17th February 2011, 10:28 PM
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Join Date: Feb 2011
Posts: 2

Is it necessary to have 60% throughout academics to get job in companies? Any companies which dont ask for 10th or 12th marks?

I 've scored 72% in tenth, 57.16% in PU and 62.31%(upto VII semester) in B.E.
Just because of my PU marks being less than 60, am not able to write any placements.:'( Is it necessary to have 60 throughout? All the companies who had been to my college had their eligibility criteria as 60 60 60, so i was not allowed to write any companies. Will i ever get a job? is it necessary to have 60 even for off campus?? Are there any companies who don't ask for 10th and 12th marks? Please do help me out!!


Related Questions:
  1. Is it possible for me to get the job in software companies with 59% marks in 10th and 49% marks in 12th?
  2. Can I get job in Multinational companies with mentioned percentage in overall academics?
  3. Will it be possible for me to get a good software job after scoring 49% marks in 12th?
  4. Is it necessary to have 60% marks to sit in companies placement? I've secured 57.16% marks in PU
  5. Am I eligible to get a job in IT companies after completion of 10th with 77% marks and BCA with 78% marks? -- [New]
  6. Am I eligible for MNCs job or other companies job?
  7. For which Companies I can apply for Job Placements being a candidate having scored 79% in 10th, 43% in 12th and 60% in BE course?
  8. In which companies can I get after scoring 80% marks in 10th, 53% in 12th and 7.2 in B.Tech? Can I apply for other big companies?
  9. In which companies I am applicable as per my academics?
  10. Am I eligible for placement with 12th marks being 58%? List of companies which am eligible for?
  11. Can I get a job in any MNC company after scoring 74% in 10th, 53% in 12th and 67% in BCA and right now I am pursuing my MCA?
  12. List of the companies that dont have the percentage criteria for their campus recruitment?
  13. Is it possible for me to get a job in reputed IT companies after completion of BCA with 78% marks?
  14. List of companies offering recruitment in Haryana to a candidate with 50% in 10th, 58% in 12th and 62% in B.Tech(ECE)?
  15. Am I eligible for good IT companies placement if I have less than 60% marks only in 12th?
  16. What is the eligibility criteria of good software companies during recruitment?
  17. Which companies will I get after scoring 80% in 10th, 59% in 12th? What is the cutoff of those companies?
  18. Name of Multi National companies that do not consider 10th class marks for placements?
31st July 2011, 07:24 PM
Join Date: Jul 2011
Posts: 44
Default Re: Is it necessary to have 60% throughout academics to get job in companies? Any companies which dont ask for 10th or 12th marks?


This varies from company to company. Some may strictly insist on a minimum of 60%, especially Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs) while others may bend the rules a bit to allow people with lesser marks to apply.

However, the silver lining is that many private companies are there which look for talent rather than marks and focus more on the aptitude tests they themselves conduct. I have known people with GPA of 4.53 and 5.03 get placed in moderately good companies with 5 lacs+ package.

And good performance in HR interviews as well as a prepared answer to "Why are your marks so low?" may help a lot.

Don't get disappointed. You'll land a good job soon enough!

31st July 2011, 08:52 PM
Join Date: Jul 2011
Posts: 2
Default Re: Is it necessary to have 60% throughout academics to get job in companies? Any companies which dont ask for 10th or 12th marks?

Dear anu, dnt lose your confidence.India ia IT hub .You can go for offcampus placements.There are many companies in Delhi,Bengluru,Pune which require less than 60 percent in B.Tech.You can also develope your professional skills by giving certification exams of Java,.Net,Linux if u are from Comp sci stream.Enhance and work hard on your Communication skills and Technical skills. Marks are nt sure criteria to get a job , the thing which matters is your skills.Good luck and start searching for companies..
14th August 2011, 03:14 PM
Join Date: Sep 2010
Posts: 649
Default Re: Is it necessary to have 60% throughout academics to get job in companies? Any companies which dont ask for 10th or 12th marks?

All companies keep their different recruitment criteria and there are companies ahich demands only a excellent IT sector knowlegde and also good percentage in your b.tech
They do no put criteria of 12th percentage
So you can try out in such companies
Advertisements are beinng given in the leadng newspapers whenever there is vacancy
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28th August 2011, 12:23 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Is it necessary to have 60% throughout academics to get job in companies? Any companies which dont ask for 10th or 12th marks?

i have 55% in 10 and 12 and aggregate 72% in my b.tech.(Information Technology) i m 7 sem stu if any company which prefer below 60% in 10 and 12.
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30th August 2011, 05:22 PM
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Default Re: Is it necessary to have 60% throughout academics to get job in companies? Any companies which dont ask for 10th or 12th marks?

In some good companies, 60% is must in X, XII and Graduation.
Here I'm going to write eligibility criteria for these companies.

•-> Graduation degree in engineering.
•-> 60% throughout the academic session.
•-> No backlog at the time of campus drive.
•-> Not more than 2 year gap.
•-> Not involve in any ragging activity in the past.

Few companies whose criteria is less than 60% in X,XII and Graduation are given below
• Syntel
• R- System
• Essel Communication


With Regards,
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30th August 2011, 10:16 PM
Join Date: Jun 2011
Posts: 1,088
Default Re: Is it necessary to have 60% throughout academics to get job in companies? Any companies which dont ask for 10th or 12th marks?

All companies keep their different recruitment criteria and there are companies ahich demands only a excellent IT sector knowlegde and also good percentage in your b.tech
They do no put criteria of 12th percentage
So you can try out in such companies
Advertisements are beinng given in the leadng newspapers whenever there is vacancy.

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16th September 2011, 04:04 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Is it necessary to have 60% throughout academics to get job in companies? Any companies which dont ask for 10th or 12th marks?

I have secured 53% marks in 10th, 48% in 12th & 6.2cgpa up to 6th sem. I am eligbile for any compay or not, please give me some suggesstion
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21st September 2011, 05:56 AM
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Default Re: Is it necessary to have 60% throughout academics to get job in companies? Any companies which dont ask for 10th or 12th marks?

i have 45 % in 10th,65% in 12th,65% in b.e in IT ....i am eligible for any company or not ,or should i go for post graduation...please give me suggestion..
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12th November 2011, 02:53 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Is it necessary to have 60% throughout academics to get job in companies? Any companies which dont ask for 10th or 12th marks?

i have secured 56% in10th, 58%in 12th & 61% in b.tech(ME). pls give me some suggestion for which company i am eligible?
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13th November 2011, 12:39 PM
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Default Re: Is it necessary to have 60% throughout academics to get job in companies? Any companies which dont ask for 10th or 12th marks?

In some good companies, 60% is must in X, XII and Graduation.
Here I'm going to write eligibility criteria for these companies.

•-> Graduation degree in engineering.
•-> 60% throughout the academic session.
•-> No backlog at the time of campus drive.
•-> Not more than 2 year gap.
•-> Not involve in any ragging activity in the past.

Few companies whose criteria is less than 60% in X,XII and Graduation are given below
• Syntel
• R- System
• Essel Communication

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8th February 2012, 01:12 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Is it necessary to have 60% throughout academics to get job in companies? Any companies which dont ask for 10th or 12th marks?

i got 82 % in 10 th
55 % in 12th
75 % in btech
am i eligible for any software companies???
if yes plz tel me
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17th February 2012, 01:04 PM
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Default Re: Is it necessary to have 60% throughout academics to get job in companies? Any companies which dont ask for 10th or 12th marks?

can we do m.tech after getting a job in navaratna companies?
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3rd March 2012, 01:07 PM
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Default Re: Is it necessary to have 60% throughout academics to get job in companies? Any companies which dont ask for 10th or 12th marks?

given some companies list which not consider 10th or 12th marks for mechanical engineer
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19th April 2012, 11:28 PM
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Default Re: Is it necessary to have 60% throughout academics to get job in companies? Any companies which dont ask for 10th or 12th marks?

sir now i study mca.i am scored 10th 58.6% ,12th i got 78% and ug degree ........Bsc (IT).i got 79%.
which company me are selected pls any one reply immidiately
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26th June 2012, 07:46 PM
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Default Re: Is it necessary to have 60% throughout academics to get job in companies? Any companies which dont ask for 10th or 12th marks?

sir now i study mca.i am scored 10th 51% ,12th i got 56% and ug degree ........BCA.i got 62%. and now in PG MCA 75%
which company me are selected pls any one reply immidiately.
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27th June 2012, 04:39 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Is it necessary to have 60% throughout academics to get job in companies? Any companies which dont ask for 10th or 12th marks?

sir - i have scored 80 % in 10 , in 12 - 60% ( pcm - 58% due to 45 marks in maths also biology - 53 marks) and 76 marks in b.tech - it . can i able to get jobs in good it company . like
HCL , etc. .
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14th July 2012, 11:17 AM
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Default Re: Is it necessary to have 60% throughout academics to get job in companies? Any companies which dont ask for 10th or 12th marks?

i got 71%in 10th and71% in inter can i get a good in higher companies
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20th July 2012, 11:19 AM
johan mishra
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Default Re: Is it necessary to have 60% throughout academics to get job in companies? Any companies which dont ask for 10th or 12th marks?

All companies keep their different recruitment criteria and there are companies ahich demands only a excellent IT sector knowlegde and also good percentage in your b.tech
They do no put criteria of 12th percentage
So you can try out in such companies
Advertisements are beinng given in the leadng newspapers whenever there is vacancy .
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27th January 2013, 07:39 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Is it necessary to have 60% throughout academics to get job in companies? Any companies which dont ask for 10th or 12th marks?

my score in 12th as well as engg(C.S) is good but my percentage in P.U is 59.8% can i get placed in IT company
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7th February 2013, 10:42 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Is it necessary to have 60% throughout academics to get job in companies? Any companies which dont ask for 10th or 12th marks?

I scored 49% in 10th and 52.8% in 12th in 2004 can you pls tell me that which company will be select me .
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5th June 2013, 08:47 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Is it necessary to have 60% throughout academics to get job in companies? Any companies which dont ask for 10th or 12th marks?

I have 64.82% avg upto 7th sem of B.E but have 56.8% & 53.33% in 1st year & 3rd respectively can I fulfil the criteria of a company who asks for 60% throughout in graduation . please reply
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23rd June 2013, 12:20 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Is it necessary to have 60% throughout academics to get job in companies? Any companies which dont ask for 10th or 12th marks?

how to improve communication skill and as well as technical skills and i'm appearing in last year of mca?
please help me ...suggest me what am i do since i have not got 60% in acadmic session. thank u
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30th September 2013, 03:22 AM
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Default Re: Is it necessary to have 60% throughout academics to get job in companies? Any companies which dont ask for 10th or 12th marks?

sir i have 58%in 10th,49% in 12th,59% in grduation,60% in m.c.a than how can i get the job in software companies please give me the company names
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20th December 2013, 08:14 PM
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Default Re: Is it necessary to have 60% throughout academics to get job in companies? Any companies which dont ask for 10th or 12th marks?

sir i have 87% in 10th,73% in 12th but i got 53% in first year,52% in second year
and now i am in third year(COMPUTER ENGINEERING PUNE UNIVERSITY).do you think i can be eligible for top it companies?
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20th December 2013, 08:25 PM
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Default Re: Is it necessary to have 60% throughout academics to get job in companies? Any companies which dont ask for 10th or 12th marks?

sir i have 87% in 10th,73% in 12th but i got 53% in first year,52% in second year
and now i am in third year(COMPUTER ENGINEERING PUNE UNIVERSITY).do you think i can be eligible for top it companies?
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20th December 2013, 08:27 PM
Join Date: Dec 2013
Posts: 1
Default Re: Is it necessary to have 60% throughout academics to get job in companies? Any companies which dont ask for 10th or 12th marks?

sir i have 87% in 10th,73% in 12th
53% in first year,52% in second year
now i am in third year.can i be eligible for top it companies?
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5th June 2014, 12:26 PM
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Default Re: Is it necessary to have 60% throughout academics to get job in companies? Any companies which dont ask for 10th or 12th marks?

I have scored 80% in 10th 68% in 12th (aggregate) bt only 58% in PCM. In B.tech I have scored 65%. Am I eligible to sit in campus placement with needs 60% throughout academic ??
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28th June 2014, 10:07 PM
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Default Re: Is it necessary to have 60% throughout academics to get job in companies? Any companies which dont ask for 10th or 12th marks?

i have scored 78.44% in 10th,43% in 12th and degree 60% but maths is back will i get job in wipro if not which company will i get job after i clear it?please answer me
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2nd August 2014, 02:18 PM
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Default Re: Is it necessary to have 60% throughout academics to get job in companies? Any companies which dont ask for 10th or 12th marks?

I have 64.6% in 10, 54% in 12th, B.E. i have 69% and in PGDM i have 59.8% am i eligible for MNC and in which company i can apply?
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6th September 2014, 01:35 PM
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Default Re: Is it necessary to have 60% throughout academics to get job in companies? Any companies which dont ask for 10th or 12th marks?

hi ... i have 72% in 10th,54%in 2nd pu and 75%in B.E so whch companies can i apply??? plz help me im in great depression
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17th September 2014, 11:48 AM
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Default Re: Is it necessary to have 60% throughout academics to get job in companies? Any companies which dont ask for 10th or 12th marks?

I got78% in 10th; 65% in 12th and 64% in ece degree I am a fresher passout of 2013-2014 can I get job in software company?
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4th February 2015, 04:38 PM
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Default Re: Is it necessary to have 60% throughout academics to get job in companies? Any companies which dont ask for 10th or 12th marks?

hi am scored 58%in 10th and 48%in 12th and 91% in diploma and 74% in UG and 65% in PG,am just confused which types of jobs are eligible for me,i like to working as network administrator or banking,if you can reply to my query
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2nd July 2016, 12:57 AM
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Default Re: Is it necessary to have 60% throughout academics to get job in companies? Any companies which dont ask for 10th or 12th marks?

I'm having 70%in 10 56% in 12 and 6.8 in btch am I eligible for 60% criteria or not
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11th November 2018, 01:24 AM
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Default Re: Is it necessary to have 60% throughout academics to get job in companies? Any companies which dont ask for 10th or 12th marks?

I have 85% in 10th, 71% in 12th and my BE aggregate is 57%. I have 63% in the last year of BE. When companies say that they want 60% in 10th,12th and BE. What do they mean 60% in all semester of BE or just in last year or aggregate 60% ??
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11th November 2018, 01:34 AM
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Default Re: Is it necessary to have 60% throughout academics to get job in companies? Any companies which dont ask for 10th or 12th marks?

I have 85% in 10th, 71% in 12th and aggregate 57% in BE. I have 63% in last year of BE. When companies say they want 60% throughout in 10th,12th and BE, what do they mean ? I mean they want 60% aggregate in BE or 60% in last year of BE or all semester 60% ?
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3rd August 2020, 10:15 PM
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Default Re: Is it necessary to have 60% throughout academics to get job in companies? Any companies which dont ask for 10th or 12th marks?

Sir I Have scored 70% in 10th.. 68% in 12th....BSC(Mathematics hnrs) in degree 59.88%n and in McA 73% ...Can I be eligible for Companies which required throughout 60%
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