22nd July 2012, 10:47 PM
How to give the exam of Merchant navy after passing 12th science?
i have passed 12th science and i want to exam for marchant
navy |
15th May 2016, 11:27 PM
After passing intermediate,there are three ways to join merchant navy.After studying intermediate,one have the best option to join merchant navy.
1)B.Sc in nautical science,a course of three years is an undergraduate programme for joining merchant navy after completing intermediate. The qualification required is exactly same as yours,must have passed intermediate with physics,chemistry and maths with minimum 60% after having studied intermediate with pure science stream branch. In order to study nautical science it is necessary to have good fitness and good eye vision. The course fees is one of the highest for nautical science around 8 lakhs for three years This B.SC in nautical science can be considered as one of the entries for merchant navy. 2)B.TECH in marine engineering,after completing intermediate in science stream one can apply for engineering in marine engineering,a four year undergraduate course. It is a engineering degree and is best to study after completing intermediate in pure science branch.You will have to give entrance test for marine engineering,any engineering entrance examination and then get select marine engineering during counselling and after completion of 4 years join merchant navy. Course fees is similar to nautical science and so as medical fitness. 3)One more opportunity to join merchant navy is after completing mechanical engineering,although it is not a direct entry but still one can join merchant navy after studying mechanical engineering too.It will required several diploma courses after mechanical engineering to join merchant navy,whereas both nautical science and marine engineering are direct entry in merchant navy. Marine engineering and nautical science are the best options to join merchant navy. |