17th July 2010, 02:47 PM
Sushree Gayatri
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Why students are not allowed to choose their own career? Why parents force children?

Why children cannot chose their own career? Why do parents always force children to study what they want?

17th July 2010, 04:16 PM
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you have to remember that our parents not enemies to us.parents select good career which is suitable to thier childrens.that is not wrong.
All students try to choose thier career which is suitable to them.but due to some problems like financial,family,etc.... they are not able to select thier own career.
Only some of the students will select thier own career.some students will select career which is suitable to family background.this is real now adays many peoples are not able to select thier career.
our parents try to make us happy by choosing carrer which is suitable to that student.
Lastly students not allowed to thier own career because of due to financial,family or some other problems.and think once that parents will not force at any time.if they are force,that is going to make student life happy.
parents are good.
17th July 2010, 04:43 PM
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Default Re: Why students are not allowed to choose their own career? Why parents force children?


I cannot fully admit your question that students are not allowed to choose their own career .

There are various factors involved in this issue. Not all men are alike.
Similarly, some students grow with full understanding capacity and parents also encourage their children and motivate their taste, and preferences. Such kind of students are able to decide fully what they want to become? what is my path? where and how should I proceed?

Whereas, due to lack of knowledge, and self-analysis some students are not fully aware of their potential. They could not really figure out what they want. In such cases, parents and teachers guide them to reach their goal.
Nowadays, many aptitude tests and guidance counseling has become famous and each student can assess their own talent, potential, ability and taste.

In some cases, due to financial and various other problems, students are deviated to select some other branches of study.

Second part of the question: Why parents force children?
Parents generally see themselves/ their image in their children. We can even say child is an extension of mother/father. So, whatever parents failed to achieve in life, they force/motivate child to achieve it. In that way, they feel some sort of vicarious gratification of fulfillment of their dream. What cannot be attained in a man's life will be attained by his son. In extreme cases, parents fail to understand what their child's capacity is and they blindly force them to climb the ladder, and the consequences are very damaging to the child. In such cases, parents need counseling and help from a professional.

17th July 2010, 04:51 PM
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that indeed is a valid question n needs explanation.. i guess they want their wards to achieve what they couldnt.. this might look a bit selfish, but we are instrumental in their social pride.. family n friends.. well, we cant blame them. but if u r sure enough about a field that interests you, get atleast someone fom family in your confidence n proceed..
it does need a lot of luck, persistence..
i am a sufferer of a prob like tat too. hope for the best..

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17th July 2010, 05:02 PM
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Default Re: Why students are not allowed to choose their own career? Why parents force children?

Well parents do feel that they know much more about learning and career opportunities in a particular field, this is known to them since they had experienced during building their own career. Not always.

Secondly they do compare and try to compete with other childrens.
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17th July 2010, 05:15 PM
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Wink Re: Why students are not allowed to choose their own career? Why parents force children?

Originally Posted by Sushree Gayatri View Post
Why children cannot chose their own career? Why do parents always force children to study what they want?
Students are not enough matured also on their teen age they only feels fantasy or attraction to everything thats why parents are alway forcing for their good future
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17th July 2010, 05:37 PM
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Default Re: Why students are not allowed to choose their own career? Why parents force children?

hi friend.
actually they love you.they want to become an extraordinary person and become popular so that you dont get lost in this big world.every parents have a great expectation upon their children.actually to them we are still now children.and they just want to guide us in the right path.but sometimes due to our notorious behaviours they get terrified and thus gives us pressure to study more and more.
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17th July 2010, 05:48 PM
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dis is because parent want that the ward shd get the best but in dis trial dey start forcing dere wishes on the child
so parent need to talk to dere child wat he wants to do
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17th July 2010, 07:03 PM
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Default Re: Why students are not allowed to choose their own career? Why parents force children?

They are more experienced than ours. They are forcing us to go in a right path. Thats why , they are compelling us to do so.Theywanted us to move in a right track.
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17th July 2010, 07:34 PM
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Default Re: Why students are not allowed to choose their own career? Why parents force children?

Not all parents force their dreams on their kids. Yeah some of them do.

I think those who force their ambitions on their child is not good. They think that they know the best what their child can do but it is wrong. The child knows his potential and so if he/she is aware of the different career option then they can chose the best career option for themselves

Parents think that only engg and medical are the best branches and all others are useless. Actually its not right to say that. These days lots of them are non engg and non doctors are more successful then engg and doctors..

So it depends on ones aptitude and interest.

You can convince your parents somehow and i am sure parents cant go against their childs ambition if the child stresses more on it
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17th July 2010, 07:43 PM
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Default Re: Why students are not allowed to choose their own career? Why parents force children?

i think educated parents can decide better for their children,
though it is not always right,
but if parents are educated and tthey can guide their children better.
parents know the aptitude of the children very well.
also they know scope of all feilds in modern day
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17th July 2010, 08:01 PM
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parents force them because they have a better experience of life.they dont want that the children choose a path which led to them filled with obstacles.so parents are the real guiders and helpers.trust them and feel their feelings.
a parent
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17th July 2010, 08:16 PM
Somesh Goenka
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Default Re: Why students are not allowed to choose their own career? Why parents force children?


No i dont agree with what you say. nowadays parents dont force their children to choose a career specified by them. They leave this decision on the students itself.
Earlier there was a period when parents used to feel inferior when they used to hear that the someone's else's child is doing Engineering or is in d medical line. But today the situation is different
However if you still feel that they are forcing the carrer on you, dont loose heart. Remember they are elder to you, more experienced and have seen the world more than you.They know what is competition in market and how difficult it is tio even get a job. They know what is right for you n what not. It is because of their decisions you are, whatever you have become today. When you were a child, they took the decision about what is good for you n what not.
So instead of criticizing your parents regarding your career decison, sit and have a talk with them, Im sure they will listen and understand you, as they are your parents.
Remember, parents are a form of GOD, n GOD would not want anything wrong to happen to us.
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17th July 2010, 08:28 PM
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Default Re: Why students are not allowed to choose their own career? Why parents force children?

Dear friend,

Yes, these days it has become a huge problem with the students to cope up with the demands of their parents.

From childhood, parents give education to their children in the best way they can.

There has been always a race or competition and children are instructed to perform in schools as their parents say to them.

It is ok, because without competition one won't be able to survive in the dynamic and struggling career.

But, after the school session of the child ends, the main turning points or the decision matters come on the way.

Which line to choose for better career, which course or stream study will earn one much wealth etc. come into the minds of students as well as their parents.

At that time in maximum case, it is seen that parents impose their wish on the child.
They tell them to study something the child is not really interested and eventually it brings nothing but despair to the child's life.

In these cases one have to keep himself/herself cool and try to convince the parents by own way or taking some suggestions from career consultant to convince the parents.

Because it is a matter of the student's whole life, it is his interest what he will study not his parents'.

Good luck!
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17th July 2010, 08:31 PM
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Default Re: Why students are not allowed to choose their own career? Why parents force children?

parents play a very lead role in children life and future
so this is their responsibility to take important decisions for their future
children do not know good or bad till they are not grown enough

but when child pass out from 12th this is a normal behaviour of child to decide about their future aand at that time parents should not at all force them to do a course of their interest
they should only guide not force

example if a child wants to go for a career in media and parents wants him to go for ips ,ias .
then this is completely wrong ,
and children have also responsibility to really understand their parents dreams nd respect and should do well in whatever the field they want to choose .
to make your parents feel proud of you
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17th July 2010, 08:42 PM
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hey dear first think that what your parents expect from u ... they need u to be a shiner in future so they say but not force from your thinking its like forcing.... if your parents say that u choose this field before that u say that if i choose this field i can achieve something in life thats it...jus make them sit relax and say them that u have happiness on this field only.... if i study with my intrest i can score an shine in my future life.... sure your parents wil understand an make u to choose your chosed field.... all the best.... parents are 2nd god so never say bad about them they needs only the good for u............
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17th July 2010, 08:45 PM
Singh Anurag Atul kumar
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Default Re: Why students are not allowed to choose their own career? Why parents force children?

According to me not all the parents forces their child to do which they want but some of the parents is there.Some of those parents may think that their child unable to take proper decision about themself but their child can do and some of them think that their decision is much better.But parents should also ask about their decision also.
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17th July 2010, 09:41 PM
Kumar Mayank
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Default Re: Why students are not allowed to choose their own career? Why parents force children?

Originally Posted by Sushree Gayatri View Post
Why children cannot chose their own career? Why do parents always force children to study what they want?
Look,parents think always for the benefit of their children.
The reason behind such consequences is that parents being comparatively much experienced than children they think that it is they who will choose the right path for their children not the children themselves.
Still there are some parents who do not do so, like mine and I hope yours too.
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17th July 2010, 11:36 PM
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Default Re: Why students are not allowed to choose their own career? Why parents force children?

It is indeed very true that no student must be forced into choosing a career they are not passionate about. But many parents do enforce upon their children what they deem more fit,not taking into consideration the interest of their child.
However none can disagree the fact that parents have seen more days than their children. And what is more is that,their actions towards their child is guided by their utmost interest in their child's benefit. Therefore they do have a right to guide their children and try to make them understand what is best suited for them, though not "enforcing" their decisions on them.
Thus it can be very well concluded that choosing a career should be a mutual decision of both the child and his/her guardian/parent.
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17th July 2010, 11:47 PM
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Default Re: Why students are not allowed to choose their own career? Why parents force children?

Hi Gayatri.how are you..i think you are you are fine..and parents also once a student..and there are parents who are anxious about their child's future and there also persons who want make their child suceed in the field they failed to achieve..so,those are curious and anxious.Now-a-days,most of the parents are prefering the child's interest.they only desire is to see at the top i.e;at the peak..that's it..so,there is nothing in that desire..but now we are choosing the course to our interest..but,are we sincere in fullfilling your own targets..so..wrong is not with both the parents and the children..because,of family reasons,they (parents in their student life did n't reach their goal mostly economically).koool.."PARENTS ALWAYS DESIRE THEIR CHILD TO BE AT PEAK POSITION IN WHAT EVER FIELD HE/SHE CHOSE..BUT,ONE THING THE FIELD YOU HAVE CHOSEN MUST BE THE INCORRUPTIVE,SINCERE,HELPFUL TO THE SOCIETY..AND PARENTS MUST RECOGNISE THEIR CHILD'S INTEREST AND KEEP THEM ENCOURGING..BECAUSE..IF ALL WOULD HAVE STUDIED ENGINEERING,MEDICINE OR ANY OTHER COURSE...POWERFUL INFLUENTIAL PERSONS LIKE MOTHERTERESA,SACHINTENDULKAR,DIANA(OF U.S. BUT ALL ARE HUMANS).....
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18th July 2010, 01:35 AM
mini rani
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Default Re: Why students are not allowed to choose their own career? Why parents force children?

Originally Posted by Sushree Gayatri View Post
Why children cannot chose their own career? Why do parents always force children to study what they want?
Every parent wants the best for their children be it education, luxury, clothing, life partner etc. & the same holds true for career also. Parents have some expectation from their wards. Since the birth of a child they start dreaming what career would be best for their children - medical, engineering, management, civil services or any other. And when the child grow up they hope that their would become a reality soon. That's why sumtimes they force their children to take up a particular career & not allow their children to choose a particular career.

However,in the 21st century the parents mindset is also changing. They now realize that the best career for their ward is one in which they are interested & have the potential to excel. So, they don't force their children rather guide them in their career path.
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18th July 2010, 03:17 AM
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Smile Re: Why students are not allowed to choose their own career? Why parents force children?

Originally Posted by Sushree Gayatri View Post
Why children cannot chose their own career? Why do parents always force children to study what they want?

Hello Sushree,

See Sushree, parents have given birth to us....they have many dreams that they want us to fulfill them.....also they are not forcing you to study that they want but they want us to chose the right path that would lead us to a better future....We all know that our parents are very much experienced than us, so if they ask us to do something, there must be something good for us as no parent would like to see their child in agony or unpleasant circumstances..
So, you must cooperate with them and also you can put forward your view in front of them which would help you to understand each other quite better.
Hope you will understand their feelings.....Best of Luck
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18th July 2010, 02:18 PM
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hii dear i guess you must have understood what i said u is my guiding is good try to ask your parents about your field i can say for sure that they will accept...
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18th July 2010, 03:07 PM
rahul k
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Default Re: Why students are not allowed to choose their own career? Why parents force children?

Dear friend

Why parents force children?

Parents not force children, but in my opinoin they should help and guide the child in making better decision. So, according to me children must have full freedom of choosing his own carrier but the involvement of parents is very important.

Yes, it is true that, many parents will force their children. But they will don't know that, in future his child can not get a sucess. So, its better if Children should decide their own path But after deciding, you should always consult your parents for a approval.

So, i think some pressure is too important for chirdren for his and her bright future. But too much pressure is not so good for his and her child............
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18th July 2010, 03:43 PM
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i guess u have understood what is life and parents... so please never hurt your parents by going against them talk to them say your need they will understand......
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18th July 2010, 04:03 PM
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Thumbs up Re: Why students are not allowed to choose their own career? Why parents force children?

Originally Posted by Sushree Gayatri View Post
Why children cannot chose their own career? Why do parents always force children to study what they want?
the main reason that lies behind this is how much do parents trust their child. They know about your potentials and are aware of your strengths and weaknesses. they are just afraid of the fact what if their child fails and is unable to fulfill all his dreams.They want us to protect from this competitive world that has grown much greedy.
but if u have faith in yourself and are cent percent sure that you can cross all the hurdles than you ned to talk calmly on this with your parents. Make them realize that you are not a child and just little support of your parents will take you to the top stair of success no matter how much difficult is the journey.
hope it helps you dear... and wish you all the best....
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18th July 2010, 07:01 PM
nikhil bharti
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Exclamation Re: Why students are not allowed to choose their own career? Why parents force children?

hi friend,
I am also agree with my friend kalyan333's answer
our parents always think about career because they are observe you since you are born and they know what is suitable to you.
But i am also a student and i know that mostly student choose there career where their friends are go.

but when you are going to select your career you also considered about you parents
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18th July 2010, 07:06 PM
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Default Re: Why students are not allowed to choose their own career? Why parents force children?

first of all you should remember that the parents are not forcing you to choose your career but they are forcing you to give you a nice future.They are forcing you to study well which is not wrong because today's world is very much competitive and if you lag behind you can face failure which is major concern of all parents. that is why they force you to do studies and they are forcing you towards a particular field say engineering,etc. because this field has great future and opportunities so that you will be happy in your future. if you want your parents to let you choose your career then you convince that your interest in a particular field is useful and you can do well in your field of interest and you can tell them about the opportunities which this field can bring it to you in future.
best of luck
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18th July 2010, 07:34 PM
syed umair ali
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Default Re: Why students are not allowed to choose their own career? Why parents force children?

children are not allowed to choose their own career as they might not be mature enough to take a good decision for them . career decision is not a joke. it requires a good and mature thinking.
it is said that parents are more experienced and knows what is good and what is bad for their child . so i think if parents are forcing their children to go in a particular direction they are doing right..
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18th July 2010, 08:27 PM
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good evening!

i personally feel that parent should first listen to your wish & then act. but still if they dont fulfill our wishes like carrer choosing there might be any serious reason behind it.after all they are not our enemies. what ever they think for us, or decide is thought in favour of your better & bright future.so, i would just suggest you , if you don't like their decision , try to talk to them & figure out the reason behind it.
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18th July 2010, 09:54 PM
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Thumbs up Re: Why students are not allowed to choose their own career? Why parents force children?

Originally Posted by Sushree Gayatri View Post
Why children cannot chose their own career? Why do parents always force children to study what they want?
Students cannot chose their own career because they do not have much experience compared to parents. parents are quite familier with current scenerio of education level and its importance. They always thinks for the well being of the child, thats why they always feard that their child could not take any wrong reason. Therefore, Parents always force children to study what they want.
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19th July 2010, 02:59 PM
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Default Re: Why students are not allowed to choose their own career? Why parents force children?

I dnt sat dat parents are our enemies!!
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23rd July 2010, 09:34 PM
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Default Re: Why students are not allowed to choose their own career? Why parents force children?

children should be given freedom to choose their career
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24th July 2010, 09:04 PM
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both parents and children are humans..they have their own desires.okay..there is no right to stress a child by the parents..and the child must also think why parents are so anxious about their future..it's their responsibility..it is the responsibility of the child or institutes to convey a message not only medical and engineering,MBA,MCA are professional courses..there are several other options to brighten your child's future..good luck friend
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15th October 2010, 09:03 PM
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Default Re: Why students are not allowed to choose their own career? Why parents force children?

Parents do not force to do what they want but they force to do what makes your career better.
In India doing any career doesn't provide you a good career.
Because to grow in any field the requirements good coaching, exposure, opportunities, respect in society is not the same.So doing only few courses benefit you and parents say to do that.

For example many interest to do Animation, but institutes that provide good quality are very less. The jobs you get doesn't give security and good salary also.
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16th October 2010, 12:40 AM
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DEAR because parents are more experienced then you he knows what is wrong and what is right for there childrans
ok they alway do correct with there childrans ok
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16th October 2010, 12:52 AM
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actually that is not true. students are also allowed to choose their career, but students are not completely mature. so it is not possible to take proper decision for the student. so parents are their to help them.

parents are always want to see their child in a good position of life. they are more experienced in the world than their child. so parents are just want to help the student. not that they not allowed to the student to decide the career option.
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16th October 2010, 12:54 AM
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There are two aspects how you can get out of the loop,
1) Try convincing them by putting proper explanation.
discuss with your friends how can you convince your parents.
Its very easy if you give right explanation.
90% times this is the case that we don't put proper explanation

2) Parents are how many years older then you (approx 25 years)
so they have very good amount of experience. right, so they will
never think bad about you, its just that they are much cautious about everything
Try convincing once again.

Thirdly you have no other options.
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16th October 2010, 01:30 AM
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that is a valid question n needs explanation.. i guess they want their wards to achieve what they couldnt.. this might look a bit selfish, but we are instrumental in their social pride.. family n friends.. well, we cant blame them. but if u r sure enough about a field that interests you, get atleast someone fom family in your confidence n proceed..

all the best
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25th March 2011, 01:31 PM
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what if a child chooses his profession on his parents guide and then the child remains jobless for 6 months like i am an electrical engineer i was forced by my parents to do this and do nothing else they told me if i would not do this then i would be wasted in life but after 4 years of college i now realize how wrong my parents were and they never came to know about the situation which i was in.
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2nd April 2011, 11:18 AM
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Default Re: Why students are not allowed to choose their own career? Why parents force children?

Here i am providing you what is being happening in reality.

The parents who live in villages and who are not literates, they will think that their son/daughter should not be like them.

So, they will take good care of their children aspects. They concerns with several known persons and knows the career which one is good for their children and they lets children to study the same. In most cases, these parents will give less importance to their children options.

Even the children too, they are not in a position to decide which one is good for them and which one is not. So they will simply follow whatever their parents suggests.

But in contrast, Most of the parents who are literates and who reside in cities, they will give the option to the children itself to choose their own career after come to the confirmation that children has matured mentally.

As because of the interest, the students can perform well in the chosen area
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2nd April 2011, 01:04 PM
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Default Re: Why students are not allowed to choose their own career? Why parents force children?

How to choose a career

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Career Choice - Page two of How to choose a career will introduce you to the first big point about finding things out about yourself to assist you in choosing a career.

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For many of us, finding a career that we deem fun and long-term is in itself a long journey. But having a successful career in life is not just for the rich and famous, it's also for the average person, like you!

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Accounting Career - Accounting. For some, the very word conjures up images of green eyeshades and stacks of multi-columned ledgers filled with tedious and never-ending numbers. Number-crunchers. Bean-counters; stereotypical terms that miss so much of what the accounting profession has to offer. In reality, a career in accounting can be very rewarding and far more exciting than that portrayed by Scrooges Bob Cratchit. Todays accountants work in nearly every field imaginable and the future holds a significant demand for more...

Choose Marketing Career - What is Marketing? Finding a voice… When a company can’t figure out how to connect what they do to people around them, marketing specialists help get people excited about products and services through the use of programs and initiatives...

Choosing Right Career - It’s been said that people spend more time planning their vacations than their careers. Vacations are “special.” Shouldn’t your career be special too? Since a big part of your life is what you do for a living, career planning is something everyone should do...

Choosing a Medical Career - To choose a career in medicine is one of the most honorable choices you can make in your lifetime. Questions arise as to what might motivate you to make such a decision. Maybe you have been personally affected by the tragic illness of a loved one. Or maybe it is just part of your personality to want to fix things. You may have a deep concern for the well-being of others. You might be attracted to the higher incomes that these types of careers have to offer. If you are contemplating a medical career, you should seriously consider...

Choosing a career in teaching - While many people are turned off by the perception that teaching is a low paid profession, it is a noble profession that provides a great lifestyle and many significant benefits to its professionals. Teaching occurs in a variety of environments. In terms of professional occupations, teaching includes elementary, secondary, and post-secondary opportunities, that will be reviewed here, as well as other great opportunities in specialized areas including special education, early childhood education, continuing education, training organizations, and other niche areas....

How to find your dream career - For many people figuring out what their purpose in life is and how to find their dream career, sometimes takes a lifetime. Setting goals and just believing do not always work for everyone, which is why it is important to know who you are first as well as where you want to be in life down the road when you are trying to find out how to find your dream career. I truly believe that every human being has a purpose on earth. For some it may be becoming a superstar athlete or a science teacher at a local high school or even an entrepreneur creating new ideas to change the world, and here is important information you should know about how to find your dream career...

Choosing a career thats right for you - When you decide to start a new career, it can seem like such a harrowing and painful experience, and you might rather undergo a root canal than go through several strenuous months (or years) of job searches and interviews, while still not finding the job that fits you. Choosing your career may seem downright terrifying. Depending on your personal situation, you might already harbor many years of experience at a single job, and leaving it behind might seem like occupational suicide. On the other hand, you might be a fresh new college graduate, wet behind the ears, and stepping out into a world that seems ready to swallow you up before the ink on your diploma is completely dry. Regardless of your situation, with the right motivation and tools to help you choose the right career path, you won’t feel like pulling your hair out every time one more roadblock falls across...

Career ::
Computer Engineer Career (New!) - A computer engineer designs and develops the software systems and applications that make computers work. Computer engineers are projected to be one of the fastest growing occupations from 2008-2018. Job prospects are excellent for well-educated computer engineers with relevant experience and a passion for their work...

Mechanic Career - This occupation is ideally suited to a tactile individual. A mechanic is a person with an analytic mind who enjoys working with their hands. Mechanics utilize their learned knowledge and experience to perform regular machine upkeep and to assess problems...

Advertising Career - Advertising is probably one of the most exciting jobs you can find. There are so many areas of advertising that if you find you don’t particularly like your first choice, you can try out others. There is room for growth, there is some serious money to be made, and there is a chance for some travel as well, depending on the type of job you are interested in, and the size of the agency you end up working for...

Politician Career - For the job seeker interested in politics, this field will present you with a diverse range of opportunities. Whether you are looking for a political career as an elected official, or simply want to work on the sidelines, there is a plethora of positions that are available to you. There is no set path to launching a career in politics. Whether you are highly educated or lack any sort of degree, it is possible to find a job in this stimulating field...

Network Security Career - White hats are the contemporary heroes of todays IT dependant world. White hat is the informal or slang term for a network security expert. If the idea of being the good guy or gal, preventing internet crime and ensuring the security and integrity of computer systems appeals, then a career as a network security professional may be for you...

Hairstylist Career - There are so many reasons to become a hairstylist its impossible to know where to start! As a licensed cosmetologist your opportunities are endless – only limited by your own interests and goals. Sure, you need talent, but there are so many niches to get into and specialize in, everyone can find something theyre good at...

Firefighter Career - Many little boys dream of becoming firemen when they grow up. For some, becoming a fireman actually runs in the family. Fathers, grandfathers, uncles and brothers join the local department and it is usually assumed that all male (and female!) newcomers to the family will have an interest in doing the same...

Veterinarian Career - Anyone who loves animals has most probably fantasized at some point about becoming a veterinarian, or a "vet". Being with animals, and being paid for it, is a dream come true for many. Whether you choose to help the common household pets such as cats and dogs and an occasional hamster, or your interests lie in horses and livestock, there is always ample opportunity to find employment or even provide volunteer services. Becoming a vet is one of the most rewarding, and heartbreaking, careers anyone can choose...

Mechanical Engineer Career - A mechanical engineer is a person who designs, invents and builds everything from toys to tools to medical devices. He or she uses the scientific principles of motion, energy and force to find solutions to mechanical problems. The generalist nature of this specialisation gives it a depth of range greater than any other engineering field, allowing for occupational flexibility...

Pharmacist Career - The pharmaceutical industry has changed drastically over the past few decades. No longer just regarded as the person behind the counter at the drug store, the pharmacist nowadays is a critical component in our ever evolving health care system. His responsibilities include much more intricate tasks than counting pills to put into a little brown bottle...
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2nd April 2011, 02:03 PM
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Thumbs up Re: Why students are not allowed to choose their own career? Why parents force children?

Hi friend,

not only you many teenagers thinks like this only. But you should understand one thing. they are our parents and they don't want to waste our life. they make us grow in a good way. you think a lot to ask questions like this who gave such brilliance to you surely your parents why can't they find a nice career for you. just listen to your parents it will be boring but it will take you in good path.

if they goes against your interest talk to them and they will surely listen to your interest.

don't think your parents as enemies who force you treat them as friends.
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2nd April 2011, 05:42 PM
Revathy GM
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Default Re: Why students are not allowed to choose their own career? Why parents force children?

Dear Friend

You can say your interest to your parents. They will guide you in a right way. Dont ever think that your parents force. they will surely know which is best for their children.

All the best for your future
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2nd April 2011, 09:56 PM
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Default Re: Why students are not allowed to choose their own career? Why parents force children?

IT is becuase they think that children are not qualified enough to choose their career. By doing this , they are destroying the childrens ability of taking risk, sometime in time , they will have to take risk, which i think parent dont understand.
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3rd April 2011, 10:45 AM
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Smile Re: Why students are not allowed to choose their own career? Why parents force children?

Originally Posted by Sushree Gayatri View Post
Why children cannot chose their own career? Why do parents always force children to study what they want?
I am not agree with you. Now days parent don't force on their children. Now every child has the freedom to chosse their carrier.

I also choose my carrier with my own interest and my parents never forces me to chosse my carrier with their interest.
I know there are still few parents who don't allow their children to make decision on their own. But thats not mean that they are your enmy.They do this because of your benift only.

So if your parents forces you to chosse carrier what they say then tell them that you are not interested in this and you will not prform well in that area.
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3rd April 2011, 11:23 AM
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Default Re: Why students are not allowed to choose their own career? Why parents force children?

its not that your parents are not allowing to choose your career..they are just guiding you and if u are not interested in it you can speak with them and tell wat ur thinking and make them understand...aft all they are the only true souls who work for ur well-fare and also live for you..
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3rd April 2011, 03:26 PM
priya ranjan bishoyi
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Smile Re: Why students are not allowed to choose their own career? Why parents force children?

1st u think u belive ur parents or not.if not i a can't anything for u.if YES then follow the path he or her told u because they already see the world & what is good for u he/her thinking the best way to build ur career .because they want his children goes higher to higher alwayes.
they support u in every moment of ur life in happy days or in bad days.so think for her blessing to u
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3rd April 2011, 04:22 PM
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Default Re: Why students are not allowed to choose their own career? Why parents force children?

this is not true for all time. the duty of parents is to guide their children not to force them.

in some cases it seem that the children is going in wrong way without knowing proper information. then parents just try to make him/her understand that he/she is going in wrong way. it may come at the time of career choosing also. then if parents are sure that the way is wrong whatever their children choosing then they force their child. but it's true for a few percentage.

now a days most of the parents give freedom to their children to choose their career. even if they think that their children is choosing not a good career option then also they don't force. they try to make their children with proper information but at last they give freedom to decide the last decision.

it's a question of debate. some parents want that their children will go in the way that will be chosen by their parents and some parents think children should give freedom to choose their career option according to their interest. it's a question of thinking.
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3rd April 2011, 05:37 PM
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Default Re: Why students are not allowed to choose their own career? Why parents force children?

parents r influenced by the social environment for their children. Therefore they r in the position to select way to their children which is most favourable in the current environment.
Children r suposed to select when they r able for that.
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