18th July 2011, 08:11 PM
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Can NRI students write IIT JEE entrance exam?

can non resident indians (nri)s write iit-jee entrance exam...please tell me if its possible

5th October 2011, 01:38 PM
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Default Re: Can NRI students write IIT JEE entrance exam?

My daughter is in 12 std student of CBSE board in MUSCAT.She has to appear for IIT-JEE exam 2012.What will be the procedure for application and how to pay the application fees.Whether online exam is conducted?What is the exam date?Any separate quota or entrance is there?Pl advice.
My email address is [email protected]

Thanking you,

5th October 2011, 04:01 PM
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Default Re: Can NRI students write IIT JEE entrance exam?

Yes, she can appear for the IIT-JEE. The eligibility criteria quoted by them is:-
The qualifying examinations are-
The final examination of the 10+2 system, conducted by any recognized central/ state Board, such as Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi; Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations, New Delhi; etc.
Intermediate or two-year Pre-University examination conducted by a recognized Board/ University.
Final examination of the two-year course of the Joint Services Wing of the National Defence Academy.
General Certificate Education (GCE) examination (London / Cambridge / Sri Lanka) at the Advanced (A) level.
High School Certificate Examination of the Cambridge University or International Baccalaureate Diploma of the International Baccalaureate Office, Geneva.
H.S.C. vocational examination.
Senior Secondary School Examination conducted by the National Institute of Open Schooling with a minimum of five subjects.
A Diploma recognized by AICTE or a state board of technical education of at least 3 year duration.
Any Public School/Board/University examination in India or in any foreign country recognized as equivalent to the 10+2 system by the Association of Indian Universities (AIU).

So, you have your category there.
You can apply for her online as well as offline. The procedure has not yet started. But the notifications have been released. The online registration starts on 31October while the offline process starts on 11th November.

The application fees is INR200 for girl students.

The exam is not conducted online, and the only examination city abroad is Dubai under IIT-Delhi zone.

The exam is scheduled on the 8th of April, 2012

There are no NRI quotas as such.
you can always visit jee.iitd.ac.in for details. Also refer to the attachments for deadlines.

Also, other details have been mailed to you.
Attached Files
File Type: zip IITJEE2012.zip(159.7 KB, 222 views)
5th October 2011, 04:06 PM
K.Bala Kishore
Join Date: Oct 2011
Posts: 75
Default Re: Can NRI students write IIT JEE entrance exam?

good news for you friend.
there is a special quota of NRI eligibilty.
you can refer official website of www.iitd.ac.in

all the best
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5th October 2011, 04:13 PM
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Default Re: Can NRI students write IIT JEE entrance exam?

Yes, she can appear for the IIT-JEE. The eligibility criteria quoted by them is:-
The qualifying examinations are-
The final examination of the 10+2 system, conducted by any recognized central/ state Board, such as Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi; Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations, New Delhi; etc.
Intermediate or two-year Pre-University examination conducted by a recognized Board/ University.
Final examination of the two-year course of the Joint Services Wing of the National Defence Academy.
General Certificate Education (GCE) examination (London / Cambridge / Sri Lanka) at the Advanced (A) level.
High School Certificate Examination of the Cambridge University or International Baccalaureate Diploma of the International Baccalaureate Office, Geneva.
H.S.C. vocational examination.
Senior Secondary School Examination conducted by the National Institute of Open Schooling with a minimum of five subjects.
A Diploma recognized by AICTE or a state board of technical education of at least 3 year duration.
Any Public School/Board/University examination in India or in any foreign country recognized as equivalent to the 10+2 system by the Association of Indian Universities (AIU).

So, you have your category there.
You can apply for her online as well as offline. The procedure has not yet started. But the notifications have been released. The online registration starts on 31October while the offline process starts on 11th November.

The application fees is INR200 for girl students.

The exam is not conducted online, and the only examination city abroad is Dubai under IIT-Delhi zone.

The exam is scheduled on the 8th of April, 2012

There are no NRI quotas as such.
you can always visit jee.iitd.ac.in for details. Also refer to the attachments for deadlines.

Also, other details have been mailed to you.
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5th October 2011, 07:13 PM
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Default Re: Can NRI students write IIT JEE entrance exam?

Yes,you are eligible for that...
Eligibility Criteria for IIT JEE Exam

The eligibility needed by one to write this exam is a pass in standard XII.
Applicants can appear for this exam only twice, that too in the consecutive years.
Applicants must have a both mentally and physique healthy.
Applicants should have 60% in their +2.
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5th October 2011, 07:19 PM
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Default Re: Can NRI students write IIT JEE entrance exam?

Structure of the Joint Entrance Examination (IIT JEE)

The IIT JEE encompasses of 2 papers. Each of these papers has a time period of 2 hours. The questions asked will be of the objective nature. The questions asked shall be from:

Some sections might contain negative marking. Applicants who get chosen for the B.Design and B. Architecture programs will have to appear for the Aptitude Test. This shall be performed by specific institute at the time of counseling.

Syllabus of the Exam

The comprehensive syllabuses of the IIT JEE are as follows:


Physical chemistry
Atomic structure and chemical bonding
Chemical equilibrium
Chemical kinetics
Gaseous and liquid states
General topics
Nuclear chemistry
Solid state
Surface chemistry
Inorganic Chemistry
Extractive metallurgy
Preparation and properties of the following compounds
Principles of qualitative analysis
Transition elements (3d series)
Organic Chemistry
Amino acids and peptides
Practical organic chemistry
Preparation, properties and reactions of alkenes and alkynes
Properties and uses of some important polymers
Reactions of benzene

Electricity and magnetism
Modern physics

Analytical geometry (Two dimensions & Three dimensions
Differential calculus
Integral calculus
Syllabus for Aptitude Test

Architectural awareness
Freehand drawing
Geometrical drawing
Imagination and aesthetic sensitivity
Three-dimensional perception
Applicants are advised to bring with them their geometry box sets, and other requirements for the Aptitude Test.

Language of the IIT JEE Exam

Students can answer the IIT JEE paper in either Hindi or English languages. The preference of the students is to be noted correctly in the admission form. This is because students who have not indicated their language preferences will have to write the exam in English.

Eligibility Criteria for IIT JEE Exam

The eligibility needed by one to write this exam is a pass in standard XII.
Applicants can appear for this exam only twice, that too in the consecutive years.
Applicants must have a both mentally and physique healthy.
Those who are going to give their final exams can apply as well.
How to Apply for IIT JEE Exam?

Applicants can apply for the IIT JEE exam by the online or offline methods.

Offline method

Applicants can purchase the admission form from any of the Union Bank branches. The price of the form is Rs. 500/- for reserved category students and Rs.1000/- for other categories. Other option is to buy it directly from any of the IIT’s.

Online method

Students can visit any of the IIT websites and fill the form online. Once you have filled in the details, you can take a print of the form and send it to the concerned address alongside the challan. The fees can be paid at any branch of the Union bank.

Rules for Reservation for IIT JEE Exam

The reservation put forward by the Indian government are as follows:

SC candidates - 15% seats
ST candidates - 7.5% seats
OBC candidates - 27% seats
leprosy-cured candidates - 3%
How to fill the Form?

Admission forms must be filled in clearly without causing any damage to the OMR sheet. As the details you print will be checked in an automatic machine, you must ensure that everything is written in a clean and legible order. Students can also take a copy of the application and first fill in it. This is a very good method as any mistakes that you have made in the copy can be ignored and the correct details can be filled in the original application. The application must be filled in with an HB pencil. It should also be written in the English language only. Those applications that do not follow the rules aforementioned shall be rejected.

Important Dates for IIT JEE exam

Sale of Application: mid of November
Last date for the reception of Application forms (post): middle of December
Last date for the reception of Application forms (at IIT’s by hand): last week of December
Joint Entrance Exam will be performed on: April 2nd week.
The result of the exam shall be announced on the mid week of May.
List of IIT JEE centers
for more details go to the link:iitjee.org
Iwould personaaly suggest you to strengthen Chemistry and Physics or maths.....either one of the two.
good luck
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5th October 2011, 08:18 PM
raju bhai
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Default Re: Can NRI students write IIT JEE entrance exam?

hi dear,
yeah friends NRI students can give IIT exam.
but in 12th class your marks is 60% aggrigate (pcm).
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20th October 2011, 08:12 AM
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Default Re: Can NRI students write IIT JEE entrance exam?

Can NRI students appear for WB-JEE (West Bengal Joint Entrance Examination)? If so what is the quota (like 5% or 10%)? And what are the eligibility requirements for NRI? Also it will be really helpful if someone could tell the syllabus to study and any respective books to start with. I cant find my last question in the discussion forum so it would be very very helpful if you could email the answer to [email protected]
Thank you very very much
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20th October 2011, 08:22 PM
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Default Re: Can NRI students write IIT JEE entrance exam?

offcourse friends,NRI students surly write IIT JEE entrance exam.
IIT is the one of the most craziest exam for student .
it is also topest exam for B.TECH .
it is held in single time in a year in first week of april .
its student demand is abroad for all company and also student get more sallary.
for its eligibility you pass in 12th exam with 60% from PCM (group).
you can give only two times first one is apperaing in class 12th and other is after passing 12th with next year.
friends if you cracking the IIT exam then you gives more time in reading and work hard because syllabus is very hard.

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22nd December 2011, 08:50 PM
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Default Re: Can NRI students write IIT JEE entrance exam?

I am seriously thinking of moving to India in 12 months now. However, I will be a citizen of Britain and will have a PIO as well as OCI card. I will work in India for the rest of my life and will earn and spend in INR. I do not think I can afford to pay any fees for my son which are higher simply because he will not be an Indian citizen. Can somebody please clarify if the fees are higher for "a PIO who is now normally resident in India and hence not an NRI" for institutes like : 1) IIT and other Gov. engineering colleges 2) Government Medical colleges 3) Any private college
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13th August 2012, 12:40 AM
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Default Re: Can NRI students write IIT JEE entrance exam?

my brother's son is born in U.S.A nd got citizenship of USA. He is staying in india with his grand mother nd studying in india from lkg onwards. He is in 7 th standared now, nd wanted to write IIT entrance... is there any restrictions on him to take an admission into IIT, though he will complete his entire studies in inida. but only the thing is, he has U.S CITIZENSHIP... is there any special procedure , reservation, fees, for this guy... please tell me the whole information about this issue...

Thank YOU.
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14th August 2012, 11:39 PM
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Default Re: Can NRI students write IIT JEE entrance exam?

Yes,you are eligible for that...
Eligibility Criteria for IIT JEE Exam

The eligibility needed by one to write this exam is a pass in standard XII.
Applicants can appear for this exam only twice, that too in the consecutive years.
Applicants must have a both mentally and physique healthy.
Applicants should have 60% in their +2.

Thank you
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26th February 2013, 03:04 PM
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Default Re: Can NRI students write IIT JEE entrance exam?

After clearing the JEE-Advanced Exam, what is the fee payable by an NRI student for admission into any of the IITs ? will it be same fee payable by an Indian student who did his 10 @ in India OR the NRI student has to pay higher fees (like the fee of USD 7,500/- or so payable by NRI students for admission into state-run / private universities in India. Please clarify
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26th June 2013, 02:26 AM
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Default Re: Can NRI students write IIT JEE entrance exam?

My Daughter would be completing her 12 Grade from USA. We are Indian citizen. Is she eligible to write Medical entrance exam in India?
If any one kindly let us know the process and procedure and fee structure for being a NRI student?
Is there any quota for NRI student?
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9th October 2013, 08:54 PM
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Default Re: Can NRI students write IIT JEE entrance exam?

my brother is born in US but staying in India post birth. Can he appear for IIT JEE and does he qualify for the common quota or any restrictions apply. He is normal resident and tax payee in india [as applicable as a minor]
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8th July 2014, 07:48 AM
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Default Re: Can NRI students write IIT JEE entrance exam?

My son would be completing his 12 Grade from USA. We are Indian citizen. Is he eligible to write IITjee Entrance entrance exam in India?
If any one kindly know the process and procedure and fee structure for being a NRI student ,please let us know?
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8th July 2014, 07:54 AM
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Default Re: Can NRI students write IIT JEE entrance exam?

My son would be completing his 12 Grade from USA. We are Indian citizens. Is he eligible to take IITjee Entrance exam in India?
If any one knows the whole process and procedure and fee structure for being a NRI student, would you please let us know.
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28th January 2015, 04:04 PM
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Default Re: Can NRI students write IIT JEE entrance exam?

My son would be completing IB diploma from International School Germany. we are Indian. Is he eligible to take IIT JEE or WB JEE ?????
Please help.
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23rd July 2015, 03:14 PM
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Default Re: Can NRI students write IIT JEE entrance exam?

If someone does his/her final schooling in international schools [IGCSE: International General Certificate of Secondary Education] and who is Indian by birth in abroad, will he/she be eligible for IIT JEE exams in India? My parents are also Indian. please intimate and help. Thanks in advance.
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7th September 2015, 03:12 PM
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Default Re: Can NRI students write IIT JEE entrance exam?

There is a small online tutoring firm specializing in preparing NRI students in gulf for iit jee n bitsat exams.

Its www.exam.coach

I know their founder who is herself excellent maths teacher.
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10th May 2016, 07:52 PM
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Default Re: Can NRI students write IIT JEE entrance exam?

In present system IIT JEE doen't exist any more, presently it is is JEE MAIN & JEE ADVANCE.
Please guide how NRI student can appear for the same.
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23rd May 2017, 05:43 PM
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Default Re: Can NRI students write IIT JEE entrance exam?

My son is writing his 12th standard in USA. Is he eligible to appear for JEE Main here?? Till 10th standard he studied in India. Please reply.
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