23rd December 2012, 11:15 AM
What is the eligibility and criteria for IPS exam? I am a student of 3rd year of computer science engineering
i m student of 3rd year of computer science engineering.what iis the elligiblity and critria for ips xam and also tell about syllabus.
24th January 2013, 08:37 PM
Graduation is the basic qualification required for IPS. Age of the candidate must be less than 30 years. Within this age, one can attempt the exam at most 4 times. Prelims exams comprise questions on GK and General Ability. Mains exam is based on the optional subject selected by the candidate.
12th March 2013, 12:23 PM
I m student of computer science engineering....what will be the choice of optional paper2 for me....
4th August 2013, 11:01 AM
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![]() IPS stands for Indian Police service.IPS exam is conducted by UPSC..This exam is conduct through Civil Service Exam. Minimum educational qualification required for IPS Exam is Bachelor degree .There is not require any kind of percentage marks in graduation degree . Age criteria :- Minimum Age = 21 years old Maximum Age = 30 years old Age relaxation is given below - 5 years relaxation for SC/ST candidates 3 years relaxation for OBC Candidates 10 years relaxation for PHC candidates 5 years relaxation for Ex-serviceman No. of Attempts: For General: 3 For OBC: 7 For SC/ST: No Restriction IPS exam is consist of 3 process - Preliminary Exam . Mains Exam and Personal Interview . Physical eligibility criteria for IPS exam is given below - Height Male 165 cm Pahari Male (general also) & ST (not the SC/ OBC) – 160 cm Female 150 cm Pahari Female (general also) & ST (not SC/ OBC)- 145 cm Chest Male Minimum 84 cm. Expansion 5 cm ; Female Min 79 cm expansion 5 cm. Eye sight 6/6 or 6/9 distant vision for good eye. 6/12 or 6/9 for worst eye. Best Books for IPS Exam ![]() UPSC CSAT Civil Services Aptitude Test Syllabus Preliminary & Main by R. Gupta's Publisher: Ramesh Publishing House Price: Rs. 35 ![]() UPSC Syllabus Civil Services Examinations Publisher: Student Aid Publications Price: Rs. 50 ![]() IAS Prelims CSAT: Crack Civil Services General Studies Author: Disha Experts Publisher: Disha Publication Rs. 460 I have attached the syllabus for IPS Exam so please check it out . For more details of IPS Exam , You can visit to www.upsc.gov.in . |
5th August 2013, 11:26 AM
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Dear Aspirant, UPSC (Union Public Service Commission) conduct various exam every year foir the various government as well as Defense Recruitment. IPS is one of the exam across them..... IPS stands for the Indian Police Service conducted under the Civil Service examination. So, candidate have to face the three stages of this exam are:
Generally a candidate who have completed their minimum Graduation study in any discipline from the recognized Universities are eligible for attending this examination..... Since, you are in the 3rd year of Computer Engineering then you have to wait for the nest year because the final year candidate are also applicable for this exam...... Syllabus Topics for the IPS exam:- Papers I:- ## History of Modern India and Indian Culture ## Constitution of India and Indian Polity ## Current National issues and topics of social relevance ## Geogrphy of India Paper-II ## India and the World ## International Affairs and Institutions ## Statistical analysis, graphs and diagrams ## India’s Economic Interaction with the World ## Developments in the Field of Science & Technology Age Criteria:-
Attempt Limit:- ## Max. Attempt for General candidate - 4 times. ## For OBC it is max. 7 times. ## For SC/ST No limit. Physical Requirement:-
All the best With Regards..... DHARM |
6th August 2013, 02:20 PM
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Dear Friend, You are in the 3rd year in computer science engineering so , now you are not eligible for IPS exam but wait for next year because final year graduation degree students eligible for this exam... ![]() IPS stands for the Indian Police Service This exam is conducted by the Union Public Service Commission Only Single time in year.... Eligibility and Criteria:- A candidate must have completed their Graduation Degree in any discipline from recognized university are eligible for this exam... Final years of graduation degree students also eligible for it... There is No any Percentages Criteria... Age Limit: General Age Limit is 21-30 years. but there is relaxation is available for reserved category... Relaxation on Upper Age: For OBC category : up to 33 years.. For SC/ST category : up to 35 years.. For PH : up to 40 years.. No. Attempt: General - max. 4. OBC - max. 7. SC/ST - No limit. Exam Pattern: The exam have three stages:
Subjects for IPS:
List of Top Books For IPS exam ![]() ![]() I have attached syllabus of IPS exam. so , check it out... All the best.... ![]() |
7th August 2013, 12:34 PM
yes, off course you can apply for IAS
IAS Stands forIndian Administrative Service IAS exam is conducted by UPSC and is held every year. Age Limit Minimum 21 and Maximum 30 years Age Relation For OBC Candidates 3 years For SC/ST Candidates 5 years For PWD Candidates 10 years No. of Attempt For General Category: 4 times For OBCCategory : 7 times For Physically Handicapped: 7 times For SC & ST: No limit on number of attempts Education Qualification You have complete graduation in any stream from a recognised university. Final year appearing candidates are also eligible. No Required for percentage restrictions to apply this examination. Nationality Candidate must be an Indian citizen. Selection Procedure The candidates will be selected on the basis of performance in Preliminary Examination and Main Examination. Exam Pattern 1.Preliminary Exam. 2.Main Exam 3.Interview Main examination 1. Paper I- It is on one Indian language which is to be selected by the candidate and is of 300 marks. 2. Paper II- the second paper is of English and carries 30 marks. 3. Paper III- paper three is of the essay section and carries 200 marks. 4. Paper IV and V- both the papers are of 300 marks and on general studies. 5. Paper VI to IX- these are optional papers selected by the candidate. Two papers are to be selected with each carrying 300 marks. The duration of each paper is 3 hours Eye sight 6/6 or 6/9 distant vision for good eye. 6/12 or 6/9 for worst eye. |
7th August 2013, 07:22 PM
hello... friend
*) Eligibility and criteria for IPS exam, If you are student of 3rd year of computer science engineering. * IPS exam is conducted by the Union Public Service Commission Only Single time in year . * This exam is divided into three section a) primary exam . b) mains . c) personal interview . *) Educational qualification... * A candidate must have completed their Graduation Degree in any stream from recognized university are eligible for this exam . * Final years of graduation degree students also eligible for it . * There is No any Percentages Criteria. *) Age bounding... * General Age Limit is 21-30 years. but there is relaxation is available for reserved category . * Relaxation on Upper Age: For OBC category : up to 33 yrs For SC/ST category : up to 35 yrs . all the BEST ..p.p |
8th August 2013, 07:22 PM
IPS - Indian Police Service and to become an IPS officer one has to crack Civil Service Exam conducted by UPSC every year after Graduation Degree.
So as you are interested for IPS, you should first complete B.Tech. Final year Degree in Computer Science Engineering in order to apply for IPS, Civil Service Exam. The eligibility Criteria for IPS, Civil Service Exam:- -The candidate must be an Indian National. -Should have either appear for the final Graduation Degree exam or pass in any stream from a recognised University. -Should be within the age of 21 to 30 years with upper age relaxation for reserved candidate. -Should have possessed good Physical Fitness. Apart from this the candidate should have minimum prescribed physical requirement. For more information you may log on to http://www.upsc.gov.in |
8th August 2013, 08:14 PM
Hello Friend ,
For becoming IPS Officer , you need to have certain eligibility criteria so here are the essential qualification that you must be having in yourself : > > Must be Graduate in any discipline from recognized college > > Age must be above 21 years but not more than 30 years Age relaxation are been given to the category of SC/ST/OBC . > > You must be a Citizen of India OTHER CRITERIA ARE : ![]() Candidates needs to clear three stages for becoming IPS officer > > PRELIMS > > MAINS > > INTERVIEW /MEDICAL TEST / PHYSICAL FITNESS TEST . Clearing of all the three stages , there is a limitation on attempts and these are : FOR GENERAL CATEGORY : 4 ATTEMPTS FOR OBC : 7 ATTEMPTS FOR SC/ST : NO LIMITS . GOOD LUCK ! |
8th August 2013, 10:21 PM
Re: What is the eligibility and criteria for IPS exam? I am a student of 3rd year computer science engineering
Hi friend, Graduation is the basic qualification required for IPS. Age of the candidate must be less than 30 years. Within this age, one can attempt the exam at most 4 times. Prelims exams comprise questions on GK and General Ability. Mains exam is based on the optional subject selected by the candidate. Thanks!!!! all the best........... |
18th August 2013, 09:37 PM
hello... friend
*) Eligibility and criteria for IPS exam, If you are student of 3rd year of computer science engineering. * IPS exam is conducted by the Union Public Service Commission Only Single time in year . * This exam is divided into three section a) primary exam . b) mains . c) personal interview . *) Educational qualification... * A candidate must have completed their Graduation Degree in any stream from recognized university are eligible for this exam . * Final years of graduation degree students also eligible for it . * There is No any Percentages Criteria. *) Age bounding... * General Age Limit is 21-30 years. but there is relaxation is available for reserved category . * Relaxation on Upper Age: For OBC category : up to 33 yrs For SC/ST category : up to 35 yrs . |
19th August 2013, 01:53 AM
You are in the 3rd year in computer science engineering so now you are not eligible for IPS exam but wait for next year because final year graduation degree students eligible for this exam.
IPS stands for Indian Police service. IPS exam is conducted by UPSC every year. The candidate must be the citizen of INDIA. Educational Qualification:- A candidate must have completed their Graduation Degree in any stream from recognized university are eligible for this exam . #Final years of graduation degree students also eligible for it . #There is No any Percentages Criteria. AGE LIMIT:- General Age Limit is 21-30 years. but there is relaxation is available for reserved category . |