8th August 2012, 08:32 PM
Can I get Indian CDC at an age of 35 years
I m 35 years n graduate can i get job in shiping line can i get indian cdc. |
16th August 2012, 05:17 PM
sir i have done stcw cources and i have belize cdc. and after doing sale if i get belize coc then am eligible for getting indian cdc. kindly suggest me.
18th November 2012, 08:21 PM
sir i have done stcw cources and i have belize cdc. and after doing sale if i get belize coc then am eligible for getting indian cdc
plz advice me |
20th November 2012, 12:17 PM
i want to work on ship but i dont have experience or cdc please guide me i had experience of hardware and networking of 9 years
advice me on this Id [email protected] |
18th January 2013, 05:41 PM
i am having experience in cutter suction dredgers(not self propelled) as a skipper about 18years experience how can i apply for an indian cdc. please guide me.
Regds Anand [email protected] |
8th June 2013, 12:53 PM
I have completed 18 months of sailing and acquired watch keeping certificate. Currently I am in possession of Panama CDC. Am I eligible for Indian CDC? I kindly request you to please guide me. My Qualification- (a) 12th passed in arts above 70%. (b) GP rating course (deck side). |
12th June 2013, 02:36 PM
i am 31 years old i passed 10 th 82%marks and diploma in mechanical engg 72% marks and also finshed four basic coursed stcw 95 in maritime just 15 days course i wat to get indian cdc ig i do any course or write any exams in maritime if i do course musy what is the name of the course and i must write exams what are the syllabus for the exams pla guide me to get indian cfc pls mail me at [email protected] i sent so many email for some persons no one reply me so pls reply me sir i want to know the yo get indian cdc og my qualification and age |
4th July 2014, 08:16 PM
I have indian cdc issued on the bases on belize 3rd mate coc,rank printed on this cdc is other deck/Nautical officers.Now I am confused that on which rank can I join the ship on this ccdc.what will be my rank??
23rd February 2015, 06:55 PM
Am 31 years old man can I apply for indian cdc advice me my mail [email protected]
13th June 2015, 03:00 AM
On the basis of forigen coc, you get indian cdc mentioned as deck/nutical officer, you can apply for the job on basis of your coc for equivalent rank.
26th August 2015, 10:23 PM
ir i have done stcw cources and i have belize cdc. and after doing sale if i get belize coc then am eligible for getting indian cdc
plz advice me MY MAIL ID [email protected] |
3rd November 2016, 02:39 PM
I have marine engineer qualification and 10 years of shipyard experience I would like to do sailing can I get Indian CDC at the age34 if so please guide me sent replay to [email protected]
14th February 2019, 07:08 AM
I am 43 years old, done bsc hotel mgt. And got 18 years work experience in hotel industry. would like to join cruise. Can i get Indian CDC if so please guide me. my mail id is [email protected]
15th February 2019, 01:20 PM
*Without a CDC, a person is not eligible to work on ships. If an Indian national of 18 years, holding an Indian passport and a Class 10 pass certificate, completes the five basic STCW safety courses spread over two weeks, he is entitled to apply for a CDC.
*age limit: In order to apply for a CDC, a person has to be an Indian national of 18 years old, with an Indian passport and a Class 10 pass certificate, and has to complete five basic International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW) safety courses. |
15th February 2019, 06:09 PM
In order to apply for a CDC, a person has to be an Indian national of 18 years old, with an Indian passport and a Class 10 pass certificate, and has to complete five basic International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW) safety courses.