Details of B. Tech Nanotechnology at Bhagwant University
Bhagwant University offers a number of programmes in Bachelor of Technology. Bachelor of Technology in Nanotechnology is one of the courses offered at the university. It is a four year course consisting of eight semesters. Candidates who have passed the 10+2 level or an equivalent from a recognized board are eligible to apply for the B.Tech Nanotechnology course at Bhagwant University.
Course details
The basics of Engineering will be covered in the the first two semesters. The subjects taught in these two semesters will be common to all branches of Engineering. Bhagwant University specifies the subjects to be studied from semesters 1 to VII. It includes both the theory paper and laboratory. Each paper in theory and laboratory will have a fixed credit. Only those students who attend the minimum number of credits will be allowed to write the semester examination.
The third semester includes topics like Solid State Physics, Foundation of Nanoscale, Science and Technology, Electronic and Optical Properties of Material, Material Science, Non conventional Energy Sources, Nano Measurement, Cell and Molecular Biology.
The theory paper and laboratory session for the fourth semester includes Bio Nano Technology, Atomic and electronic structure of matter, Introduction to Materials, Photonics, Ceramic science and Technology and Molecular Biophysics.
Papers included in the fourth semester are Experimental Methods in Nanotechnology, Characterization Tools in Nanomaterials, Micro-Electro Mechanical System and Nano-Electro Mechanical Systems, Nano – Lithography, Genetics and Molecular Biology and Bioengineered Nanomaterials.
The fifth semester theory paper includes Nano Chemistry, Molecular Self-Assembly, Generic Methodology for Nanotechnology, NanoscaleMagenetic Materials and Devices, Basics of Nanotechnology and its Applications, Nanotechnology Applications etc. The laboratory for this semester includes Nenoelctronics and Devices, Molecular Self Assemble, Generic Methodology for Nanotechnology and the Basics of Nanotechnology and its Applications.
The seventh semester B. Tech in Nanotechnology includes Nanotribiology, Inorganic Semiconductor Nanostructures, Plastic and Molecular Electronics, Biosensors, Nanophysics, and Nanoscience. Laboratory will be conducted for all the theory papers except Nanotribiology and Nanoscience.
The final semester of the course includes theory papers and laboratory sessions on Nanofabrication Techniques, Temperature Technique, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Nanoengineering Soft Materials. Semester VIII also includes the project work. Students are required to select an appropriate topic approved by the department. Oral presentation of the project undertaken should be given by the candidate. Candidates are also required to submit a detailed synopsis of the project work. A report of the work completed should be submitted on specified dates.
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- Courses in Nanotechnology and future opportunities
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- M.Sc in Nanotechnology, Nanotechnology M.Sc
- M.Tech in Nanotechnology
- Nanotechnology: Value and Scope of Nanotechnology in India
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- Higher studies after B.Sc Nanotechnology
- B.Tech Courses in Bhagwant University-Admission Procedure and Fee Details
- B.Sc in Nanotechnology, Nanotechnology B.Sc
- B.Tech Courses in Bhagwant University-Admission Procedure and Fee Details
- Fee structure of B.Sc in Nanotechnology
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- Scope after B.Sc Nanotechnology
- Application of Nanotechnology
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