8th September 2013, 02:46 PM
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How can I apply for IPS entrance exam?

my date of birth is 15th oct. 1976 and I want to apply for ips examination ,,I am complete my b.com (h) from Calcutta university,,due to some reason I cant able to apply for this exam,,but now I want to apply for ips examination but the criteria of age has cross,,so is there any solution any other option to how to give this examination,

9th September 2013, 10:49 AM
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Default Re: How can I apply for IPS entrance exam?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
my date of birth is 15th oct. 1976 and I want to apply for ips examination ,,I am complete my b.com (h) from Calcutta university,,due to some reason I cant able to apply for this exam,,but now I want to apply for ips examination but the criteria of age has cross,,so is there any solution any other option to how to give this examination,

IPS stands for Indian Police service.

IPS exam is conducted by UPSC.There are some criteria you have to follow for appearing in IPS exam.This exam is conduct through Civil Service Exam.

Graduation Degree in any stream from a recognized university are applicable for IPS Exam, the final year students also eligible for applying preliminary examination

The Candidate age should be in between 21 years to 30 years . Age Relaxation for OBC candidate is 3 years and for SC/ST candidate is 5 years.

Your date of birth is 15th oct. 1976 so your age now 37 years old .So you are not applicable for IPS exam .There is no such way to apply for IPS exam .

The maximum attempts for SC/ST candidate is Unlimited. For OBC candidate it is 7 years and for general candidate it will be 5 years.

List of the Optional subject for IPS Exam:-

Electrical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Medical Science
Political Science and International Relations
Public Administration
Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Sciences
Civil Engineering
Commerce and Accounting

Mains Subject for IPS Exam:-

For more details about IPS exam please visit to www.upsc.gov.in
10th September 2013, 07:46 PM
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Indian Police Service.

UPSC(Union Public Service Commission) conducting this exam once in a year.

Eligibility details:-

Applicant should be complete Degree in any stream from a recognised university and no need of percentage restrictions. A final year persuing candidate is also applicable for this exam.

You should be a citizen of India.

The candidates age should be in between 21 years to 30 years. 3 years of relaxation for OBC category candidates, 5 years of relaxation for SC/ST category candidates and 10 years for PWD category candidates.

The selection process is based on three stages.

###Preliminary exam,

###Mains exam,

###Personal intervew.

For every candidate there is a limitation in number of attempts i.e 4 times for General category, 7 times for OBC category and no limit for SC/ST category candidates.

According to your date o birth your current age is 37 years, so you are not eligible for IPS examination.

More information about IPS examination visit below website

10th September 2013, 11:39 PM
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Default Re: How can I apply for IPS entrance exam?

Hello Friend.

IPS- Indian Police Service.
Conducted by UPSC in every year in the month of january or february.
Age limit - From 21 years to 30 years. OBC- 33 years, SC/ST- 35.
Attempts can be made- 4 attempts for GEN , 7 for OBC and no limits for SC/ST.
Height- 160cm generally for male and 145cm for female.

Recruitment Process
3 way Process: 1) Preliminary exam.
2) Mains Exam.
3)Personal Interview.
Sorry my friend, you are now 37 years old and crossed all the age limits. So you cant apply. Very sorry.
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11th September 2013, 01:17 AM
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Default Re: How can I apply for IPS entrance exam?

Hi friend...........

IPS stands for Indian Police Service.

This exam Civil Service Examination. And this exam conducted by Union Public Service Commission once in a year.

Eligibility Criteria:


The candidate should be origin of India.

Educational Qualification:

The candidate should pass the Bachelor degree from recognized University with any stream.

Percentage not required for this exam.

Final year pursuing candidates are eligible for this exam.

Age limit:

Your age limit should be between 21 to 30 years.

Upper age relaxation is applicable as per govt rules.

3 years relaxation for OBC

5 years relaxation for SC\ST.

10 years relaxation for PH.

No of Attempts:

4 attempts for the General category.

7 attempts for the OBC category.

No limit of attempts for the SC\ST category.

Selection Process:

Preliminary Examination

Main Examination


All the best............
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11th September 2013, 01:54 AM
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Default Re: How can I apply for IPS entrance exam?

Hi Friend,

Sorry, you are not eligible for IPS Exam because you current age crossing IPS age limits.

Eligibility criteria for IPS Exam:

Age Limit:
Age between 21 to 30 years old candidates are eligible for IPS exams.
3 years upper age limit for OBC category candidates.
5 years upper age limit for SC/ST category candidates.

No of Attempts:

4 attempts for General category candidates.
7 attempts for OBC category candidates.
No limit for SC/ST category candidates.

Physical standard details will be attached, so please, check it out...
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11th September 2013, 04:09 AM
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Default Re: How can I apply for IPS entrance exam?

Hello friend

IPS is a civil service exam conducted by UPSC board once in a year

Eligibility for IPS :
All the candidates need to complete degree in any stream
All the candidates msut be in the age group of 21 - 30 years
The maximum age limit for Backward castes is 33 years
The maximum age limit for Scheduled castes and tribes is 35 years
The maximum age limit for ex - service men is 35 years
The number of times filling the application is based on the caste and it is
General category-4,
No limit for sc/st

all the best
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11th September 2013, 07:41 AM
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Default Re: How can I apply for IPS entrance exam?

Dear friend you are not eligible to apply IPS officer because you are now 37 years old and crossed all the age limits.

IPS stands for Indian Police Service.

For apply IPS exam the minimum Education qualification is Graduation degree in any stream from a recognized University.

IPS exam is conducted by UPSC under Civil Services exam in every year.

Eligibility criteria:-

Candidate should be an Indian citizen.

Candidate should be completed Graduation degree in any stream from a recognized University.

Age should be between 21 years to 30 years for General category candidates.

Age relaxation for OBC category candidates 3 years

And SC/ST category candidates 5 years.

Number of Attempts:-

General category candidates - 4 time

OBC category Candidates - 7 time

SC/ST category candidates - No limit.

Physical requirement :-

Height: –

Male 165 cm Male (general also) & ST (not the SC/ OBC) – 160 cm

Female 150 cm Female (general also) & ST (not SC/ OBC)- 145 cm

Chest :–

Male Minimum 84 cm. Expansion 5 cm.

Female Min 79 cm expansion 5 cm.

Selection procedure :-

- Preliminary entrance exam

- Main entrance exam

- Interview

Thank you..........
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11th September 2013, 10:33 AM
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Default Re: How can I apply for IPS entrance exam?

IPS stands for Indian Police Service and to become an IPS officer one has to apply, appear and crack Civil Service Exam conducted every year by UPSC after Graduation Degree.

The eligible candidate must be an Indian National having either appear for the final Graduation Degree exam or pass in any stream from a recognsed University within the age of 21 to 30 years with upper age relaxation for reserved candidate with good Physical Fitness.

The candidate aspiring for IPS should have minimum prescribed Physical requirement.

The IPS, Civil Service can be applied through both off line and on line mode.

Through off line mode the application Form can be obtained from General Post Offices across the country.

Through on line mode the form can be down loaded from official web site of UPSC i.e. http://www.upsconline.com.

The filled application form will be sent to designated address along with a requisite fee for the exam.

The selection is through three phases:-

CSAT - Civil Service Aptitude Test - Preliminary Exam

Civil Service Main Exam

Personal Interview

For more information you may log on to http://www.upsc.gov.in
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11th September 2013, 12:57 PM
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Default Re: How can I apply for IPS entrance exam?

You can apply IPS exam online;-ww.upsconline.nic.in

Educational Qualifications for IPS :

Bachelor’s degree of a recognized university with at least one of the subjects namely Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Science, Botany, Chemistry, Geology, Mathematics, Physics, Statistics and Zoology or a Bachelor's degree in Agriculture, Forestry or in Engineering or an equivalent qualification.

Age limit: 21 years must be completed on 1st August of the year, which a candidate is appearing. Maximum 30 for general category, 33 for OBCs and 35 for SCs/STs.

Number of Attempts:

Four attempts for open, seven for OBCs and no limit for SCs/STs.

If a person appears in the Preliminary Examination or even one paper is counted as an attempt.

For complete details go to http://www.upsc.gov.in
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11th September 2013, 11:14 PM
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To apply for IPS exam you must have a Graduation degree in any discipline from a recognized University.

This year IPS exam has already been held this year. Hence you have to wait till next year if you want to apply for IPS exam.

IPS is Indian Police Services and recruitment in this service is done through a exam which is known as Civil Services exam. It is organised by UPSC every year and you can apply for it through online application through its official website.

For online application visit http://www.upsconline.nic.in When notification will be announced then you will be able to apply for it. You must have all the details with scanned photo and signature.

Application can be paid through online debit card or net banking or bank challan.

Age Limit:

General Category : 21 to 30 years

OBC Category : 21 to 33 years

SC/ST Category : 21 to 35 years

Selection Procedure:

-Preliminary Exam

-Mains Exam


Number of Attempts:

General : 4 attempts

OBC : 7 attempts

SC/ST : no limit

For more information visit http://www.upsc.gov.in
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12th September 2013, 09:12 PM
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Default Re: How can I apply for IPS entrance exam?

IPS stands for Indian Police Service

IPS exam stands for Indian police service which is conducted by UPSC.

Age limit

between 21 to 30 years.

Age Relation

for OBC Candidates 3 years

for SC/ST Candidates 5 years

Education Qualification

The candidate should be complete graduation from a recognised university.
You must be a citizen of India

There is no percentage requirement.

Number of Attempts

4 attempts for general,

7 for OBCs and

No limit for SC/ST

Exam Pattern

The Civil Services Preliminary Examination (objective) for the selection in Main Examination

Civil Services Main Examination (Written) and

Final Interview


Paper I: Language Exam

Paper II: General English

Paper III: Essay

Paper IV and V: General Studies

Paper VI, VII, VIII and IX: Optional Subjects

Best Coaching class for IPS

Chanakya IAS Institute, Delhi

Ujjwal IAS Academy,Delhi

Indian IAS Academy,Chennai

Raus IAS Study Circle, New Delhi, Jaipur

Analog IAS Institute,Hyderabad
Achievers IAS Classes, Bangalore
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13th September 2013, 09:46 AM
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Default Re: How can I apply for IPS entrance exam?

Hi Friend.....................

IPS Entrance Exam :

Indian Police Service entrance exam is conducted by the union public service commission under the civil services examination every year once.

So, if you want become a IPS officer, then the selection procedure is based on the preliminary examination and main examination and personality/interviews conducted by the UPSC. For attending the IPS officer entrance exams required requirements are given bellow:

Required Requirements :

Required educational qualifications are you must completed the GRADUATION from recognized university and here not required any percentage.

Age limit:-

For Open category:- 21-30 year

For OBC category:- 21-33 YEAR

For ST/SC category:- 21-37 year

Number of Attempts:-

For open category:- 4 attempts

For ST/SC category:- 7 attempts

The examination is Conducted in 2 stages :

>> Preliminary examination

>> Main examination

Preliminary examination is Objective and there are 2 papers in this examination and if you have cracked the Preliminary examination then you are eligible for Main examination, main examination is Descriptive and you have to choose the Subjects on the basis of Graduation.
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13th September 2013, 12:51 PM
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Name of Civil Services : IPS (Indian Police Service)

Exam Date : Prelim in 1st week of May & Mains in 2nd week of Oct

Eligibility Criteria :

1.Age limit

21 years must be completed on 1st August of the year, which a candidate is appearing.
Maximum 30 for general category, 33 for OBCs and 35 for SCs/STs .
Ex-servicemen will get 5 more years exemption from the prescribed age limit

2.Number of Attempts

Four attempts for open, seven for OBCs and no limit for SCs/STs.
If a person appears in the Preliminary Examination or even one paper is counted as an attempt.

3.Restrictions on applying for the examination:

A candidate who is appointed to the Indian Administrative Service or the Indian Foreign Service on the results of an earlier examination and continues to be a member of that service will not be eligible to compete at this examination.

4. Minimum Physical Standard

The physical standards are important for the job profile and the rigorous training at the NPA, which includes weekly run for 10 k.m. in 60 minutes, route march for 25 k.m. UAC, Horse riding, rock climbing, assault course, PT obstacles, rope climbing etc.

Good luck
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13th September 2013, 04:36 PM
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Default Re: How can I apply for IPS entrance exam?

The selection for Indian Police Service is done through Civil Services Examination. The criteria for this exam is set by the Union Public Service Commission. Unfortunately the criteria is not changed for anyone.

It also includes you as well. You had your chance earlier to apply for the Civil Services Examination but now it is not possible. You are 36 years old while the age limit for the course is 30 years.

Even if we add the relaxation given to Schedule Caste and Schedule Tribe, still you will not be eligible for this exam. The age limit for SC/ST is 35 years.

Therefore you must consider some other career option. It is simply not possible to apply for the Civil Services Examination. I am sorry to you that there is no other way around. Not under any circumstances, you will be given special treatment to apply for the Indian Police Service.

IPS Eligibility

1. Nationality: It should be Indian citizen.

2. Qualification: Bachelor's degree in any discipline.

3. Marks: No criteria.

4. Age Limit: 21 to 30 years.

5. Relaxation: 3 years in upper age limit for OBC.

6. Relaxation: 5 years in upper age limit for SC/ST.

Number of Attempts

There are 4 attempts per General category candidate while 7 are given to OBC. As far as SC/ST are concerned, there is no limit.

Selection Procedure

1. Preliminary Exam

2. Main Exam

3. Interview
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14th September 2013, 12:03 AM
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Default Re: How can I apply for IPS entrance exam?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
my date of birth is 15th oct. 1976 and I want to apply for ips examination ,,I am complete my b.com (h) from Calcutta university,,due to some reason I cant able to apply for this exam,,but now I want to apply for ips examination but the criteria of age has cross,,so is there any solution any other option to how to give this examination,


As per your date of birth, you have crossed 37 years of age.

Now for IAS exam the age limit is --

General category - 21 years to 30 years

OBC category - 21 years to 33 years

SC / ST category - 21 years to 35 years

So, you can see, that you have crossed the upper age limit, whether you belong to any category given above.

So, there is no way that you can apply for IPS exam.

IPS exam is conducted buy UPSC and the candidate has to fulfil the eligibility criteria required for it, which are --

You should be a graduate from a recognized university.

Your age should be between 21 years to 30 years.

Hope you got your answer.
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