Uttarakhand CPMEE(UPMT) 2012


Uttarakhand Common Pre Medical Entrance Examination is conducted by Uttaranchal Council of Entrance Examination (UCEE to give admission into various medical colleges under this council. Uttarakhand CPMEE is a sought out exam for the aspirants of MBBS, BHMS, BDS and BAMS to get admission into the most recognized institute and medical colleges in the state. Hence each year a large number of candidates are taking this exam on a priority basis.

Structure of Uttarakhand CPMEE

The Uttarakhand CPMEE is an objective type multiple choice examination. The students are asked to opt for the correct answer from the given number of options and the question paper is of the application nature. The examination covers the areas of Physics, Chemistry and Biology and the examination will durable for 120 minutes.

Syllabus for Uttarakhand CPMEE


  • Work, Energy and Power
  • Waves
  • Thermal and Chemical Effects of Currents
  • Semiconductor Devices
  • Rotational Motion
  • Ray Optics
  • Oscillations
  • Magnetism
  • Magnetic Effect of Currents
  • Laws of Motion
  • Measurement
  • Heat and Thermodynamics
  • Gravitation
  • Electrostatics
  • Electrons and Photons
  • Electromagnetic Waves
  • Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Currents
  • Description of Motion in Two and Three Dimensions
  • Description of Motion in One Dimension
  • Current Electricity
  • Atoms, Molecules and Nuclei


  • Atomic structure
  • Biomolecules
  • Chemical bonding
  • Chemical energetic
  • Chemical kinetics
  • Chemical thermodynamics
  • Chemistry in everyday life
  • Classification of elements and periodicity in properties
  • Coordination compounds
  • Electrochemistry
  • Environmental Chemistry
  • Equilibrium
  • General principles and processes of isolation of elements
  • Hydrocarbons
  • Hydrogen
  • Organic Compounds
  • p-Block Elements
  • Polymers
  • s-Block Elements
  • Solid state Chemistry
  • Solutions
  • Some basic principles of Organic Chemistry
  • States of matter
  • Surface chemistry
  • The d-and f-Block elements


  • The Unit of Life; Structure and Function
  • Structure and Function – Plants
  • Structure and Function – Animals
  • Reproduction, Growth and Movement in Plants
  • Reproduction and Development in Humans
  • Genetics and Evolution
  • Ecology and Environment
  • Diversity in Living World
  • Biotechnology and its Applications
  • Biology and Human Welfare

Eligibility Criteria

Candidates must be an Indian Citizen with minimum seventeen years of age. The candidates must pass higher secondary from the recognized board. They must have minimum 50% marks in the qualifying examination with subjects English, Chemistry, Physics and Biology. The reservation group needs only 40% marks in the eligibility examination. The final year students can also eligible for appearing for the examination. They have to submit their eligibility proof only at the time of admission.

How to Apply?

There are different ways one can get the application form. One can directly purchase the form from the admission office of the participating institutes with the cash payment Rs.1,250/-. The candidates will get the form from the following places also,

Ramesh Book Depot, Dehradun

Oasis Infosolutions , Daryaganj

One can send a DD of Rs.1, 300/- payable at Rishikesh in favor of UCEE along with the request for application form.

How to fill the Form?

The candidates will be provided with a brochure which will help you filling the application form. The aspirants need to read the information given in the booklet carefully in order to avoid mistakes in the application form. They can use a pencil or a pen as described in the prospectus and fill the columns in capital letters. The information given should be correct and valid. The students are asked to paste recent size photos in the given format on the necessary places. Do not forget to put down your signature on the needed columns.

Important Dates (Tentative)

Issue of Information Brochure & Application Forms:  Last Week of February, 2012

Last Date of Sale of Application Form: First Week of May, 2012

Last Date for submission of completed Application form: First Week of May, 2012

Date of Written Examination: Last Week of May,2012

List of Uttarakhand CPMEE centers

  • Chandigarh
  • Dehradun
  • Delhi
  • Indore
  • Jaipur
  • Jalandhar
  • Lucknow
  • Varanasi

Contact Address

  • The Secretary, Uttaranchal Council of Entrance Examination, Seema Dental College & Hospital P.O., Pashulok Virbhadra Road, Rishikesh 249203
  • Ph : 0135- 2453726
  • Website: www.uceeindia.org

Colleges Accepting the Uttarakhand CPMEE score

  • Chandola Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital, Rudrapur
  • Himalayayi Ayurvedic Medical College & Hospital, Rishikesh
  • Patanjali Ayurvedic College, Haridwar
  • Seema Dental College & Hospital, Rishikesh
  • Shri Guru Ram Rai Institute of Medical & Health Sciences
  • Sri Narayan Dutt Tiwari Hospital & Medical College, Dehradun
  • Uttaranchal Ayurvedic College, Dehradun
  • Uttaranchal Dental & Medical Research Institute, Dehradun

Reference Books for Uttarakhand CPMEE

  • ABC Chemistry
  • AC Dutta for Botany (Oxford Publication),
  • Arihant Organic Chemistry
  • Concept of Competition Physics for CBSE PMT by Aggarwals
  • Dinesh Biology
  • Dinesh Chemistry
  • Dinesh Uttaranchal Common Pre Medical Entrance Test Biology by K.N. Bhatia
  • Dinesh Uttaranchal Common Pre Medical Entrance Test Chemistry by Ravinder Chadda
  • HC Verma for Physics,
  • Higher Secondary Biology- Part 1 and part 2
  • Higher Secondary Chemistry- Part 1 and Part 2
  • Higher Secondary Physics- Part 1 and Part 2
  • Morrision Boyd for Organic Chemistry
  • MTG (Biology Today) CBSE PMT (Subscription)
  • MTG (Biology Today) CBSE PMT (Subscription)
  • NCERT- Biology Part 1 and Part 2
  • NCERT- Chemistry Part 1 and Part 2
  • NCERT- Physics Part 1 and Part 2
  • Peter Atkins and Julio de Paula for Physical Chemistry
  • Physics: CBSE PMT set of 3 Volumes by Anil Aggarwal
  • Pradeep’s Biology
  • SC Verma (Part-1 and 2)
  • Study package for Medical Entrance Exam- Tata Mc-graw hill publishers
  • Trueman’s Biology

Coaching Centers for Uttarakhand CPMEE

  • A K Vidyamandir
  • Akash Institutes
  • Akshar Academy
  • Brilliant Tutorials Pvt Ltd
  • Career Points
  • City College
  • DAMS
  • Disha
  • Helix Institutes
  • Imperial Tutorials
  • Narayana IIt Academy
  • Oasis Education Services
  • Physics techniques
  • S S Coaching
  • Sachdeva College
  • Shahil Study Center

Study Plan

Students must have a definite idea about the examination. They can get the pattern and syllabus of the examination from the internet or from any reference books. When studying, aspirants need to make sure that they practice writing the formulas and equations on a spare piece of paper. These preparation notes will help you on your revision. You have to practice with the shortcut and formulas in order to save time.

The candidates must have a deep understanding of the concept so as to solve the application type questions. Practicing with the model questions and previous year paper will help a lot in the examination. Since the number of seats available is limited the candidates need to score a good mark to make sure your admission into the institutes.

How and Where To Get the Results?

The candidates will get the result on the official site of UCEE, http://uceeindia.org/result12.php, by providing the information regarding your form number and exam center. The portal will also give you the information about the counseling schedules.

Score Validity

The score will valid for one year and it is taken into account only at te tiem of admsion process.



Do you have any question? Please ask:

Questions will be answered on our Forum section

597 Responses to “Uttarakhand CPMEE(UPMT) 2012”

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  1. 447
    Manjeet Singh:


    DATES AT A GLANCE Centres for the Examination
    Last Date of sale of Application Forms 15-May-2011 CHANDIGARH VARANASI
    Last Date for Submission of Application Form 15-May-2011 DELHI LUCKNOW
    Date of Common Pre-Medical Entrance Examination 30-May-2011 DEHRADUN JAIPUR
    Declaration of Result 1st week of June,2011 Time of Examination : 10.00 AM to 12.30 PM
    (The centre can be changed if there are not enough candidates in that centre)
    Name of College Course Admission Capacity Per Year**

    SGRR Institute of Medical & Health Sciences, Dehradun MBBS 100
    Seema dental college and Hospital, Rishikesh BDS 100
    Utatranchal Dental and Medical Research Institute, Dehradun BDS* 50
    Uttranchal Ayurvedic College, Dehradun BAMS* 50
    Himalayiya Ayurvedic Medical College and Hospital, Rishikesh BAMS* 50
    Patanjali Aurved College Roorkee Road, Haridwar BAMS 50
    Chandola Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital, Rudrapur BHMS 50

    Course Tution Fees Course Tution Fees
    MBBS ( SGRR) Rs. 3,75,000/- p.a. (Provisional) BAMS (UAC) Rs. 3,75,000/- p.a. (Provisional)
    BDS (SDCH) Rs. 1,95,000/- p.a. (Provisional) BAMS(HAMCH) Rs. 3,75,000/- p.a. (Provisional)
    BDS(UDMRI) Rs. 3,75,000/- p.a. (Provisional) BAMS(PAC) Rs. 3,75,000/- p.a. (Provisional)
    BHMS (CHMCH) Rs. 73,600/- p.a. (Provisional)

    Application brochure: Application forms can also be obtained by paying in cash a sum of Rs 1250/- (Rs one thousand two hundred and fifty only) from SAMYAK PORTFOLIO PVT. LTD. 4855/24, Flat No-104,Ansari Road,Daryaganj,New Delhi-110002, Ph : 011-43587883, 9811835725

  2. 446
    aparna joshi:

    I belong to Uttrakhand and I want to appear in the UPMT 2011 examination. How can I received the form & what the last date for submission of forms. Is there any reservation for Uttrankhand resident. Please give full informaltion.
    Aparna Joshi
    D/O Sri P.C. Joshi
    B-24, Nai Ram Ganga colony,
    DHAMPUR-246761 Distt Bijnor (U.P.)

  3. 445

    i just want to know only that” where will the UPMT forms available in dehradun …
    can u detailed me at contact@ezeetricks.com


  4. 444
    Ankit barola:

    what is date of entrance examination

  5. 443
    prasoon purwar:

    tell me about admit card

  6. 442
    harish bisht:

    what is date of entrance examination and form availity

  7. 441

    dear respested sir

    kindly tell me that aligibility for upmt

  8. 440
    komal bisht:

    i want 2 knw about the reservation 4 uttarakhand candidates………

  9. 439
    fahama saleem:

    sir from where can i get online form

  10. 438

    Gd mng sir, This medical exam how seat for mbbs?

  11. 437

    sir,please inform me about uttrakhand pmt details(DD kis ke name se banega aur DD kaise ,kaha bhejenge aur kitne ki DD banegi,application form kis web site per milega) SURYA KANT (U.P.)

  12. 436
    Karishma Gupta:

    sir,i am from u.p. i want to know about mbbs fees structure. pleas tell me. rply soon.

  13. 435
    himanshi rana:

    sir ,
    when and where aviallable form of upmt 2011 in delhi

  14. 434
    himanshi rana:

    sir please tell me where I get form in delhi..

  15. 433

    Any reservation for wards of Gallantry award holders of uttrakhand in govt medical colleges uttrakhand’ earlier also this question was raised no response received.

  16. 432

    any reservation for wards of gallantry award holders under defence quota in uttrakhand . Earlier also this question was submitted on 5th April2011 but not responded till date.

  17. 431
    rashmi singh:

    Is student of m.p. is also able to give upmt…… reply soon

  18. 430
    Akansh Chaudhary:

    Want to know that my DOB is 06th feb. 1995. Can i apply in cpmee. And what is d date to apply that and where may we receive the application form?

  19. 429

    which courses are available there?

  20. 428
    ravindra singjh rawat:

    can i fill upmt online?send me the process?

  21. 427

    plzz tell me if upmt government form are available or not?????
    plzz somebody respond?????

  22. 426

    For More Information Get me The Phone No. for Age Limtites

  23. 425

    For More Information Get me The Phone No. for Age Limtites

  24. 424

    are there two forms in one booklet?

  25. 423
    ROHIT-I want to know that exam date of UPMT:

    When we will get the application form of UPMT

  26. 422
    Garima Rawat:

    Are the application forms of U.P.M.T 2011 available????????

  27. 421

    where is center in kashipur whos sale the form

  28. 420

    when will application form come into the market and from where i can get the form,,

  29. 419

    its an earnest request to please inform about upmt forms availability.

  30. 418
    anuradha sharma:

    i m from delhi. i just wanted to know is there any domicile required and when the forms were out?

  31. 417
    divya singh:

    is there any negative marking in uttrakhand pmt examination?

  32. 416

    any reservation for wards of gallantry awards holder under defence quota in uttranchal

  33. 415
    sanjeev kumar:

    Pl.tell me UPMT FORM WHERE avelable.

  34. 414

    can you send me all the updates of nursing information & fee structure of course immediately, thank you, waiting for reply you can also tell me all this in my contact no. it is 08955116896, please do soon, waiting for reply,,, pakya

  35. 413
    sonia rauthan:

    may i know when will be the application form of upmt will be available???

  36. 412

    I am Himachal Pradesh Domicile.
    Am I eligible for UPMT 2011, If Yes How many seats are for other state candidates & on what conditions(Means reservations etc.)
    Please also tell me the fee structure & availability of form)

  37. 411
    saurabh nainwal:

    sir how i can fill online application form of uttarakhand pmt.
    I have serch so many time in internet but i have not get if you read this so please please please please please please tell how i can

    your respectfully
    saurabh nainwal

  38. 410
    anushaya kuchekar:

    any reservation for backard class or militry personel

  39. 409

    when the app. foam come in market

  40. 408
    saumya gupta:

    i am a student studying in a college in uttar pradesh,my father is a uttrakhand citizen.Am i eligible to appear in UCPMT ?.

  41. 407

    from where i can get upmt brochure.pls

  42. 406

    seats for general in CPMEE? can general students who do not have domicile of uttarakhand can apply???

  43. 405
    deepankar nayal:

    May I know about Form availability & Important dates for UPMT 2011

  44. 404
    Mukesh pandey:

    Can a student of bihar appear in uttarakhand PMT?

  45. 403

    can we get ..upmt application form from main branch of post-office (like srinagar garhwal,pauri garhwal)

  46. 402
    mini jiwal:

    from whr i cn gt uttarakhand pmt forum in whch govt. seats r available…..n i am nt askng 4 ucee…
    plzzzz hlp me out!!!!

  47. 401
    madhuri joshi:

    from whr i cn gt uttarakhand pmt forum in which govt. seats are available????
    m nt askng 4 ucee…
    plzzz hlp me out!!!

  48. 400
    Pushpendra singh bisht:

    Sir, i want to know that, for the entrance of upmt. What the last age they need. As i am a resisdence of uttrakhand. Thanks.

  49. 399
    vinod singh:

    fee structure of mbbs course at uttarakhand cpmee 2011

  50. 398
    Hans Raj:

    My son is bonafide of himachal Prradesh.Can he appears in Uttrakhand Common Pre medical entrance test 2011

  51. 397

    Sir for uttaranchal pre medical test, do i have to get a domicile as i am a resident of U.P?

  52. 396

    can a student of uttarpradesh appear in uttarakhand pmt

  53. 395

    sir where and howwege the upmt entrance exam form and what is the process for admission

  54. 394

    when is upmt form available?

  55. 393

    how much seats are reserved for sc candidates?

  56. 392
    Ravindra kumar yadav:

    I am native of up.am i able to apply?
    what is the real fees of mbbs,bams,?
    what is the quota for ward of army pesonals?

  57. 391
    sanjay saini:

    may i know what the fee structure of b.a.m.s in patanjli medical college. application form date for addmission. plz tell me also what the time to apply uapmt ….. humble request

  58. 390

    i m a native of bihar.m i eligible of filling the form?

  59. 389
    govind singh:

    can i get upmt 2011 application on line for submission

  60. 388

    what is the fees structure in mbbs 2011 under uttrakhand cpmee(UPMT)

  61. 387

    Please send me the updates regarding to the entrance examination forms.

  62. 386

    dear sir, i want know that when will the upmt forms are available

  63. 385
    Shivani upadhyay:

    Please send me the updates regarding to the entrance examination of Uttarakhand CPMEE(UPMT) 2011.

    Shivani upadhyay

  64. 384
    Dalvir Singh Rawat:

    Please send me the updates regarding to the entrance examination forms & the dates of examination 2011.

  65. 383

    what is the starting date of the sale of application form?

  66. 382
    govind s kaintura:


  67. 381
    Navin Chandra Murari:

    I am Domicile of Uttarakhand and presently serving in Armed Forces (Indian Navy) Can My son appear for the entrance exam?

  68. 380

    dear sir,
    i want to know that when will the UPMT forms are avilable

  69. 379
    chetna joshi:

    Any reservation for childrens of gallantry award holders of army and tell me the percentage

  70. 378

    sir i completed my 12 from delhi but i belongs to uttarakhand can i apply for upmt2011

  71. 377

    can the students of haryana give the exam of upcpmt?

  72. 376
    Shivendra pratap:

    How much seats aviable for general of mbbs in uk pmt??

  73. 375
    nalini tripathi:

    whath is the last date of submition form

  74. 374

    when will the upmt offline forms will be declared

  75. 373

    sir i’m from delhi.. am i eligible to appear for uttarakhund pmt????

  76. 372

    Wat is the date of availability of application form for mbbs of ukd.. What is the eligibility for this? Can a student passing his twelth from u.p. is also eligible?

  77. 371

    dear sir please let me know that students ouside from uttrakhand can also aply for upmt and resevation quota is also apply on outside candidates..

  78. 370
    pranav pandey:

    can uttar pradesyh candidate apply foir uttarakhand pmt exam

  79. 369
    khushboo dubey:

    i want to know whether some seats are reserved for other state candidates or not?/ I am from up,is i m eligible for the exams or not

  80. 368

    i am still an undergraduate medical student of himachal pradesh domicile am i eligible forUttarakhand CPMEE(UPMT) 2011 exam
    i shall be oblidged thank you

  81. 367
    Y.S. NEGI:

    When will the Uttarakhand CPMEE enterance form available

  82. 366
    dr kamal kaushik:

    how to apply in patanjali bams college uk

  83. 365

    tell me from which date upmt form will be available and also the preparation reqired for it

  84. 364
    aastha joshi:

    is there any quota for natives of uttarakhand

  85. 363

    sir i’m from UP can i fill the form of UTTARAKHAND PMT; sir plz also provide me wid the all the imp. details of UTTARAKHAND PMT on my id as soon as possible.

  86. 362

    i completed my 12th last year in medical and i m from delhi . am i eligible for cpmee and if i m eligible please send me details about availability of application form and whether i can apply online or not??

  87. 361

    i think u have written the wrong date for the avalability of the form… i shud b frm march.. u hav writtn may.. frst week… this wud be tha last date as u mentioned..

  88. 360
    hemant uniyal:

    Dear sir, when the application form will come.

  89. 359
    Pravesh kumar:

    Application form

  90. 358
    shivangi vyas:

    Dear sir,
    I class 12th science student am i eligible to attend utranchal pmt?
    if i am then plz tell the date of availibility of form and how many govt.colleges and seats are in uttarakhand?

  91. 357
    shivangi vyas:

    Dear sir,
    Im in class 12th am i eligible to attend utranchal pmt?
    if i am then plz tell the date of availibility of form and how many govt.colleges and seats are in uttarakhand?

  92. 356

    sir can i fill up the form for mbbs i have pass 12th wih 67% marks but i have additional biology main math plz give idia about it. thanks

  93. 355
    Rashmi dubey:

    sir i want to equire that whether the exam of Patnjali university is conducted under CPMEE? If yes then please tell me the process of admission in BAMS course in Patanjali college..also that when will i get the forms?

  94. 354
    mohan lal:

    NRI with pio card can get admission in MBBS in uttrakhaNd

  95. 353
    surender singh:

    I want to join your college please can u guid me?

  96. 352
    alok kumar yadav:

    i have domicile f U.P. than am i eligible for UPMT 2011.please suggest.

  97. 351

    i am now in 12 standered and 10th passed in doon so i want to know that is i am eligible to give upmt test

  98. 350
    Rahul Purohit:

    I just want u know that when forms of UPMT are going to available in Dehradun and the date of entrance examination and fees of this full course.

  99. 349

    nd on wich of the branches of LUCKNOW CPMEE FORMS R AVAILABLE….PLZ DO RPLY..

  100. 348

    WATS THE FEE OF CPMEE..? actually above website is not workingso plz reply

  101. 347

    total number of seat of mbbs/bds
    pre medical enterance exam dates and application

  102. 346

    is upmt exm 4 students other den uttrakhand n wen n wer wil v get d forms.

  103. 345
    narendra singh:

    i am belong uttarakhand my daughter study in 12th class kindly give me umpt 2011 forms avilability of form
    thanks and regards
    Narendra Singh

  104. 344
    Girish Sodhi:

    Will students from Uttar pradesh can sit in the entrance exam? is there a domicile requirement ?

  105. 343
    Arun Kaul:

    Can you please give me tentative fee structure of government seats in Uttaranchal medical colleges???

  106. 342
    shivangi vyas:

    im in class 12th am i eligible to attend utranchal pmt?
    if i am then plz tell the date of availibility of form and hw many govt.colleges and seats r in uttarakhand?

  107. 341
    Pawan Kumar rana:

    Is only Uttarkhand bonified candiates are titles to appear in this test or from all India

  108. 340
    vicky singh dhillon:

    sir ,
    when and where aviallable form of upmt 2011

  109. 339
    suresh pant:

    what is the procedure of form fillup. and how to get upmt form.

  110. 338

    i want to know abt the availability of forms of cpmt and the last date with procedure actually above website is not workingso plz reply…

  111. 337

    syllabus for uttrakhand pmt2011

  112. 336
    Rajeev Rao:

    I belong to Bihar State and passed X and XII from Delhi. Whether I am eligible to sit for CPMEE(UPMT) for securing admission in MBBS stream.

  113. 335


  114. 334

    total number of seat of mbbs/bds
    pre medical enterance exam dates and application

  115. 333

    can you tell me.
    what the date of upmt exam date this year

  116. 332
    sweety sawlani:

    i wanted to know that whether doing a mbbs course from uttrakhand medical college will require a domicile certificate of uttrakhand? i am a resident of uttar pradesh, so can i apply for uttrakhand CPMEE?

  117. 331

    i know about information of MBBS entrance exam and related to DOMICIAL matter and i am residing in allahabad and want apply mp pmt

  118. 330

    i know about information of MBBS entrance exam and related to DOMICIAL matter

  119. 329

    i am an army officer. my daughter studying class xi and xii, cbse from ranikhet. is she eligible to take the uttarkhand PMT exam, for the govt seats for MBBS. I OTHERWISE belong to west-bengal

  120. 328
    Ayushi Negi:

    I am in 12 class studying at Templeton International Academy,
    My steam is Bio,tell me in which institution i can get coaching and trick to solve question?
    Second Is there negative marking in papers.
    Which catagory other than MBBS is most required these days.

  121. 327
    Aakanksha Saini:

    Please send me the updates regarding to the entrance examination forms & the dates of examination 2011.

  122. 326

    Sir,iam married can i am able to give the UPMT test

  123. 325

    sir,please i wan to know about information of mbbs entrance exam and related to domicile matter

  124. 324
    vibhu pandey:

    i wana know wht all the exms are conducting in uttarakhand .
    so plz send me all the updates on my email adds

    thnking u

  125. 323
    anil kumar:

    sir my sister passed 12th in this year and i belongs to uttarakhand, but we study in UP in 12 years my father were army servant…sir give me advice what is the purpose to attend uttarakhand medical exam. thanking you sir.

  126. 322

    is there any reservation in mbbs for aspirants who are domicile of uttrakhand?

  127. 321

    i am from up can i giue the exam of uttarakhand cpmee(upmt)2011

  128. 320

    how can we take application form of cpmt (dehradun) & where

  129. 319

    will there be examination centre of upmt in assam?

  130. 318


  131. 317
    shivam awasthi:

    i m from up,mai upmt ka exams dena chahta hu pr maine 12 me biology nhi li thi.recently 1 news ayi thi ki jinke paas bio nhi hai wo bhi medical ka exam de sakte hai,to kya mai de sakta hu?
    plz reply

  132. 316

    i belong to uttar pradesh pls tel am i eligible for uttrakhand pmt(govt. colleges)

  133. 315

    what is the syllbus for B.A.M.S.

  134. 314

    may i knw the date in which the upmt form wil come…?

  135. 313

    if the student does not belong to state can he sit for the exam

  136. 312
    abhinav tyagi:

    sir plz ye bataiye 07 july ko kon sa madical test hua tha

  137. 311

    i have completed my schooling for uttranchal( nainital).
    please let me know that is am i able to apper in uttranchal pmt.
    but i am from agra

  138. 310

    sir,what are the condition for making domicile of uttaranchal. are there any provision for uttar pradesh domicile.

  139. 309

    when is d counselling and wat is the cut of marks required for counselling?

  140. 308
    Mukul satyawali:

    sir, i have got 128 marks in upmt….can i get mbbs seat. pls also inform me about the date of councelling….

  141. 307


    Any one knows about the counselling schedule of UPMT my roll no is - 1010807 .Kindly please let me know if anyone got the information, bcoz i could not find it in the website, Pls contact me at ( harshbomi@gmail.com)

  142. 306


    Any one knows about the counselling schedule of UPMT my roll no is - 1010807

    Kindly please let me know if anyone got the information, bcoz i could not find it in the website ( harshbomi@gmail.com)

  143. 305

    sir i belong to delhi,pls tell me whether i am eligible or not to attend utranchal pmt?
    is there any domicile needed or not.pls reply me soon.

  144. 304


  145. 303
    Indresh Vikram Singh:

    kindly inform me about my counselling schedule…my roll no is -1010423 as 4 m not getting any proper information on net

  146. 302

    Kindly inform me the date of entrance examination for Seema Dental COllege Uttrakhan. My daughter has passed 10+2 in 1010 with first devision. She is very much interested to get admission in DBS. Please provide me related information to it.
    Best regards!!!
    Truly A. A. Khan

  147. 301
    Shekhar Gangwar:

    sir is upmt and cpmee are the same exams and do they have the same counselling schedule?

  148. 300

    I want to know whether a domicile is necessary for the MBBS through entrance exam of management seats. And whether we have to give only tuition fees or some capacitation fees (donation) also.

    Please let me know .

  149. 299

    sir i m not able to get my result on upmt site.

  150. 298
    gaurav kumar:

    sir i have lost my admit card so i am unable to check my result bcz there is need of roll no sir piz reply as soon as possible in my email id

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