20th August 2011, 08:18 PM
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Can I join Merchant Navy after doing B.Tech Mechanical? Procedure to apply for it?

Sir i am doing b.tech in mechanical engg. in second year.sir can i join merchant navy.nd tel me the procedure how to join.please give me ans.in my [email protected]

21st August 2011, 09:40 AM
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Smile Re: Can I join Merchant Navy after doing B.Tech Mechanical? Procedure to apply for it?

yes you can go for merchant navy but being a Mechanical engineer why you want to join merchant navy.......better option in same field is why dont you try for indian navy...........think on it..........and make decision.....

Always Indian NAVY is for technical people and give respectful post than Merchant navy.For merchant navy we need just 12th class and Indian NAVY need gaduation this make difference and also pay scale also high for Indian NAVY.

To become a merchant navy officer, one needs to be atleast 10+2 or a diploma holder...but you must have scored more than 60% in PCM in 12th board...............so if you want to go for MERCHANT navy you can.........

There will be 2 year course for Diploma Holders and successful completion you will be join merchant in either of departments
  • Deck
  • Engine
  • Catering
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