17th February 2017, 12:41 PM
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Marks required in theory and objective of Physics and Chemistry to pass the exam?

Hello sir, I am appearing in 12th exam from BSEB. I want to know how many marks is required in theory paper of Physics and Chemistry as well as objective to pass the exam?

18th February 2017, 07:20 PM
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Default Re: Marks required in theory and objective of Physics and Chemistry to pass the exam?

BSEB refers to Bihar School Examination Board and it is state board of Bihar government which manages the academics provided by schools managed by State Government of Bihar.

For your information the papers of Physics and Chemistry in Class 12th board examination is divided into two parts, one is the theory paper of 70 marks and other one is the practical paper of 30 marks.

Further to be considered as a pass candidate in these papers a students has to pass in both theory paper and practical paper separately by securing at least 21 marks in theory paper and 12 marks in practical paper.

Further as you mentioned about the objective paper which is of 28 marks is included under the theory paper of 70 marks and there is no specific minimum marks requirement for this paper to be considered as pass candidate as it comes under the theory paper.
19th February 2017, 02:20 PM
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Default Re: Marks required in theory and objective of Physics and Chemistry to pass the exam?

As per revised regulation from 2015 onwards,12th class BSEB exam pattern has been changed.

* For Physics & Chemistry - 28 Mark Objective Questions & 30 Marks for Practical & 42 Marks for Theory.

* Minimum 21 Marks required to pass the exam in 42 Marks of Theory.

* So, be prepare well and try to score better marks in 12th class exams.
11th February 2018, 10:34 PM
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Default Re: Marks required in theory and objective of Physics and Chemistry to pass the exam?

Sir, if I have written some answers in Hindi language and some in English language in BSEB exam? Sir my answer sheet will be checked or not?
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28th February 2018, 08:34 PM
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Default Re: Marks required in theory and objective of Physics and Chemistry to pass the exam?

What is the pass marks in physics and chemistry for intermediate theory exams?
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11th February 2019, 05:18 PM
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Default Re: Marks required in theory and objective of Physics and Chemistry to pass the exam?

Sir I'm a student of BSEB and today was my exam and I wrote 28 right object answers out of 35 and 6 marks out of 35 in theory
Will I pass in Chemistry?
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11th February 2019, 08:05 PM
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Default Re: Marks required in theory and objective of Physics and Chemistry to pass the exam?

Objective and theory both passed then qualify ya combined 21 marks then qualified
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12th February 2019, 12:14 AM
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Default Re: Marks required in theory and objective of Physics and Chemistry to pass the exam?

How many statues are given in physics and chemistry in jk Bose if there are 18 in physics and 18 in chemistry in theory when practicals are passed with above 20 markses in both physics and chemistry
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