21st July 2012, 11:48 AM
Which is the right time to start preparation for GATE Exam? How much time I have to prepare for this Exam in a Day? Which Books should I refer for this Exam?
Hello People i had a query on when should we start studying for gate exam....I Have mech engg. at manipal univ 1st year and wanted to ask about the right time to start and the books required and also how much time to be given to this exam prep. everyday...I would also like to know how to study for this exam,.....Thank u
21st July 2012, 01:39 PM
![]() Quote:
Reference Books for Mechanical Engineering:
![]() GATE Mechanical Engineering Solved Papers Topic Wise by GK Publications ![]() GATE 2013: Mechanical Engineering by Vikas Slariya ![]() GATE Mechanical Engineering: Topic Wise Solved Papers by GK Publications ![]() GATE: Mechanical Engineering Chapterwise Solved Papers (2012 - 2000) With 1 Model Paper & 2 Practice Sets by Lalit Jain ![]() GATE 2012: Mechanical Engineering Topicwise Solved Papers by Made Easy Team Along with the above mentioned books you can also go through the papers that i have uploaded for you. You may find them useful too. ![]() |
21st July 2012, 05:28 PM
As per me the right time to start preparation for GATE examination is from the first day of your engineering college because in GATE examination questions come from 1st year of engineering to last year of engineering. From first year mathematics is included in the GATE examination. Now in first year just study the mathematics subject very attentively. With that also take care about english language study because in GATE examination english aptitude and vocabulary is included.
In first year just study attentively the syllabus of the mathematics which is included in you engineering syllabus. In first year there are also some technical subject which will give about brief idea about your branch of engineering. Those subject you will learn in details in 2nd year, 3rd year and last year of engineering. You may not take care of this technical subject when you are in first year. But you should start actual preparation for GATE is from the second year of engineering. From second year you will study lots of technical subject and you will gather lots of technical knowledge. Generally in GATE examination questions come mainly from 2nd year and 3rd year if engineering syllabus. So 2nd year and 3rd year is very much important those want to crack GATE examination. In 2nd year study your engineering syllabus very attentively with that also buy some good books for GATE examination preparation. From there solve question which are from 2nd year syllabus. Do the same thing in 3rd year also. After that in 3rd year you may appear in GATE examination. GATE score card is valid for two years. If you study with care then everyday 1 to 2 hours study is sufficient from 2nd year of engineering. But it varies from candidate to candidate. For some candidate they can study a lot within a very less time but for some candidates long duration study is also for no use. So you have to decide how much study is sufficient for you. For GATE examination preparation you may refer book published by G K Publishers. Every year they publish new book for GATE examination preparation for most of the popular branches individually. The also include model question paper with the book also. To prepare for the examination before the examination revise starting with the mathematics. Because mathematics part is generally easy than the technical part and also mathematics carry good marks in GATE examination near about 25matks. After that concentrate on technical subject. Try to complete first which are your favorite. I think if you study regularly then easily you can clear the cut off marks for GATE examination but if you want to do very good result then you have to study more. Best of luck. |
21st July 2012, 05:34 PM
You are in first year so no need to be get tensed now itself.
For better result start to reading in 2nd semester holiday. Since you are going to write GATE in final year, it is enough of 2-3hr/day reading now, but in 3rd year you should be switched it to 4-5hr a day. After Ist year chose the books that come across in first year subject and read them, Do same thing in 2nd year with 2nd year topic so on.... Top available books for preparing GATE Book Author 1. Matrices AR Vashistha 2. Differential Calculus Shanti Narayan 3. Differential Calculus Golden Series 4. Integral Calculus Shanti Narayan 5. Integral Calculus Golden Series 6. Vector Calculus Golden Series 7. Vector Calculus AR Vasishtha 8. Calculus Thomas Finney 9. Differential Equations Golden Series 10. Differential Equations ML Khanna 11. An Intro. to Ordinary Diff. Equations Earl A Coddington 12. Vector Analysis Schaum’s Series 13. Vector Algebra Golden Series 14. Vector Algebra AR Vasishtha 15. Numerical Analysis Golden Series 16. Numerical Methods S S Sastry 17. Numerical Methods BS Grewal 18. Advanced Engineering Mathematics Erwin Kreyszig 19. Higher Engineering Mathematics BS Grewal 20. Engineering Mathematics NP Bali 21. Probability and Statistics Miller and Freund 22. Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics VK Kapoor 23. Engineering Mechanics Singer 24. Applied Mechanics Khurmi 25. Engineering Mechanics Tinua Shenko 26. Mechanics of Materials BC Punmia and AK Jain 27. Strength of Materials S Ramamrutham 28. Strength of Materials Schaum Series 29. Theory of Machines Rattan 0. Theory of Machines RS Khurmi 31. Theory of Machines PL Ballaney 32. Theory of Machines through solved problems JS Rao 33. Theory of Machines Thomas Beven 34. Theory of Machines Sadhu Singh |
28th September 2012, 09:01 PM
hello,i am studying electrical 3rd year in mits,i want to do IIT EAMTECH ,I didnt start for gate exam , how can i prepare for next year gate exam and how much time should i spend,and what are the tips to read and whats the reference material.....
13th October 2012, 08:35 PM
Hi friends,I am a student of INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING in a government college in Gujarat working very hard in studies. Please suggest me right time to start to prepare for GATE exams and materials as well as methods necessary.I can't afford coaching.
17th November 2012, 11:27 PM
i am f.e. student . my branch is c.s.e which books should i refer for gate preparation and from when should i start preparation?
14th December 2012, 12:16 AM
i m in 2nd year extc student guys pls suggest how should i start with gate preparation and which books should i refer pls....
3rd January 2013, 02:08 AM
I am in 2nd year in electrical engineering and i have to start GATE preparation from now ... so please suggest me how to study and best book regarding that?
pls reply as soon as possible. |
5th January 2013, 11:59 PM
Hello sir/madam....
Im a medical electronics student,is it sufficient if i prepare for ec GATE syllabus in order to get a good rank in gate exam?and im movin on to 6th sem now...pls tell me which s the good book to refer for my gate exam..my mail id is:[email protected] |
6th January 2013, 12:04 AM
is it enough if i prepare for gate ec syllabus to get a good rank in GATE exam?as im a 3rd year medical electronics student...pls suggest me... |
21st January 2013, 07:37 PM
sir i am be eee student 2nd sem.please suggest me the best time to start for gate preparation
10th February 2013, 03:06 PM
sir, i m a 1st year ECE student,please suggest me some books for starting my preparation for GATE exam
23rd February 2013, 07:38 PM
24th February 2013, 02:45 PM
Best Books to refer for GATE Exam:
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() You can buy all these books online from http://www.flipkart.com |
6th March 2013, 09:44 PM
i'm engineering 1 yr student..i want to know the topics to be prepared in maths for gate exam??
20th March 2013, 10:15 PM
when i should start prepration for gate i m in 1st year from ec branch.please suggest me good books for gate prepration ....................
9th April 2013, 11:53 AM
i have completed 2nd year btech cse in cec .when to go for a gate coaching.please suggest me some books for cse gate preparation
24th June 2013, 11:27 PM
It is better to prepare for the GATE exam from 2nd Year of Engineering. Because The Major subjects In GATE starts from 2nd year of Engineering.
The Major Books For GATE ECE Are 1. Micro Elecronics By Sedra Smith 2. Signals and Systems by oppenheim 3. Basic Electroncs By Floyd 4. Hayth Electro magnetics prepare the questions from "Gate By R.K. Kondia" |
8th July 2013, 06:28 PM
I am a second year computer science student.I want to crack gate exam .Please give me some tips about that.
1st August 2013, 12:36 AM
i am btech 3rd year student of it..i want to crack the gate exam with a very good score
so how much time should i spend per day?i am in my first semester of third year..when should i start the coaching??i want to pursue my mtech in IIT's..please help me out |
6th November 2013, 08:52 AM
hi.. i am in 5th sem ise. i want to write GATE exam. can i start to prepare now...? or is it better to write once i get job as a software engineer...? how is the job oppurtunities if i do m tech...? and how much i should i may have to spend...? please answer me...
4th June 2014, 03:14 PM
At present I finished my B.E civil 6th semester , when should i apply for gate exam? can i apply for it during my final year??
29th June 2014, 09:39 AM
whis is the best time to prepare for gate exams? which is the best books fr gate exam.???who will guide us or we only want to take care of that.where we want write gate exam???? the college will take care of that or not ????? plsssssssssss rply.....................................