24th February 2012, 01:37 AM
Join Date: Feb 2012
Posts: 2

Am I eligible for Acturial Science after doing graduation with economics and PG in economics?

Hi sir ,
I have done graduation with economics 60% & P.G in economics with 59% am i eligible for the acturial science. If yes than what is the procedure for the enterance exam

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24th February 2012, 11:33 AM
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Default Re: Am I eligible for Acturial Science after doing graduation with economics and PG in economics?

You are eligible if you have score 55% in Statistics.

Eligibility for Acturial Science

1. 10+2 in any discipline with at least 85% marks in Maths or Statistics.

2. Any Graduate with 55% marks in Maths/Stats/Econometrics/Computer Science.

3. Engineers are eligible also.

4. MBA in finance /CA/CMA/MCA/CFA


Candidates are admitted throughout the year.

you need to register yourself in ACTUARIAL SOCIETY OF INDIA.

REGISTRATION FEE - 300/- only.

for more info visit ------ www.actuariesindia.org
5th June 2012, 04:16 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Am I eligible for Acturial Science after doing graduation with economics and PG in economics?

Am a diploma holder of biomedical sciences and am studying towards diploma in insurance,am eligible to do acturial science?
19th June 2012, 12:02 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Am I eligible for Acturial Science after doing graduation with economics and PG in economics?

Am I eligible for Acturial Science afterdoing graduation with statistic's?
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31st October 2012, 06:54 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Am I eligible for Acturial Science after doing graduation with economics and PG in economics?

i have done diploma in computer eng.am i eligible for the actrual.
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31st October 2012, 09:25 PM
Join Date: Oct 2012
Posts: 96
Default Re: Am I eligible for Acturial Science after doing graduation with economics and PG in economics?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
i have done diploma in computer eng.am i eligible for the actrual.
Actuarial Science Eligibility Criteria

Actuarial Society of India (ASI), Mumbai, is the chief body engaged in education in actuarial science.

A person is eligible to be considered for admission as student member if he/she satisfies one of the following five conditions:

■Those who have passed 10+2(H.S.C) or equivalent a) with at least 85% in Mathematics/Statistics, b) with recommendations from two Fellow Members of the society, c) Having English as the medium of instruction in +2 or equivalent level.
■Graduate or Post Graduate with subjects like Mathematics, Statistics, Economics, Computer Science, Engineering, MBA (Finance) and alike. Besides a person would also be eligible provided;
i. The total marks secured in the subjects coming under the classification of Mathematical Sciences, taken together in all the years of the degree course are not less than 55%.

ii. The content of Mathematical Sciences subjects in all the years of the course taken together is not less than 50% of the total content. This is measured by the ratio which the maximum marks allotted to Mathematical Science subjects in all the years of the course bears to the total maximum marks allotted to all subjects included in the examination of the entire course excluding languages.

iii.The medium of instruction at the Graduate/Post Graduate level has been English.

■Fully qualified members of professional bodies such as the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, The Institute of Cost and Works Accountants of India and Certified Institute of Financial Analysts of India and Fellow of Insurance Institute of India (Passing with subjects 81-Mathematical Basis of Insurance and 82-Statistics) as also other qualified persons like MBA to be considered on case to case basis.
■All continuing students of Institutes.
■Faculty of Actuaries, UK, Society of Actuaries, USA, Casualty Actuarial Society, USA and Institute of Actuaries of Australia.
Actuarial Science Pay Package

For an actuary, sky is the limit as far as salary and other benefits are concerned. This is one of the most rewarding careers in the insurance sector. Here, entry level salary is expected to be somewhere around Rs. 8 lakh per annum. For the underwriters it is around Rs. 6 lakh per annum.
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31st October 2012, 10:09 PM
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Default Re: Am I eligible for Acturial Science after doing graduation with economics and PG in economics?

Eligibility for Acturial Science

Any person with minimum 18 years of age and having a high degree of aptitude for mathematics and statistics can take up the course and become an Actuary.


There is no fixed duration to complete the course. The aspirant has to clear the Entrance Examination and the 15 subjects prescribed. A student can attempt any number of subjects at a time and in any order. However, it is a better option to take the subjects in the numerical sequence in which these are numbered and not more than two or three at a time.

Actuarial Science Job Prospects

An Actuary works in LIC, GIC, ESIC, Banks, Stock Exchanges and other financial institutions controlled by Govt. & Private bodies.

Actuarial Science Institutes/Universities

Actuarial Society of India
Address: 9 Jeevan Udyog
278 Dr. D.N Road
Fort, Mumbai-400001
Website: www.actuariesindia.org

Amity School of Insurance and Actuarial Science
Address: Amity Campus
Sector 44, Noida- 201303
Phone : (0120) 4392304
Fax : (0120) 2431856
Website: www.amity.edu/asias/

Birla Institute of Management & Technology
Address: Pushpa Vihar,
Sector-IV, New Delhi-110017
Phone: 91 (0)120 2323001 upto next 10 numbers
Fax : 91 (0)120 2323022/25
Website: www.bimtech.ac.in

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