7th February 2011, 05:56 PM
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Difference between B.Tech., B.Sc.(Engineering) and B.E.

what is the difference between b tech and engineering degiree

7th February 2011, 09:24 PM
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Default Re: Difference between B.Tech., B.Sc.(Engineering) and B.E.

I dont know about the B.Sc.(Engineering).
but B.E and B.TECH are same......
they have no such difference.
some universities give B.TECH and some gives B.E
okay friend....
8th February 2011, 03:19 AM
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Default Re: Difference between B.Tech., B.Sc.(Engineering) and B.E.

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
what is the difference between b tech and engineering degiree
Dear friend,

B.Tech. and B.E. are same and equivalent degrees and are different
only by their name.
B.E. is the degree alloted by state colleges of Madhya Pradesh,

B.Sc.(Engg.) degree is basically a graduation which is completely
different from B.E. or B.Tech.
B.Tech/B.E. courses are designed keeping only a major field of
engineering in mind while B.Sc.(Engg.) degree is designed keeping
all branches of engineering in mind and you don't get knowledge
about any particular field of the engineering.
So always prefer the B.Tech./B.E. course over the B.Sc. course.

Thank you..
15th February 2011, 02:22 PM
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Smile Re: Difference between B.Tech., B.Sc.(Engineering) and B.E.

B.sc It gives you a overall experience of science field to you
Btech is a specialisation in particular field.
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15th February 2011, 08:59 PM
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Default Re: Difference between B.Tech., B.Sc.(Engineering) and B.E.

hi good evening sir , i have peruse B.Sc engineering from magadh university my friend peruse B.tech from JNTU i dont think that there s difference in subject which we r red.
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16th February 2011, 01:28 PM
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Default Re: Difference between B.Tech., B.Sc.(Engineering) and B.E.

the basic difference between the BTech, BSc and BE is that one is Bachelors of technology, one bachelors of science and one is bachelor of engineering....course duration for BE and BTech is for 4 years and for BSc its of 3 years...Be and Btech is the engineering course and Bsc is a general science course...so people prefer BE and BTech than BSc...
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25th February 2011, 03:45 PM
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Wink Re: Difference between B.Tech., B.Sc.(Engineering) and B.E.

Wrong Information, B.Sc.(Engineering) is also a Engineering Degree offered by many colleges in Bihar and Jharkhand. As they are not having any technical university they are giving the degree under B.Sc.(Engineering) course.Even Regional Engineering Colleges(Jamshedpur) use to give this degree before it became NIT.Same way Bihar College of Engineering(Patna),BIT(Sindri) and all other colleges use to give B.Sc.(Engineering) before BCE,Patna became NIT.
Simple B.Sc. cources are not Approved by AICTE but B.Sc.(Engineering) is.

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25th February 2011, 04:00 PM
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Default Re: Difference between B.Tech., B.Sc.(Engineering) and B.E.

B.Sc.(Engineering) in not a simple B.Sc. its a Engineering Degree approved ny AICTE.Its not known well because it has been changed to B Tech or BE but still in the state of Bihar and jharkhand engineering graduates get this Degree. Its 4 year full time Degree course and not 3 year.Any Central Govt. form for recuritment or Admission you can see all the three i.e. BE, B Tech or B Sc.(Engineering).
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27th February 2011, 08:01 PM
kapila Chaudhary
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Default Re: Difference between B.Tech., B.Sc.(Engineering) and B.E.

B. tech:Bachelors of Technology
B Sc: Bachelors of Science
B.E. Bachelors of Engineering
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28th March 2011, 08:09 PM
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Default Re: Difference between B.Tech., B.Sc.(Engineering) and B.E.

b.tech honour is equlent to b.sn engineering
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29th March 2011, 07:13 PM
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Default Re: Difference between B.Tech., B.Sc.(Engineering) and B.E.

Is BSc. Engineering (Mechanical Engineering) from Patna, bihar equivalent to B.E?
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2nd May 2011, 10:38 PM
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Default Re: Difference between B.Tech., B.Sc.(Engineering) and B.E.

why bihar engineering collages awarded B.Sc.Engineering in previous year but same university awarded B.Tech degree.
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6th May 2011, 04:50 PM
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Default Re: Difference between B.Tech., B.Sc.(Engineering) and B.E.

B.tech degree so better than the B.sc engineering
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11th May 2011, 09:14 PM
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Default Re: Difference between B.Tech., B.Sc.(Engineering) and B.E.

how i apply engineering before B.Sc.
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13th May 2011, 09:43 AM
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Default Re: Difference between B.Tech., B.Sc.(Engineering) and B.E.

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19th June 2011, 04:54 PM
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Default Re: Difference between B.Tech., B.Sc.(Engineering) and B.E.

Originally Posted by kapila Chaudhary View Post
B. tech:Bachelors of Technology
B Sc: Bachelors of Science
B.E. Bachelors of Engineering
my dear this is not BSc only BSc engineering, BSc engineering is entirely diffetrent from BSC, BSc Engineering is 100% equivalent to B tech Or Be
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25th June 2011, 08:39 PM
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Default Re: Difference between B.Tech., B.Sc.(Engineering) and B.E.

B.Sc engg. Is equivalent to B.TEch and B.e
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5th July 2011, 03:51 AM
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Default Re: Difference between B.Tech., B.Sc.(Engineering) and B.E.

What about 4 years Diploma Engineering?
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12th July 2011, 04:20 PM
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Default Re: Difference between B.Tech., B.Sc.(Engineering) and B.E.

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27th July 2011, 12:04 PM
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Default Re: Difference between B.Tech., B.Sc.(Engineering) and B.E.

its so easy to make difference between them.... that is non other than spelling difference
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24th August 2011, 03:58 PM
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Default Re: Difference between B.Tech., B.Sc.(Engineering) and B.E.

In my opinion B.Sc.Engineering degree is superior than B.E. degree but it comes lower than B.Tech. degree.
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29th September 2011, 07:57 AM
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Default Re: Difference between B.Tech., B.Sc.(Engineering) and B.E.

B.SC engineering course is there in magadha university patna bihar state?
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8th October 2011, 12:45 PM
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Default Re: Difference between B.Tech., B.Sc.(Engineering) and B.E.

I completed diplamo(ece).now iam studying parttime which study will be best
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1st November 2011, 08:06 PM
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Default Re: Difference between B.Tech., B.Sc.(Engineering) and B.E.

A road 1557m long was found, when measured by a defective 30m chain, to be 1550m. How much correction does the chain need?
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16th November 2011, 02:26 PM
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Default Re: Difference between B.Tech., B.Sc.(Engineering) and B.E.

what is difference between Bsc. engineering and Simple Msc. Is Bsc engineering equvalent to simple Msc ?
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24th November 2011, 09:40 AM
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Cool Re: Difference between B.Tech., B.Sc.(Engineering) and B.E.

There is no difference between B E and B Tech .There were days , IITs started offering the B Tech degrees while other universities offered B E degrees -- as a differenciator.

As a matter of fact , B S in Engineering , B Sc in Engineering , B E , B Tech are all same and similar in terms of Degrees in Engineering / Technology.

Nevertheless, institutes or colleges or the universities have the choice to consider between B E and B Tech , now-a-days .

B S in Engineering and B Sc in Engineering are no loger in the picture at all , in India .

Well, of late courses like Biotechnology, Information technology are offered with B Tech degrees -- while other courses continue with B E degrees .

At the end , such a debate or apprehension will lead us nowhere -- the competence of the Engineer / Technocrat would only prevail and not B E or B Tech degree !
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16th December 2011, 10:13 PM
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Default Re: Difference between B.Tech., B.Sc.(Engineering) and B.E.

i have diploma in civil engineering and what is good for me b tech or b sc
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3rd February 2012, 06:13 PM
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Default Re: Difference between B.Tech., B.Sc.(Engineering) and B.E.

What is the difference between B.S. (Marine) Engg. and B.Tech. or B.E. (Marine) Engg. Will you please let me know the Recruiting agency in Mumbai who are recruting Fresh Marine Engineers for ship?


Vivek Nair
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12th February 2012, 09:41 PM
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Default Re: Difference between B.Tech., B.Sc.(Engineering) and B.E.

I know that B.Sc.(Engineering),B.E. and B.Tech , all three have are the graduate engineering degree( 4-years degree course) with different nomenclature.The old nomenclature,but still use in different state like Bihar, Jharkhand e.t.c. Even the best writer of technical books have B.Sc.(Engineering) degree.Central Govt.,State Govt. And PSU , all recognize these three degree as same. If some body have Govt. Order regarding equavalency of B.Sc(Engineering) degree as B.E. Or B.Tech, Please quote refrence web adress.
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12th February 2012, 09:46 PM
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Default Re: Difference between B.Tech., B.Sc.(Engineering) and B.E.

I know that B.Sc.(Engineering),B.E. and B.Tech , all three have are the graduate engineering degree( 4-years degree course) with different nomenclature.The old nomenclature,but still use in different state like Bihar, Jharkhand e.t.c. Even the best writer of technical books have B.Sc.(Engineering) degree.Central Govt.,State Govt. And PSU , all recognize these three degree as same. If some body have Govt. Order regarding equavalency of B.Sc(Engineering) degree as B.E. Or B.Tech, Please quote refrence web adress.
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12th February 2012, 11:20 PM
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In reply to your query, I would give you short details on the two degrees and then would elaborate more on the differences.

I said two as there is nothing called the B.SC (Engineering). Yes its called B.Sc in Physics, Maths, or Chemistry, Computer Science. Its a 3 year graduation course.

Now coming to the B.Tech; it is called the Bachelors in Technology. Its a 4 year long program which is also a graduation course.
Students of only the Science Background can pursue it.

And B.E is the Bachelor in Engineering. Its also the SAME as the B.Tech and 4 years long course. Graduation program which can be done only by Science 12th pass students.

Now the major difference between the B.Sc and the B.E/B.Tech lies within the period of the course which is 3 in case of B.Sc and 4 in each case of B.E/B.Tech.
Also B.E/B.Tech is considered a superior course to B.Sc.

--> And coming to the root difference between B.Tech and B.E is, earlier in the early 1980's, Indian colleges provided only specific course education. Like a college providing only Engineering course, Medical courses, etc. Such colleges called the Engineering course as Bachelor in Engineering i.e B.E

Later there were bigger and better universities emerging and they started calling Engineering course as the Bachelor in Technology.

This is the main difference between the two. Otherwise the course wise, content wise all is same.

Hope this helps

All the best
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13th February 2012, 08:16 AM
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Default Re: Difference between B.Tech., B.Sc.(Engineering) and B.E.

see B.Tech. and B.E. are same and equivalent degrees and are different
only by their name.
The only differnce as far as i know you have more labs and workshop in colleges providing you b.tech.
B.Sc.(Engg.) degree is basically a graduation which is completely
different from B.E. or B.Tech.
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13th February 2012, 11:47 AM
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Default Re: Difference between B.Tech., B.Sc.(Engineering) and B.E.

dear friend,

Difference Between B.Sc (Engineering), B.E. and B.Tech. :-

--> See B.Sc (Engineering) is a 3 years course and it is a U.G. (Under Graduate)
course. You can pursue this degree like B.Sc in I.T. , B.Sc in computer science ,
B.Sc in computer application , B.Sc in Engineering Physics , B.Sc in Engineering
Chemistry , B.Sc in Engineering Mathematics etc. B.Sc. means Bachelor of Science.

--> Now B.E degree -- B.E. means Bachelor of Engineering. It is a 4 years course and
it is a U.G. (Under Graduate) course. It is given by the U.G.C. (University Grant

--> Now B.Tech degree -- B.Tech. means Bachelor of Technology. It is a 4 years course
and it is a U.G. (Under Graduate) course. It is given by the A.I.C.T.E. (All India
Council of Technical Education).

Basically there is no such difference between B.E. and B.Tech. In 1980's and before 1980's most of the universities used to give B.E. degree to the students.

I think you got my point and it is clear to you.

good luck.
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22nd March 2012, 05:00 AM
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Default Re: Difference between B.Tech., B.Sc.(Engineering) and B.E.

B.Sc(Engg.) is a 4 year course and is equivalent to BE, Btech. Few replies above are absolutely wrong about B.Sc(Engg.). My advice, go by the reputation of college/university than by the name of degree. All three are equivalent.
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22nd March 2012, 05:03 AM
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Default Re: Difference between B.Tech., B.Sc.(Engineering) and B.E.

B.Sc(Engg.) is equivalent to BE or Btech. It is also a 4 year course. Go by the reputation of college/university rather than the name of the degree.
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6th May 2012, 08:19 PM
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Default Re: Difference between B.Tech., B.Sc.(Engineering) and B.E.

B.Sc.(Engineering) is also a Engineering Degree offered by many colleges in Bihar and Jharkhand. As they are not having any technical university they are giving the degree under B.Sc.(Engineering) course.Even Regional Engineering Colleges(Jamshedpur) use to give this degree before it became NIT.Same way Bihar College of Engineering(Patna),BIT(Sindri) and all other colleges use to give B.Sc.(Engineering) before BCE,Patna became NIT.
Simple B.Sc. cources are not Approved by AICTE but B.Sc.(Engineering) is.
don"t think any thing else if you have B.Sc. Engineering degree in any stream or you are going to take this degree it is completely a engineering degree recognized by upsc ,aicte, all psu , govt. sec ,and all private farm if any body not consider this as a engineering degree equivalent to BE or BTech you can challenge them with full of confidence. if you have any doubt check advertisement of GATE ,upsc engineering service or any other psu , railways.All countries in the world world take it as a engineering degree 4 year equivalent to B.Tech or BE.
Er. sumit kumar roy
Sr. Section Engineer (Indian Railway)
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29th May 2012, 04:22 PM
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Default Re: Difference between B.Tech., B.Sc.(Engineering) and B.E.

tell me the top colleges for bsc engeering
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30th June 2012, 08:24 PM
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Default Re: Difference between B.Tech., B.Sc.(Engineering) and B.E.

yes B. sc. engineering is eqivalent to B.E. and B.Tec. not only in bihar and jharkhand but previosly many old engineering colleges and university like aligarh muslim university , Punjab engineering college(estd in 1924 now deeemed univrsity) Chandigarh ,dayalbagh engg college(estd in1950),B.Sc.(Engineering) N.I.T.. Kurukshetra, bit mesra, bit sindri ,NIT patna(previously bce patna estd in 1924), NIT jamsedpur, NIT rourkela , MIT muzaffarpur(estd in 1952) these all was awarding the degree B.Sc(engineering),some colleges still awarding B sc (engg) for proof you can see the web site of iit rourkee iit deli iit mumbai etc and can seee that various faculty with degree B.Sc (engineering) . also note that is 4 year 4 year 4 year ......not 3 yr simple B Sc degree like physics ,math or whatever hence dont compare with that ,also you can see upsc and gate for evidence and i myself completed my engineering and was awarded 4yr B Sc (engineering )and working as an assistant professor in government engineering college
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8th November 2012, 11:05 PM
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Default Re: Difference between B.Tech., B.Sc.(Engineering) and B.E.

Basically B.Sc Engineering ,B.E ,B.Tech are equivalent technically. When Technical education started in india all state engineering Colleges used to give B.Sc Engineering Degree, REC (Regional Engineering College) used to give B.E & IIT has been giving B.Tech . Later on with Privatisation & private Enginering Colleges mushrooming prefered to give B.Tech in place of B.E or B.Sc Enginnering. All 3 are 4 Yr course with 10+ 2 as admission eligibility requirement & are essentially equivalent.
It Just like M.S in U.S.A is equivalent to M.Tech (India).
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2nd March 2013, 06:56 PM
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Default Re: Difference between B.Tech., B.Sc.(Engineering) and B.E.

after diploma iwant to go for bsc energy management
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15th May 2013, 07:31 PM
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Default Re: Difference between B.Tech., B.Sc.(Engineering) and B.E.

BSC(ENGG) is superior than BE BTECH
usa & UK AUSTRALIA is providing BS(ENGG),BSC(ENGG)

all engineering degree is taking 4 year

BSC(ENGG) is taking 4 year 6 month degree course

so don't compare with bsc(hons) 3 year programe ok

you have not got a knowledge about engg course don' misguide any body
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15th May 2013, 07:37 PM
Join Date: May 2013
Posts: 2
Default Re: Difference between B.Tech., B.Sc.(Engineering) and B.E.

Originally Posted by akki89 View Post
Dear friend,

B.Tech. and B.E. are same and equivalent degrees and are different
only by their name.
B.E. is the degree alloted by state colleges of Madhya Pradesh,

B.Sc.(Engg.) degree is basically a graduation which is completely
different from B.E. or B.Tech.
B.Tech/B.E. courses are designed keeping only a major field of
engineering in mind while B.Sc.(Engg.) degree is designed keeping
all branches of engineering in mind and you don't get knowledge
about any particular field of the engineering.
So always prefer the B.Tech./B.E. course over the B.Sc. course.

Thank you..
abhe oh stupid guy you have not got a knowledge about degree pograme

don't misguide

In foreigner country engg colleges are providing BS(ENGG),BSC(ENGG) all a4 year degree program me ok

Bsc(engg) is taking 4 year 6 month courese

all are engg degree courese you have not got knowledge don't misguide plaese
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22nd June 2013, 08:09 PM
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Default Re: Difference between B.Tech., B.Sc.(Engineering) and B.E.

Can i qualify for BSc engg after BSc phy.
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5th July 2013, 08:03 PM
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Default Re: Difference between B.Tech., B.Sc.(Engineering) and B.E.

Dear sir,

I complete the Diploma in mechanical engineering through RVD(Deemed) university and i want persue
admission in BE OR B.Tech course in regular mode., plz, give me details which college can i get the

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14th September 2013, 10:05 PM
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Default Re: Difference between B.Tech., B.Sc.(Engineering) and B.E.

B.tech bsc are difference
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15th September 2013, 03:44 PM
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Thumbs up Re: Difference between B.Tech., B.Sc.(Engineering) and B.E.

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
what is the difference between b tech and engineering degiree

In reply to your query, I would give you short details on the two degrees and then would elaborate more on the differences.

I said two as there is nothing called the B.SC (Engineering). Yes its called B.Sc in Physics, Maths, or Chemistry, Computer Science. Its a 3 year graduation course.

Now coming to the B.Tech; it is called the Bachelors in Technology. Its a 4 year long program which is also a graduation course.
Students of only the Science Background can pursue it.

And B.E is the Bachelor in Engineering. Its also the SAME as the B.Tech and 4 years long course. Graduation program which can be done only by Science 12th pass students.

Now the major difference between the B.Sc and the B.E/B.Tech lies within the period of the course which is 3 in case of B.Sc and 4 in each case of B.E/B.Tech.
Also B.E/B.Tech is considered a superior course to B.Sc.

--> And coming to the root difference between B.Tech and B.E is, earlier in the early 1980's, Indian colleges provided only specific course education. Like a college providing only Engineering course, Medical courses, etc. Such colleges called the Engineering course as Bachelor in Engineering i.e B.E

Later there were bigger and better universities emerging and they started calling Engineering course as the Bachelor in Technology.

This is the main difference between the two. Otherwise the course wise, content wise all is same.

Hope this helps

All the best
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15th September 2013, 04:14 PM
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Smile Re: Difference between B.Tech., B.Sc.(Engineering) and B.E.

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
what is the difference between b tech and engineering degiree
Dear friend,

B.Tech. and B.E. are same and equivalent degrees and are different
only by their name.
B.E. is the degree alloted by state colleges of Madhya Pradesh,

B.Sc.(Engg.) degree is basically a graduation which is completely
different from B.E. or B.Tech.
B.Tech/B.E. courses are designed keeping only a major field of
engineering in mind while B.Sc.(Engg.) degree is designed keeping
all branches of engineering in mind and you don't get knowledge
about any particular field of the engineering.
So always prefer the B.Tech./B.E. course over the B.Sc. course.

Thank you..
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1st November 2013, 10:21 AM
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Default Re: Difference between B.Tech., B.Sc.(Engineering) and B.E.

which is best among b.tech and b.sc??
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1st November 2013, 10:29 AM
Er. Md. ishteyaque
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Default Re: Difference between B.Tech., B.Sc.(Engineering) and B.E.

Originally Posted by akki89 View Post
dear friend,

b.tech. And b.e. Are same and equivalent degrees and are different
only by their name.
B.e. Is the degree alloted by state colleges of madhya pradesh,

B.sc.(engg.) degree is basically a graduation which is completely
different from b.e. Or b.tech.
B.tech/b.e. Courses are designed keeping only a major field of
engineering in mind while b.sc.(engg.) degree is designed keeping
all branches of engineering in mind and you don't get knowledge
about any particular field of the engineering.
So always prefer the b.tech./b.e. Course over the b.sc. Course.

Thank you..
b.sc engg. Is equivalent to b.tech or be. These three are four year degree course. Because bihar college of engineering(bce) before making nit patna was given b.sc engg. Degree. Similarly rit means nit jamshedpur, bit sindri, maulana azad college of engg & tech patna, rpsit patna, mit muzaffarpur, bce bhagalpur these all of prestigious engineering colleges in bihar and jharkhand gave b.sc engg degree instead b.tech/be. There is no difference between b.tech or b.sc engg. Or be. These three degree are equivalent. Suppose any student did b.tech in electronics, it means it is same as b.sc engg. In electronics or be in electronics. These three degree are four years degree course in engineering. But if any student did b.sc electronics/b.sc computer then it is not equivalent to b.sc engg. In electronic or b.tech in electronic or be in electronics. Because b.sc electronics is three year degree course. And b.sc in electronics is four year degree course.
Similarly b.sc it and b.sc engg. In it is two different course. B.sc it is three year degree course and b.sc engg. In it is four yr degree course which is same as b.tech in it or be in it.
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1st November 2013, 10:31 AM
Er. Md. ishteyaque
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Default Re: Difference between B.Tech., B.Sc.(Engineering) and B.E.

B.sc engg. Is equivalent to b.tech or be. These three are four year degree course. Because bihar college of engineering(bce) before making nit patna was given b.sc engg. Degree. Similarly rit means nit jamshedpur, bit sindri, maulana azad college of engg & tech patna, rpsit patna, mit muzaffarpur, bce bhagalpur these all of prestigious engineering colleges in bihar and jharkhand gave b.sc engg degree instead b.tech/be. There is no difference between b.tech or b.sc engg. Or be. These three degree are equivalent. Suppose any student did b.tech in electronics, it means it is same as b.sc engg. In electronics or be in electronics. These three degree are four years degree course in engineering. But if any student did b.sc electronics/b.sc computer then it is not equivalent to b.sc engg. In electronic or b.tech in electronic or be in electronics. Because b.sc electronics is three year degree course. And b.sc in electronics is four year degree course.
Similarly b.sc it and b.sc engg. In it is two different course. B.sc it is three year degree course and b.sc engg. In it is four yr degree course which is same as b.tech in it or be in it.
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