19th June 2012, 05:55 PM
yes, this has definitely changed my routine there was a time where i just used to surf but now i am actually able to earn myself . here i have my own identity which is something which i can boost of for this the credit goes to one n only this website . it has definitely made a mark in everyone's heart .
i haven't yet taken even a single cheque from this website but still i can dream about this. there is always a enthusiasm to get more points to earn more that's the best part of it..... thanks |
23rd June 2012, 10:07 PM
hi guys..
i recently completed 12th and i was really wasting my time by watching TV,chatting and gossiping with my friends..........and i do know how to spend my time..........i was really wasting my time.................. but accidentally i saw this website and i joined as a member at first i did not believe on those scholarships...i wanted to earn money but after going through your website.............i believed that money is not the only thing only education is great............ i joined here a week ago its very useful............ pls continue ur work and faiyaz very inspirational........... |
26th June 2012, 05:12 PM
Hi friends,
I love navy seriously not a jock parts my dreams r join navy and my family dreams but not select me i will try 3yrs. but not chance to me in join navy. fizically, hight, i m perfect but my bad luck my no is cancellation...MY guide is my teacher tushar sir thnx sir for the guidance me.......Dear sir please give me 1chance Yours Faithfully Students Digvijay v. Patil |
28th June 2012, 05:43 AM
^Hi Buddies^
~The Replies of Winners Really Looks Very Colorful shades For This FORUM~ !As The New Comer Am So Excited & Anticipated! ^Aiming To Get In To TAFP List! _Advance Thanks To Support & Admin Team_ |
28th June 2012, 04:31 PM
Eventually i logged today in this site , as I'm perusing my MBA now I have 1 month summer vacations so hope i have entered into an useful site .
This is my first day in Education and career forum ,hope it will ensure me a good knowledge and enthusiastic workout to earn many more scholarship for my further studies . Thanking you . regards |
8th July 2012, 12:10 PM
sir this is saravanakumar . . . . i have completed bca . . . 21 years old . . . please tell me if there is sub inspector tamilnadu government written exam . . . ! [email protected] 9094252401 . . . please assist me sir
11th July 2012, 04:32 PM
i am the new one in this forum. This forum provide me a great platform to express yourself.it will not only help me increasing knowledge but alsõ provide me a platform to hep others. It develop confidence. Its really a marvellous forum. |
18th July 2012, 06:27 PM
dear friend
i read carefully what u have written. that was really very inspiring for us who is with FORUM . like u it has also helped others in many way. before working with this forum i was also spending my time without any work. it has improved my English writing skills and i have also came to know about many things related to career. hope for best results in future. |
18th July 2012, 06:46 PM
Thats really great to hear how your life has changed and the offers you have got by showing your talent here. Infact mine too has also changed a bit. As you said about the time management skills. I daily practice it as i have to adjust it with my studies too. So on the whole the forum is really great and changing many lives. |
19th July 2012, 01:29 PM
![]() Quote:
and i have get interesting knowledg which was so useful for my career i whoud like to thanks to forum. THANK YOU. Raginee singh |
19th July 2012, 01:30 PM
Its amazing site.
Instead of wasting time to search for something Google type your question here and check after 24hr you will get everything what you actually get. I have done same thing, now when i need something, will just type here. I'm fan of this site |
19th July 2012, 04:35 PM
With this form my answering capability increases.
I can give a lot of suggestions & great answers for a single question. My English capability increases. Competitive feeling is the best-est among the all other This experience is like my first job experience. |
20th July 2012, 05:27 PM
dear friends,
This forum is nothing but knowledge sharing plateform. Before joining this forum i spent my time to gossiping with my friends, & almost did nothing. But i had a lot of experience to share with any one, & Entrance-exam.net provide me the way to share my experience as well as knowledge with all of you. & the concept of scholarship is really inspire to do this forum, which is very nice concept. I want to tell all of new/old users that kindly say to your friends as many as possible, so that they can get benefit from this forum. & by this the publicity will be increased very sharply. Thanks a lot to this forum. |
21st July 2012, 06:58 AM
hello sir this is very happy ful for students life and knowledge also inproment this way, any question here avalable ansher.
This my best to for student even we contiune study and carrir form, Best of luck |
21st July 2012, 10:17 PM
I got a platform for nurturing my Talent and being promoted in Forum, increase in stipend, improvement in English speaking to a large extent, development of my problem “Crunching” capability, quick decision making, time management skills ---- all these I have achieved being a part of this Forum and still Achieving.
From professional point of view, being a part of this Forum after 6 months + experience as a Career & Educational Consultant attracted best jobs in the field for me. I started getting offer like- Merit Track offered me a part time job for being a Authorized University Representative for SMU in all India level. Student Solutions (very newly founded) offered me a Full time Education & Career Consultant job, CRP offered me Head Invigilator job and many more…….But being a student it's not possible for me to accept such full time jobs and then how can I leave this Forum which made me where I am Today. This was a brief account for how this Forum has affected and changed my life. I Believe…… That our Decisions and Circumstances Influence who we are………! But we are also responsible for who we become. |
22nd July 2012, 01:07 AM
this is right without any work life empty now i m studying but so many time empty is in it there i m interested in new searching all time and this forum is one of the great opportunity to spend my time in peaceful work to learn and earn i m very happy to spend my time in it thank you |
24th July 2012, 12:27 PM
i hav just joined this forum... just hrs old....my frend told me that its gr8..and now relly i m finding it very helpfull...its a nice xprince to help others and there by helping ur self to find new questions and answers..the going is gr8..and really its better than the networking sites...u can compete here and show ur team sprit ,,know a lot about career and educations. new oppertunity can be opend in this forum.....
GREAT worK ppls....... frnds and SIRs u r the real guide.... do help each other....... |
24th July 2012, 02:55 PM
This forum has really become a part of me now/...It has increased my knowledge level to a great extent...i have learnt a lot...and competitive sprit is high..Thanx
I have just 15 days experience and I have already won a scholarship...I am feeling really happy for myself as I have become more self confident and knowledgable...and last but not the least my typing speed has tremendously improved...Thanks a lot ! |
24th July 2012, 04:32 PM
yea it changed my life.
previously whenever i got time i wasted by watching film now i just give time to this. really it is great. this is not that it is providing money it's giving satisfaction, pleasure, knowledge etc. from here not only i am helping others but also i am also getting many information. thanks to the administrator. |
25th July 2012, 03:41 PM
dear friend
i read carefully what u have written. that was really very inspiring for us who is with FORUM . like u it has also helped others in many way. before working with this forum i was also spending my time without any work. it has improved my English writing skills and i have also came to know about many things related to career. hope for best results in future. |
25th July 2012, 10:22 PM
Eventually this hobby became my passion and transformed in a talent in due course of time. Now I feel that I have got a platform where I can nurture my talent. It all starts back when one day I received an E-mail from “Education and Career Forum” which was nothing but the announcement of this Scholarship competition. I thought it was just a usual spam and kept it aside. But don’t know why on 16th November 2009 I registered on the forum and started in the competition. On 31st Nov. results were announced where I stood 1st. The competition was a tough one - faced by tough runner-ups. I sharpened my skills, got words of thanks from questions' askers, words of appreciation from Admin, support of the forum and friends etc. All these happened so fast it just didn't allow me to leave the Forum ever from that point. As a result I kept achieving not only in this forum but also in real life.
I got a platform for nurturing my Talent and being promoted in Forum, increase |
26th July 2012, 12:16 PM
This question is both sided thought.
whatever it might be any other chance,this forum has given me as a student to know competition. money is not important but it has made a initiative to help others,which i will do with this money. but there is something missing,because it is not a proper working ideal,and time idealistic management is not properly set up here. so improve that. |
27th July 2012, 11:59 AM
this site has definitely create a desire for money more than ever in one way i am helping many others in their respective fields on the other hand i am earning what can be better way to earn ... no doubt you will have to spend a lot of time but you definitely get what you deserve ...
this way of not giving money to the next seventy has also made us stick to this site expecting to click some time... |
28th July 2012, 05:46 PM
After joining this forum, my life has been little bit changed but not completely.
Posting answers in forum is now included in my daily time table. It has solve my most of the problems. My Vocabulary has been improved a lot due to this forum only. It has encouraged me to post more and more answers and learn about entrance exams more and more. I have filled many entrance exam forms with the help of Scholarships awarded by this forum. So, this forum has changed my life and helped me alot. Also, it has arranged the solution of my Pocket Money. |
30th July 2012, 05:05 PM
hello sir
i am a new member in this forum . this forum is very useful for student . here we can get answer of our question in a very simple way .gere everybody shared the knowledge about a particular question. from this those who does not give his question clearly but he can get his answer ........ before this 4 to 5 hour in day is spending useless for me but this forum will give me chance to spend my time for helping those student who wants to solve his question by getting the answer . i am also getting the knowledge about some question which i don't know...............it is very good place for getting knowledge................... |
1st August 2012, 12:16 PM
Dear friend
I read carefully what u have written. that was really very inspiring for us who is with FORUM . like u it has also helped others in many way. before working with this forum i was also spending my time without any work. it has improved my English writing skills and i have also came to know about many things related to career. SO THIS FOR YOUR FUTURE. |
3rd August 2012, 06:55 PM
Thats really great to hear how your life has changed and the offers you have got by showing your talent here. Infact mine too has also changed a bit. As you said about the time management skills. I daily practice it as i have to adjust it with my studies too.
So on the whole the forum is really great and changing many lives. |
7th August 2012, 01:17 PM
Ya this forum not only helping the students who don't no some of the things which they are ought to know in their studies, and also it is helping the people who are helping the other members (by their valuable replies) by giving them valuable certificates and prizes.
Thank you for the site admin for a great Forum. |
11th August 2012, 06:36 AM
hello sir i'm junior member in form.
Now i'm doing answer very well my knowledge also improment and my finance problem also salve anyway time is most spend in this form best for part time work avalable for all persons. Best of luck |
11th August 2012, 08:58 PM
yea it changed my life. previously whenever i got time i wasted by watching film now i just give time to this. really it is great.
With this form my answering capability increases. The confidence come inside me on this forum i learn many thing new some are really helpful for me. |
12th August 2012, 12:19 AM
![]() Quote:
best of luck, |
12th August 2012, 09:17 PM
dear friend
i read carefully what u have written. that was really very inspiring for us who is with FORUM . like u it has also helped others in many way. before working with this forum i was also spending my time without any work. it has improved my English writing skills and i have also came to know about many things related to career. hope for best results in future. Source: http://entrance-exam.net/forum/general-discussion/how-forum-changed-my-life-36004.html#ixzz23L6pwEp1 |
15th August 2012, 11:10 PM
career forum has changed my life drastically.before that i was wasting my valuable time in gossiping with my friends on any silly toppics. in this way i was spending my time. but now i am getting a 100% satisfaction by providing career related suggestions to my friends. money is not everything for me.main thing is internal satisfaction.you are doing very good job by providing a good platform for us. thanks. |
16th August 2012, 04:17 AM
From professional point of view, being a part of this Forum after 2 months + experience as a Career & Educational Consultant attracted best jobs in the field for me.it really helpfull for me.it changed my life. previously whenever i got time i wasted by watching film now i just give time to this.thanks |
17th August 2012, 03:26 PM
I'm a degree student regularly only sleeping eating and upper mitting daily before the unknown this form. Now this form is now some details now 1st join in this form and now change my life because my finalical problem all solve through this form. Thanx for this form staff. |
20th August 2012, 10:51 PM
i just joined to this forum.i read all the comments and i am so motivated.it felt it is a good site for career and education.i think everyone in this forum are hyped like me when they join here.thank you.
21st August 2012, 01:08 AM
earlier i used to search google how to earn money while you learn but i did not find anything useful then one day whie searching internet i came to know about earn and learn programme on which people asked good quesitions an one has to answer it based on which you will get points which will determine your rank
This Forum is not just about asking questions and answering it it is about learning and broadening ones mind in different fields in this era of science and technology it helps one to introspect about different things such as career opportunities various competitive exams and their results and so on earlier i used to surf the net very much but now i surf the net in a standardised manner really i would like to thank this forum from the bottom of my heart and which cannot be expressed by small words the exposure which the forum is providing cannot be overlooked and the seed which this forum has sown in life of thousands of people will definitely bring brighter career for the future in the end i would like to thank this FORUM very much |
23rd August 2012, 10:21 PM
now the forum site become the life line of the human because with the help of them we can get lot of information .............. ATI RADEON HD 5670 – SERIES GRAPHICS CARDS FROM AMD |
28th August 2012, 10:02 PM
i am the fresher in this forum.realy before 3 month back i left the job.i lost my self-confident becoze without expireance i cant getting a job,realy i felt very bad in my life .i finished BBM in 2010 after i joined as faculty in Unnathi institution ofter i finished my M.com 2012.now i cant getting job in Accounting field.i hav attended somany interview in banglore,i lost my confident,ofter joining this forum now again i got self confident defiantly i ll get good job in my life. this is one of the greatest forum. best regards sowmya |
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