Set Theory
  • Trigonometry
  • Vectors
  • Analytical Ability and Logical Reasoning
  • Analyzing the passage
  • Data Analysis
  • Data Interpretation
  • Logical Situations

General English

  • Antonyms
  • Articles
  • Forms of verbs
  • Meaning of words and phrases
  • Prepositions
  • Synonyms
  • Technical writing
  • Vocabulary
  • Word power

Eligibility Criteria

The minimum education qualification required to appear for the examination is the bachelor’s degree from the reputed university. The candidates must study Mathematics as a subject in the plus-two stream or in the graduation level. They should have minimum 60% mark in the higher secondary level and 55% in that of eth graduation. The final year students are also eligible to appear for the examination. Any Indian national with not less than 21 years of age can take the examination.

How to Apply?

The candidates can apply for the exam by online. The candidates are asked to visit the official web portal of NIMCET for registering the examination. After registering with the online form the applicants need to take the print out of the completely filled form and send to the exam conducting body in the given address along with all the necessary documents and DD of the application fee from the nationalized bank. The print out should reached the admission office before the closing date.

How to fill the Form?

Before filling up the online form the candidates should read the instruction given in the official site regarding the filling up of the form. The candidates must have a scanned recent pass port size photo and signature ready for uploading in the needed place. Make sure that you enter the right codes given for center, state, qualification etc. All the information enters should be valid as per the official records. The online form will give you proper guidance while filling the form and after submitting the data do not forget to take the print out of the filled form. Keep a copy of the filled form with you and  send the original one to the admission office with suggested documents before the closing data.

Important Dates

Examination Notification: Last Week of January, 2012

Availability online application form: Last Week of January, 2012

Closing Date of submission of Application form: Second Week of April, 2012

Date of Entrance Examination: Second Week of May, 2012

List of NIMCET centers

  • NITK Surathkal
  • NIT Warangal
  • NIT Tiruchirappalli
  • NIT Surat
  • NIT Srinagar
  • NIT Silchar
  • NIT Rourkela
  • NIT Raipur
  • NIT Patna
  • NIT Kurukshetra
  • NIT Jamshedpur
  • NIT Jalandhar
  • NIT Hamirpur
  • NIT Durgapur
  • NIT Calicut
  • NIT Allahabad
  • NIT Agartala
  • MNIT Jaipur
  • MANIT Bhopal
  • Kolkata
  • Bhavan’s College Andheri, Mumbai
  • AIT Delhi

Contact Address for the NIMCET

  • Chairman, NIMCET, National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra-136119
  • Fax: 01744 -233487
  • Tel 01744 -238401, 233487
  • Email:
  • Website:

Colleges Accepting the NIMCET Score

  • CSE National Institute of Technology, Calicut
  • Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology Bhopal
  • MCA Dept. of CSE National Institute of Technology Jirania
  • Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad
  • National Institute of Technology Durgapur
  • National Institute of Technology Jamshedpur
  • National Institute of Technology Karnataka
  • National Institute of Technology Raipur
  • National Institute of Technology Tiruchirappalli
  • National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra
  • National Institute of Technology, Warangal

Reference Books for NIMCET

  • Arihant MCA Entrance Test by Amit M. Agarwal
  • Barron’s Military Flight Aptitude Tests by Terry L. Duran
  • Excel With Objective Book For NIMCET by J.B Dixit, Ruchi Sharma and Ashish Mangal
  • Mathematics by R.S.Agarwal
  • Numerical Ability & Mathematical Aptitude by Dr. A.B. Ra
  • The Aptitude Test Workbook by Jim Barrett
  • The Pearson MAT Super Course
  • Upkar’s MCA

Coaching Centers for NIMCET

  • Aim4career
  • Axiom Academy
  • Brilliant Tutorials
  • Career Launcher
  • IMS
  • Sanmacs India
  • Sucsess Guru
  • TCYonline
  • TIME
  • VN coaching center

Study Plan

NIT is one of the reputed institutes in our country that most of the young aspirants are looking forward to study in this institute. The NIMCET is conducted on the national basis and hence the competitive nature of the exam is high. A well prepared study plan is needed to overcome the challenges offered by the test. The candidates need to cover the syllabus suggested by the institute and refer the higher secondary text books to prepare for the mathematics and computer awareness part.

There will be many study materials are available for the candidates to practice in the language and reasoning part. Reading the English newspapers and watching the English channels will improve your vocabulary part. The internet will also provide you with many online resources and previous year papers. Taking mock tests and joining a coaching center will also help you to prepare well for the examination.

How and Where To Get the Results?

Each year the NIMCET is conducted by one of the NITs and the result of the exam is available either in the official site of the conducting institute or in the official portal of NIMCET of the respective year. The candidates are asked to download their score card form the site after the result is published and there will be no separate score card issues for the candidates.


The cutoff will vary each year and it depends upon the number of candidates appearing for the exam and on the whole result. The institute set their cutoff after the result is published and the average score needed for attending the further admission procedure is 75-80%.

Score Validity

Score validity of the NIMCET is of one year and is considered only for the present academic admission process.



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Questions will be answered on our Forum section

1,066 Responses to “NIMCET 2012 MCA”

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  1. 466

    i have to know about nimcet-2010. i have to take biochemistry as a subject in p.g

  2. 465
    sumon som:

    draft receipt whether is receipt or not

  3. 464

    sir please tell me abot the course fees of mca from these colleges approximately…

  4. 463

    I am pass with 75% in 10th,59.6% in 12th level and 60% in graduation.I will eligible for NIMCET entrance.

  5. 462

    i wnt to submitted online form by my net hw it will be open

  6. 461
    khemraj sahu:

    I am doing BCA,at Present i am at 6th semester,i have 5th sem marks sheet,one remaining.Am I eligible for MCA intance (NIT)exam.

  7. 460

    link for nimcet form applying on line

  8. 459
    mohit gautam:

    sir i belong to Himachal and i want to know iff i fill NIMCET MCA form then what center will be offered to us which should be near by H P pls reply soon we have to fill the form yet if u offere us sutable center only then we can fill the application form reply soon

  9. 458

    Respected sir,
    please tell the nit site.

  10. 457

    I have passed 12th from PCB scoring 65% marks in 2005. After thatI have cleared mathematics paper also for 12th standard, separately scoring 81% marks in year 2009.

    In addition to this I am in BCA final year and my aggregate percentage till 5th semester is 75.7%. I have studied discreet maths, CBNST and and 2 separate mathematics papers in 1st and 2nd semester.

    Please let me know whether i am eligible for Nimcet.


  11. 456

    i have appeare in bca but my all sertifecatdoing on january. can i apply for mca in nimcet

  12. 455

    I m BCA student from Calculta university. I had maths at class 12 but not at graduation level. Can i apply for NIMCET exam?? I AM ELIGIBLE OR NOT. Please reply soon.

  13. 454

    tell me on which address we hv to make our dd for mca entrance test of nimcet.and d procedure to apply online form..

  14. 453

    Respected sir,
    please tell the webset to get the application form for NIMCET 2010

  15. 452

    i have done bca from guru jambeshwar university with math but i had no math in 12th.. may i apply for entrance of mca

  16. 451

    i have done bca from guru jambeshwar university with math but i had no math in 12th . may i apply for the entrance for mca

  17. 450

    hi sir
    i want to know about that my perentaage marks is 55.55%(include physicss ,chemistry,maths,english,hindi)and when we includde own biollogy paper tthen my percentage ,marks will be 67% , so i am eliggible for NIMCET or not
    pleaast tell me,

  18. 449
    Divya Prakash Srivastava:

    Respect Sir,

    Plz tell me the site to get the application form for NIMCET 2010

  19. 448
    vikash kumar:

    how can i apply for nimcet mca?

  20. 447

    what is the procedure to apply online and on which name we make our dd and payable at which address plz send me all this information

  21. 446

    Tel me the site get nimcet form
    and wt will be the cut off marks for to get a seat?…

  22. 445
    Uma Choudhary:

    I m a student of B.Sc.I.T. Part 3. I have got 85% in part1 and 83.75% in part2. I want to know is there any relaxation in percentage of marks for girls or OBC candidates.
    Please inform me this.

  23. 444

    what is timming of nimcet paper…………………..because i have another paper also

  24. 443

    what are required documents??

  25. 442
    saurabh rai:

    sir i’ve passed 12th(69%,pcm) from up board.
    i’m doing BCA and got 74%(agg.) till 5th sem.
    sir i’m doing bca hounors stream.
    i did not have maths or statictics at graduation level but ihave maths at 10+2 level. so am i eligible for nimcet.
    sir,I don’t want to miss the opportunity to give NIMCET entrance.

    plz reply soon.

  26. 441

    sir i am a non math student in 12th can i appear in nimcet

  27. 440

    hai sir which is the last date to submmitt the nimcet application form?

  28. 439

    plz tell me how to get NIMCET 2010 application form

  29. 438

    how can i get nimcet form……….plz reply soon on my email id

  30. 437

    this is budhan….
    i dont know what to do?
    i want to know how to apply for nimcet entrance exam 2010.
    i want the complete details of nimcet application procedure and the official website where i can submit n take printout.
    so i kindly request to send me the datails as early as possible to my e mail id….
    thanking you,

  31. 436

    Plz tell me the site to get the application form for NIMCET 2010 of mca entrence

  32. 435
    kumar ravi shankar:

    I belong to sc category and i have 54% in intermediate with math as one paper in both 12th and graduation with 6.14 gp upto 5th semester. will i eligible for nimcet 2010

  33. 434
    saurabh rai:

    sir, i’m BCA final yr student and i’ve got 74% marks till bca 5th sem. in 10+2 , i’ve got 69%(including pcm) from UP board.
    so am i eligible to apply for nimcet(2010) .
    plz reply soon

  34. 433
    LC Nagar:

    Respect Sir,

    Plz tell me the site to get the application form for NIMCET 2010

  35. 432

    how can i get nimcet form???????????
    only tentative dates published according to dat 3rd weak of march we will get form………but there is no any information abt application forms………plz tell me how can i receive forms???

  36. 431

    respected sir
    please give information about the code of kurukshetra where the draft is to be made.

  37. 430

    I am from BSCIT for SMU, Im i eligible for NIMCET 2010 or not?

  38. 429

    Hello Sir/Ma’am

    I did my 12th(PCM) from ISC Board,where the percentage is made by taking best of 4,which is 60%.
    But if i include all 5 subject then it is just 57%.
    My graduation percantage is 66% (BCA)
    So m I eligible to apply for MCA.
    Please do reply soon

  39. 428

    Hello Sir/Ma’am

    I did my 12th(PCM) from ISC Board,where the percentage is made by taking best of 4,which is 60%.
    But if i include all 5 subject then it is just 57%.
    My graduation percantage is 66% (BCA)
    So m I eligible to apply for NIMSET(MCA)
    Please do reply soon

  40. 427

    sir, I am NEHA from VARANASI.Iam student of BCA final year I am having am agrregate of 78% marks til the 5 th sem.

    I had 7 subjects in 12th ISC board and I scored 58% (including maths) but in best 5 subjects my percentage will be 65% (including maths) .

    I don’t want to miss the opportunity to give NIMCET entrance just because of my 12th marksof 7 subjects.

    sir, kindly please suggest me as soon as possible.

    thanking you

  41. 426

    sir, I am NEHA from VARANASI.Iam student of BCA final year I am having am agrregate of 78% marks til the 5 th sem.

    I had 7 subjects in 12th ISC board and I scored 58% but in best 5 subjects my percentage will be 65%. I don’t want to miss the opportunity to give nimcet entrance just because of my 12th marks.

    sir, kindly please suggest me as soon as possible.

    thanking you

  42. 425
    pratik kumar:

    how to apply for nimcet.sir please give me details in which favour fee paid how fee paid

  43. 424

    Graduate students in distance learning are eligible for NIMCET 2010 or not?

  44. 423

    distance education is allowed for nimcet2010 or not

  45. 422
    Mahesh Kumar Gupta:

    form price of nimcet

  46. 421


  47. 420

    please tell me from which bank i can get form for NIMCET ?

  48. 419

    i want to know about OBC certificate for nimcet exam.where pe rforma of obc certificate for nimcet2010.from we can get

  49. 418

    what is the address of D.D and also how to approach which website????

  50. 417
    umesh chandra:

    when will come mca application form of nimcet?

  51. 416

    I am bsc second year i am eligible for nimcet

  52. 415
    sunii tamrakar:

    sir i am sunil kumat tamrakar.
    i have bca degree with 62.97% with bridge course. but i m biology students of 12th class.
    can i apperaring nimcet exam.
    pls help me sir….

  53. 414

    How much the NIMCET form costs.

  54. 413

    Plz tell me the site to get the application form for NIMCET 2010

  55. 412
    tamanna kansara:

    Hello sir,

    I am Tamanna K. Kansara from Nagpur (Maharastra), eager to get admission in the MCA course , I have completed BCA ( Comp App) .

    I did my 12th in commerce and then BCA, in NIMCET exam in the class of 12th Maths is requires with Statistics in UG .

    I would like to tell you that though I did not have PCM in 12th but in UG I had Statistics as a subject . .In 12th class I have economics + statistic (60+40), not as a subject of statistics , but in graduation I have statistic one of the subject in IInd year

    I want to know the Criteria for the Admission Process as it differs from college to college , Could you inform me what is the Criteria for the Respective college. Is this I am eligible for NIMCET exam..

    So I go ahead and apply for the same I even do not want to miss the opportunity to get in to the same college .

    Kindly suggest awaiting Response. Thank you….

  56. 411

    How do i get NIMCET 2010 application form online ?

  57. 410
    Giridhar Kumar:

    I am pursuing my B.Sc(IT)through distance education fron kuvempu university Karnatka which is held through NIIT.Can I fill up the nimcet form for MCA?

  58. 409
    Ghanshyam Nagar:

    sir/mam i am bca final sem student but my final sem result display will around 15 september. can i applicable for nimset 2010.
    please tell me about this.

  59. 408
    I AM 12TH % 59.5% SO APPLY FOR NIMCET:


  60. 407
    Deepak kumar meena:

    nit ke enternce exam ke liya 12th me maths hona jaruri hai.

  61. 406
    Musaddiq Hussain:

    rate of demand draft

  62. 405

    hello sir.. i m running to third year bca and its final exam very soon..
    My 1 year result is:-66.11 % and.. 2 year result is:-73%..
    so.. plz your college address send and its to procedure to send its urgent..
    and nimcet is avelable in ahmedabad?
    can i eligible to apply for nimcet..?

  63. 404

    sir, where i fill up the application form of nimcet for mca.
    when i open your site no application form is displayed.plz tell me

  64. 403

    how to apply mimcet 2010

  65. 402
    Soumen Kumar Saha:

    sir, I am having 58 % marks in 12 standard…. and appearing for the 6th semester . I am having am agrregate of 50% marks til the 5 th sem…. So should I apply for the xam or not….

  66. 401

    As i am a student of bca final year, having 70% agg. can take the exam nimcet ? if yes where in karnataka ? and the list of colleges for mca 2010.

  67. 400
    lal chandra shah:

    Sir, please send me a link in which i got a application form.

  68. 399
    pragya jha:

    may i know the site of NIMCET application form on which site it is available pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

  69. 398
    vivek tiwari: much rupees to make d.d.
    wht the site to upload the appl form..

  70. 397

    I want fill the nimcet application. Send the link to my mail-id.

  71. 396
    Ankit Tyagi:

    how can I download application form for mca entrence 2010

  72. 395

    how can i download nimcet mca 2010 application form

  73. 394

    sir ,kindly let me know the date of notification and which university is conducting the NIMCET-2010 entrance.

  74. 393

    sir, i am a student of bsc second year isecured 66% in class 12th but 46% in math can i apply nimcet exam

  75. 392

    sir, i am from cuddalore district of tamil nadu, plz send me where i want to get nimcet application form and send application issuing date for this year…..

  76. 391
    vidit kumar das:

    should a student having 60% throughout can apply for mca.

  77. 390

    where i get nimcet application?

  78. 389
    manish verma:

    plz tellme correct web side for application form sir!

  79. 388

    when is last date of summiting the application form2010

  80. 387

    sir!where is nimcet 2010 application form site ?

  81. 386
    Ravindra Sahu:

    What are the important dates regarding to the NIMCET 2010.
    please inform me sir.

    site is fantastic.

  82. 385
    Monika Girdhar:

    What are the dates for applications and how can i get the form for nimcet????

  83. 384

    PLS REPLY SOON 9039352070 ANY MSG

  84. 383

    Hello sir ,

    Kindly provide me a actual link to provide a NIMCET-2010 Application form..

  85. 382

    I would like to know the dates of publication of the NIMCET 2010 application form. If you can provide me the particular website name & phone no. then I’ll be highly gratified.
    Thank you

  86. 381

    how many entrance exam form fee & exam fee.

  87. 380

    how many i will atempt [average] question for nit allahabad

  88. 379

    how many student were appeared in nimcet2009

  89. 378
    anuj kumar nishad:

    when the form of nimcet 2010 will available…

  90. 377

    I have completed my bechalor course of through sikkim manipal universty through a distance learning center i.e i am not a regular student. But i am able to full fill all the Eligibility Criteria you required. so please tell me is am able to apper in the enterance exam. My email address is

  91. 376
    kapil kumar:

    i am not getting application form of 2010

  92. 375

    plz tell me date of nimcet 2010 application form

  93. 374
    rahul verma:

    sir,how i submit form and i m persuing bca from ccs univ.
    also tell the website for filling d form.

  94. 373
    santhosh chakka:

    please let me know the date of notification and which university is conducting the NIMCET-2010 entrance.

  95. 372

    Please let me know when will be the notification of NIMCET-2010.

  96. 371

    sir please tell me how we apply in mca ,because trhere is no application form of mca.

  97. 370

    hi sir,
    Iam Medagam Srinivasa Reddy
    s\o Nageswara Reddy

  98. 369
    Sanjay kumar ram:

    dear sir,i am doing bca from smu-dde .it is a distance course.Am i eligible for nimcet2010.please reply…

  99. 368

    hw to apply for nimcet ?

  100. 367
    murali krishna:

    how to get nimcet2010 application form and wat is d website name?

  101. 366
    neethu lohi:

    pls tel me how to apply for nimcet2010
    and correct date of application form.and the last date.from where can i download the form..sir

  102. 365

    I am not able to find the link to download NIMCET 2010 Application form,,plzz help,,,,

  103. 364

    myself pradip singh. i m pursuing my bca in final year from sikkim manipal university. sir i want to know that am i elligible for this nimcet examnation and how can i get the application form of this year examnation.

  104. 363
    manisha saxena:

    please send online application form for nimset mca 2010.

  105. 362
    sandip kamble:

    online application 2010 nimset mca exam.

  106. 361

    sir i have completed the gradution with computer honour with 67% marks and +2 with math background sir i am eliglible for nimcet or not

  107. 360
    liya gohain:

    whr will i get the application form of nimcet?

  108. 359

    plz say me how to apply for NIMCET 2010 ….! ALSO SAY me the correct date of notification of the application form sir !

  109. 358
    k k pandey:

    what is the website name of nimcet 2010 mca exam

  110. 357

    sir,how i submit form and i m persuing bca from ccs univ.
    also tell the website for filling d form and cost of demand draft

  111. 356

    sir,the sites for filling up nimcet2010 form are blocked….then when or how i can submit form?

  112. 355
    niraj singh:

    when the form of nimcet 2010 will available

  113. 354
    Simi Pant:

    hello sir,
    from the given links ,i am not getting “2010 nimcet application from”.instead i am getting 2009 form.
    plz kindly provide me solution to get “nimcet 2010 form”
    & the exact adress to post the demand draft with appln form.

  114. 353
    Simi Pant:

    Pllz kindly provide me solution to get “nimcet 2010 form”
    & the exact adress to post the demand draft with appln form.

  115. 352
    sweety khirwal:

    Dates are available on ahe site but not the form.when can we get the form?

  116. 351

    how can i get application form of nimcet2010??????
    plz guide me on how to get it??????

  117. 350


  118. 349
    Alok Tripathi:

    i am not from maths in 10+2,gained 62% marks but i have done bca from ignou am i eligible for this nimcet examination

  119. 348

    hello Sir…i wanted to know the link where i can find the application form for NIMCET-2010.

  120. 347
    mithun kumar.s:

    how to buy the entrance exam form and what r the eligiblity

  121. 346

    what about MBA entrance?

  122. 345

    Where I can get NIMCET 2010 application form . .

  123. 344

    from the given links ,i am not getting “2010 nimcet application from”.instead i am getting 2009 form.
    plz kindly provide me solution to get “nimcet 2010 form”
    & the exact adress to post the demand draft with appln form.

  124. 343
    ashok kumar:

    percentage in graduation for nimcet 2010

  125. 342

    when will the application form of NIMCET 2010 be available on the net??

  126. 341
    nidhi agrawal:

    What is the date of nimcet 2010 entrance exam?where r the centers?can centers be changed latter?

  127. 340
    sumit kumar:

    i have 60% in pcm (physics ,chemistry & math) but not aggregate .am i eligible for nimcet

  128. 339

    how i can fill the application form of nimcet 2010……i am getting nimcet 2009 form…but i am not getting 2010 entrance form………..

  129. 338


  130. 337

    From where i can download the mca entrance test application form??????????

  131. 336
    Ramkriahna Choubey:

    hello sir,
    i am not getting “2010 nimcet application form”.plz kindly provide me solution to get “nimcet 2010 form”
    & the exact adress to post the demand draft with appln form.

  132. 335


  133. 334

    hello sir,
    from the given links ,i am not getting “2010 nimcet application from”.instead i am getting 2009 form.
    plz kindly provide me solution to get “nimcet 2010 form”
    & the exact adress to post the demand draft with appln form.

  134. 333

    how i can fill the application form of nimcet

  135. 332

    plz tell me the mca entrance exam application form notification & dates.

  136. 331
    rajesh kumar:

    plz! tel me how can i get this application form for 2010 … i didn’t found the form your web site….

  137. 330
    mahima jain:

    from where i can download the application form for this exam?

  138. 329

    how to apply for nimcet2010??????????????

  139. 328

    How can I apply for nimcet-2010????

    I am completing my 3rd yr in B.C.A this year, am i eligible for entrance also tell……………

  140. 327

    sir i am a student of BCA with 63% degree and i complete +2
    with 50% in science background .i am also belongs to ST .so my question is am I eligible for entrance.please tell….

  141. 326

    how do i get the nimcet2010 application form.
    pls help me & also a problem my graduate degree is going on 63 percentage but i passed the +2 class with 50 percentage
    in non medical . can i apply this exam . i also belong to ST .

  142. 325

    from which site i can take entrance application form for mca

  143. 324

    how to apply nimcet2010 entrance examination?

  144. 323
    swagata das:

    how do i get the 2010 nimcet application form.
    please guide me on how to get it.

  145. 322
    swagata das:

    sir i am a student of BCA and i complete my HS with science background.and i also have 61.2%agreegate.But my problem is i am not passed in math & get 20 marks out of 100.Due to best of four out of 5 subjects i am passed in my question is am I eligible for entrance.please tell….

  146. 321

    How to get nimcet 2010 appliction form. I need d website address. Or else send a soft copy of nimcet application form to my mail Id

  147. 320

    where can i fill d nimcet2010 form??
    dates for availability of d form

  148. 319

    I am Rajkumar.I am studing B.SC(cs) at h.h. the Rajah’s college in pudukkottai. I want know about application form

  149. 318

    pls tell me the date of nimcet application form.and offical site of nimcet

  150. 317
    shivam gupta:

    what is the exact date of nimcet 2010 mca entrance exam

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