2nd July 2011, 06:52 PM
Is there any way to get a degree after diploma except engineering? Why diploma isn't considered as degree?
i am studying in engineering (2nd year) i joined after comlition of diploma in E&C.but now i feel it very dificult.i wanted to quite engg.are there any other way to get degree exept engg?why diploma has not consider as a degree?
3rd November 2011, 11:55 AM
Sir, recently my son was gone for an Admn Asst post conducted by CEPTAM, with a polytechnic diploma after he passed the written he got a call for interview for the post but when he reached there the officials who supposed to condut the interview were refused him to interview because that diploma is not equivalent to 10 2 qualification, but when at the first instance he applied for the same with all documents of his diploma qualificaitons were checked and after only they allow him to sit in the written test. at the final stage regretted to interview. in this regard i would like to know whether the diploma is eqivalent to 10 2 or not?, if so why they call and allow him for a written test is there any answer from you
16th December 2011, 10:25 PM
Is there any way to get a degree after diploma except engineering? Why diploma isn't considered as degree?