6th December 2010, 01:41 PM
How to become an IPS officer?
hello sir
my name is shweta i want to become an IPS. but i dont have any idea plz. halp me out. plz. tell what i have to do for be come an IPS. i really want to be plz. sir tell me all the diatels |
24th December 2010, 12:34 PM
Dear friend,
I can understand your dream. IPS is one of the most reputed Govt service in our country. At first,you should possess a degree with 50% marks from a recognized University of India and the candidate should be of 21 years of age when he/she is applying. There are different eligibility criteria that you should know about the IPS. Here is one link you can really go through to get all the details you want to know about the IPS exam. The link is: http://targetstudy.com/professions/ips-officer.html Wish you all the best! |
24th December 2010, 01:25 PM
the procedure for becoming IAS/IPS is same.IAS/IPS is very good career opertuinity for who want to be a part of an Indian government.it's not easy task to becoming IPS officer. you need to follow few steps to become IPS officer. 1.you have to degree or same qualification an indian university. 2.you need to prepare for youselfs to appering an indian civil services.the exam is conducted in 2 steps. a)preliminary exam,which takes place on may/june b)next one main exam october/novmber for every year. 3.you need to full fill all the requirements for being IPS officer. the requirements are minimum&maximum age.21 is minimum age&30 is the maximum age. the age reaxation only for SC,ST&OBC. 4.if you clear the preliminary&main exam then he calls for an individual interview.he checks the confidence level,approach&understandig on an individual.then you become an IPS officer. Best wishes. |
24th December 2010, 04:53 PM
To get into the IAS, you will have to give the “UPSC held Civil Services Examination”. The “Application Form” and “Information Brochure” can be obtained from the “Head Post Offices or Post Offices” throughout the country.
21 years of age with graduation in any stream Main Examination” in October / November Click here to Get More details |
24th December 2010, 05:24 PM
Hello Shweta,
For IPS, you will need to write civil service exam conducted by UPSC. The minimum academic qualification required to write the exam is a bachelor's degree from a recognised university. You should have attained the age of 21 years and should not be over 30 years. (relaxation of 5 years for SC/ST and 3 years for OBC) The application form is available in the designated Head Post Offices/Post Offices after the notification by UPSC. The advertisement for the same will be published in all leading newspapers including Employment News. The filled application form should be submitted to Secretary, Union Public Service Commission Dholpur House Shahjahan Road New Delhi - 110069 The selection process includes 3 stages 1. Preliminary Exam 2. Main Exam 3. Interview But according to sources, the preliminary exam will be replaced by civil service aptitude test from next year and the pattern of main exam is supposed to remain the same. For further information, please visit the official website of UPSC. |
28th December 2010, 07:57 AM
Good morning ,
Dear shweta, IPS is a very good option to be taken because now- a- days no one is interested in govt. jobs. For IPS the minimum requirements are- #The candidate must have a master degree by a govt. recognized university. #preliminary exam,which are held in may/june #the main exams are held every year (by UPSC) in the month of october/november . #after clearing the written test there is an interview to check the ability of the student. BEST OF LUCK............... |
26th January 2011, 12:08 PM
If you want to become IPS officer then first you complete you graduation degree because minimum eligibility for IPS exam is graduation in any stream and age between 21 to 30 year for general category student. IPS exam is conducted by UPSC. For more information you can see the website of UPSC. all the best. |
28th January 2011, 12:16 AM
To become IPS you will have to qualify Civil Services Exam conducted By UPSC every year. The eligibility for UPSC CS Exam is: graduation in any discipline Age limit is 21 to 30 years. Good Luck. |
3rd March 2011, 08:34 PM
we all along with this forum is here too help the people like you..
the india needs the young blood like you..your desire to become an IPS officer is really appreciable. before going in to details ..first brief introduction about your goal. your goal is a civil service. like wise this service there are more than 24 services for all these services we have common exam i.e. CSE(Civil Service Examination) which is conducted by UPSC delhi. the exam is three tier examination. first is preliminary.(CSAT) second is MAINS third is Interview. finally you'll get posted in some cadre..if you do exceptionally well in your exam then you will get a chance to IAS if you don't want IPS then you can leave your IAS opportunity and you can be placed in IPS.. i think you're clear .. if any further doubts contact me. or you can visit the following link .. www.onestopias.com alll the best ~aditya~ |
5th March 2011, 06:29 PM
For IPS you have to give UPSC civilservices exams.........
Educational Qualifications for IPS : Bachelor’s degree of a recognised university with at least one of the subjects namely Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Science, Botany, Chemistry, Geology, Mathematics, Physcs, Statistics and Zoology or a Bachelor's degree in Agriculture, Forestry or in Enginerring or an equivalent qualification. Age limits: 21 - 30 years for general category, 33 for OBCs and 35 for SCs/STs UPSC IPS EXAM · Apply online by using the website http://www.upsconline.nic.in · Apply offline by purchasing the application form from designated post offices throughout the country. For complete details go to http://www.upsc.gov.in <<BEST OF LUCK>> Regards **Kapila** [SIZE=3] [/SIZE] |
15th March 2011, 07:00 PM
I salute your ambition to become an IPS as only a few girls opt for the IPS. So i will provide all the help I can.
Look for becoming and IAS, you need to give the Civil Service Exams which is also knows as the CSAT(Civil Service Aptitude Test). Eligibility: Age: Minimum 21 years of age as on 1st August of the year of the exam. Upper Age limit is 30 years(Relaxations as per govt. rules) Educational Qualification: A graduation degree from any field from a recognized university. Students in the final year who will appear for the final exams can also apply. Max.Attempts: 4 for general, 7 for OBC and no limit for SC/ST. You can obtain and fill the form in 2 methods: 1.Offline Method: The application forms are available in all designated post offices and local post offices across the country.Being a women candidate, you can apply free of cost. Online Form: Online forms are available at: http://upsconline.nic.in/index.php The procedure to fill the online form is simple and given on the above mentioned website. I suggest you go for the online form submission. Important Dates: *Last Date of Submitting forms:21.03.2011 *Date of Prelim Exam:12.06.2011 *Date of Mains:29.10.2011 Attached below is the notification |
21st December 2011, 01:31 AM
![]() Quote:
How To Become An IPS Officer For becoming an IPS (Indian Police Service) Officer, a candidate needs to clear the Civil Services Exam which is conducted every year by the UPSC In order to appear for the Civil Service Exams, a candidate must have the following minimum qualifications :- 1) The candidate must be within the age limit of 21-30 years for general candidates,21-33 years for OBC and 21-35 years for SC/ST 2) The candidate must be a graduate or a final year graduation student in any stream from a recognized University the maximum number of attempts allowed for the general candidates is 4,for OBC its 7 and for SC/ST there is no limit.. Exam Pattern 2 rounds have to be cleared Prelims :- The Prelims or the CSAT (Civil Services Aptitude Test) will consist of 2 papers testing you on your general knowledge,current affairs and general aptitude Mains :- consists of 9 papers each of 3 hour duration 1. Paper 1 :- Indian language 2. Paper 2 :- English 3. Paper 3 :- essay section 4. Paper 4 and 5 :- both general studies 5. Paper 6 to 9 :- optional subjects If you clear the Mains then you will be called for the final interview The forms for the Prelims shall be released on 4th February,2012 and the last date for form submission is 5th March,2012 The Prelims shall be conducted on 20th May,2012 and the Mains shall be held on 5th October,2012 for more details on Civil Service Exams go to http://upsc.gov.in all the best.. ![]() With Warm Regards Nitz |
21st December 2011, 08:08 AM
upsc stands for union public service commision.the test is conducted to select the ips and the ias officers.the age limit of this exam is 21 to 27 years for the genearl candidatesa nd for obc it is upto 30 years and for sc and st candidates it is upto 35 years of age.the general question pattern of the paper is the first prelimnary round consisits of general studies for 150 marks and for optional subjects for 300 marks .the optional subject refer to the degree course you have completed .then the second round consisits of the writing of english essays along with general studies and optional subjects. Then the third round is the lively interview with the officials. This is the procedure and pattern for upsc exam.then you can become an ips offcer
21st December 2011, 12:52 PM
Well to become an IAS officer you have to apply for the civil service examination which is conducted by the UPSC.The examination is conducted once a year and any graduates students can apply for the exam if you satisfy the other eligibility criteria for the exam.
Eligibility :: You must have passed your graduation in any streams from recognized college You should be between 21 to 30 years .There is some relaxation given to reserved caste students .The 5 years in upper age limit is extended for the SC/ST and for OBC i is extended to 3 years . Relaxation is given in the no of attempts too to the reserved caste students. No of times the general students can apply for the exam is 4 ,SC/ST unlimited times and OBC 7 times . The examination is done in two phases :: 1.Preliminary 2.Main examination :: It consists of written examination and the Interview . 1.Preliminary exam::It is common for all students and consist of two papers and both are of objective types. Paper 1 : (200 marks) - Duration : Two hrs. Paper II: (200 marks) – Duration : Two hrs 2.Main exam:: Only those students who have cleared the preliminary exam will be eligible for the main exam.There are total 9 papers and students have to choose two optional subjects .After clearing the main exam you will get call for the interview. ![]() |
21st December 2011, 02:06 PM
for becoming IPS officer you should have minimum qualification
1.graduation from recognized university. exam is part of Civil service exam and exam is conducted by UPSC. Age should be between 21 to 30 years for General category candidates 21to 33 year for OBC category candidates 21 to 35 years for SC/ST category candidates Number of attempts: 4 attempts for General category candidates. 7 attempts for Obc category candidates 14 attempts for SC/ST category candidates. there are three stages to be cleared by you. 1. preliminary 2.main 3.interview clearing one stage you will get to another stage. Preliminary forms will be available-from 4th February,2012 and submission will end on 5th March,2012 |
21st December 2011, 10:53 PM
Hi shwetha,
To become an IPS officer you must clear an entrance exam conducted by Union Public Service Commission. To appear in that exam you must finish your graduation in any discipline from a recognized university with at least 50% as an aggregate. Your age must be above 21years and below 30years. In the exam you must clear 3 rounds. 1. Preliminary test 2. Main exam 3. Final interview You can get the application form from the official website of UPSC. upsc.gov.in |
21st December 2011, 11:54 PM
Elegibility Criteria
Age limits & Attempts : 21-30 years for General Candidates(4 attempts) , 21-33 years for OBC candidates (7 attempts) and 21-35 for SC/ST candidates(No limit). Educational Qualifications : Bachelor’s degree of a recognised university. Nationality : For the Indian Administrative Service and the Indian Police Service, a candidate must be a citizen of India For other services, a candidate must be a citizen of India Exam Pattern Civil Service Examination has three stages 1.Preliminary Examination 2.Main Examination 3.Interview Test Main Examination Paper I One of the Indian languages to be selected by the candidate from the Languages included in the Eighth Scheduled to the Constitution. 300 marks Paper II English 300 marks Paper III Essay 200 marks Papers IV and V General Studies 300 marks for each paper Papers VI, VII, VIII and IX Any two subjects to be selected from the list of the optional subjects. Each subject will have two papers. 300 marks for each paper , |
5th July 2015, 05:09 PM
![]() Civil Services Examination Nice to see your interest in the civil service examination. IPS is stand for Indian Police Service and it come under civil services examination. The civil services examination is conducted by the UPSC in every year. If you are interested in the IPS field then to appear in the UPSC examination you need the following eligibility criteria. Eligibility Criteria for the Civil Services examination. :- --> Pass graduation is any stream from a recognize University. Final year graduation candidates can also appear in the IPS examination. --> The age must be between 21 to 30 years at the time of examination. The upper age relaxation is also applicable for the reservation category candiadtes. There are no limit percentage required in graduation. Only pass the graduation degree is enough to appear in the IPS entrance examination. So as per eligibility criteria of the IPS examination you are eligible for the Civil Services examination. So don't worry and do preparation well for the IPS entrance examination. For other information please visit the official website of the UPSC :~ http://www.upsc.gov.in |