18th July 2012, 12:59 AM
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How to settle in government job after passing CSE final year with 63%

Im perceiving study in cse in final year with 63%,i want to settle in govt job ,can any one show me a better options so that i can have bright future.

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22nd July 2013, 12:51 AM
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Default Re: How to settle in government job after passing CSE final year with 63%

By final year you are eligible to attend GATE. GATE qualified candidates can join as Graduate Engineer Trainee in firms like SAIL, GAIL, or CONCOR. You can join to defense by qualifying CDS exam. In banks, you can join as Specialist Officer. Infosys, CDAC, Accenture, CDIT, etc are some of the firms where you can try for a software job.
22nd July 2013, 05:31 PM
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Default Re: How to settle in government job after passing CSE final year with 63%

Originally Posted by Smart2skar View Post
Im perceiving study in cse in final year with 63%,i want to settle in govt job ,can any one show me a better options so that i can have bright future.
After Completion of BTECH, you can apply for many Government jobs.

Selection procedure of the Government Jobs involves:
>> Written test
>> Interview

>> Engineering Services exams:
This exam is conducted by UPSC
Eligibilty is BE/BTECH pass
Age should be between 21 and 30 years

>> BSNL JTO Exams:
Eligibilty is BE/BTECH in IT, telecommunications, Computers, Electronis
Maximum age to apply is 30 years

>> GATE Exams:
GATE exams are conducted by IIT
BE/BTECH pass can apply for the GATE exams
Final year BE/BTECH candidates can also apply
You need GATE scores to apply to PSU for jobs

>> IBPS BANK PO exams
Eligibilty is Graduation pass with minimum 60% marks for General and OBC candidates and minimum 55% marks for the SC/ST candidates
Age should be between 20 to 28 years
Forms for 2013 exams will be filled from 22nd July 2013
22nd July 2013, 10:05 PM
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Default Re: How to settle in government job after passing CSE final year with 63%

In government sector you will have plenty of job opportunities. You can apply for Civil Services Examination, Banking exams are various other entrance exams for government jobs.

However if you want jobs related to your course then I should firstly point out that there are very limited jobs. You can apply in Public Sector Undertaking. The term is used for companies which are controlled by the government.

The Public Sector Undertakings hires engineering graduates. However the requirement of Computer Science Engineers is very limited. The PSU companies do not have any common entrance exam.

Each conducts the exam as per its need. Therefore you will have to keep an eye on the notification by the Public Sector Undertaking. Once a notification is released, please check whether there is requirement for Computer Science Engineers or not. Only if there is a requirement only then you should apply.

The selection procedure in Public Sector Undertaking is written test and personal interview. But lately a large number of companies have dropped written test. Instead they have started accepting the GATE score.

Which means that if you haven't cleared GATE exam, better clear it now. The GATE score is valid for 2 years and generally the exam is taken for admission in M.Tech. Although during the placement, GATE score is given importance.

PSU Eligibility

1. Only Indian citizens are accepted for PSU jobs.

2. You should have Engineering degree.

3. With at least 60 percent marks.

4. You should have cleared pending backlogs.

5. You should have a GATE score.

6. Age of candidate should be 21 to 30 years.

7. 3 years relaxation for OBC.

8. 5 years relaxation for SC/ST.

List of PSU















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31st July 2013, 09:19 PM
Join Date: Jul 2013
Posts: 93
Default Re: How to settle in government job after passing CSE final year with 63%

Originally Posted by Smart2skar View Post
Im perceiving study in cse in final year with 63%,i want to settle in govt job ,can any one show me a better options so that i can have bright future.

governments jobs for CSE candidates..
-BSNL(bharat sanchar nigam limited)
-ISRO(Indian space research organisation)
-DRDO(Defense research and development organisation)
-ECIL(Electronic cooperation of india limited)
-AAI(Airport authority of India)
-SAIL(Steel authority of india)
-RRB(Railway recruitment board)
-UPSC(Union Public Service Commission )
-CDS(Combined defense service)
-BHEL (Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd.)
-MECON (Metallurgical & Engineering Consultant)
-FCI (Food Corporation of India Ltd.)
-NALCO (National Aluminimum Company)
-NTPC (National Thermal Power Corporation)
-IOCL (Indian Oil Corporation Ltd.)
-HPCL (Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd.)
-ONGC (Oil & Natural Gas Corporation)
-BPCL (Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd.)

list of the exams to get into the government job:
List of exams:

-Indian POLICE services

good luck yaar..!!
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