30th August 2010, 03:21 PM
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One year gap between 10th and 12th, any problem in placements? which companies allow and which don't?

my question is resolved thank you tuyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

Last edited by mayankEssar; 16th January 2011 at 04:09 PM.

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30th August 2010, 04:09 PM
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Default Re: One year gap between 10th and 12th, any problem in placements? which companies allow and which don't?

dear friend,

you are eligible for almost all companies.

as you full fills the eligibility criteria for the placement in the company.

you can appear in placements of TCS, WIBPRO, IBM, COGNIZANT, SYNERGY, GLOBAL SOLUTIONS etc.

all the best.
30th August 2010, 04:27 PM
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Default Re: One year gap between 10th and 12th, any problem in placements? which companies allow and which don't?

dear friend,

you have not mentioned your your stream, otherwise it will be easier to suggest you..

anyways, if you are from software background then , you may face little bit problem, because some software company want candidate without any year gap.. but not to worry there are many software company those are don't have such criteria.. As you have more than 60% marks throughout your career.. the name of some software companies those are don't have such criteria are, TCS, INFOSYS etc..

and you can also apply for govt.jobs , there is no such criteria..

all the best..
30th August 2010, 04:44 PM
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Default Re: One year gap between 10th and 12th, any problem in placements? which companies allow and which don't?

You have not said anything about the field of Engineering, so it would be difficult foretelling names of MNCs that will be interested in you; nevertheless, I can assure you that the one year gap will not really mar your scope. Your good, if not excellent BE marks also makes you eligible to apply for various competetive exams for different Government jobs.
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30th August 2010, 04:45 PM
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Default Re: One year gap between 10th and 12th, any problem in placements? which companies allow and which don't?

Dear friend,
there are many companies that do not a gap of 1 year between any part of your studies.but do not get dishearted there are many companies for which a gap does not matter.generally there is s gap after 12th but in your case there is a gap betwen 10 and 12th.so dear please have a solid reason to cite why there is a gap in your career,
All the Best!!!
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30th August 2010, 04:54 PM
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Default Re: One year gap between 10th and 12th, any problem in placements? which companies allow and which don't?

Now a days as the competitions are high Companies just need various criteria to filter out students...Dropping a year is one such criteria...You just need to check eliiblty criteria of each company....some ddont allow...others do...
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30th August 2010, 06:52 PM
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Default Re: One year gap between 10th and 12th, any problem in placements? which companies allow and which don't?

no sir
donot worry no problem in the time of interview so you have good command in language as well as speaking and knowledgement so you have no problem in any field
so be confident youself.
good luck
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30th August 2010, 07:01 PM
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Default Re: One year gap between 10th and 12th, any problem in placements? which companies allow and which don't?

dear friend
One year gap between 10th and 12th will not create big problem.company like TCS not allowed for on campusing.but you are eligible for off campusing..................
all most company will allows you.
list of company that will allows you are

tata motors
tata jusco
tata steel
power greed
burn standard
bhusan steel
tega enterprises
mahindra tech
Hindustan motors
Hindustan petroleum
indian oil
matsushita electric company
mitsubishi motor company
bajaj auto limited
mahindra and mahindra
toyota motor
bharat forge

best of luck......................
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30th August 2010, 07:32 PM
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Default Re: One year gap between 10th and 12th, any problem in placements? which companies allow and which don't?

You didn't mention your engineering field. So it is bit difficult to mention those companies you could apply for.
There are some companies that recruit mostly freshers who doesn't have gaps throughout the career. But it doesn't mean you won'd get job in an MNC. The problem could be your marks. Your 12th marks is average but BE score is not good enough. But that is past now so all you can do is improve your technical knowledge so that you can show yourself fit for the work.
Apart from MNCs I think you should try for Indian PSUs as well because PSUs are offering a good package after VIth pay commission.
Thank you
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30th August 2010, 07:59 PM
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Thumbs up Re: One year gap between 10th and 12th, any problem in placements? which companies allow and which don't?

dear friend

most of the MNCs allow students having year drop.

some companies like IBM, MICROSOFT does not allow students having year drop of two or more than two years.

you have all the criteria to sit in the exam of any MNc.

first tell me that in which stream you are. then i will send you the list of companies.

all the best.
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30th August 2010, 08:13 PM
Shagun Makin
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Default Re: One year gap between 10th and 12th, any problem in placements? which companies allow and which don't?

Originally Posted by mayankEssar View Post
i have an year gap in between 10th and 12th but i have passed my 10th with 62 % marks 12th with 74% marks and B.E. with 68% marks .Please suggest me which which good mnc's allow me to appear for interview.
Dear friend this will not matter anywhere as you have god marks in your 0th and 12th i.e. the criteria of minimum of 60% is fulfilled.

You are eligible to appear in every mnc if somehow they will ask you about this in personal interview(PI), you should have genuine reason for that.

You will definitely get good mnc.

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30th August 2010, 08:36 PM
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Default Re: One year gap between 10th and 12th, any problem in placements? which companies allow and which don't?

there would be no problem for you in getting jobs,
your percentage is alo good ,if you do well in the interview you will be easily selected in any mnc
all the best
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30th August 2010, 08:50 PM
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Default Re: One year gap between 10th and 12th, any problem in placements? which companies allow and which don't?

dear friends,

there is many mnc which does not look ,

whether how many year gap you have,so no need to worry.

apply for those compnay which doesnot look the gap.
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30th August 2010, 11:47 PM
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Thumbs up Re: One year gap between 10th and 12th, any problem in placements? which companies allow and which don't?

dear friend
* yes dear there is a problem in placements.
*there r some companies that don't take any gapping between 10th&12th students.these companies's names r
*the companies ,mainly core companies there is no problen in placements.
the companies's names r
so take decission &make ur future bright.
good luck.
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31st August 2010, 12:44 AM
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Default Re: One year gap between 10th and 12th, any problem in placements? which companies allow and which don't?

hello dear

One year gap between 10th and 12th, will not create any problem in placements.

but you can't appear in some govt exams.

all the best.........
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31st August 2010, 01:36 AM
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Default Re: One year gap between 10th and 12th, any problem in placements? which companies allow and which don't?

Almost all mnc's all a drop after 12th....moreover companies keep revising their criteria from year-year and from college /university to college/university...but don't worry you are placed fine...i don't see any reason why you wont get call for interview from any good mnc.....
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31st August 2010, 02:09 AM
Saikiran M
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Default Re: One year gap between 10th and 12th, any problem in placements? which companies allow and which don't?

Dear Friend,

A year gap in past studies as you said does not make any difference...
But the thing is that you need to little clear with you academics to let me suggest you
the mnc's.

There are a whole lot of mnc's in india for BE 68% engineers...

Please provide more details like stream in BE in particular, university,etc.,
to be very specific.

Thank you.

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31st August 2010, 09:32 AM
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Default Re: One year gap between 10th and 12th, any problem in placements? which companies allow and which don't?

Hello friend,
I dont think there's going to be any problem to get interview call from multi national or other companies just because there was a gap of one year between 10th and 12th.Getting a job does not only depends upon your educational qualification but also depends upon the requirement of the job and your ability to perform in the given situation. Since you are a graduate and have good academic record, your chances of getting hired is no different to other other candidates with similar qualification. Yes, the employer might be interested in knowing the fact behind the one year gap and in that case you need to be smart.
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31st August 2010, 10:40 AM
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Default Re: One year gap between 10th and 12th, any problem in placements? which companies allow and which don't?

dear friend,
MNCs will allow you to appear in placements but you will have to show then the valid reson behind this type of gap between 10th & 12th.

But if the gap between 12th & BE is more than 1 year then you can't appear in placement in reputed MNCs like TCS,CTS,IBM,WIPRO etc.
Because they don't want the gap more than 2 years.

But you can appear in other companies.

good luck.
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31st August 2010, 05:58 PM
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there is no matter of worry. your marks is good , and your year gap is negligible and you can get placement in various MNC like TCS.

Best of luck
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31st August 2010, 06:35 PM
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Default Re: One year gap between 10th and 12th, any problem in placements? which companies allow and which don't?

yes you will get information about your question on the internet
onthe official sites otherwise logon to the www.google.com
you will get here every thing
best of luck dear.
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31st August 2010, 11:15 PM
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Default Re: One year gap between 10th and 12th, any problem in placements? which companies allow and which don't?

There are some companies like TCS which do not allow..but there are many companies which allow too...but still a fresher has a litlle bit more advantage than the drop outs...
Good luck..
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31st August 2010, 11:16 PM
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Default Re: One year gap between 10th and 12th, any problem in placements? which companies allow and which don't?

Originally Posted by mayankEssar View Post
i have an year gap in between 10th and 12th but i have passed my 10th with 62 % marks 12th with 74% marks and B.E. with 68% marks .Please suggest me which which good mnc's allow me to appear for interview.
you can search about it on the internet which contains informatiomabout every thing dear you need to log on to the website
here you will get every thing about your query
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1st September 2010, 12:57 AM
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Thumbs up Re: One year gap between 10th and 12th, any problem in placements? which companies allow and which don't?

Originally Posted by August View Post
dear friend

most of the MNCs allow students having year drop.

some companies like IBM, MICROSOFT does not allow students having year drop of two or more than two years.

you have all the criteria to sit in the exam of any MNc.

first tell me that in which stream you are. then i will send you the list of companies.

all the best.
my branch is electronics and telecommunication,
PLease suggest companies for me
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1st September 2010, 01:00 AM
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Thumbs up Re: One year gap between 10th and 12th, any problem in placements? which companies allow and which don't?

Originally Posted by swati123 View Post
You have not said anything about the field of Engineering, so it would be difficult foretelling names of MNCs that will be interested in you; nevertheless, I can assure you that the one year gap will not really mar your scope. Your good, if not excellent BE marks also makes you eligible to apply for various competetive exams for different Government jobs.
my branch is electronics and telecommunication from nagpur university.
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1st September 2010, 01:19 AM
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Default Re: One year gap between 10th and 12th, any problem in placements? which companies allow and which don't?

u will surely be placed...wat my frnds tld is correct but u are eligible for infosys....so dnt wry...gud luck
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1st September 2010, 10:08 AM
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Default Re: One year gap between 10th and 12th, any problem in placements? which companies allow and which don't?

Hi !!!

Almost all companies accept the drop outs....but if you ae dropping out for a year then try to crack IIT JEE or try to get through the entrance tests of some good college....because there are many good companies that eliminate candidates on the basis of dropping a year ...

Good luck !!
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1st September 2010, 12:28 PM
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Default Re: One year gap between 10th and 12th, any problem in placements? which companies allow and which don't?

Hello friend,
Yes there would be some problem in the placement as you have a gap in 10th and 12th.
Some multinational companies like Infosys, TCS, CTS, TECH mahindra, Mahindra Satyam IBM etc....these companies doesn't allow a candidates which have any gap in the study,
But many companies doesn't have these types of selection criteria.
So good luck!!!!!
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1st September 2010, 02:39 PM
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Default Re: One year gap between 10th and 12th, any problem in placements? which companies allow and which don't?

Dear friend,
one year between 10th and 12th can not be very problematic for you
to get job.
As you have desired marks needed by almost all the companies like:-
tcs,cognizant,wipro,satyam,l&t infotech, tata motors etc. You
can go for these.
So, best of luck.
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1st September 2010, 03:13 PM
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Default Re: One year gap between 10th and 12th, any problem in placements? which companies allow and which don't?

Dear dont worry about the gap until uve 65% and above in ur 10th,12th and grad...................this is the criteria for companies lyk infosys............
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1st September 2010, 04:12 PM
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Default Re: One year gap between 10th and 12th, any problem in placements? which companies allow and which don't?

dear friend
One year gap between 10th and 12th will not create big problem.company like TCS not allowed for on campusing.
all most company will allows you.
tata motors
tata jusco
tata steel
tega enterprises
mahindra tech
Hindustan motors
Hindustan petroleum
indian oil
bajaj auto limited
mahindra and mahindra

you can visit for job www.freshersworld.com
Have a good day!
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1st September 2010, 09:07 PM
avinash kr.
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Default Re: One year gap between 10th and 12th, any problem in placements? which companies allow and which don't?

helo sir some problem for high-fi company but some company offer for campus palacement. thanking you
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3rd September 2010, 02:04 PM
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Default Re: One year gap between 10th and 12th, any problem in placements? which companies allow and which don't?

i have got selected in tcs waiting for offer letter,but i have year gap in between 10th and 12th so do they reject me at the time of joining.i have above 60% in all 10th 12th and engineering.
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1st October 2010, 06:57 PM
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Default Re: One year gap between 10th and 12th, any problem in placements? which companies allow and which don't?

Originally Posted by robart View Post
dear friend,

you are eligible for almost all companies.

as you full fills the eligibility criteria for the placement in the company.

you can appear in placements of TCS, WIBPRO, IBM, COGNIZANT, SYNERGY, GLOBAL SOLUTIONS etc.

all the best.
yes you are eligible for almost all companies few companies wont allow
but there is a chance of lot companies but you should have minimum 60% through out the academic year
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4th December 2010, 11:33 PM
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Talking Re: One year gap between 10th and 12th, any problem in placements? which companies allow and which don't?

Originally Posted by mayankEssar View Post
i have an year gap in between 10th and 12th but i have passed my 10th with 62 % marks 12th with 74% marks and B.E. with 68% marks .Please suggest me which which good mnc's allow me to appear for interview.
Dear friend,
You have a good academic qualification for placement but you have a year lack in between 10 and 12 there is a problem.so you can overcome it if you can show any one year working experience,and also you get more priority then other student for experience...
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10th December 2010, 02:18 AM
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Default Re: One year gap between 10th and 12th, any problem in placements? which companies allow and which don't?

hi frnz,
plz suggest me what to do.
what should i tell about my 2 years gap after 10th , actually I have done 10th with 62.52% in 2003 and after that 11th in 2004 with 52% ... in 2007 i prep for PAT exam and completed my 3 years diploma in 2008 with 72%, at present I m in final year CSE and current marks in engineering are 71%, can i sit in infosys, if yes then what about year gap......................
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17th April 2011, 02:44 AM
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Default Re: One year gap between 10th and 12th, any problem in placements? which companies allow and which don't?

many companies consider the gap of the 2 yr not 1yr
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21st April 2011, 04:38 PM
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Default Re: One year gap between 10th and 12th, any problem in placements? which companies allow and which don't?

Not at all a problem. All companies will allow.
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3rd June 2011, 05:48 PM
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Default Re: One year gap between 10th and 12th, any problem in placements? which companies allow and which don't?

there is a duration of 3 years gap before i started my engineering,,,,,,,,,,,,,can u please list me the companies in whch i can apply for job???????????????
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6th July 2011, 03:53 AM
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Default Re: One year gap between 10th and 12th, any problem in placements? which companies allow and which don't?

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21st August 2011, 01:27 PM
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Default Re: One year gap between 10th and 12th, any problem in placements? which companies allow and which don't?

I have got 67% in 10 .
70% in 12.
67% in bca.
61% percent mca till 3 sem
but I have one yera gap between 10 and 12
Am I elligibel for tcs or not.
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7th September 2011, 09:15 AM
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Default Re: One year gap between 10th and 12th, any problem in placements? which companies allow and which don't?

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8th September 2011, 01:30 AM
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Default Re: One year gap between 10th and 12th, any problem in placements? which companies allow and which don't?

i have of gap in between 2nd and 3rd year...........so i am eligible 4 which companies??????plz suggest me?????my 10th,12th % is above 60%.......n rite nw m in 3rd year.......plz help me sir???????
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12th September 2011, 02:03 PM
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Arrow Re: One year gap between 10th and 12th and 2 yr gap between 12th n btech . which companies allow and which don't?

i have 1 yr gap between 10th n 12th because of family emergency and 2 yr gap after 12th for preparation .
btech in electronics=>9.5/10(upto 6th semester)
plz tell me which company will allow me for recruitment process?
kindly give me the suggestion what should i do ?
plz reply as soon as possible ....
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15th September 2011, 03:03 PM
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Default Re: One year gap between 10th and 12th, any problem in placements? which companies allow and which don't?

i hav 2 year gap between 12th and engineering,,,in which companies i m allowed to attend campus drives
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13th November 2011, 10:33 AM
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Default Re: One year gap between 10th and 12th, any problem in placements? which companies allow and which don't?

some campuses may cause problem but not all
you can apply for the followings
off campusing..................
all most company will allows you.
list of company that will allows you are

tata motors
tata jusco
tata steel
power greed
burn standard
bhusan steel
tega enterprises
mahindra tech
Hindustan motors
Hindustan petroleum
indian oil
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14th November 2011, 09:11 AM
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Default Re: One year gap between 10th and 12th, any problem in placements? which companies allow and which don't?

Originally Posted by mayankEssar View Post
my question is resolved thank you tuyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
mostly all companies will accept one year gap like CTS,TCS,ACCENTURE,WIPRO some companies will accept 2 years gap also so u dont worries
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18th November 2011, 01:12 AM
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Default Re: One year gap between 10th and 12th, any problem in placements? which companies allow and which don't?

I have 2 year gap between 10th and 12th but i am studying in reputed college.pls tell me about the placement process.
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12th June 2012, 07:03 PM
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Default Re: One year gap between 10th and 12th, any problem in placements? which companies allow and which don't?

Can I do 10th again as I have failed my 12th class? I want to restart.
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14th June 2012, 10:01 PM
sheshadev senapati
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Default Re: One year gap between 10th and 12th, any problem in placements? which companies allow and which don't?

dear friend
One year gap between 10th and 12th will not create big problem.company like TCS not allowed for on campusing.but you are eligible for off campusing..................
all most company will allows you.
list of company that will allows you are

tata motors
tata jusco
tata steel
power greed
burn standard
bhusan steel
tega enterprises
mahindra tech
Hindustan motors
Hindustan petroleum
indian oil
matsushita electric company
mitsubishi motor company
bajaj auto limited
mahindra and mahindra
toyota motor
bharat forge

best of luck....................
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