3rd September 2010, 12:28 AM
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Is it good to do diploma after 10th and going for degree or doing 12th and going for degree at IIT? Which has more scope?

i want to know that which field is better for doing engineering i.e. going for diploma after 10th and then degree or going for 12th and then doing degree at IIT...WHICH HAS GOOD SCOPE.PLZ RPLY

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1st April 2011, 08:45 PM
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Location: Ofcouse yaar in my house.....silly question
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Default Re: Is it good to do diploma after 10th and going for degree or doing 12th and going for degree at IIT? Which has more scope?

Well thats a good question according to me you should go for 12 but let me tell u that the students doing diplma after 10th are far more superior in knowlwdge than the 12th students . its because the way they are trained for it is rigourous

The advantages of joining 12th is thag you will be eligible to Gate entrance exams or other exams too and u willsave 1 year after u get ito iit

However u can get into direct 2nd yr after diploma but not in iits or nits as they are national institutes

So think about it ... I would say go for 12th as its much easier to get into degree

All the best!
1st April 2011, 09:00 PM
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Default Re: Is it good to do diploma after 10th and going for degree or doing 12th and going for degree at IIT? Which has more scope?

Better to do 12th after 10th standard other than going for diploma,because diploma candidate will not have as many opportunity as 12th standard candidate wishes.

After 12th standard you can appear for AIEEE exam,If you qualify in that exam you will be getting admission in Top Engineering colleges in India i.e IIT's and NIT's.

But this kind of opportunity will not get for diploma candidate,diploma candidate will getting opportunity to get admission in top Engineering colleges after their graduation,if candidate interest to study further.GATE exam is the entrance to get M-tech course in Top Engineering Colleges.

This entrance exam is applicable for 12th+4 year B-tech candidate to enter into top Engineering colleges.
1st April 2011, 09:27 PM
Tanu wadhwa
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Thumbs up Re: Is it good to do diploma after 10th and going for degree or doing 12th and going for degree at IIT? Which has more scope?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
i want to know that which field is better for doing engineering i.e. going for diploma after 10th and then degree or going for 12th and then doing degree at IIT...WHICH HAS GOOD SCOPE.PLZ RPLY
according to me ,you should opt 12th& then go for b.tech. as after 12th you are eligible for IIT which is the best institute for study.
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1st April 2011, 11:18 PM
Harshajit Kalita
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Posts: 34
Thumbs up Re: Is it good to do diploma after 10th and going for degree or doing 12th and going for degree at IIT? Which has more scope?

You will have more scope of getting in IIT after doing 12th,or in other Good Colleges.
You can do 12th than go for B.Tech.
Branch like ME,Civil,Electrical,CSE are in very much demand now.
Thank You...
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1st April 2011, 11:59 PM
Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: Manglour
Posts: 113
Smile Re: Is it good to do diploma after 10th and going for degree or doing 12th and going for degree at IIT? Which has more scope?

Well thats a good question according to me you should go for 12 but let me tell u that the students doing diplma after 10th are far more superior in knowlwdge than the 12th students . its because the way they are trained for it is rigourous

The advantages of joining 12th is thag you will be eligible to Gate entrance exams or other exams too and u willsave 1 year after u get ito iit

However u can get into direct 2nd yr after diploma but not in iits or nits as they are national institutes

So think about it ... I would say go for 12th as its much easier to get into degree

Best of luck..
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2nd April 2011, 12:55 AM
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: valsad
Posts: 257
Default Re: Is it good to do diploma after 10th and going for degree or doing 12th and going for degree at IIT? Which has more scope?

Careers after 12th Career Planning and
Choice of Courses Career planning is one of the
most crucial factors in your life,
which needs no emphasis. It is
important at least for two
reasons. First, whether you opt
for a career in jobs or prefer to be on your own, you must
appreciate that there is fierce
competition for getting a space
in the world of work. Remember
the old adage, "Survival of the
fittest". Second, in view of new developments primarily triggered
off by the information
technology (IT) and globalisation
of the economy, there are now
more options than ever before.
You will have to look for these options. Remember also that
these are days of specialisation. When should you begin the
career planning? The age that
could be considered appropriate
for making a start is the age
of 14-15 years when you enter
the Ninth Class under the 10 + 2 pattern of education. This is
the formative age to shape
your career. Much more
important reason, however, is
that it is after the 10 + 2 level
that a wide variety of course options are available to choose
from. This means that as the
first step you will have to
choose from the three streams
viz., science, arts and
humanities, and commerce and the appropriate combination of
subjects, when you enter the
10+2 level. To a great extent,
this choice would determine the
course options available to you
after the 10 + 2 level. For example, if you want to take
up engineering degree course,
you should not only join the
science stream but should also
opt for the combination
comprising Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. Before you enter the 10 + 2
stage, you may like to consider
which syllabus provides wider
options. As you are aware,
there are three Secondary
Boards viz., the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE)
and Council for the Indian School
Certificate Examination (ICSE)
and the State Boards, each
having its own syllabus. While
the CBSE and ICSE syllabuses permit combining biology and
mathematics, not all the State
Boards provide similar
opportunity. For example, the
Andhra Pradesh Board for
Intermediate Education (equivalent to Higher Secondary
Board) does not. It limits your
option, because at this stage
itself you will have to decide
whether you want to join the
engineering college or medical and agricultural colleges.
However, as the number of
CBSE and ICSE affiliated schools
in States is small, you may have
to opt for the State Board
syllabus. Before you embark upon
planning your career you may
have to consider two issues: 1. Do you need an immediate
job because of some adverse
family circumstances? 2. Is your family financially sound
enough to pay for your
professional education? If you need a job, say after
you complete the secondary
stage, but still want to pursue
higher education, you may like
to take up a suitable course
through distance learning mode. There are now many options
available. You can study
according to your own pace and
convenience. You can even
study both the secondary (Class
10) and higher secondary (10 + 2) courses through the
distance-learning mode. As
regards the second issue, the
stark reality is that it is
becoming increasingly difficult
for many middle class families to meet the spiralling cost of
professional education.
Scholarships, freeships and
other financial supports are
scarce. You may be aware that
in professional colleges there are two categories of seats
"free seats" and "payment
seats". Since the tuition fees for "free
seats" are highly subsidised, you
pay much less compared to
those for "payment seats".
Generally, "free seats" are
allotted to students on the basis of the performance at the
entrance tests. You will,
therefore, have to strive very
hard if you want to get a "free
seat" in professional colleges. If
your family is unable to bear the cost of "elite" professional
courses, you may choose a
professional course, which also
promises a reasonably good
career at an affordable cost. It
is prudent to cut your coat according to the available cloth.
However, the financial
consideration alone need not
determine this option. There are
other good reasons too for
seeking a career in these professions. This option should
also be considered if you cannot
get through entrance tests for
professional courses. Career
planning should be preceded by
two steps: 1. Assess your strengths and
weaknesses, likings, aptitudes
and interests. 2. Gather as much information
as possible about the various
educational opportunities and
choose one that conforms to
your assessment. Both are easier said than done.
Therefore, it is necessary for
schools establishing their own
career and course information
centres and provide guidance
and counselling to their students. In the absence of
such facilities in your school, try
to collect information from
different sources. Here is a
note of caution. Never take the
claims of flashy advertisements in newspapers and other media
at their face value. More often
than not, they are issued by
fly-by-night operators to allure
unsuspecting students. Ascertain
the status of these institutions. If you do not intend to pursue
university education, you may
opt, after the 10th class, for
various Vocational Courses
available in different areas. The
most sought after ones of course are the polytechnic
courses of three-year duration
leading to diplomas in different
branches of engineering and
technology. The advantage of
polytechnic courses is that in some branches a diploma holder
can make a lateral entry into
degree level engineering
courses. A clear idea about the
vocational courses, therefore,
would be helpful in taking an appropriate decision. As stated earlier, at
the 10 + 2 level you
have three options: 1. The Science Stream 2. The Arts/Humanities Stream
and 3. The Commerce Stream. In Addition, there is the
Vocational Stream. The Subjects
offered in these streams are
given in the Annexure. One
problem you may face while
choosing the combination of subjects is that the desired one
may not be available in many 10
+ 2 level institutions (higher
secondary schools and junior
colleges) Particularly in rural
areas. A brief account of each of the streams follows: Science There is a common belief that
science is the most important
subject, compared to humanities
or even commerce. There is also
a general feeling in our society
that the best students opt for science. This is an assumption of
most parents, students and
teachers. In fact, brilliance and
intelligence is not the exclusive
preserve of science. If a
student is interested in doing engineering courses, such as
civil, mechanical, electronics,
metallurgy, computers, the
option should be for a
combination of mathematics,
physics and chemistry (MPC). If you wish to take up medicine,
dentistry, agricultural science,
dairy science or biological
sciences (biochemistry,
biotechnology), the combination
should be biology, physics and chemistry (BiPC). It is true that
the advantage of choosing
science stream is that you can
shift to the other two streams
viz., humanities and commerce
after 10 + 2. It also opens up the gateway to a large number
of career and course options,
even if you cannot make it to
the most coveted courses in
engineering, medicine or
agriculture. In several universities, particularly in the
South, besides the usual
combinations, such subjects as
microbiology, computer science
can be chosen at the BSc level. Apart form doing the degree
level courses in science with the
conventional combinations you
can also choose degree courses
in several emerging professional
areas, such as physiotherapy, occupational therapy, nursing,
computer, business
administration, hotel
management, tourism
management. You can also opt
for courses outside the university stream, such as hotel
management, fashion
technology, industrial design,
packaging, aircraft maintenance
engineering, government
accredited computer courses and a host of post 10 + 2 level
vocational courses. However, if
you are very clear that science
is not your cup of tea, there is
no point in wasting two
precious years simply because it keeps many options open. It
would rather be desirable to
explore the opportunities the
other fields offer. Arts/Humanities It is not widely appreciated that
humanities also offer many
options after 10 + 2 other than
the usual BA degree course.
Except for courses in science
and technology areas, they can take up many other courses
such as travel & tourism,
advertising, journalism,
performing arts, business
management, etc. Humanities is
also the favourite choice of many students who sit for the
civil service examinations. Commerce Next to science, commerce
stream opens up a variety of
options after 10 + 2 stage.
Some examples are: company
secretary-ship, chartered
accountancy, cost accountancy, business management, computer.
Although chartered
accountancy, cost accountancy
or company secretary-ship
course can be taken up after
10 + 2 (after successfully completing the Foundation
Courses) you should be aware
that each year only a small
percentage of those who take
the examinations get through. It
may, therefore, be wise to obtain the basic BCom degree
first. BCom with Computer as
one of the combinations is now
a much sought after course In all the three streams,
students can now opt for job-
oriented vocational subjects at
the first degree level available
in selected colleges affiliated to
many universities. Another recent development has been
the diversification of courses,
professional in nature, at the
first-degree level itself,
although the number is
institutions offering such course is still small. International
postgraduate programmes of
five-year duration after 10 + 2
in several subjects are being
introduced by some universities Whatever stream you may
select, you should put in your
best efforts, which would surely
lead to the path of success.
Obtaining high marks in the
qualifying examinations will put you in a comparatively better
position to get into the course
of choice after the 10 + 2 level. Summary The conclusion we can get from
the above discussion is that
every subject has its own
importance. So, one should think
widely to choose a career.
After answering to so many viewers comments,i just want to
request you to post your email
id in the comment.So that it
would be easy or me to answer
your query. Today there may be good
future,in future.. it may not
have that importance. So, all
the best for the future.
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15th April 2011, 11:37 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Is it good to do diploma after 10th and going for degree or doing 12th and going for degree at IIT? Which has more scope?

Courses in commerce after 12????
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23rd April 2011, 06:52 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Is it good to do diploma after 10th and going for degree or doing 12th and going for degree at IIT? Which has more scope?

Diploma engineering course mate katela parstange joi?
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26th April 2011, 02:36 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Is it good to do diploma after 10th and going for degree or doing 12th and going for degree at IIT? Which has more scope?

Is there any kind of scope of mechanical engineering through diploma?
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28th April 2011, 07:45 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Is it good to do diploma after 10th and going for degree or doing 12th and going for degree at IIT? Which has more scope?

Is it better to join diploma courses or study 10 2 and get a degree to get a good job if parents cannot afford a large amount of money?
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16th May 2011, 01:50 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Is it good to do diploma after 10th and going for degree or doing 12th and going for degree at IIT? Which has more scope?

diploma is better after 10th
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4th June 2011, 01:19 PM
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Default Re: Is it good to do diploma after 10th and going for degree or doing 12th and going for degree at IIT? Which has more scope?

if we want to do aerospace engineering is it better to do diploma or 12th
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6th June 2011, 09:05 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Is it good to do diploma after 10th and going for degree or doing 12th and going for degree at IIT? Which has more scope?

How many seats are there for diploma to degree in computer engineering?? and can we get admission in Nirma University on basis of diploma, without passing 12th??
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15th June 2011, 09:18 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Is it good to do diploma after 10th and going for degree or doing 12th and going for degree at IIT? Which has more scope?

i want to know about subject of agriculter and job scope of after 10 2 for the same?
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15th March 2012, 07:32 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Is it good to do diploma after 10th and going for degree or doing 12th and going for degree at IIT? Which has more scope?

suggest me the scope what to do after 10th
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28th May 2012, 11:22 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Is it good to do diploma after 10th and going for degree or doing 12th and going for degree at IIT? Which has more scope?

Pls tell me i have completed my 12th with 49%
should i do diploman then degree or do bsc n then degree?
What does both the courses takes time
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15th October 2014, 10:37 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Is it good to do diploma after 10th and going for degree or doing 12th and going for degree at IIT? Which has more scope?

I m a student of b.com 2nd year. Tell me should i take addmision in banking And finace fr diploma..
Is it benificial fr me..???
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