20th April 2012, 08:03 PM
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How can I prepare for CAT without coaching? Names of the books?

how can i prepare for cat without coaching.....................also tell me the name of books

21st April 2012, 01:52 AM
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Thumbs up Re: How can I prepare for CAT without coaching? Names of the books?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
how can i prepare for cat without coaching.....................also tell me the name of books


Check out my post to get more information for CAT exam preparation CLICK HERE!!!

-> I have attached some of the other updated materials to prepare for CAT in this post which might help you more for your preparation..

-> To know more about the CAT exam online CLICK HERE!!!

-> Any more queries, feel free to leave a post in our forum..

"A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him."
Attached Files
File Type: zip Mock_tests_CAT.zip(3.96 MB, 430 views)
File Type: pdf Sections in CAT.pdf(9.2 KB, 195 views)
File Type: pdf CAT2011PracticalGuide.pdf(468.4 KB, 316 views)
File Type: pdf CAT exam eligibility.pdf(15.5 KB, 196 views)
File Type: pdf CAT syllabus.pdf(19.3 KB, 238 views)
21st April 2012, 02:16 AM
sindhu chaganti
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Default Re: How can I prepare for CAT without coaching? Names of the books?

you can refer any standard books about numerical ability, logical reasoning and verbal ability by R s Agarwal. by doing hard work and being up to date with CAT exam question papers and mock test papers you can prepare for CAT without coaching
21st April 2012, 12:43 PM
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Default Re: How can I prepare for CAT without coaching? Names of the books?

CAT Books :

Quantitative books :

Quantitative Aptitude books by Tata Magraw Hill , Author : Arun Sharma
Quantitative Aptitude for competitive exam by Abhijit Guha
Quantitative Aptitude by Nishit Sinha

Data Interpretation Books:

Data Interpretation & logical reasoning by Arun Sharma
Nishit Sinha's DI LR book by Pearson
R S Agarawal books of verbal Reasoning

Verbal Ability books:

Student's companion by Wilfred D .Best
English Plus I C S E for Class 10 by Xavier pinto
wren & martin English grammar
Verbal ability by Arun Sharma

Business Magazines :

Business line by The Hindu Group
Business Today by India Today Group


The Hindu
Economics Time
The Statesman
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21st April 2012, 09:37 PM
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Default Re: How can I prepare for CAT without coaching? Names of the books?

you can but the time study material its best thing to prepare for cat.
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19th August 2012, 10:52 PM
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Default Re: How can I prepare for CAT without coaching? Names of the books?

cat exam book publishers name
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20th August 2012, 12:29 AM
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Default Re: How can I prepare for CAT without coaching? Names of the books?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
how can i prepare for cat without coaching.....................also tell me the name of books

CAT stands for Common Admission Test. By giving this exam you can pursue MBA from IIMs and other such top level B-Schools in India. Since it is conducted by the IIMs therefore its score is not accepted by any university but other A grade autonomous institutions accepts CAT scores.

~To appear for the CAT exam you need to score minimum 50% of marks at graduation level. If you are a final year student about to give the final exam or awaiting the result of the final year exam then also you can give this exam.

~There is percentage relaxation for the reserved category students. SC/ST candidates needs to secure 45% of marks at graduation level to sit for this exam.

~In the written examination generally MCQ type questions are asked and you have to answer all of them in just two and a half hours. There is no definite syllabus for this exam as such. It is more like an aptitude test which is aimed at testing the analytical skill of a student.

~Generally in the examination you will get questions from the following sections:

**Verbal Ability

**Reading Comprehension

**Problem Solving

**Data Interpretation

~You should not answer a question unless and until you are 100% sure about it because negative marking exists. For every wrong answer 1/4th of the total marks will be deducted from your original score.

~If you get selected then you will be called for the group discussion and personal interview session. Generally students who are able to get 99 percentile or above gets a call.

As we all know that of all the MBA entrance exams CAT is the toughest to crack. So the preparation needs to be solid and productive right from the beginning itself. By choosing right books you can be one step ahead of your competitors. With the intention of helping you out a bit here i have shortlisted the name of few books here you can use to prepare for this exam. Go through it once.

List of Books for CAT Exam:

Mathematics For The CAT And Other MBA Examinations (Set of 3 Books)
by T.I.M.E.
Publisher: Pearson Education

CAT Common Admission Test: Mastering the Verbal Ability
by Ajay Singh
Publisher: Arihant Publications

Face 2 Face CAT Common Admission Test: 19 Years' (1993-2011) Topic-wise Authentic and Complete Solutions
by B S Sijwali, Indu Sijwali
Publisher: Arihant Publications

How to Prepare for Logical Reasoning for the CAT Common Admission Test
by Arun Sharma
Publisher: Tata McGraw-Hill

How to Prepare for Data Interpretation for the CAT Common Admission Test
by Arun Sharma
Publisher: Tata McGraw-Hill

Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension for the CAT and other MBA Entrance Examinations (With CD)
by T.I.M.E.
Publisher: Pearson Education
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2nd September 2012, 06:04 PM
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Default Re: How can I prepare for CAT without coaching? Names of the books?

How many marks did a person need in CAT for iims
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17th November 2012, 05:32 PM
Join Date: Nov 2011
Posts: 1
Default Re: How can I prepare for CAT without coaching? Names of the books?

can any one provide me link to download student's companion-wilfred d best book.thank you
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16th July 2013, 08:15 PM
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Join Date: Jul 2013
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Default Re: How can I prepare for CAT without coaching? Names of the books?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
how can i prepare for cat without coaching.....................also tell me the name of books


Q.1) How many sections are there in the test?

Ans. There will be two separately timed sections in the test. The sections are (a) Quantitative Ability & Data Interpretation (b) Verbal Ability & Logical Reasoning.

Q.2) How many questions are there in each of these sections?

Ans. There will be 30 questions in each section.

Q.3) Can I move back and forth between the two sections?

Ans. No, each section will be timed separately. Once a section ends, candidates can no longer go back to it.

Q.4) Can I choose which section to attempt first?

Ans. No, candidates will be presented with the section on Quantitative Ability & Data Interpretation first, followed by Verbal Ability & Logical Reasoning.

Q.5) How will the separately timed sections work?

Ans. There will be an on-screen timer counting down from 1 hour 10 mins (i.e. 70 minutes) once a section begins. When the time is up, that section will end and you will not be able to go back to it. The second section will then begin and the on-screen timer will start counting down from 1 hour 10 minutes again. Once the second section ends, the test will end.

Q.6) Can I start on the second section if I finish the first section before the 70 minutes are up?

Ans. No, you will not have the ability to end the first section before the first 70 minutes are up. However, you will be given an option to end the second section, and therefore your test, before the second 70 minutes are up. If you choose to end your test before the full duration is up, you will be required to wait at your testing station until everyone is dismissed by the test administrator.

Q.7) What is the duration of the test?

Ans. Each of the sections will be 1 hour and 10 minutes (i.e. 70 minutes). Including a 15-minute tutorial before the start of the test which candidates are advised to go through, the total duration of the test will be 2 hours and 35 minutes.

Q.8) What is the tutorial?

Ans. The tutorial provides a series of screens that will orient you to the computer-based CAT. This will give you an opportunity to try the various features, including how to navigate between questions in a section, review questions, etc. The tutorial has a total duration of 15 minutes and candidates are advised to go through it entirely before starting the actual exam sections. For a similar preview, candidates can take a tour of the CAT 2012 Practice Test which will be available on www.catiim.in

For more details: http://www.catiim.in/
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