29th March 2012, 11:42 PM
Required age and percentage of marks in B.Tech for the candidates of ST category to be eligible for AAI Exam?
what is the eligibility for AAI technical junior executive for ST students in btech?????ie %age ???
30th March 2012, 12:17 PM
the age for sc candidates is max. 27 years on 1/2/2012 and the persentage required for sc is 60% in b.tech thank u |
30th November 2020, 06:49 PM
1 to 8 semesters I have 58%, but 5 to 8 semesters I have 68% (Which is also present in Degree Certificate) I have a B.Tech Degree Certificate mentioned FIRST CLASS.( 5 to 8 semesters, 68%).
can I eligible for applying AAI JE? |