5th September 2016, 07:19 PM
What is the eligibility criteria, syllabus and selection procedure for HAS exam?
What is the selection procedure in HAS? How much percentage is needed in graduation to apply for the HAS exam? What is the age limit and is it compulsory to give the interview in English
after qualifying the exams. How can I prepare for HAS exam? Please tell me the syllabus for HAS. |
10th September 2016, 11:49 AM
Re: What is the eligibility criteria, syllabus and selection procedure for HAS exam?
HAS stands for Himachal Administrative Service.
HAS exam is conducted by Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission (HPPSC) once in a year. Eligibility Criteria to apply for the HAS exam are as under :- -The candidate must be an Indian . -The candidate must be a Bachelor's degree holder in any discipline from a recognized university. -The age limit to apply for the exam is from 21 years to 30 years .There will be relaxation in age limit for reserved category candidates as per HP government rules . Selection process involves of : *Preliminary Exam , *Main exam and *Personality Interview. |
12th September 2016, 09:42 PM
Re: What is the eligibility criteria, syllabus and selection procedure for HAS exam?
Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission (HPSC) have organized HAS (Himachal Pradesh Administrative Service ) exam,
The Eligibility criteria for this exam: The Candidate must be the citizen of India. The candidate must have 21 years to 35 years. Candidate must have a Bachelor's or equivalent degree from a recognized University. Selection Stage: Preliminary Examination Main Written Examination Viva Test Syllabus For Exam: Preliminary Examination: General Studies and Aptitude Test Main Written Examination: Various subject (Geography, English ,Compulsory Subject, Law, History etc.) Some Syllabus are attached: |
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