Chartered Accountancy-Integrated Professional Competence Course Examination - Group I Taxation Papers


The Chartered Accountancy Integrated Professional Competence Course Examination - Group I Taxation is a three hour examination, with a total of 100 marks. First of all let us have a look into the objective of this subject.

Objective of including this paper in CA-IPCC

The prime objective is to acquire knowledge about the Income Tax laws related to topics listed in the syllabus of the subject. The second objective is to make the students learn to deal with problems related to HUF and Individual, in the pretext of tax laws.

Contents of the paper

There are two parts in the question paper. The first part is Income Tax, and this part carries 50 marks. The second part is Service Tax and VAT, each carrying 25 marks.

The first part consists of questions based on important definitions relating to Income Tax Act, 1961. Questions are also based on Advance Tax, Filling of Return of Income, deduction from gross total income and other areas which have their focus on Income Tax. The marks carried by the questions vary from 2 to 16 marks.

In the second part, Questions are from concepts of Service Tax, Charge of Service Tax, and Valuation of services which are taxable, payment of service tax and its filling.

In the VAT section, same sort of questions, on a similar pattern, are there.

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3 Responses to “Chartered Accountancy-Integrated Professional Competence Course Examination - Group I Taxation Papers”

  1. 3
    mohan kumar:

    ipcc 1st group question papers

  2. 2

    what are the required documents to be submitted for getting enrolled for ipcc under direct entry scheme and how should i get done the payment in DD, is it lumpsum amount of 19500 in single DD or, seperate for each (like ipcc registration , ITT and orientation)

    plz,help me out asap..
    Thank you.

  3. 1
    arvind khurana:

    i want last year exam pepers of ipcc for prepreetion

    on which website i can find this

    arvind khurana 09058597684