11th March 2010, 10:37 PM
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My parents want me to do Engineering, but I want to do something else. Please advice.


i am reading in xii science and i am having trouble in choosing my career.my father wants me to go in engineering line and do engineering after xii,and he is enrolling me in a institution to prepare for entrances.but i just don't have my heart in being an engineer.i want to do something else and not to follow the common trend.i am a good student and had secured 93% in x th .

please suggest any career options that pays good and promises stability.i have interests in wildlife and wild animals and i am good in sports.i like maths and good in literature.

a quick replay to the above will be highly appreciated by me.

12th March 2010, 04:11 AM
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Default Re: My parents want me to do Engineering, but I want to do something else. Please advice.

well if you like maths then you should go for engineering but as you have wrote about your other intrests then i will suggest you to do what your heart says you to do follow it.. you can be a wild life photographer or you can be a animal resercher or you can do robotrics or as you are good in sports then join merchant navy or go for defence careers like NDA and if that also does not intrests you and you want some exiciting jobs and explortation/field work then do Btech in biotechnology or if business intrests you then go for commerce with maths..so
well these are some of the good options for you as far as you intrests are concerned if some thing else intrests you do write to me about it..
i will be glad to provide you details on it..
good luck to you dear ...
you wil certainly get success in life and have a bright future ahead as you are a good student...
12th March 2010, 07:15 AM
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Default Re: My parents want me to do Engineering, but I want to do something else. Please advice.

be clear in what you want in your career,in what i have understood you have not decided yet in what to become,
i would advice it to decide what you want and tell to your parents,i am sure they will understand you
all the beat
12th March 2010, 07:50 AM
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Default Re: My parents want me to do Engineering, but I want to do something else. Please advice.

i would advice you to talk to your parents and make it clear what are your dreams and aspirations,its never an good idea to do some thing which you dont like,
do what ever but do it from bottom of your heart
all the best
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12th March 2010, 12:23 PM
rahul k
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Default Re: My parents want me to do Engineering, but I want to do something else. Please advice.

you should talk with your parents for this matter, you should tell him i am not interested in this course, you can do according to your interest, telll him plz dont force me to do engg........and do those course, in which you have more interested.............
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12th March 2010, 12:48 PM
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Default Re: My parents want me to do Engineering, but I want to do something else. Please advice.

hey friend,
do not get too much pressure,
chose in which you have intrest,

o k
all the best
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12th March 2010, 02:10 PM
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Default Re: My parents want me to do Engineering, but I want to do something else. Please advice.

dear friend
just listen to your heart because its you who will have to earn a living by what you learn in the next few years. Talk to your father seperately in this matter.
you can fo for BSc and then MSc in mathematics if you like the subject so much
dont be afraid just put your point of view infront of your parents and i am sure they will understand
all the best
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12th March 2010, 08:52 PM
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Default Re: My parents want me to do Engineering, but I want to do something else. Please advice.

parents have some wishes that his son will do this thing or this thing
but you should talk to your parents & make them understand that you can't do the thing what you are saying because you have no interest in it & make them understand that if you will go through your interest then you can make your future bright & he will acept all this
best of luck
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12th March 2010, 09:52 PM
Shafna Ashmi.A
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Default Re: My parents want me to do Engineering, but I want to do something else. Please advice.

I feel that u can do ur UG in maths (BSc Maths)... Just a 3 yrs degree... Prepare for UPSC examination... And get good score for IFS (Indian forest service) .... So ur 2 interests get satisfied.. Rite> At the same time, u opt a different trend and have a settled life.
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3rd May 2010, 10:16 AM
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Default Re: My parents want me to do Engineering, but I want to do something else. Please advice.

Dont stress out. Think one occupation what you want to do and then talk to someone who has been in the field that you want to go for.Engineering is solid hard(probably one of the hardest programs ever-especially 3rd and 4th year) but if you willing to have a passion and tackle it then you have a bright and secured future(Its only a matter of a few years-think how long it takes for medicine ).Medicine takes a long time but engineering can be finished off within a few years.You can always pursue a wildlife or love for animals later once you have a good job,house.With your marks , you are capable of doing it surely.If you do choose to go for wildlife jobs and dont earn satisfactory money to pay your roof,then you are seriously gonna regret your choice.What's the point of regretting for not doing engineering after havin a wife and kids?
This is the best age to study hard,you will not feel like studyin once you are 28 and older.
I am struggling in first year engineering but I know it will be worth it later.
I know what it is like competing with relatives,friends in india.But I am not doing it for them but only for ME.I do admit that indian parents do give a lot of pressure to their kids but if the child does not realize the importance of a serious good education ,he/she is best left to do what he/she wants before he ends up depressed or kills himself.There will be a day when he regrets it for not choosing a good profession but then it will be too late.....do it for yourself not for social status or pleasing your parents.
Initially I did not like my parents telling me to do engineering,but then later i realized that there is always a demand for engineers and if I cannot do it now,I may never do it again later.....think about it man........I love wildlife too but I dont want to struggle with money ever.
think about animal doctor......its better than just being a wildlife researcher.......you will like it.

The worst part that can happen to an adult is he/she depending on their parents money without any reliable job.
If you are good looking try bollywood
If you are good in sports,be an athlete.
If engineering does not work for me(after seriously trying), I will try somethin else......you should do the same too but you should try your best for engineering but always have a backup plan for yourself.
I know people who have failed many courses but ended up with a degree in engineering eventually.Its all about persistence more than passion.
A person has a great life if he/she is persistent and has a passion in everythin that they do.
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14th May 2010, 06:56 PM
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Thumbs up Re: My parents want me to do Engineering, but I want to do something else. Please advice.

according to my in whatever field you interested choose this one because it's give you benefit in future :
good luck...
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20th May 2010, 09:55 AM
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Default Re: My parents want me to do Engineering, but I want to do something else. Please advice.

see 3 idiots.what you like that you do.best of luck for life.
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23rd June 2010, 02:05 AM
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Default Re: My parents want me to do Engineering, but I want to do something else. Please advice.

Its your future. Tell your parents to allow you to proceed as per your desire. Explore your skills . If you are forced to study Engineering, then you may not get good marks as per their(parent's) desire. Nothing can be successful without interest and hardwork. So do what you like . All the best.
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30th June 2010, 11:56 PM
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Default Re: My parents want me to do Engineering, but I want to do something else. Please advice.

nice to hear from you.do what you like.
there are lot of courses starting from journalism.
also vocational trainings are available for market fulfillment
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14th August 2010, 03:49 AM
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Default Re: My parents want me to do Engineering, but I want to do something else. Please advice.

Dear friend,

Just try to convince your parents in a well mannered way so that they can realize your words...

See,parents always want the best for the children,they won't do anything wrong for you..

You just explain to them that you are not interested in doing engineering and if you don't like this field then how can you excel in this sector!!

Make them realise this and also tell them in explanation what your type of course offers in the future..

I am sure they will listen to you..

All the best!
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15th August 2010, 04:47 PM
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Default Re: My parents want me to do Engineering, but I want to do something else. Please advice.

you can attempt engg. exams only two times in your life.
so,there are many of fields that you can take,leaving your engg.you should talk to your parents & make them understand that you can't do the thing what you are not good at.
also you have very less time.
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16th August 2010, 05:32 PM
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Default Re: My parents want me to do Engineering, but I want to do something else. Please advice.

dear student,
since u r very clear that u have no intrest in doing b.tech then at the same time u should clear with your idea what u want to do come up with the idea,your father will definetly convinced....
with best wishes
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17th August 2010, 01:16 AM
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Default Re: My parents want me to do Engineering, but I want to do something else. Please advice.

dear friend,

listen, u try to convince ur parents , that u don't want to do engineering..

u tell them as u r not interested in engineering then how can u develope

urself in that field.

parents are always want the best for there child, that's why they forcing u

to do engineering, but u tell them that engineering is not the best thing for u..

u convince them in which field u want to go,and give the explanation of

future prospect about that field.

i m sure that they will understand u.........

all the best..
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17th August 2010, 01:17 PM
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Default Re: My parents want me to do Engineering, but I want to do something else. Please advice.

hi....frnd........u can do any management course.....just tell u r parents to watch 3idiots.................
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17th August 2010, 04:45 PM
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Default Re: My parents want me to do Engineering, but I want to do something else. Please advice.

dear sir,

yes it is right that we should obey our parents, but in case of study or something like that your decision should be final.

because you have to study. your parents are not going to study.they can help you financially.

so always listen your heart and do only those work in which you have interest.

best of luck.
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17th August 2010, 11:12 PM
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Default Re: My parents want me to do Engineering, but I want to do something else. Please advice.

Originally Posted by tjdebasish View Post

i am reading in xii science and i am having trouble in choosing my career.my father wants me to go in engineering line and do engineering after xii,and he is enrolling me in a institution to prepare for entrances.but i just don't have my heart in being an engineer.i want to do something else and not to follow the common trend.i am a good student and had secured 93% in x th .

please suggest any career options that pays good and promises stability.i have interests in wildlife and wild animals and i am good in sports.i like maths and good in literature.

a quick replay to the above will be highly appreciated by me.
i think u should never go for engineering.U should choose path of ur own choice where u get job satisfaction. U may be a sports man,Math professor nd etc.
best of luck.
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18th August 2010, 05:32 AM
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Default Re: My parents want me to do Engineering, but I want to do something else. Please advice.

Well if your parents forcefully say you to do engineering then convince them that you do not have the interest in the engineering ...

tell them that you want to do something different,tell them abou your interest and still if they do not agree on you.

Then ask if for one year and do what you want and show them that yes you have the capability of doing of your interest,

All the best
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25th August 2010, 05:40 PM
Bishwajit Giri
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Default Re: My parents want me to do Engineering, but I want to do something else. Please advice.

Dear Friend,
I will suggest you to do so whatever you wanna be i.e,if you have interest on Medical then be a doctor,

if you have interest in commerce then be a chatared Accountant.
if you have interest in Pharmacy then study in B.Pharm.
if you wanna study in general college you may take admission in BSC.
besides those BBA,BCA,B.Com etc...
Good luck.
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13th September 2010, 02:10 AM
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Default Re: My parents want me to do Engineering, but I want to do something else. Please advice.

dear friend....

See you are a good student and you have 93% in 10 th .You don't want become an engineer .But your father forces you .

See friend i think you have seen the movie "Three Idiots " , if you have seen this picture then nothing to say.

But my suggestion is that whatever you are doing must consult with your parents and should be acceptable to your parents . You don't do anything which seems to be bad to your parents .

As you are strong in sports,you also like wild animal ,or literature then you can choose any one of this , but remember choose and do the thing what your heart and mind want.
Always remember " All is well "...

If you stand in your life then it will be great pleasure to your parents..
also you want to become a good scientist .

wish you all the best.......
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13th September 2010, 02:17 AM
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Default Re: My parents want me to do Engineering, but I want to do something else. Please advice.

see friend....

here what your father tells you that not matter , what you want to become this is a big question to you ??

So don't listen to other just do it whatever you want.

Always remember that a person makes his / her decision himself / herself a better than other.

good luck....
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21st February 2011, 11:11 AM
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Default Re: My parents want me to do Engineering, but I want to do something else. Please advice.

i am at final engineering but not cleard all papers of 2nd -3 rd years. I am depressed after 1st year result can not take interest at study . i have full morale , fanancial support at this stage what to do
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10th March 2011, 04:03 PM
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Default Re: My parents want me to do Engineering, but I want to do something else. Please advice.

HIII ALLL...i want to be a computer engineer or to do hm, but because of low percentage i only got civil engineering seat, after four years i have gotten so many papers left... not passed, now i want a job in my stream but because of 13 papers left i cant able to get a job... What can i do now i m very frustrated and very sad for my future...
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21st March 2011, 10:51 PM
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Default Re: My parents want me to do Engineering, but I want to do something else. Please advice.

hellooo......i just wanna say that dnt be confused first just be clear with own thinking as u like many things but its not possible to do all....first u think in which field u have more hold than rest all ,which is most intersting n easy for u among all n then go for that field as u said u r good in literature then why dont u go fields related to that.....do that only enchances and define u the best....and i wish u all the very best 4 yr future..:)
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31st March 2011, 04:59 AM
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Default Re: My parents want me to do Engineering, but I want to do something else. Please advice.

Originally Posted by tjdebasish View Post

i am reading in xii science and i am having trouble in choosing my career.my father wants me to go in engineering line and do engineering after xii,and he is enrolling me in a institution to prepare for entrances.but i just don't have my heart in being an engineer.i want to do something else and not to follow the common trend.i am a good student and had secured 93% in x th .

please suggest any career options that pays good and promises stability.i have interests in wildlife and wild animals and i am good in sports.i like maths and good in literature.

a quick replay to the above will be highly appreciated by me.

This is your career not your parent's career so choose the career
field according to own interest not by the parent's interest.
In which field your interest is more then you can go in that field.
You should talk with your parents and say that i am not interested
in that field. So i advise you to choose your career by own interest.

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14th May 2011, 02:40 AM
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Default Re: My parents want me to do Engineering, but I want to do something else. Please advice.

Ok go for tes(technical entry scheme) in defence.notification is given by upsc.
After clearing it u will go into army,navy ,airforce as an officer(engineer).
U will be happy & ur parents will also happy.try it
i is best line for carrer.
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16th May 2011, 06:24 PM
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Default Re: My parents want me to do Engineering, but I want to do something else. Please advice.

what is the placement of aerospace engineering
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8th August 2011, 08:51 PM
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Smile Re: My parents want me to do Engineering, but I want to do something else. Please advice.

Dear, U r d best. Do whatever u want to do.. bcoz my parents also pressured me alot I took d admission in engg. college also after 1 year i m too stressed now in 2nd year n now i m leaving engineering n want to persue career in sports n Economics... N dont think about money.. sum1 or rader most people will tell u u wont get money n how u can fulfill d requirements of ur wife n kids.... Its absolutely non sense... Just ignore dem.. U will get money if u do ur career in ur intrest field... Dhirubhai Ambani is he enfineer...?? Steve Jobs(Owner of Apple Computer) is he engineer...??? Steve Jobs left his home at d age of 8 only n started his workin his own interested field n now look where he is... Dhirubhai ambani was 10 th failed he had already dreamed about buisness only... n did d best in it.... Bill gates is he engineer....??? NOOOOOOOO.... so dnt even think about money do ata ur best in ur interest field...

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