16th June 2010, 04:49 PM
. pls tel me that after giving bed exam ,how they make merit foreg 10th %,+12th%+15th%+17th% like that so clarify it?
26th July 2010, 06:38 PM
dear friend,
now the date for the b.ed exam is already over and if you want to apply then you have to wait for the further notice for the b,ed,so now it is golden chance for you to prepare for the exam in very planned manner, |
29th July 2010, 01:13 AM
Maharashtra B.Ed Admission Procedure Schedule
Find here the details on Maharashtra B.Ed. Admission Procedure Schedule for the academic year starting 2009-2010. The official website for the same is http://oasis.mkcl.org/bed Latest: Maharashtra BEd CET Results on June 25 You can download the 2009 BEd brochure from: http://oasis.mkcl.org/bed/StaticPages/Bed2009AdmissionPros.aspx 07/06/2009 11.00 a.m. to 12.00 p.m. Common Entrance Test 12.00 p.m. to 1.00 p.m. English Language Content Test Only for those interested to take admission in English Medium 22/06/2009 At 3.00 p.m. CET result will be available on MKCL Website http://oasis.mkcl.org/bed UPDATE: The results will now be declared on June 25th 22/06/2009 - 04/07/2009 9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. Distribution of CET Mark List to candidates 9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. Eligible candidate in Academic & CET score shall fill the form preferential order form or the colleges of their choice. 10/07/2009 At 3.00 p.m. Publishing college wise list of admitted candidates for Govt. & Aided in 70%, 28%, 2% Quota on website. (First Round). http://oasis.mkcl.org/bed 10/07/2009 - 15/07/2009 9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. Issuing Provisional Admit letters to candidates provisionally Admitted in 70%, 28%, 2% quota (Govt. & Aided Colleges). (First Round) 10/07/2009 - 17/07/2009 Within College office Hours Admitted students Report to concern college and finalize the Admission 21/07/2009 At 3.00 p.m. Publishing College wise list of admitted candidates for Govt. Aided & non-Aided. in 70%, 28%, 2% quota (Second Round) 21/07/2009 - 29/07/3009 9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. Issuing Provisional Admit letters to candidates provisionally Admitted in 70%, 28%, 2% quota. (Second Round) 21/07/2009 - 30/07/2009 With in College office Hours Admitted students Report to concern college and finalize the Admission. 03/08/2009 After 3.00 p.m. Publishing college wise list of admitted candidates for Govt. Aided & Non-Aided. 70%, 28%, 2% quota on website (If seats remain vacant Third Round) 03/08/2009 10/08/2009 9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. Issuing Provisional Admit letters to candidates provisionally Admitted in 70%, 28%, 2% quota. (Third Round) 03/08/2009 - 11/08/2009 Within College office Hours Admitted students Report to concern college and finalize the Admission 17/08/2009 At 3.00 p.m. Publishing college wise list of admitted candidates on website for Govt. Aided & Non-Aided. 70%, 28%, 2% quota on website. (If seats remain vacant Fourth Round) 17/08/2009 21/08/2009 9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. Issuing Provisional Admit letters to candidates provisionally Admitted in 70%, 28%, 2% quota. (Fourth Round) 17/08/2009 22/08/2009 Within College office Hours Admitted students Report to concern college and finalize the admission 29/08/2009 31/08/2009 9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. Spot admission at regional level by Regional Joint Direct, H.E. For the remaining vacant seats in the college of the region. (all vacant Seats will be converted into 70%). AT 7:41 PM LABELS: ADMISSIONS 13 COMMENTS: shreya said... can any one tell me when is 2010 MH CET for B.ed going to place and when will be forms available in mumbai?? pls FEBRUARY 11, 2010 5:50 AM megha said... i too want to know the date for release of B.ed entrance forms(MH)& the proposed date of exam conduction for year 2009-10. MARCH 8, 2010 11:32 PM megha said... shreya, myself shrikant oza,as the UG exams got delayed,the ent. exam ur askng for will b accordingly delayed & it is supposed to b around 8th of june. MARCH 8, 2010 11:35 PM amita said... plz let me know if anybody comes to know the date for release of B.ed entrance forms MARCH 11, 2010 6:47 AM anwar said... plz let me know if anybody comes to know the date for release of B.ed entrance forms MARCH 21, 2010 5:05 AM abhijeet said... Please let me know if anybody come to know the date for release of B.Ed entrance form Thanks in advance for your help APRIL 11, 2010 8:22 PM sakina said... the b.ed forms will come out on 29th april-20 th may and the exams are held on 30th may APRIL 28, 2010 8:30 PM Sagar said... BED CET FORMS ARE WHERE AVAILABLE APRIL 28, 2010 11:44 PM Anonymous said... yeah....where can v get the forms??? MAY 9, 2010 9:16 AM seema said... trying to get the forms to fill. today is the last day and am desperate/ MAY 19, 2010 10:58 PM vaibhavsamrat said... what eligibility to get admssion for b.ed. if degree mark is 49% please tell me. JUNE 3, 2010 7:19 AM Anonymous said... when is the result of b.ed cet? JUNE 23, 2010 10:27 PM Suchita said... on what basis should we fill the college preferences for english medium JUNE 30, 2010 10:50 PM POST A COMMENT Newer Post Older Post Home SEARCH Admissions Updates Jobs Notification Results News Scholarships Notice ARCHIVES July 2010 (10) June 2010 (7) May 2010 (25) April 2010 (22) March 2010 (20) February 2010 (13) January 2010 (17) December 2009 (12) November 2009 (20) October 2009 (22) September 2009 (35) August 2009 (44) July 2009 (100) June 2009 (143) May 2009 (81) April 2009 (39) March 2009 (69) February 2009 (67) January 2009 (35) December 2008 (45) November 2008 (83) October 2008 (31) September 2008 (71) August 2008 (18) July 2008 (96) June 2008 (101) May 2008 (102) |
29th July 2010, 04:04 AM
you have to give the cet exam
the detail of the exam are a follow 1. Eligibility for admission 1.1 Admission for the Regular B.Ed. Course run in Government, Non-government Aided, Unaided, Aided and Unaided Minority Colleges of Education in Maharashtra, will be given through the Centralized Admission Process (CAP) by conducting the Common Entrance Test (CET) according to Merit as per the Government Resolution NGC-2004/(41/04) Mashi-3, dated 16 February 2004 by Director of Education (Higher Education) Maharashtra State, Pune, through Single Window System. a) Government, Aided and Aided Minority Colleges of Education- 100% Seats, b) Non-Government un-aided Colleges and Non-Government Minority un-aided Colleges participating in the Centralised Admission Procedure -100% Seats 1 .2 It is obligatory that Non-Government Un-aided and Un-aided minority colleges of education will fill in 100% seats through the Centralized Admission Process either from Government CAP or through Association CET followed by Association CAP. 1 .3 Admission to the Non-Government unaided colleges of Education who are the members of Association will be compulsorily through Single Window System on the basis of the Common Entrance Test (CET) conducted for the respective year by Association. Hon. Supreme Court/ Hon. High Court/ decisions of the Pravesh Niyantran Samiti/rules published time to time by the Government will be mandatory. It is obligatory for the Colleges of Education to get the list of admitted candidates certified. 1.4 a) 1. Candidate who have completed their Graduation/ Post Graduation from recognized Non- Agriculture University/ Agriculture University/Open University/Deemed University in Arts/ Science/ Commerce/ Home Science/ / Agriculture Science/ Computer/ Information Technology/ Engineering/ B. S. W. faculty in the School/ Higher secondary subjects and the candidates belonging to Open, OBC and Special B C Category who have secured minimum 45% marks, candidates of Backward Class category, who have secured minimum 40% marks and candidates of Out side Maharashtra Universities belonging to all categories who have secured minimum 45% marks at Graduate/Post Graduate degree will be eligible for CET examination being conducted for B. Ed. Admission. 2. The minimum qualifying marks in CET for Open, O.B.C and S.B.C. category candidates should be 18 marks out 50, for B. C. categories candidates 15 marks and the candidates from Out of Maharashtra Universities belonging to all categories, 18 marks for geting eligible for admission to B. Ed. Course. b) Students desirous of seeking admission to English Medium Colleges of Education will have to appear for English Language Knowledge Test along with CET. It is essential for the candidates to secure minimum 25 marks (50%) out of 50. c) The condition mentioned in 1.4 a) (1) of minimum percentage of marks at Degree/ Post graduation will not be applicable to those candidates who are already in service as a Full time Teachers and those who have continously served for minimum two years. The Experience certificate of such candidates must be countersigned by the District Education Officer/ Block Education Officer. However, the condition of 1 .4 a (2) of minimum score in CET is applicable to such candidates. (18) d) The candidates who have appeared for Degree Examination in March/April 2010 are eligible to appear for CET. The Candidates whose results are declared before the schedule of filling of Option Form and who are qualified as per Rule 1.4 (a) and for English Medium 1.4 (a), (b) and those who will fill in Option Form will be included in the Merit List. The results of Graduation of those candidates will be declared within the process of admission, can fil up the Option Form after declaration of result then his/her name will be included in the further admission Process. Such candidate can not claim his seat according to merit in the admission process conducted before flling up the Option Form. 1.5 Candidates who have completed their degree from the universities which gives Grades instead of marks will have to attach a certificate of equivalent Marks shown against the grades from the competent authority of the University/Department. Candidates will have to attach the decoding list where the Codes are given to the subjects. 1 .6 The merit and minimum eligibility criteria will be decided by considering the total percentage of marks secured by the candidate at the degree level.(Some universities award degrees by considering the marks of Three years, while some award degrees on the basis of consolidating Two years’ of marks and some award degrees on the basis of the marks obtained only in the Thrird Year.) The calculation of marks should be as per the pattern adopted by the University. 1.7 1. The candidate cannot select the Compulsory subject of Graduation as the First Method. The subject should have been studied as Optional subject. The candidate must have studied total Six papers of the subject during the First, Second and Third year of Degree Course. The subject to be selected as a method must be one of the subjects studied at Secondary I Higher Secondary School Level. The candidate will be eligible to be admitted in the college where facility of teaching concerned subject is available. 2. The candidates preferring colleges in the jurisdiction of Nagpur University as per the Statues of the university, he must have studied the subject to be offered as special method at graduation level. Moreover, the second subject of the special method should also have been studied at graduation level like the First Method Subject. Moreover, the candidate must have studied English as one of the subjects at least for one year during the degree course.The candidate desirous of seeking admission in the colleges of education following under the jurisdiction of Nagpur University, must be eligibile for admission as per the norms of Nagpur University. The candidates desirous of seeking admission in Nagpur University must have studied any two of the following subjects as Optional Subjects at the degree level for selecting the methods and provided the colleges have the facility of teaching the concerned subjects: 1. Marathi 2. English 3. Hindi 4. Sanskrit 5. Pali 6. Urdu 7. History 8. Geography 9. Civics 10. Economics 11. Commerce 12. Chemistry 13. Physics 14. Biology 15. Mathematics 16. Home Science 17. Music. 3. In some of the universities in Maharashtra, a candidate can secure degree by offering in all five papers of a subject at the First, Second and Third year of graduation taken together. Candidates of such universities who have secured a degree by offering five papers as Optional or subsidiary subjects can offer that subject as the First Method and such candidates can be consider eligible for admission to B. Ed. Course. 4. In Nagpur and Amravati University, a candidate has to offer five subjects for the first year of degree course out of them two are compulsory and three are optional. Those subjects are continued in the Second and Third year of the course. Therefore, a candidate can secure a degree after studying only three papers of the Optional/Subsidiary subject. Hence, a candidate who has graduated from Nagpur/ Amravati or any other University from Maharashtra having three papers of the respective subject at Optional or Subsidiaryl level, then the candidate can select that subject as first teaching method and will be held eligible for admission to B. Ed. Course. (19) 5. If a candidates desires and is eligible for selecting two or more teaching methods, then he/she should mention in the application form as per the instructions given. However, a candidate cannot offer the compulsory subject as a Method. The subject/s to be offered for methodology must be the Optional or Subsidiary subjects. Compulsory subject cannot be offered as a Method of Teaching. 6. a) If a candidate has secured additional degree in an additional subject, then the candidate can offer that subject as a Method. However, the marks scored at the first degree by the candidate shall only be considered while calculating the merit of the candidate.. b) As per the ordinance of Nagpur University, the candidate who has obtained a degree in an additional subject, he/she cannot offer that subject as a Method. 7. Information regarding the In-take Capacity,Medium, Teaching Methods, Tuition Fee and other information of the Colleges of Education participating in Centralized Admission Process will be made available on the Web-Site and at ALC at the time of filling the Preference Form. 1.8 a) In case of the Graduates from Commerce, Social Sciences, Agricultural Science, Computer, Information Technology, Engineering, and BSW, faculty, the candidate should mention his/her discipline in the Application form instead of the Teaching Method. The respective teaching methods are not available in all the Colleges of Education. However, as per the Government Resolution seats are reserved for the respective subjects/ discipline in all the Colleges of Education. The Candidates admitted as per merit and the preference in any such college shall have no right to claim his/her subject as a Method of Teaching. If a candidate wishes to opt his graduation subject as a Teaching Method then he/she should give preference to those colleges in the Option Form having the concerned Method. b) The candidate admitted as per the clause 1.8 (a) through Cetralized Admission Process his method will be decided by Principal of the college where the candidate has secured admission based on the related subject offered at Graduation/Post Graduation. For example in case of Information Technology, Agriculture and Computer Science subjects the candidate will have to opt for Science, Mathematics as Methods of Teaching. c) The Merit list will be prepared for each college according to availability of seats, as per category, subject, medium and quota as specified below: 1. For the University through which the First degree is obtained : 70% 2. For the Graduates of Other Universities from Maharashtra : 28% 3. Graduate of Universities ouside the State of Maharashtra : 2% 4. This Distribution of quota will continue upto the Third Round of the admission |
29th July 2010, 04:21 PM
the admission is totally based on the entrance examination take by the government of the Maharashtra,after qualifying that examination you will go for the b.ed then after getting training you can work as a teacher,
2nd December 2010, 02:34 PM
hey i, wuld like to know d procedure for applying for B'ed online wid forms n application details, because d sites provided ealier dsnt give clear explaination of where and how to apply, I would also like to know where i will get study material for CET exams,....thanks
10th January 2011, 12:16 AM
hello friend,
Admission procedure for bed in maharashtra B.Ed. Admission Procedure Schedule go through the official website : http://oasis.mkcl.org/bed. good luck... |
10th January 2011, 08:03 AM
Admission procedure for bed in maharashtra Maharashtra BEd CET Results on June 25 You can download the 2009 BEd brochure from: http://oasis.mkcl.org/bed/StaticPages/Bed2009AdmissionPros.aspx 07/06/2009 11.00 a.m. to 12.00 p.m. Common Entrance Test 12.00 p.m. to 1.00 p.m. English Language Content Test Only for those interested to take admission in English Medium 22/06/2009 At 3.00 p.m. CET result will be available on MKCL Website http://oasis.mkcl.org/bed UPDATE: The results will now be declared on June 25th. good luck. |
10th January 2011, 11:19 AM
Please visit the follwing website of Maharashta Directorate Of Edu to get all required information: http://oasis.mkcl.org/bed/StaticPages/HomePage.aspx
10th January 2011, 12:31 PM
Date for B.Ed exam of maharashtra has already ended.
Still you can refer the following website for notification detail & be ready for next time. Refer the Official website for more information: http://www.uppsc.org.in./ Also do refer Newspaper such as Employment News as it carries much information regarding such exam dates. Best of luck!!!!!!!!!!! |
3rd February 2011, 11:17 AM
i want to do B.ed. from maharashtra, but i did B.A. from Andhra university in the year 2005 and i am staying in mumbai since 25 years....is it possible to get an admission here, if i write maharashtra cet exam. And my second question is if i want to get an admission in un-aided colleges should i write different entrance exam for b.ed. i am confused.. please clarify.. |
27th February 2011, 09:40 PM
![]() |
22nd March 2011, 12:35 PM
I want Bed sllybus Pleas help me
please, give me details for admission procedure of b.ed. cet.exam.2011-12 please send me detail of above. my email ID: [email protected] thanking you |
27th March 2011, 03:28 PM
Maharashtra BEd CET Results on June 25 You can download the 2009 BEd brochure from: http://oasis.mkcl.org/bed/StaticPages/Bed2009AdmissionPros.aspx 07/06/2009 11.00 a.m. to 12.00 p.m. Common Entrance Test 12.00 p.m. to 1.00 p.m. English Language Content Test Only for those interested to take admission in English Medium 22/06/2009 At 3.00 p.m. CET result will be available on MKCL Website http://oasis.mkcl.org/bed UPDATE: The results will now be declared on June 25th. Thank |
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