6th April 2012, 09:18 PM
How should I prepare for Synopsis, Dissertation work on the following topic?
How to prepare a synopsis,Dissertation Work on the topic 'A study on the low enrollment of girls in the rurel schools of Mathura District of UtterPredesh'
12th March 2023, 01:51 AM
To prepare a synopsis and dissertation work on the topic 'A study on the low enrollment of girls in the rural schools of Mathura District of Utter Pradesh', the following steps can be taken:
1. Literature Review: Conduct a thorough literature review to understand the current situation of girls' enrollment in rural schools of Mathura district. Identify the gaps in the existing literature and research on this topic. 2. Define Research Questions: Based on the literature review, define the research questions that need to be answered. Some of the questions that can be asked are: What are the reasons for low enrollment of girls in rural schools of Mathura district? What are the challenges faced by girls in accessing education? What are the initiatives taken by the government and NGOs to improve girls' enrollment in rural schools? 3. Research Methodology: Choose the appropriate research methodology, such as a survey, interviews, focus groups, or case studies, to collect data. Determine the sample size and sampling technique based on the research questions. 4. Data Collection: Collect the data using the chosen research methodology. Ensure that the data is reliable and valid. 5. Data Analysis: Analyze the data using appropriate statistical tools and techniques. Identify the patterns, trends, and themes that emerge from the data. 6. Conclusion: Draw conclusions based on the findings of the study. Provide recommendations for improving girls' enrollment in rural schools of Mathura district. 7. Synopsis: Write a synopsis of the dissertation that summarizes the research questions, methodology, findings, and conclusions of the study. 8. Dissertation: Write the dissertation that includes an abstract, introduction, literature review, research methodology, data analysis, findings, conclusions, and recommendations. 9. References: Provide a list of references used in the dissertation. Ensure that the references are cited correctly in the text. 10. Editing and Proofreading: Edit and proofread the dissertation to ensure that it is free of errors and meets the academic standards. |
12th March 2023, 01:59 AM
A synopsis is a brief overview of the main points of a research project. To prepare a synopsis for a dissertation work on the topic 'A study on the low enrollment of girls in the rural schools of Mathura District of Uttar Pradesh,' follow these steps:
1. Introduction: Begin with a brief introduction of the topic and state the research problem. Discuss why this topic is important, and what motivated you to undertake this research. 2. Literature review: Summarize the existing literature on the topic of girls' education and the factors that affect their enrollment in rural schools. Provide a critical analysis of the literature and identify gaps that your research aims to fill. 3. Research questions and objectives: Identify the research questions that your study seeks to answer. Provide a clear statement of the research objectives and explain how your research aims to achieve them. 4. Methodology: Describe the research methodology you used to collect and analyze data. Explain the sampling technique, data collection tools, and the data analysis method. 5. Results: Summarize the findings of your study. Explain what you discovered about the factors that affect girls' enrollment in rural schools in Mathura District. 6. Conclusion: Conclude by summarizing the main points of your study and how they contribute to the existing body of knowledge. Provide recommendations for policymakers, educators, and other stakeholders to address the issue of low enrollment of girls in rural schools. 7. References: Provide a list of the sources you used in your research, following the appropriate citation style. Remember to keep your synopsis brief and to the point. It should be no longer than one or two pages. |
12th March 2023, 12:24 PM
A synopsis is a brief summary of your research project that outlines its main objectives, methods, findings and conclusions1. It helps you to organize your thoughts and present them in a clear and concise way.
Some general steps for writing a good synopsis are:
Some specific guidelines for writing a synopsis for dissertation work at UPES are: