18th June 2010, 12:53 AM
Where to start after 12th to become IPS?
sir, I had completed my 12th and i knew some what about civils can u guide me to achive ips
18th June 2010, 12:22 PM
frist u have to take addmition in graduation & took subjects in which u r very well intrested. And study them very carefully & deply as well. This help u in ur ips. best of luck.
18th June 2010, 12:35 PM
Dear you are not eligible for IPS after 12th and the eligibility is only after graduations so first complete your graduation.
18th June 2010, 10:39 PM
dear friend
After 12th, if you want to become a IPS officer, then i will suggest you just join the best coaching classes. because after 12th, it not possible to become a IPS officer, but you have to prepared for this exams after 12th. So keed hard work after 12th to become a IPS officer. Because after graduation, you have to apply for Civil services examination, to become a IPS officer. So please join some coaching centre and solved previous year papers of IPS exams. Then you will get sucess............ |
19th June 2010, 01:37 AM
Hai Karthik,
If you are willing to join IPS, you need to be a graduate. But since you have asked, these are the guidelines for a graduate to join the IPS. To join IPS, you will need to apper in the civil service examination. Civil Service examination is conducted every year by UPSC(union public service commission). Candidate needs to face three phases of the examination. 1. Preliminary examination-conducted during the second half of may. After qualifying preliminary examinaation, you will need to appear for 2. Main examination- conducted during the month of oct/nov 3. Interview (for those who passed the main examination) Eligibility: 1. Degree from a recognised university 2. Age limit: min max General- 21yrs. 30 yrs. obc - 21 yrs 33 yrs. sc/st - 21 yrs. 35 yrs. Maximuk number of attempts: general- 4 obc - 7 sc/st - no limit Do work hard and successfully compleate your graduation to be eligible for IPS. May you get success at every step of your life. |
19th June 2010, 02:01 AM
its really good that you have started thinking about ips well before time. now the next step for you is to take up your graduation ... for that taking in view your interests...you can choose either commerce field, engineering , or B.Sc. But the major point here worth mentioning here is that you take up those subjects that can help you in your preparation in ips. i you are unaware then I would like to tell you taht in ips we want to have deep thorough knowledge of the subject we opt for .ie.the subject we opt for the ips examination. So it would be better if you take up these subjects right from the beginning so that forips you do not have to read anything new and out of the picture which you have never done before. Like for example if you take up engineering then civil, mechanical is a direct subject in ips but textile technology although being a trade in iit delhi and nit jalandhar is not in ips subjects. so keep in mind this aspect... for this kindly refer to upsc website for subject details at present kindly concentrate on your garduation and choose subjects wisely all the best... |
19th June 2010, 09:49 PM
If you want to become a cop, the best way you can do is to appear for UPSC held Civil Services Exam. The basic qualification required for appearing in the Civil Services examination is the same i.e. a graduation. The upper age limit to appear in the exam is 25 years and the lower age limit is 20 for a career in police services through IPS. To start a career in police as Group A or a Group B officer the person should clear the three rounds of Indian Police Services (IPS) exam. This exam is conducted once in a year. The first stage of IPS examination consists of objective test called Preliminary examination. Candidates who clear this exam sits for written test called the Main exam which is followed by an interview. The Candidates who clear the IPS exam then join the cadre in any one of the Indian states. You can also take the state Public Service Commission which provides an opportunity for graduates like to you to be eligible to compete for the post of Deputy Superintendent of Police.
29th June 2010, 01:39 AM
if you really want to become an IPS officer then go for plan B.Com so tht you can concentrate on you civil exams
choosing plan b.com you can study for you civil exams n can give as soon as you complete you b.com join group studies or buy books for the study |
30th June 2010, 04:00 PM
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31st July 2010, 03:13 PM
hii friend its really good to hear that you like to be a ips..yea you can but you need to finish of your graduation......after your 12th you can join ips exam coaching centers in evening morning you can go for college an d continue your college studies after finishing you colleges you can apply for ips exam...........
regards azhar |
16th August 2010, 03:37 PM
dear sir,
I Sunil (28 years) wants to know that while taking exams if i'll cross the age limit 30years .So is that possible for me to continue for IPS .And i would like to tell you also that I don't belong to SC/BC.I belong To general Caste. Sunil |
5th September 2010, 11:08 PM
dear sir i have completed my graduation in history from globel open uni.
i want to become a ips officer so plz.send me tips on my e-mail id ([email protected]) |
6th September 2010, 12:02 PM
Hello bro!
All you have to do is first of all complete your graduation and there after prepare for Civils. As we know there are several civil coaching centers in which we can learn more aspects about the model papers, what type of questions they will give. One more thing this exam depends on the graduation and the subjects are different for different graduations. Well you have to work hard to do well in IPS and get updated with the political, economical, geographical and civil news. Daily read news paper and when ever you are free watch news channels. ALL THE BEST! |
6th September 2010, 03:25 PM
Dear Friend,
IPS (Indian Police Service) is the one of the best posts under central Govt.To get chance in that post is little much tough. According to me,this will be better if you complete your Bachelor Degree. After the completion of the course you can join the IPS easily. However,You have to appear in a exam named Civil Service Examination conducted by the UPSC. As held on ccoprding to the Criteria: 1:You should have Bechelor Degree. 2:in general Prelim examination is held in 1st week of May & Mains in 2nd week of Oct each year. 2:you should be age between 21 to 30 yr for general 21 to 33 year for OBC, 21 to 35 yr for SC/ST. 4.you can attempt for the exam 4 times for open,7 times for OBC and no limit for SC/ST. 5.you should be Indian. 6.Exam pattern is of two sections: i)Preliminary Examination: It is of objective type, which is a qualifying examination. ii) Main Examination: It consists of written examination and interview. 7.Then you will be called for Physical Fitness test. So, study hard as well as practice more and more. Good luck. you will get much more informations from the link http://www.indiastudychannel.com/resources/55584-ELIGIBILITY-AGE-LIMIT-AND-CHOISE-OF-SUBJECTS-FOR.aspx |
6th September 2010, 05:55 PM
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The very first suggestion for you is to make up your mind about the subjects you would like to opt for the exam. There are 23 options for preliminary test in which you have to choose one and 2 of the 25 subjects for main examination. You can get the details regarding exam pattern and subjects is available at the official website. Follow the link below http://www.upsc.gov.in/general/civil.htm The first thing you should start for preparation is to start improving your general awareness. The General studies paper is of 150 marks in Pre out of total 450 and in mains it is of 600 marks out of total 2300. Read THE HINDI daily, Magazines like Chronicle, India Today, Pratiyogita Darpan etc. Also read History, Civics, Geography and science subjects from 8, 9, 10 std for GS paper. You can find syllabus of the all the subjects at http://www.upscguide.com/UPSC/UPSC_e...S_subjects.htm |
6th September 2010, 06:13 PM
Dear friend
If you are want to join IPS, you need to be a graduate. after that To join IPS, you will need to apper in the civil service examination. Civil Service examination is conducted every year by UPSC(union public service commission) Eligibility: 1. Degree from a recognised university 2. Age limit: min max General- 21yrs. 30 yrs. obc - 21 yrs 33 yrs. sc/st - 21 yrs. 35 yrs. you have to read all subject manly political science,history,geography........... start from today for your preparation ............... for syllabus please download from www.upsc.gov.in all the best |
7th September 2010, 12:13 AM
UPSC conducts civil services exam for recruitment IPS officers. The exam is conducted in 3 phases: Prelims exam mains exam Interview The age limit is 30 years & no.of attempts allowed is 4 for general candidates. The minimum educational qualification required for appearing in civil services exam is a bachelors degree from a recognised university. So, you should do your graduation first & then apply for civil services exam. |
5th October 2010, 09:29 PM
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Dear to its too early and hence impossible for you. Check out what is required For being an IPS Officer one had to go through Civil Service Entrance Exams conducted by UPSC (http://www.upsc.gov.in). It is conducted in 3 steps- 1) Preliminary, 2) MAins and 3) Interview. After successful completion of all the 3 steps, once performance in respective stages and ther Fitness will decide weather one is going to be an IAS, IPS or any other central government Officer under Civil Service. And also it is not necessary that one will join as a ACP, one can also join as DSP/SP. Educational Qualification: Is not much higher, it can be easily taken by anyone. Candidate must be a Graduate in any stream, science, engineering, arts or commerce or else. Niether there is any aggregate bar. Yes there is age limit of candidate must be between 21-30 years, for General candidate which is relaxable upto 3 years for OBC, 5 years for SC/ST, 10 years for Deaf, Blind etc. Tips: Only Hard Work and Systematic way of preparetion can get you in. One more thing "Presence of Mind" which can be gained by Mathematics. Regards ~Faiyaz~ |
5th October 2010, 09:36 PM
Hey my little friend for being an IPS officer you need to have the graduation degree. After completion of 12th go for graduation either in technical or non-technical field of education. The basic criteria for getting into IPS entrance exam graduation is must. So first you have to concentrate on the graduation then complete the graduation and then apply for the IPS exam.Ok i think you get it. Bye.... |
5th October 2010, 09:55 PM
dear you can do IPS after succesful competion of the grduation.before the graduation you can not give the exam for IPS.but you can start preparing for the IPS so that after graduation you will not suffer more you can easily handle the work.
all the best. |
5th October 2010, 10:28 PM
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IPS is an exam conducted by UPSC(civil service).so there basic qualification is graduation.you have completed class 12,after that choose your subjects of interest and took them as your graduation paper.study hard on it and beside this develop your english and general knowledge skills.you have 3 yrs of time work hard ,success will come to your hand.home is your best place to take prepration.self study is more helpful for this type of examinations. good luck. |
5th October 2010, 11:09 PM
To become an IPS you must clear "Civil Services Examination" examination conducted by UPSC,
For writing that exam the eligibility is any graduation with age limit 21 to 30 years for general and with relaxations for BC annd SC/ST.,.. Keep your grip on current affairs, you should clear three exams for that 1)preliminary exams 2)Mains part-1 3)mains part-2 preliminary exam consists of general studies(150M),optional subject 1. Indian Polity & Economy 2. History of India including Indian National Movement 3. Indian and World Geography 4. Current Affairs of National and International Importance 5. General and day-to-day Science 6. Mental Ability and Basics of Statistics etc. optional subject can be studied depending on your graduation Mains exam has the following papers 1 Essay type Indian Language Qualifying Paper (300 marks) 1 English Qualifying Paper (300 marks) 1 General Essay type paper (200 marks) 2 General Studies papers (300 marks each) 4 Optional subjects papers (300 marks each) almost all stresses on the graduation level knowledge so its better to brush up knowledge over these subjects till what you have now......... and current affairs play the major role. so study these subjects .,........ since you are starting your preparation along with graduation you can get IPS or IAS easily.... and every person who cleared IAS/IPS says 2 hours of study everyday perfectly is enough to get it.... |
31st October 2010, 08:55 PM
hi friend,
In IPS, candidates are recruited through IAS civil service examinations, hence the minimum qualification that one should have is a bachelor degree with minimum marks of 50%. IAS or IPS both posts are recruited through a common exam of civil services , actually 27 posts of UPSC are recruited through this exam. Since you are studying only in 12th class , and have to do graduation still. So you need to first have a good graduation degree. Thereafter, you will be eligible for this exam. This exam is conducted in three stage: I . Pre: Two test papers are there of two hours each. II. Main: Subject selection is there along with two language test, english is necessary. III. Interview: Personnal interview. Successive stages are achieved by clearing the previous one. |
18th November 2010, 07:57 AM
you need to complete your graduation course like engineering and then attempt for civil services exam conducted by the UPSC.
the exam consists of three stages preliminary test held in the selected 53 towns,main test and if selected for both the tests then you have t attend a personal inteview. all the best |
18th November 2010, 09:42 PM
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you can attempt 7 times.general candidates can attemp only 4 times.For SC,ST there is no limit. all the best. |
18th November 2010, 09:44 PM
first finish ur graduation.goto the gym regularly..be fit..prepare for gk now onwards
8th December 2010, 12:57 PM
hello friend
your interest to become an IPS officer is really appreciable and first of all as you completed your 12th you have to get a degree to attempt civils exam which will be conducted by UPSC i suggest you to opt law in your degree and then after attaining age of 21 years you can attempt civils exam and you have to get through the long procedure first you should get qualified in CSAT which is a screening test second after that you should clear mains exam and then in the interview you should give an opportunity to select a cadre there you will provided option to give your choice you should keep their first preference as IPS then if your rank also blesses you . you will have chance to get IPS or else don't lose your heart take another attempt all the best has a long to go all the best through out ~aditya~ |
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