2nd February 2011, 12:18 AM
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Is GATE paper this year going to be Practical based or Theory?


Im a Civil Engineering Final year student.How will be the GATE question paper this time? IIT Madras is going to take the question paper i think. I just wanted to know whether it will be practical oriented or theory based? Thank you for replying to my last question.

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2nd February 2011, 08:16 AM
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Default Re: Is GATE paper this year going to be Practical based or Theory?

it will include both theory based and problems will also be included.
all the best:-)
2nd February 2011, 09:44 AM
rahul k
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Default Re: Is GATE paper this year going to be Practical based or Theory?

In GATE Exams, You will Find Only Objective Type Practicle Questions. The Pattern Of GATE 2011 Entrance Exams Are Given Below, So Please Check The Exams Pattern And Keep Practice According to The Syllabus. If You want To score Good Marks In GATE Exams -

GATE Exams Pattern -

The GATE examination Consists of a Single paper of 3 hours Duration which Contains 65 questions Carrying a Maximum of 100 marks. The Question paper will consist of Only Objective Type Questions. In all papers other than AE and TF, all the Questions are of Multiple choice.

In AE and TF papers, the question paper will consist of 60 questions of multiple choice type and 5 questions of numerical answer type. For multiple choice type questions, each question will have four choices for the answer. For numerical answer type questions, each question will have a number as the answer.

And If You Want to Get Any Information Then Please Check The Official Websites of GATE exams.
2nd February 2011, 10:08 AM
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Default Re: Is GATE paper this year going to be Practical based or Theory?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post

Im a Civil Engineering Final year student.How will be the GATE question paper this time? IIT Madras is going to take the question paper i think. I just wanted to know whether it will be practical oriented or theory based? Thank you for replying to my last question.
At this time Gate Paper will be objective type on therotical subject bases.
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2nd February 2011, 12:03 PM
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Default Re: Is GATE paper this year going to be Practical based or Theory?

GATE paper is always consist of your basic knowledge on the subject. it is not based on only practical or theory.

if you have good knowledge in subject theoretical and practical then easily you will crack GATE. GATE is mainly from theoretical knowledge. in GATE now 15 marks aptitude also included.

to know the GATE examination pattern visit website of any IIT. for previous years question paper visit the website http://www.freshersworld.com. previous year question will give you idea about the question pattern in GATE examination.

best wishes.
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2nd February 2011, 12:11 PM
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Default Re: Is GATE paper this year going to be Practical based or Theory?

the gate exam is based on both of theory or practical .the gate exam patern may be like as:-
The pattern of question paper depends on the paper code. For GATE 2011 examination, there are 5 different patterns of question papers. The corresponding links are given below:

Papers: AG, AR, BT, CE, CH, CS, CY, EC, EE, IN, MA, ME, MN, MT, PH And PI

Papers: AE And TF

Paper: GG

Paper: XE

Paper: XL

Pattern For Papers: AG, AR, BT, CE, CH, CS, CY, EC, EE, IN, MA, ME, MN, MT, PH And PI

There will be a total of 65 questions carrying 100 marks.

Q.1 to Q.25 (25 questions) carry one mark each (sub-total 25 marks). Q.26 to Q.55 (30 questions) carry two marks each (sub-total 60 marks). Questions Q.56 - Q.65 belong to General Aptitude (GA). Questions Q.56 - Q.60 (5 questions) carry 1 mark each (sub-total 5 marks) and questions Q.61 - Q.65 (5 questions) carry 2-marks each (sub-total 10 marks).

Questions Q.48 - Q.51 (2 pairs) are common data questions. and Qquestion pairs (Q.52, Q.53) and (Q.54, Q.55) are linked answer questions. The answer to the second question of the linked answer questions depends on the answer to the first question of the pair. If the first question in the linked pair is wrongly answered or is unattempted, then the answer to the second question in the pair will not be evaluated.

NEGATIVE MARKING:For Q.1 - Q.25 and Q.56 - Q.60, ⅓ mark will be deducted for each wrong answer. For Q.26 - Q.51 and Q.61 - Q.65, ⅔ mark will be deducted for each wrong answer. The question pairs (Q.52, Q.53), and (Q.54, Q.55) are questions with linked answers. There will be negative marks only for wrong answer to the first question of the linked answer question pair i.e. for Q.52 and Q.54, ⅔ mark will be deducted for each wrong answer. There is no negative marking for Q.53 and Q.55.

Questions on Engineering Mathematics will carry about 15% of the total marks (excluding General Aptitude section) in all the papers bearing the codes AG, BT, CE, CH, CS, EC, EE, IN, ME, MN, MT and PI.

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Pattern For Papers: AE And TF

There will be a total of 65 questions carrying 100 marks. Q.1 to Q.25 (25 questions) carry one mark each (sub-total 25 marks). Q.26 to Q.55 (30 questions) carry two marks each (sub-total 60 marks). Questions Q.56 - Q.65 belong to General Aptitude (GA). Questions Q.56 - Q.60 (5 questions) carry 1 mark each (sub-total 5 marks) and questions Q.61 - Q.65 (5 questions) carry 2-marks each (sub-total 10 marks).

Questions Q.1-Q.25 and Q.31-Q.65 are of multiple choice type. Questions Q.26-Q.30 are of numerical answer type.

Questions Q.48 - Q.51 (2 pairs) are common data questions. and Qquestion pairs (Q.52, Q.53) and (Q.54, Q.55) are linked answer questions. The answer to the second question of the linked answer questions depends on the answer to the first question of the pair. If the first question in the linked pair is wrongly answered or is unattempted, then the answer to the second question in the pair will not be evaluated.

NEGATIVE MARKING: There is negative marking for multiple choice type questions. For Q.1 - Q.25 and Q.56 - Q.60, ⅓ mark will be deducted for each wrong answer. For Q.31 - Q.51 and Q.61 - Q.65, ⅔ mark will be deducted for each wrong answer. The question pairs (Q.52, Q.53), and (Q.54, Q.55) are questions with linked answers. There will be negative marks only for wrong answer to the first question of the linked answer question pair i.e. for Q.52 and Q.54, ⅔ mark will be deducted for each wrong answer. There is no negative marking for Q.53 and Q.55.

There is no negative marking for numerical answer type questions Q.26-Q.30.

Questions on Engineering Mathematics will carry about 15% of the total marks (excluding General Aptitude section) in all the papers bearing the codes AE and TF

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Pattern For Paper: GG

There are a total of 65 questions carrying 100 marks. Apart from General Aptitude (GA), the question paper consists of two parts: Part A and Part B. Part A is common for all candidates. Part B contains two sections: Section 1 (Geology) and Section 2 (Geophysics). Candidates will have to attempt questions in Part A and either Section 1 or Section 2 in Part B.

Part A consists of 25 questions; all questions carry 1-mark each (sub-total 25 marks). Each of the sections (Section 1 and Section 2) in Part B consists of 30 questions; all questions carry 2-marks each (sub-total 60 marks). Questions Q.48 - Q.51 (2 pairs) are common data questions. and Qquestion pairs (Q.52, Q.53) and (Q.54, Q.55) are linked answer questions. The answer to the second question of the linked answer questions pair depends on the answer to the first question of the pair. If the first question in the linked pair is wrongly answered or is un-attempted, then the answer to the second question in the pair will not be evaluated. Questions Q.56 - Q.65 belong to General Aptitude (GA). Questions Q.56 - Q.60 (5 questions) will carry 1-mark each (sub-total 5 marks) and questions Q.61 - Q.65 (5 questions) will carry 2-marks each (sub-total 10 marks).

NEGATIVE MARKING:For Q.1 - Q.25 and Q.56 - Q.60, ⅓ mark will be deducted for each wrong answer. For Q.26 - Q.51 and Q.61 - Q.65, ⅔ mark will be deducted for each wrong answer. The question pairs (Q.52, Q.53), and (Q.54, Q.55) are questions with linked answers. There will be negative marks only for wrong answer to the first question of the linked answer question pair i.e. for Q.52 and Q.54, ⅔ mark will be deducted for each wrong answer. There is no negative marking for Q.53 and Q.55.

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Pattern For Paper: XE (Engineering Sciences)

There are a total of 65 questions carrying 100 marks.

There are 11 questions carrying 15 marks in XE Engineering Mathematics section paper (Section A), which is compulsory. Questions Q.1 - Q.7 (7 questions) carry 1-mark each (sub-total 7 marks), and questions Q.8 - Q.11 (4 questions) carry 2-marks each (sub-total 8 marks).

Each of the other XE section papers (Sections B through G) contains 22 questions carrying 35 marks. Questions Q.1 - Q.9 (9 questions) carry 1-mark each (sub-total 9 marks). Questions Q.10 - Q.22 (13 questions) carry 2-marks each (sub-total 26 marks). Questions Q.17 - Q.20 (2 pairs) are common data questions with 2-marks each. Questions Q.21 and Q.22 (1 pair) are linked answer questions with 2-marks each. The answer to the second question of the pair of linked answer questions depends on the answer to the first question of the pair. If the first question in the pair is wrongly answered or is unattempted, then the answer to the second question in the pair will not be evaluated.

There are 10 questions carrying 15 marks in General Aptitude (GA), which is compulsory. Questions Q.1 - Q.5 (5 questions) carry 1-mark each (sub-total 5 marks), and questions Q.6 - Q.10 (5 questions) carry 2-marks each (sub-total 10 marks).

NEGATIVE MARKING:In XE Section A, for Q.1 - Q.7, ? mark will be deducted for each wrong answer and for Q.8 - Q.11, ? mark will be deducted for each wrong answer. In all other XE section papers (Sections B through G), for Q.1 - Q.9, ? mark will be deducted for each wrong answer and for Q.10 - Q.20, ? mark will be deducted for each wrong answer. The question pair (Q.21, Q.22) is a linked answer question. There will be negative marks only for wrong answer to the first question of the linked answer question pair. For Q.21, ?mark will be deducted for wrong answer. There is no negative marking for Q.22. In GA section, for Q.1 - Q.5, ? mark will be deducted for each wrong answer and for Q.6 - Q.10, ? mark will be deducted for each wrong answer.

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Pattern For Paper: XL (Life Sciences)

There are a total of 65 questions carrying 100 marks.

There are 15 questions carrying 25 marks in XL Chemistry section paper (Section H), which is compulsory. Questions Q.1 - Q.5 (5 questions) carry 1-mark each (sub-total 5 marks). Questions Q.6 - Q.15 (10 questions) carry 2-marks each (sub-total 20 marks). Questions Q.12 and Q.13 (1 pair) are common data questions with 2-marks each. Questions Q.14 and Q.15 (1 pair) are linked answer questions with 2-marks each. The answer to the second question of the pair of linked answer questions depends on the answer to the first question of the pair. If the first question in the pair is wrongly answered or is unattempted, then the answer to the second question in the pair will not be evaluated.

Each of the other XL section papers (Sections I through M) contains 20 questions carrying 30 marks. Questions Q.1 - Q.10 (10 questions) carry 1-mark each (sub-total 10 marks) and questions Q.11 - Q.20 (10 questions) carry 2-marks each (sub-total 20 marks).

There are 10 questions carrying 15 marks in General Aptitude (GA), which is compulsory. Questions Q.1 - Q.5 (5 questions) carry 1-mark each (sub-total 5 marks), and questions Q.6 - Q.10 (5 questions) carry 2-marks each (sub-total 10 marks).

NEGATIVE MARKING: In XL Section H, for Q.1 - Q.5, ? mark will be deducted for each wrong answer and for Q.6 - Q.13, ? mark will be deducted for each wrong answer. The question pair (Q.14, Q.15) is a linked answer question. There will be negative marks only for wrong answer to the first question of the linked answer question pair. For Q.14, ?mark will be deducted for wrong answer. There is no negative marking for Q.15. In all other XL section papers (Sections I through M), for Q.1 - Q.10, ? mark will be deducted for each wrong answer and for Q.11 - Q.20, ? mark will be deducted for each wrong answer. In GA section, for Q.1 - Q.5, ? mark will be deducted for each wrong answer and for Q.6 - Q.10, ? mark will be deducted for each wrong answer.
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2nd February 2011, 12:13 PM
Join Date: Jan 2011
Posts: 494
Default Re: Is GATE paper this year going to be Practical based or Theory?

Well Gate is an Objective type exam aimed at testing you aptitude for engineering related subjects.You can appear for your subject stream only for which you are qualified.
You are required to be a qualified engineer.. so questions can come from all of your syllabus be it practical of theory.. i suggest you do not indulge in these wild projections
about what kind of paper is going to come... Be sure the question paper will be a healthy mix to adjudge you... Often indulging in such games results in losses to students who try to bend their preparations in last time... i would suggest bank on your strength
and keep your mind off such things.
Just keep practicing previous papers and mocks and refer to books for revision.
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2nd February 2011, 12:20 PM
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Default Re: Is GATE paper this year going to be Practical based or Theory?


GATEpaper is based on both theories but practicals. You will find more problematic and formula based questions.but to crack GATE one has to be strong in basic fundamentals in all branch papers.
and a proper guidance and determination one can crack GATE.......

all the best........
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2nd February 2011, 01:06 PM
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Default Re: Is GATE paper this year going to be Practical based or Theory?

dear friend
GATE paper is always consist of your basic knowledge on the subject. it is not based on only practical or theory.

if you have good knowledge in subject theoretical and practical then easily you will crack GATE. GATE is mainly from theoretical knowledge. in GATE now 15 marks aptitude also included.

to know the GATE examination pattern visit website of any IIT. for previous years question paper visit the website http://www.freshersworld.com. previous year question will give you idea about the question pattern in GATE examination.thank you
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2nd February 2011, 03:35 PM
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Default Re: Is GATE paper this year going to be Practical based or Theory?

Hello dear, there is no specification details provided by IIT's that the gate paper will be practical based or theoretical based.
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2nd February 2011, 03:55 PM
devendra bhatiya
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Default Re: Is GATE paper this year going to be Practical based or Theory?

gate paper is not all about based on pratical and theory based.it's based on some other things. duration of paper is three hours and for futher details u can check in site of gate
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2nd February 2011, 05:00 PM
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Default Re: Is GATE paper this year going to be Practical based or Theory?

no one can guess it right.... Don't worry about that, do what you can the best to crack it. Rest is not in your hand.
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2nd February 2011, 06:50 PM
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Post Re: Is GATE paper this year going to be Practical based or Theory?

Gate i.e Graduate aptitude test in Engineering going to be held on 13 February 2011.

Don't be confused at the last time, if you have filled the application form for this year, Then Gate brocher has already specified the Pattern.

Want to see it Then Click Here.

The Paper consists of Optional subjects which is to be chosen from 21 Listed Subjects. There will be Objective Type of Questions.

Suggestion For The Exam.
wrong Answer omitted will be negatively Penalized Therefore Don't omit such mistakes, Just be confident what you know.

Good luck.
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2nd February 2011, 08:22 PM
mohit brh
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Default Re: Is GATE paper this year going to be Practical based or Theory?

in GATE paper you will get only objective type question and question will asked from given syllabus for more detail you can see previous gate papers.
the questions papers are not like a very traditional one. They always try to test the very basic of candidates.
To secure a very high percentile you should always remember the fact that you are adjudged relatively not absolutely.

for more detail http://www.onestopgate.com/gate-preparation/gate-pattern.asp
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3rd February 2011, 12:59 AM
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Default Re: Is GATE paper this year going to be Practical based or Theory?

its an very tough task to guess what type the question paper would be,
but one thing is very clear that the gate exam is one which checks whether the an candidate has the basic understanding of the subject,most of the times you would find that most of the gate questions are easily solvable if you know the basics concepts,
it mostly checks whether the candidate knows how to apply the theories by twisting the problems little bit,and iit madras paper will be surely made in that way
all the best
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4th February 2011, 12:59 AM
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Default Re: Is GATE paper this year going to be Practical based or Theory?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post

Im a Civil Engineering Final year student.How will be the GATE question paper this time? IIT Madras is going to take the question paper i think. I just wanted to know whether it will be practical oriented or theory based? Thank you for replying to my last question.
it will be objective type of theorectical questions.
best of luck
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15th August 2012, 05:01 PM
Join Date: Jul 2012
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Default Re: Is GATE paper this year going to be Practical based or Theory?

GATE Exams Pattern -

The GATE examination Consists of a Single paper of 3 hours Duration which Contains 65 questions Carrying a Maximum of 100 marks. The Question paper will consist of Only Objective Type Questions. In all papers other than AE and TF, all the Questions are of Multiple choice.

In AE and TF papers, the question paper will consist of 60 questions of multiple choice type and 5 questions of numerical answer type. For multiple choice type questions, each question will have four choices for the answer. For numerical answer type questions, each question will have a number as the answer.
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15th August 2012, 09:07 PM
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Default Re: Is GATE paper this year going to be Practical based or Theory?

The GATE examination Consists of a Single paper of 3 hours Duration which Contains 65 questions Carrying a Maximum of 100 marks. The Question paper will consist of Only Objective Type Questions. In all papers other than AE and TF, all the Questions are of Multiple choice.

In AE and TF papers, the question paper will consist of 60 questions of multiple choice type and 5 questions of numerical answer type. For multiple choice type questions, each question will have four choices for the answer. For numerical answer type questions, each question will have a number as the answer. 3rd February 2011 10:59 PM edgeineervinay
Re: Is GATE paper this year going to be Practical based or Theory?


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